frauleindermorgen · 2 years
potions get yer potions here
“You could make stink bombs with these,” Aphie points to the small game and the bundles of herbs. “Or maybe a potion or two…”
- 3x bundles of herbs + 1x questionable small game = 1 vulnerary (?) - 2x bundles of herbs + 2x questionable small game = 1 stink bomb
healer (?)  squad @nagaficat @valkyrrian
tw: brief mention of a dead animal, and animal skin!
“There’s something comforting about this,” Micaiah said, washing her bare hands after setting the various squirrel skins out to dry; not only did their repaired home base now have functioning walls, and a floor to boot, they’d renovated enough of the apartment next door to have a balcony of sorts. The view outside was, well, what they had all come to expect of the place: mostly red skies and sand, but somehow the sun’s rays still managed to reach here and it made doing the laundry and other chores much easier.
“I used to make poultices near everyday when I was young,” Micaiah explained, going back to sit next to where Deirdre had their makeshift mortar and pestle. It seemed Cecilia had figured out what odd fire magic (or equivalent) the stoves her used with a little help from the Mechanic and Aphie, and Micaiah dutifully brought over some of the herbs ready to be boiled Deirdre had prepared.
“Though... I suppose I am little worried about how effective this will be as a vulnerary drink. Half of these planets I have never even seen before, though they at least remind me of what we had in Daein. What about you, professors?”
Suffice to say they would certainly have to test their potions first before sharing with the others.
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