#vamire shenangians
lombax-lombardi · 4 years
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Summary: When lighting crashes, it means a coming storm. When a creature of the night is without her food source, she will truly lose herself to the blood lust.
Genre: Character building, slight steamy content???? maybe??. Hehehe.
Character: Madilyn Ambrosia.
The loud evil cackle filled the halls of the empty cathedral. 
A fight had ensued here, corpses piled upon corpses. Blood pools everywhere, littering the cracked cobblestone.
“Ahahahahahahaha!” Our heroes stared upon their enemy. An Ancient Dragon by the name of Diera.
The Blood Dragon.
Progenitor of the Diera Crest.
Along with its curse.
“Fools! You cannot stop my quest for vengence!’ She cackled, tossing Hilda across the room her body slamming against the cool marble.
“Mother why?” The one called Desiree cried out, the woman turned her head as if to actually look as to where that sound was coming from.
“Oh? You have lost the right to call me Mother child.” Her eyes were cold.
“Why art thou using thine children to exact thy revenge? Oh whom? On whom Mother has mine dear Lady suffer for you?” She asked, dagger in hand.
That’s who they came here for.
Byleth got a distressing message from the Ambrosia household, that their daughter was kidnapped by hodded figures and taken to this place.
This place was the nest of the Blood Dragon.
Diear, hair ratty and eyes turned to slits, like the reptile she is. “Seiros. SEIROS! I EXACT MY VENGENCE UPON THAT WHORE! SHE CAST ME OUT FOR WHAT I WAS!” Her voice boomed across the giant hall. 
“Ambrosia is the FIRST if my new SPAWN to truly become what she was meant to be!” Her clawed hand seemed to reach for said noble who was across the room.
Trying to fight off the call of her hunger.
The call for blood.
The call for feeding.
“You Desiree, are a failure! You could never become a pure blooded creature of the night.” She declared as a sluggish Hilda returned to the rest of the group.
Two blondes, who are Madilyn’s dearest friends, Minette and Sae were staring at the brunette at her place from across the room.
Minette knows the feeling of being cursed. Her arm itself is a curse. As for Sae she was the one who knew about Madilyn’s condition the longest and it crushed her soul seeing her, back into a dark, dank corner.
Like some wounded animal.
The two women weren’t the only ones who are staring at the scurrying noble.
Two others.
Two men of different backgrounds, while being both nobles, it seems this little dainty creature had caught their hearts.
They were aware of each other yes. 
But only one could claim her heart for their own.
Diera, leaning against her delapidated throne, scoffing, nails tapping against the cool stone. It seems the Professor and their students were disturbing her.
She points a long nailed finger towards the brunette who was now aware of the Ancient Dragons presence. “By my Crest, I turn you-”
Her speech was interrupted by a dagger being thrown near her neck, her eyes went from the dagger to the one who threw it.
“Desiree!” The exasperated voice of Flayn breathed out, the white haired female stareddaggers at the one she called her Mother.
“Do NOT finish the write! DO NOT! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!” The female dragon lunged at the other, pulling her off her throne and into the crumbling floor.
And she threw a punch at her face, fangs bared. “Thou shan’t recite the write! I will take your tongue for mine own!”
Diear just laughed. “Oh now THATS the daughter I know! Fight me daughter! Prove you are stronger!”
In an explosion of light and dust, two large dragons appeared in the ladies places. Diera was large, covered in whote and red scales to excentuate her status of a Blood Dragon.
Her daughter was different. Despite her white hair, her scales were a deep blue/purple colour, blending together to make her look like a mystical creature.
Well she was one.
The Professor moved their students away from the two dragons fighting as so no one could get injured. But the group had another problem on their hands.
“hey ummm....did anyone see where Maddi went?” Hilda quiered loudly, hooing to get an answer. The group has lost sight of the damsel they were supposed to be rescuing.
The large group of students, former students, slowly sukled around the large cathedral.
Ingrid noticed something. As she was standing next to Sylvain, a dear and close friend but a damn flirt and skirtchaser, he seemed. Stoic.
Yes war in uneasy but this was a different unease.
As the two dragons continued to fight, a scream pierced the darkness. Blood curling.
Bone chilling.
In the darkness they could  see a pair of glowing yellow irises, staring right at them. Byleth stood ready to defend the students when Minette stood in front of them.
She had seen this before.
As did Sae.
As did Sylvain. 
As did Balthus.
Byleth only heard the rumors of Madilyn’s predicament.
According to Hanamen and Madilyn herself plus Desiree, the Crest of Diera demands blood every three months, to keep the curse at bay. Without feeding, the curse will begin to take control.
That’s what was happening now.
The darkness lunged at the cursed one, sounds of muffled cries and hissing filled the air, until the Aevis was thrown across the room at superhuman speed.
There was a loud crack against the stone.
The shadows dispersed revealing Lady Ambrosia, hands clawed, wings protruding from her back, the glowing Crest in the middle of her back.
Glowing dark red.
The two dragons who were fighting paused.
As if time itself stopped.
“No! Lady Madilyn! No!” the sea dragon cried out. Her Mother did get the last laugh after all.
The woman she spent years protecting had become what she dreaded.
Darkness. All there was was darkness.
An inner carnal desire.
The hunger for blood.
but there was something.
Something else.
Filling the ringing in her ears.
She could see what she was doing, throwing her comrades aside but she could not stop herself! She didn’t want to hurt her friends.
Didn;t matter what house they used to belong too.
They were food for her now.
The ground rumbled as the two dragons continued to fight, the vampire threw more of her comrades to the floor, arrows pierced her sking but that did not matter.
She healed quickly.
In the back of her mind she was fighting with herself.
The one who wanted to feed and the one who didn’t want to hurt the people she loved.
The voice back in her mind was Diera, talling her to Feed on the Fell Star.
If she couldn’t find Serios. She’d take the next best thing.
The Professor realised that the brunette’s gaze fell upon them, they knew what to expect next. Sword at the ready, they would cut her down if need be.
But it seems that was not the case as a blur of red and armor dashed past on horseback to knock the vampire across the floor.
Buried under rubble.
The flapping of Pegasus wings filled the air. It was Ingrid. “Sylvain!”
It was Sylvain, who was on that horse who sent Ambrosia flying.
The rubble wouldn’t hold her long. “Ingrid. You and the Professor and the others need to help Desiree. I can do this myself”
The blonde was tempted to hit him in the face. What an idiot. “That sounds stupid! You could die!”
“What she needs is blood....” The raspy voice of Minette called out, being supported by the ever lovely Yuri, who kept whispering to her.
“Blood? Minette what do you know?” Ingrid asked the Aevis, the white haired blue eyed female ran her hand through her hair.
“She’s....not fully a vampire....” she expained through raspy breaths as the pile of rubble began to stir.
“She’s fighting with herself. On the inside I believe. If she just...just had enough blood she’d go back to normal.....”
“That’s your theory!?” Ingrid snapped. “She could kill one of us! Who do you think is going to offer themselves to her?”
The group fell quiet.
That’s when the sound of a horse filled the quiet and headed away.
“I guess that answered your question...Ingrid....Owch...Maddi did a number on me....” Minette grumbled as the sound of hooves faded away.
Hands gripped the rubble throwing old stones away. As if he was looking for something he lost.
Well he kind of did.
Sylvain wouldn’t admit it but since those days in the Acadamey, while he was indeed chasing other women, when Madilyn arrived, he was kind of shocked.
He knew the Ambrosia house was a small house in the Kingdom, he didn’t expect such a beauty inside that house.
He wanted the girl whow would yell at him but laugh at him.
He wanted her back.
Not this snarling creature he is now face to face with.
She was clawing at his skin. Trying to maim him or blind him!
This isn’t the girl he remembered.
The one he secretly yearned for.
All those years.
Sure there was another for her heart.
He didn’t care. He was going to do this for her.
“Madilyn listen to me! This isn’t who you are!” his voice was like the point of a knife, digging into the skin.
He got a loud snarl in response.
He knew in those golden dark eyes the one he cared about was in there, so he had to get her attention some how before she either killed him or else. He lost a piece of his armor in the fight with the dragon Diera, exposing some skin.
That caught the vampires attention, fangs beared.
Until she froze in place.
Froze for a long time.
The golden amber hues in her eyes faded, returning to the earth brown that was warm and inviting.
her hands shook. Who knew how long she’d be left like this before the snarling hungry beast came back out?
“W-Where am I...?? What’s going on?” her eyes wandered nervously,feeling armored hands cup her cheeks, here earth toned eyes meeting the eyes of the infamous skirt chaser.
“Madilyn. Listen to me. You’re about to turn into a full vampire and if you don’t drink human blood you’ll be lost forever!”
This information was new to her. But she knew the hunger inside of her was rising. A loud ringing pain rang through her head which only worried the male more.
“B-But...I can’t...I don’t want to hurt humans anymore...I don’t want anymore blood....” she whimpered.
She looks so small. So fragile there. Which crushed his heart.
Cupping her chin, he lifted her head for her teary eyes to face him. 
“Why? You could die....”
Those words cut deep. very deep. “There is a chance I could kill my prey which is why I rendered them unconcious before I fed...Live victims struggle and that makes me scared, I’d hurt them...Drinking blood is a.....”
Her face turned bright pink.
“Is a.......what?”
“It’s an...intimate process” she mumbled out.
Is that why she fed on common thugs and hoodlums?
She couldn’t do this to someone she loved. But at this point she had no choice.
Madilyn was staring at her bloodied hands, from the blood pools she was sitting in, not even aware of the shifting of armor and body weight. When she lifted her head, she was shocked.
Shocked by lips against hers.
Her eyes squeezed shut, allowing herself to sink herself deeper into his body, lips molding together. His tongue prodded her lips as if asking for enterance, she obliged roaming around her mouth, dipping around her fangs.
She could have bit him there but she didn’t.
Her body felt warm, for the first time in a long while, fingers curled into those loose red locks.
A fire started low in her belly, she couldn’t act on it no. Not now.
Breaking apart, shallowed breaths between the pair, eyes glazed over. 
“S-Sylvain...I-I can’t! Please don’t make me!” She breathed out. She didn’t want to hurt him. What if she killed him?!?!?!
Her eye widened when she saw his exposed neck before her, she swallowed hard.
“Don’t.....please” Tears filled her eyes, he gave her a soft hearted smile. Oh his boyish charm shines through despite the hard 5 years.
“I trust you. You won’t hurt me. I know it.” He voiced dripped with confidence, warmth and love.
“You need to do it....I’d rather die then lose you to your curse” He said it with such vigor that’s when her eyes turned back into that golden black.
She pulled him close, breath fanning against the skin. It caused his breath to hitch. This was going to be painful.
“I’m sorry....” She whispered before her fangs sunk deep into his neck, quickly. Blood slowly dripped from the wound, more then she anticipated.
His haand was in her hair, curling tightly at the searing pain flowing through his burning body he kept her close however. He tugged on her locks slightly as if to pull her back to reality.
Her lips hungryily sucked, drawing more blood from the small punctures. 
“Easy there...easy...easy...” his voice was ragged, breathless as if this was some pre-initmate encounter making out.
her eyes flickered, the golden flecks slowly turning back into those earthy brown hues, her hunger gradually slowed.
“There....There we go...that’s my girl....”
Her face flushed, retracting her fangs from his neck. He was pale. Paler then normal.
But...he didn’t die!
“A-A-Are you alright...Are you alright?” She fell into his arms, holding his face with her hands.
He gave her a small smile, thumb rubbing the front of her hand.
“yeah....yeah I’m fine....You...you think you’re strong enough to fight?” he quiered, motioning to the two dragons still fighting each other.
“I think so.But you’re too weak....Feeding...makes prey weak”
“Oh nah I’m fine” he said confidently, only when he stood up he fell down. Madilyn sighed.
“You stay here and recover, I’ll go fight.” She said, placcing a hand on his shoulder as she whistled for her horse.
To take her into the fight.
Sykvain watched her ride off to the others, running his fingers over the punctures in his neck. They seemed to be healing quickly.
It seems she’s amazing. As always.
He’s gonna have to tell her that.
He also doesn’t mind being marked for the time being. It saved her life.
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