richardtrager · 10 months
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Planned starter for @vampyrra
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Richard Trager isn't one to fly in blind. He's a risk taker, sure, but risk involves come calculation, right? Everyone knows that. In the case of sniffing out who's got some loose change rolling around in their pockets or those select few whose billfolds are open and begging to empty themselves, it takes research. In fact, the Murkoff Corporation in particular likes to do some background checks on potential donors. They're looking for donation history, political affiliations, levels of education...bank numbers...socials. Who knows how deep they go? And who cares, really? The company likes to keep themselves informed and so does he. One of the many things they have in common. Richard doesn't have to dig too deep to understand what kind of benefactor they've got on their hands and he has approaches for each. Once he knows who they are, he has them. Doesn't take much work, truth be told. A little good cop bad cop routine, a little softening up, some big promises....and bingo!
In this case though, there wasn't much to find. He's used to people being PR trained, secretive, and selective with accessible information of course. He doesn't blame them! Who knows what kind of fucking sickos are out there trying to take a free peek in to your private life but he's never encountered a broad quite like this. There was plenty of information to be found on the woman. In fact, her name is plastered across seemingly every internet search remotely related to blood research...but there's a whole lot of nothing. Plenty of talk, no substance. He'd done his due diligence too. Even enlisted the help of some of the no names down in IT. Nothing.
So, tonight, despite his best efforts, he's going in blind as a bat. Kind of exciting, isn't it? A good old fashioned challenge. He likes that. "Think fast." Rick says, tossing his car keys to the valet without a second glance, passing the small line at the entryway to the Rioja and into the building itself. It's a nice place, the Rioja, a hotspot for the corporate elite and anyone who wants to pay $36.00 for a square of over seasoned chicken. It's cozy enough to (hopefully) get someone to open their hearts, minds, and checkbooks but classy enough that the atmosphere keeps you on your toes.
"Table for two....Trager." He says with a winning smile and holding up two digits, laying it on thick for the hostess. She's nothing to look at, but she's got the keys to the castle as they say and Rick wants to make good time getting to the table before Carlotti gets there first. As the hostess leads him in the direction of his table, the executive checks his watch. No problem, he's early by fifteen. His comfortable smirk is cut off as he looks up, spotting a woman, all legs, sitting at the table already.
"Wow! Look at you...," he says brightly, eyes already trained on the woman's severe features as he slides past the hostess and takes his seat. She is something to look at. "Early bird gets the worm, as they say." Immediately, his coat is hung over the back of his chair, revealing his suit beneath. He's chosen something colorful but classic for the occasion; a light blue suit with an even lighter undershirt. The suit pulls over to his right, buttoning with an elegant sash. He's chosen gold accents as well and boy is he glad. She's absolutely loaded by the looks of it and he has no problem matching her energy.
"You certainly know how to keep a man on his toes...I'm Richard Trager." He reaches across the table for her hand, intending to shake. "We've spoken over email! And...I may be wrong, but you might have had a chat with my assistant?"
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muutosarchive · 2 years
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angelo places a rose between his teeth. slowly turning around, with his arms & chin slightly raised. not too high, not too low. fingers on both hands beckoning to his donna vampiro, with a tilt of his head. a smirk on his face, as he places a hand on his hip. beckoning again, before finally reaching out to her. palm upward, with his other hand delicately handling the rose. plucking it from his mouth, before it tilts beautifully at his side. "will you be my valentine, il mio più grande amore?" he asks. his raised hand still finding time gesticulate, passionately.
@vampyrra / / *hides* based on the art i'm about to reblog
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divineharc · 2 years
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something strange , otherworldly . human yet not was she , ethereal energy erupts from her body . priscilla was fascinated . a strange sensation ran along the base of her spine , whispers in her ears to run . a wolf in sheep's clothing . one with enhanced beauty that ensnared the woman . what was she ? who was she ?
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❛ your presence is simply ethereal , a beauty to last the ages . ❜ breathless . like fly caught in the spider's web . thoughts slowly crossed her mind , the whispering in her ears heed a warning of something demonic . something threatening . ❛ I feel that you and I are travelling along similar paths in this world , yet only different by a margian . ❜ / @vampyrra sc.
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bitterbride · 1 year
META + children 👶
*         send   META   +   a   word   ,   a   name   ,   or   phrase   and   i   will   write   a   head  canon   based   off   of   this   !!!   accepting @vampyrra
before i even starting i'm just gonna put this under a read more because this is definitely not for everyone's eyes
When Marishka was human she had quite a few babies ( as a concubine in the ottoman empire) but they were taken from her or died. Because of this, the repeated taking of her children, along with other mental disorders she has that are undiagnosed, and the trauma and changing of her thought process since being turned her thoughts and feelings on children are very very complicated.
She is more than willing to eat babies and children with no qualms but within the same breath can become hostile if a child that she's taken a liking to is being threatened. She's definitely brought home children, ages anywhere from five to twelve, to take care of who ultimately end up dying due to either her lack of understanding of what a human needs to survive or the child trying to escape and she ends up killing them in a panic to keep them.
I haven't posted the headcanons I have regarding her unending and undying loyalty to Dracula, to the point of self destruction and regardless of her own wants and desires but when the idea of the brides conceiving children was introduced Marishka had very conflicting feelings. Ultimately because of her loyalty to their master, and what I imagine a very convincing and hypnotic personality her posses she went along with the idea however unhappy she was with the idea.
Although in the movie she didn't get to see their children brought to life even for mere moments I know that was not the first attempt to bring their eggs to life and with each failure and loss of life, no matter how brief, she grew more bitter and resentful, for not only herself for her sisters and their master.
In a modern setting, still a bride but off on her own and more free than she had been in the centuries past, she's anti children. She finds teenagers ages twelve to seventeen funny and easy to play with but wants nothing other than to play with them. Children younger than twelve to about three years old she simply doesn't bother with unless they get in her way or cause her plans to go awry. From age three to newborn babies she considers a delicacy and savors them, even going to far as to eat their skin, break apart their bones to suck the marrow out and leaves almost no traces of them behind.
Main take away from this; don't let Marishka babysit.
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relicrots · 2 years
@vampyrra ♥'d THIS for a starter !
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❝  I  pity  them.  ❞  Painted  lips  pause  with  the  slow  drift  of  his  eyes  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the  woman  behind  him.  ❝  So  blissfully  unaware.  .  .❞  Slowly  his  body  turns  to  face  her,  a  brow  lifted  with  a  steady  sigh.  ❝  I  often  find  myself  retreating  into  memories  of  simpler  times,  reminiscing  of  those  I  had  to  let  go.  .  .How  is  it  you  stay  so  strong,  cara?  ❞  Slowly,  he  leans  into  the  dusty  window  frame,  glancing  down  at  the  few  stragglers  who  had  surely  been  on  their  way  home  on  account  of  the  curfew.  ❝  Have  you  eliminated  kindness  entirely  ?  Or  have  you  made  peace  with  your  truth  ?  ❞  
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yourdarlingness · 1 year
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✦ Vampire ~ themed names — prns — titles
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NAMES ︙ vampyrra . vampria . vampea . vamprrine . chiro / chiroptelle . chiroptairre . chiraelle . bloodie . bloodique . bloodine . bloodstreame . haemia . haemine . haemoette . bloodstruck . fangs . bat . batsy . vampita . vampette . chira . bloodsuck . chiropteranne . draculaura . draculae . draculace . draculette . cartilette . cartinne . cartilage . cartilae . vein(e) . coffine . cofette . casketta . caskette . caskeite . imortalle . imortella
PRNS ︙ vae / vamp . bat . chi / chiro / chiroptera . fae / fangs . blo / blood . pey / pierce . he / hemo . ste / stake . ve / vein . 🦇 . 🩸 . ⚰️ . 🌙
TITLES ︙ the bloodsucker . prn* who is bloodthirsty . the immortal one/being . the vampire . prn* who hunts at night . prn* who has everlasting youth . the energy sucker . prn* who sucks/absorbs energies . prn* vampirism . prn* who awakens at night . the night hunter
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chiroptera - bats (in scientific term)
h(a)emoglobin - a protein in red blood cells
—— decided to add an energy vampire ~ related title there !
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portaeinferni · 2 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Bre.
PRONOUNS:  They/them he/him.
ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer sun, Pisces moon, Capricorn ascending.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -  I'm a musicologist.
2 - I'm allergic to some types of water.
3 - I speak fluent German!
PLATFORMS USED: previously Twitter and now Tumblr. Occasionally, I write on discord.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: It really depends on the situation and how much I know who I'm writing with. If we don't know each other very well yet, memes are the way to go. If we know each other pretty well, winging it. Plotting is really reserved for the select few that I go feral with and we can't stop talking about our characters.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): God, so many. Katie McGrath, Hamish Linklater (which is unfortunate bc I love him but he's so overdone it's insane), Jeffrey Morgan, anyone from Marvel ever, Nina Dobrev (classic), Holland Roden, Dylan O'Brien, Cole Sprouse, tbh anyone from Riverdale too...
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I love fluff. I do fluffy things a lot in life though, so I don't do it as much with characters. Fluff really gets hype when it's leading up to angst.
ANGST: This is my bread and butter. The perfect combo for me is really something unbearably tragic, sad, poetic, and beautiful. Hurt my characters! Let my characters hurt yours!
SMUT: Yes, but extra points if the smut has angst surrounding it. I'm always down for a little smut. I get bogged down if I write too much of it though. If I find the right ship....I'm obsessed.
Tagged by: @vileincarnations <3
Tagging: @walriding, @healertm, @littlescnshine, @lickingtheflames, @relicrots, @vhsrot, @vampyrra
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aleerah · 2 years
Not me reading the masterpiece that @nosferot & @vampyrra have written while simultaneously shoveling peanut M&M’s in my mouth ✨✨ chief kiss ✨✨
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muutosarchive · 2 years
sweet verona. she’s as smart as she looks -- & twice as deadly. he’s said it before. a man unafraid to praise his woman, whenever the opportunity arises. but it rings true now more than ever. angelo’s robes sway with a half twist. slamming the door with a grimace, before turning again to face verona’s gaze. something he wasn't particularly looking forward to, in the dim light of his petulant anger. yet, he's seemingly not done displaying it. for It doesn’t take long until instinct takes over. he needs a release. relief from the woes of his life. & while this does not excuse his crass behavior, such is the ofttimes that which can bedevil him at the worst of times. anger & temper plaguing him, irreparably. & the only solution has always been obscenity. sexual conquests to drown his sorrows & make him feel like the man he’s truly meant to be. the man he is, yet is tragically blind to. a gift from his father, it burdens him still. a rough hand on her shoulder pushes her to the floor with a twitch of his lip. knee-jerk, truly. & as if to affirm himself, he stands taller in the action's wake. chin lifting, needlessly. he doesn't want to talk. how he loathes talking.. hollow eyes looking down at her, with a scowl. yet a pang of guilt runs through him, upon her wince. It is a slight to their dark lord to treat his woman like that. yet, if she means to, she would punish him -- & rightfully put him to an end. expecting nothing less of his il suo più grande tesoro. gloved fingers flutter along her shoulder for a moment, before dropping to their sides. swaying just so, in arm's descent. a spark of excitement sends a snarl in turn from his throat, whilst it prickles the skin. green eye flickering ominously, in the meantime. smartly heeding her warning. allowing her to do what she will with his hand; as is her right. pale fingers flexing, in the cool air. he has nothing to hide — not from her. prefers it this way. more personal than words. works for those he could not manage to say. he relaxes alongside her. fingers curling as much as they could, when he meets her eye. “be here, with me.” he nods, once. “your old man is tired.” his opposite hand moves to card through her hair. from her hairline, to the base of her skull. “I need to feel something… good.” he locks eyes with her sombrely. concealed digits now dusting over her jawline.
@vampyrra / / cont.
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thirdemeritus · 10 months
take  the  linked  quiz  from  the  perspective  of  your  character,  then  select  5 - 10  results  from  the  complete  matches  list  that  you  feel  resonate  with  your  character  the  most.
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones): 92% Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer): 92% Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction): 90% Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby): 89% Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet): 87% Ferris Beller (Ferris Bueller's Day Off): 86% Simba (The Lion King): 82% Odysseus (The Odyssey): 78% Freddie Lounds (Hannibal): 72% Thomas Barrow (Downton Abbey): 62%
Tagging: @vampyrra , @vialaviolenza
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divineharc · 2 years
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❛ we were searching for reasons to play by the rules . ❜ two alike in a number of ways . both scorned by their societies , gifted only with heartache . two war-torn women of italy , forced into a game that was never fair . what a shame . ❛ but we quickly found it was just for fools . ❜
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druchtphointe · 2 years
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𝗕𝗢𝗟𝗗 — character trait.
𝘐𝘛𝘈𝘓𝘐𝘊 — situational.
absent-minded  |  abusive  |  addict  |  adrenaline  junkie  |  aggressive  |  aimless  |  alcoholic  |  anxious  |  arrogant  |  audacious  |  bad  liar  |  bigmouth  |  bigot  |  blindly  loyal  |  blunt  |  callous  |  childish  |  chronic  heroism  |  cheater  |  clingy  |  clumsy  |  cocky  |  codependent  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cowardly  |  cruel  |  cynical  |  delinquent  |  delusional  |  dependent  |  depressed  |  deranged  |  disloyal  |  ditzy  |  egotistical  |  envious  |  erratic  |  fickle  |  finicky  |  fixated  |  flaky  |  frail  |  fraudulent  |  foul  mouthed  |  guilt complex  |  gloomy  |  gluttonous  |  gossiper  |  gruff  |  grudgeholding  |  gullible  |  hedonistic  |  humorless  |  hypochondriac  |  hypocritical  |  idealist  |  idiotic  |  ignorant  |  immature  |  impatient  |  incompetent  |  indecisive  |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lazy  |  lewd  |  liar  |  lustful  |  manipulative  |  masochistic  |  meddlesome  |  melodramatic  |  money-loving  |  moody  |  naive  |  nervous  |  nosy  |  ornery  |  overprotective  |  overly  sensitive  |  paranoid  |  passive aggressive  |  perfectionist  |  pessimist  |  petty  |  power hungry  |  proud  |  possessive  |  pushover  |  reckless  |  reclusive  |  remorseless  |  rigorous  |  sadistic  |  sarcastic  |  senile  |  selfish  |  self-destructive  |  shallow  |  sociopathic  |  sore  loser  |  spineless  |  spiteful  |  spoiled  |  stubborn  |  suspicious  |  tactless  |  temperamental  |  timid  |  thief  |  tone-deaf  |  traitorous  |  unathletic  |  ungracious  |  unlucky  |  unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  |  vain  |  withdrawn  |  workaholic
tagged by: @vileincarnations {thank you this was so fun!}
tagging: @envychosen (Ras or Thad?}, @moresaints​, @inkedstone​, @nahkess​, @hijodelamedianoche​, @vampyrra​
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relicrots · 2 years
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name:   Locust !
pronouns:  They / Them
preference  of  communication:  Probs Discord
name  of  most  active muse(s): Cardinal Copia / Papa Emeritus IV
experience/how  long  (months/years?):  too long lmao
platforms  you’ve  used:  imvu, forums, tumblr !
best  experience:  Making some stellar friends :)
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers:  When ppl don't read rules, forced shipping, things that show people don't respect my life offline, policing portrayals, and when there's hella drama on my dash?
fluff,  angst,  or  smut:  Down for it all, love angst most of all tho.
plots  or  memes:  I like both personally but favor plotting when both hearts are in it xd
long  or  short  replies:  long as fuck tbh
best  time  to  write:  In the evening
are  you  like  your  muse(s): Lmao. . .probably, and I can't say if that's a good or bad thing?
tagged by: @jokethur  tagging:  @thirdemeritus , @muutos , @chrchgrl, @chromatiica, @hiveruled , @vampyrra , and whoever looks at dis ! uvu
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bornofbloodandwater · 2 years
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Where Does Your Fear Reside In Your Body?
All your body
Your fear is in your head, heart, hands, legs. It sets your internal organs, muscles and your entire being on fire. Your adrenaline goes up; the risk is obvious but you won't go down without a fight. Hot blood travels quickly to all the parts of your body, preparing them for action. All you think about is the problem before you and its solution. Your senses are sharpened, your heart is gonna jump out of the chest. Your body is trembling, your feverish brain - galloping. You'll fight until the end. You'll get out of this. For a magical moment, your fear becomes strength and bravery.
Tagged by: @envychosen
Tagging: @suresaint @paledeath @khirurg @vampyrra @paddyfuck​
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papalrot · 2 years
ˊ    👻     @vampyrra​
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𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒   𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃  𝐈𝐍  𝐀𝐖𝐄  𝐀𝐓  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋'𝐒   𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋        ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒       out  from  a  black  town  car  a  line  up  of  curvy,   beautiful  women  in  nun’s  habits,  beckoning  him  to  follow  as  he  at  last  steps  out.      eclipsing  the  neon  lights with  his  large  presence,      copia  stands  in  the  foyer  of  the  restaurant  with  something  of  a  hungry  gaze,  leering  around  both  sides  of  the  room.     the  front  of  house  was  busy,    the  dim  lights  from  the  bar  doing  it’s  best  to  keep  the  rest  of  the  room  lit  and  he  nearly  dismisses  it  altogether  were  it  not  for  the  woman  at  the  bar.
a  gloved  hand  waves  off  the  rest  of  his  entourage,   slipping  into  the  crowd  and  heading  towards  the  bar.      closer  now,   close  enough  to  make  out  that  her  hair  wasn’t  black,  as  he’d  thought,  but  a  brown  that  was  deeply  inky,  a  melting  pot  of  color  that  was  only  barely  visible  to  his  queer  eyes.
a  hand  at  the  back  of  her  seat,     a  warning.               
❛❛     𝑩𝑼𝑶𝑵𝑨  𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑨 ,     𝒎𝒊𝒂  𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒂   --  ❜❜     the  cardinal  approaches,   playfully  sliding  his  thin  body  up  between  her  knees  and  the  bar.    
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❛❛     may  i   - ᵉʰʰʰ -      pay  for  your  next  round ?    ❜❜      
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muutosarchive · 2 years
he falls to his knees to pray. “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” he speaks the words, yet there’s a resignation within his face. gulping beneath the weight of his collar & blinking stupidly.
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his jaw is vibrating, along with beautiful fingers - as they unconsciously clutch his crucifix. he’s a weak man. begging the lord for salvation, when he’s forsaken him time & time again. he’s been saved! hallelujah. the lord has lifted him from the brink of death. & this is how he’s been repaid? he can think of about a million prayers to comfort the dying. Giver of peace, I intercede for this dear one, asking that You would grant him a peaceful death. yet perhaps he doesn’t deserve such things. naught would give the coward courage. not here. oh yes -- he will beg for a merciful death. yet, not from her. 
@vampyrra​    /  /    oc only
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