#vamp books were ruined for me by this really shitty one like 6 years ago
crybaby-bkg · 11 months
why did I just buy a vampire book knowing I don’t like vampire books ☹️
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Get to Know the Blogger Asks!
I got tagged by @damnfool-of-a-took like 2 weeks ago, but was busy and just randomly remembered! So here we go! 
Rules: Answer the questions then tag [any number of]* people you want to get to know better.
*edit by me because I don’t like having a quota of people to tag in these things- feel free to do this and tag me back if you want to, but please don’t feel obligated whether you are tagged or not!
Name: Johnathan, note the spelling, lol. 
Gender: cis guy, afaik. I’ve had some wondering, but honestly I don’t even wanna think about it, lol. Fuck the binary and gender stereotypes. 
Star Sign: Gemini! 
Height: 6′1″ w/o shoes
Age: 32 as of Sunday
Wallpaper on my phone:
Tumblr media
I honestly haven’t read the comics and only know minimal info about these guys, but I fell in love with this image cause Hulking reminds me of an idealized version of myself, especially the piercings. Plus it’s gay af and I love it, lol. This is the first thing to replace a pic of Joe Manganiello dripping wet that I had for like 6+ years, lol
House: As in Harry Potter? Ravenclaw. Game of Thrones? House Tyrell. My literal house? I rent one and it’s pretty cute! Kind of a craftsman bungalow feel. 
Ever crush on a teacher: I totally crushed on my 7th grade shop teacher (who was also the Jr. high football coach), but my sheltered, closeted gay ass didn’t realize that’s what it was til I was outta high school, lol. He’s still hot, for the record. 
Coolest Halloween Costume: Hmmm...I’ve been every iteration of vampire you can imagine, lol. Classic, goth, hippie, vampirate, you name it. I’m a touch obsessed. But my favorite story is the time I dressed up as a punk/grunge vampire in the late 00s. I had a 13″ mohawk at the time and put it up, drug fake spider webs through it, and put little plastic spiders in it. It was pretty badass, if I do say so myself. I had on my spiked dog collar (which I wore daily when I was younger) along with some spiked wrist cuffs, pins and buttons everywhere, etc. Well, I was also the manager of the University Center at my alma mater at the time. I showed up to work at 7a and my boss’s boss, who was an asshole, looked at me and freaked out. Apparently they’d neglected to tell me that Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, the Tennessee’s US senators, would be comin in that day for a tour I was expected to lead the first half of. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Needless to say, Corker acted exactly as you’d expect and Alexander at least attempted to be pleasant. He’s a shitty senator and not a good person, but at least he’s not a dick, lol. They were both so clearly uncomfortable and it made. my. day! I dialed up the Southern for the hometown card along with the Queer and had a BLAST! All dressed as a vamp! 
Favorite 90’s tv show: @damnfool-of-a-took mentioned Gargoyles and I have to say that one’s definitely on my list, haha, but I can’t ever just pick. I also love Charmed, Fresh Prince, Buffy, Sister Sister, All That, Clarissa Explains It All, Blossom, Sabrina, The Wonder Years, and probably a lot more. I’ve always loved TV, haha
Last Kiss: I don’t even remember.... :/ Takin applications! 
Have you ever been stood up:  Lol, just recently, actually. His loss. 
Favorite pair of shoes: I don’t really have one
Have you ever been to Vegas: Nope. I’m not opposed, but I’m not just tryin to go either
Favorite Fruit: Any berries! 
Favorite Book: Again, I don’t really do Favorite™, lol. But I love Fahrenheit 451, Harry Potter, Children of Blood and Bones, The Vampire Chronicles, Southern Vampire Mysteries, The Hunger Games, American Gods, and so many more! 
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Hmmmmm....probably the time I got into a car in Puerto Rico with 2 people I’d just met and one I didn’t know (the driver) where we all ended up in the jungle in the middle of the island, lol. It turned out fine, but it could’ve gone awry so easily
All time favorite shows: In addition to above, Bones, Supernatural, The Handmaid’s Tale, and I’ll stop cause I watch waaaaayyyy too much, lol
Last movie I saw in theaters: Acrimony. It was ok, but it could’ve had about 30 minutes cut out of the middle and Tyler Perry just doesn’t know how to direct a serious and intense moment to save his life. What should’ve been the most intense and suspenseful part of the film left the theater laughing hysterically and it just ruined the whole thing. Which is even more sad cause Taraji P. Henson was so good! 
I tag: whoever wants to do this! Tag me and let me know if you decide to! 
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