#vampyr 1018
vampyr-game · 2 years
Ichabod Throgmorton’s voice lines, in numerical (not chronological!) order as they appear in the game’s files. For anon. :)
Voiced by Harry Hadden-Paton. Character © DONTNOD Entertainment.
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I was tagged by @madeofsplinters. Main post under a cut for length.
How many works do you have on AO3? 
54 currently, of which 30 are actually completed.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 
1,761,838 words. (I have been really productive over this last year, but overall that’s about 10 years worth of work.)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 
Quite a lot of fandoms, actually looking at it now. I’ll split it into major works and minor works:
Fandoms where I’ve written long fic or multiple fic:
Star Wars, MDZS/The Untamed, Hannibal, MCU, Jurassic Park (lol), Sherlock BBC (back in the dark times), Lovecraft (a crossover with Hannibal), ATLA, Transformers, a Good Omens/SPN/Sandman Comics crossover, Terminator Salvation (also lol), LOTR/The Hobbit.
Fandoms where I’ve just written a drabble or short fic, or an unfinished fic that’s only a few chapters:
Doctor Who, Critical Role, Night Vale, the Witcher (video game universe), X-Men First Class, Watchmen comic, White Collar, Rock’N’Rolla (movie), Fight Club (movie), Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Indiana Jones, Inception, Batman.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. The Mongoose Hunts The Snake, 9040 kudos as of this post, 8k words, Hannibal AU where Will is also a serial killer from the start.
2. Dating Will Graham Should Not Be This Hard, 2995 kudos, 10k, Hannibal 5+1 fic of foiled dating attempts.
3. Twin Sunrise, 1685 kudos, 300k+ of Star Wars AU that would be... hard to summarise here.
4 The New Sith Order, 1590 kudos, 330k+ of even more Star Wars AU where Luke Skywalker was captured by the Imperial Inquisitors and ends up breaking the Dark Side and creating a found family.
5. Vampyr, 1018 kudos, 5k, Hannibal is a vampire AU.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? 
I sometimes reply to comments and sometimes don’t, it really depends on if I can think of something to say in reply. Sometimes the only response I have is “thank you very much” and I don’t want to post that a bunch of times under every comment.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
Generally most of my fic has happy endings - or happy for the POV characters at least. I think Vampyr and Misericorde are fairly angsty.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 
Again that’s most of them I think, even if it ends up being happy in a slightly complicated way! Hard to say which is most “happy”. The ending of Twin Sunrise is happy for a large number of characters outside of the main ones, so I’ll say that.
Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written? 
Absolutly I do! A well done crossover is one of my favourite things to read. I think The Man In The Long Black Coat is the most ambitious crossover in terms of getting three different vaguely related canons to work in one shared universe. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Kind of. I had only one “hate” comment under a fic I posted on not my main account, but it was honestly kind of funny because it was a wall of text which meant they’d clearly read a lot of something they apparently hated.
Aside from that, I have had people fighting in the comments with each other over the correct interpretation of character’s actions (it was Star Wars fandom. this should not be surprising). I actually like this because it means I’ve written both sides of a conflict well enough that people are taking different sides, not just one “obvious” side.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? 
Occasionally if I’m in the mood for it. Generally M/M. Not sure I’ve ever written anything else actually, but I might if I was inspired.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, Gate of Horn and Ivory has a Chinese translation. Why this fic in particular? I have no idea.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Technically back in my Livejournal days I tried this with someone, but I don’t think it really went that well.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is impossible to answer because it changes depending on the fandom I’m into at the time! Also I ship multiple ships in each fandom. Hannigram is pretty good tho.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 
Every WIP? I think Ice-Blessed, although my interest in the MCU these days is pretty low. However people were really interested in that fic at the time and it has way more kudos and subs than it really should for only having 2 chapters.
What’s your writing strengths?
Characterisation and being able to write multiple points of view with nuance. Writing both sides of a conflict as having reasonable points. Long and intricate plots.
What’s your writing weaknesses?
Keeping things short. Although I’ve managed a few fics under 10k, 11 out of 54 of my fics are above 50k and a lot of the ones below that would need to go above that line to be anywhere near finished.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
Depends. If it’s a couple of words put in that can be guessed with context, fine. Or if the author can do those handy hyperlinks that give the translation if you hover. Otherwise, what is the purpose of writing something most readers will have to go to google translate to understand?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Not on AO3, but I wrote (on paper! never published!) some Legolas based fic when the first LOTR came out. I also had some bad, cringy Hellboy and House MD fanfic on FF.net back in the 2000s.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Another questions that’s hard to answer! I think most of my Hannibal fic holds up well when I go back and re-read it.
I really don’t know who to tag on this, so whoever is interested in this quiz please do it!
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