lionhxrt · 11 years
A lot of people entered Balamb Gardens.
--Ugh. Visitors. It wasn't even his job to do meet and greets to people, someone had to do that.
Appearently, it was him now. Blue, mysterious eyes scanned the group of people, while a sigh parted his lips as he saved both hands on his pockets.
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  {♦} ''-------Welcome to Balamb Gardens.''
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Time has come(vanillavanillefantasy)
It had seemed like only yesterday since he and Nila had formed their plan to demolish Lightning and her followers. However, naturally this plan required an answer...one they had been waiting for for a bit. Both of them knew the other could die..one of age, and the other..by getting stabbed through the chest. So naturally it was only natural for their decision of a legacy. That legacy however....was awaiting an answer on if it could happen, and Caius was pacing back and forth as he awaited the answer from Nila.
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lazlo-en-kuldes · 11 years
// I'm sorry I haven't been online for the past week. After a few days of trying to get DRAMAtical Murder installed on my laptop I had to go get help from someone else with downloading it and that itself took another four entire days and I didn't have any other way to come online. For the past two days all I have been doing packing up my suitcase for a upcoming convention this weekend and playing the game. And I finished Clear's route last night, I cried at the end.
And unfortunately I will be unable to reply to any roleplays until Sunday evening due to a friend of mine picking me up next morning and us driving all the way to the convention hotel to get all of our stuff in the hotel room and volunteering setting things up for the convention. Again I am sorry but I hope all of you lovely people can be patient for another four days. //
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Vanille Hiatus?
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glasgow-scars-blog · 11 years
"Schrodinger?" she called, unaware of where she was. "Where are you? Herr-- ouch!" Vera accidentally hit someone. "S--sorry..."
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lazlo-en-kuldes · 11 years
// All current roleplays have been replied on my end. //
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ryu-no-sukafu-blog · 11 years
Online and Offline
Alright everyone when I get home from picking my sister up form her final exam in her sophmore year.  I will reply to every thread.
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lordsosukeaizen · 11 years
vanillavanillefantasy has entered the palace.
"Welcome stranger. What brings you here?"
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lovelylimos · 11 years
  -8 months later- Vanille spent the previous 8 months getting to know Luca better. She proved to her mum that Luca was different to dad as he left before her mother was even showing. They did however have a few arguments, Vanille’s hormones sometimes sending her through the roof. She did panic at times thinking Luca would leave, but he didn’t and there love for each other grew stronger. She was going to drop any day now, it was just a matter of when.  “morning love!” She kissed her fiancé. They were currently back at her mums, who she was closer now to more than ever. Her mum wanted to be there when she gave birth so they’d been staying with her the last week so she wouldn’t miss the due day.
He smiled, opening his eyes to look up at her as he kissed her back. ” morning already ?. feels like i just laid down and closed my eyes. ” he was tired still, but didn’t mind it as he gave a lazy slow stretch, worry for her and anxious for the due date made it to where he hardly slept much the last few days. , sitting up he ran a hand through his hair. ” how are you feeling?”
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mikachi-chan · 11 years
vanillavanillefantasy & mikachi-chan
Mikachi walked down the street, her hand resting on the sword at her waist. People gave her casual glances but didn't approach her. Her golden eyes glinted as the setting sun lightly touched the surfaces of her surroundings. She halted, looking upwards from the shadows of her hood. She'd arrived here on this planet two full moons ago and hadn't stopped travelling since. Mikachi sighed, the exhaustion and hunger she felt catching up on her.
A strong aroma and the smell of food caught her attention and she turned. She faced a small building with tables set out. People were sat, their hands touching cups, laughing and smiling as they talked. Mikachi's eyes narrowed. Everything seemed so ... peaceful here. It made her feel uneasy, as if it was a large charade hiding something dark. The smiles looked false, the friendly words edged with deceptions. She didn't like it here.
A girl came out of the building, stopping at one of the tables and setting down a steaming cup before a man. She smiled at him, said something, and turned, her eyes catching Mikachi's.
This wasn't a place for Mikachi. She needed to find somewhere isolated, somewhere where the shadows could be her companion. She walked away, searching once again.
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cubbyscollection · 11 years
4 new followers in like, three or four days guys omfg! /)//_//(\ 
My blog isn't even cool
Welcome though
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the-13-demigods · 11 years
Adventure in Another Verse: Closed RP
Arthur looks at the portal with a smile. Grabbing his backpack he looks through it a little. He laughs as he’s sucked through. He lands sitting down on the floor. Slowly stand the blonde hair blue eyed boy stands up and calls out, “Hello? Anyone there?”
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A familiar friend // RP with vanillavanillefantasy
A lone warrior stood upon a wide field, staring up towards the sky above. How she got here or the reason behind her being here was for her to know alone. If one looked closely, they could see she was no longer the Lightning of old. Through all her ordeals and trails she had to overcome, she herself has changed into a new person. She had simply wandered here hoping to meet up with someone. Whether they would come had yet to be seen, but that thought soon vanished as she heard the approach of footsteps coming in her direction. Lightning didn't turn to face the person, she simply diverted her gaze from the sky and looked forward.
Hearing the footsteps stop, a small smile curled up into the corner of Lightning's lips and she closed her eyes. "It's been a long time.....Vanille." Her words were smooth as they left her lips, like silk. And slowly, Lightning turned her body to look over at the pink haired girl. "I was starting to wonder if anyone was going to come and greet me."
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{ooc: Hiya guys! Remember me? I just wanted to apologize for not replying to anyone in about two weeks-ish. So, like this post if I owe you a reply, and I'll send you a message and we can work it out! I'll tag a few of you that I'm pretty sure I need to reply to, but again, just message me and we'll figure something out! Alsoooo, I do not plan to be on here excessively, but I will pop on when I get the chance!//}
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alois-the-trancy · 11 years
8) Screenshot your favorite blog
//When it comes to favorites, I can’t choose just one ;A; So the favorite blog I have always changes
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