peppermintbuttlemon · 3 months
Omg the vanquins still think joe and grace are together wtf 🤦‍♀️
What??? How?
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harritudur · 1 year
the whole situation “shippers asked J & G to sign a vanquin rpf”.... im gonna adress this just once bc someone sent me a ss about it.
i did write a RPF with J &G. i never denied it btw because no one asked me about it tbh... iirc, i wrote it 8 or 9 monthes ago and it was something short & not smutty. so yeah, i DID write one around july/august (when i didn't know about Grace's bf btw, but this is not the point)
what I DID NOT DO, is going to a convention (lol) and giving it to J & G (lmaooo). haters like to use that one ss of a reply i made in a thread where i talked about writing the RPF and planning to share it with "them". conveniently, the ss, doesn't show the first part of the thread where i was talking about a hellcheer groupchat i was part of. i don't remember precisely the details (it was 9 months ago) but i remember it was about G or J cancelling a Con and me saying that me and my friends were disapointed and that i wanted to share something with them. I explained i wrote a RPF and that i wanted to share it with them, 'them' being my friends in the groupchat. in the end, i didn't share the RPF with anyone, i kept it for myself bc, tbh... my writing is pretty bad lol (remember i'm french, so writing in english is not my forte)
ANYWAY, furthermore, i didn't go to any Convention. Never. First, it is way too far from where i live, And then, it is too expensive for my poor ass lol. and even if i could go, goD I WOULD NEVER SHARE RPF WITH THEM?! i mean, i'm crazy but not insane (i already feel a bit uncomfortable when people show my fanarts to G or J)
tl;dr: i did write a rpf i kept for myself and i've never EVER planned to give it to G or J bc i’ve never planned to go to any Con (like, this is insanity).
once again, haters twisting words to fit their agenda.
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shinydixon · 2 years
somebody should ask a vanquinn why must they be in a secret relationship? what's the point of a secret relationship? if the problem is grace being attacked by joe's fans, well, if it's happening now, it will happen later. are they going to keep their relationship a secret forever? vanquinn, if you're stalking around here, please answer me. how is it possible that joe has been sighted so many fucking times hanging around with friends and co-stars like charlie and jamie, but he's never been spotted with grace? not unless they were at a con together and that's it. you're seriously telling me that in, what, almost a year of this bull bullshit and no one, not a single soul, managed to take a sneaky pic of them hanging out together? that man has no privacy and has been stalked to hell and back, how is it possible he's been seen with literally everyone else but grace? if you're so certain they're together, why put up this entire circus? why do you guys have to defend your ship so much when, in your pov, you're a 100% that you're right? every single little breech in that little fantasy of yours needs an explanation, every time something normal happens between those two, you guys need to over analyze it and try and twist the narrative your way. why was he spending the new year's eve at a party that at one point ended up with him all sweaty in a bathroom full of really gorgeous people instead of spending it with the love of his life? why did she go to tokyo with some other man? why does that man, ash, has a picture of her lying on his bed with just a t-shirt on?? that was from 2021, was she trying to mislead joe's fans back then too when no one even knew about her or him?? why did one of you need to FORCE grace and joe to pose together for a picture??? if they're keeping their relationship a secret, why would he invite her to go to brazil with him in front of an entire audience?? (he didn't invite her, btw, he clearly said 'yeah, you should go' but that's another topic entirely) joe winks at everyone. there was a pretty girl who took a pic with him at nola and he spun her around and said she gorgeous. he holds everyone's hands, he touches everyone's arm, he rubs the back of his co-star, he licks the hand of another. he hugs everyone, he likes touching people, he likes being close. why is it suddenly oh so different and special when it happens with grace? (and it rarely ever does) why did it take so many cons, so many people vanquins yelling that he never stood up to grace, so many harassment for him to finally pick chrissy for something? you guys were trashing him left and right but the one single time he picks chrissy for something, he's suddenly hellcheer captain and a good guy in your eyes again. when he says steddie is a good fit, you invalidate it and say he was uncomfortable being asked. but when he says something to please the hellcheers, then he's not at all pressured to do so, no, he's speaking from the bottom of his heart, right? i'm tired of this. make it make sense. these people are seriously sick in the head. it was a bit funny at first but now it's just sad. if you have to spend your entire day and night defending a ship from all the evidence against it then maybe, just maybe, you need to reevaluate your point of view. but that'd require some brain cells and i don't think the vanquinns have any.
This is THE comment😭
I love you
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futuregws · 1 year
I'm telling you her having that vanquins edit on her YouTube just shows what I've been trying to say the girl is obsessed with Joe she clearly has a crush but his just not interested like that basically the doja cat situation again but he has to be polite with her because of cons.
Apparently that wasn't actually hers it was a fanpage
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spotlight-critique · 9 months
Why is it so typical of self proclaimed Grace fans who make their whole personality about hating Quinnies and Steddies to protect their "cinnamon roll" from misogyny, but they don't call out other Grace/VanQuinn fans for misogynistic things as well?
No one is more biphobic than VanQuinns who indirectly called her "disingenuous" when Grace posted a lot about her loving women or just being proud to be bi in general. Even cried over her cutting her hair short.
The fact that VQs where not happy about her decision when she said back in April 2023 she just wants to focus on streaming more than acting because it was in the way of their hypothetical vanquinn romcom. And not only that one of her own mods kept retweeting disturbing articles about cases against female streamers to scare Grace into acting.
Grace even said in a podcast that she knew that some of her own fans just see her as an actress. And all of a sudden VQs switched tunes and started supporting her non-acting work.
Not post about her solo cons/when Joe isn't at the con. They'll only be interested when Joe is there with her or if she mentions Joe and Hellcheer.
Say horrible things about Alicia when it was rumored she was in a relationship with Joe, to make Grace seem like the better "girlfriend".
This!! Anon saying facts! FACTS!!
I didn't know about the mods retweeting disturbing articles, but that's pretty f-cked up!! The mod, vanquinnation, and quinncel hater, why does Grace have so many toxic people as fans? And many others are on X.
And honestly, unless they were defending themselves because a vanquinn was attacking them, I haven't seen a steddie bully a vanquinn once. And this is because those vanquinns think their ship is better. 🤡 They are gone so far that they completely blur the line between a ship for fun between two characters (Eddie and Chrissy) with shipping two real people and permanently damage their private lives (Vanquinn's Google document trying to prove Grace's boyfriend is toxic so they break up and she can get with Joseph). This is why people like vanquination are dangerous and belong to a very sick part of Grace's fandom that should be shunned. And say this doesn't make us quinnies or Grace haters enough to put up a burner account to hate Joseph's fans.
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kirbyvanquin · 5 years
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@onlylyon @villedelyon @grandlyon @lyon.city @igerslyon @lyoncolors_official @hello_france @kodak @rollei_analog
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creativelenspx · 5 years
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Boitier : Nikon D3200 Objectif : NIKKOR 85mm F/3.5 Macro DX Distance focale : 85mm (x1.5) Ouverture : f/3.8 Vitesse d'obturation : 1/2000s Sensibilité : ISO-200 Traitement : PhotoshopCC / CameraRAW
Copyright ©2019 Vanquin-Gebavi
BY-NC-ND Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
@onlylyon @parcdesoiseaux
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444names · 2 years
high, dark and wood elves names from the warhammer universe + french forenames
Adagiel Adrin Aedesa Aesllan Aesrite Aethain Aethia Agiell Agier Ailla Akhaunette Akhautara Albernh Albertoc Alentin Alexand Alindis Alion Alize Althard Amanuel Amence Amhasar Amrin Amélange Amélise Andhir Andra Andrelin Antara Anther Aramien Arath Aratheron Aratthion Arhal Arhalle Arhalsyth Arlos Armain Arnar Arwenis Astrane Attodan Attodarah Audin Aurence Aurum Avella Aveloralac Avelyn Avelyne Azalgory Azalgughun Azriennine Baldril Baldrille Baldrilly Baldrine Baltha Balthiul Banan Barsis Barther Barus Bernadl Bernh Bertra Brien Brigilo Brine Béatric Béatricia Camin Carosh Catha Catranack Caydrine Ceylyne Chantoine Chaël Chrak Clémendei Coralien Coram Coramien Coria Corian Corvash Cylanan Cédrice Dadhan Dadhane Daernaryll Daeronel Daerovari Daerth Dalosh Damienne Damireon Danadia Daniaor Darole Davier Davierreth Decun'kai Delice Deling Delyn Delyne Deshal Deshasarah Dhaline Dhallandra Didial Dodanie Domin Dominia Dydril Dylanine Dylas Edelius Edhane Eilie Eldar Eldarathot Eldari Elemir Elenda Elendei Eliam Elrornar Eltharles Elthion Elvetonnas Elvette Emmandrée Emmanon Emmariour Enchalos Ennas Epona Exariam Fabioth Fabiothieu Fannifer Fechanel Fechin Fechinal Feline Fereth Feyadric Fhironiaor Filde Fildou Floristia Forosh Frandis Frane Franion Frannifer Frédérice Furiela Fydhiron Gabrigil Galan Galathar Gandir Gaétanis Gemarieth Georgan Germain Gerzhine Gilgin Gilginette Gillannick Gillaud Ginian Grégorm Guillent Gwenis Gwyndin Gwyndir Gynna Hacaggilon Haerna Haeronique Hagrencent Haratt Harre Harth Harthon Helles Hemma Hemmanon Henrion Henriour Hextar Hulas Hultress Ichinda Ichindrey Ilnylsal Ilonahir Ilond Inrien Iolaine Iolan Iolanis Iolanquis Irian Itilnal Itilnil Jacque Jeanck Jeanclara Jeanlui Jeanmara Jeanmarine Jeannifeon Jenne Jinquinnie Jinquis Jocehon Jolaniel Jolann Jolas Jonadine Julin Justiane Justing Kakar Keevane Keviève Khaling Kiland Kjedil Kovar Kyrilondei Laude Lauderian Laume Lauraa Laurené Liane Licumoitte Lilond Litan Locel Lornaud Lovokkas Luara Lucastian Ludovicta Lurelisas Madette Maerna Maglanack Maladial Mantoine Maran March Margan Mariel Marielafyn Mariella Marien Marieth Marinal Marinh Marintara Matthian Maude Mauderiam Maudtheus Mehristine Melanie Mella Melle Meronique Michar Micharket Michmur Milla Mille Millidie Morge Morgette Movalexand Movarien Myrie Myriette Mélian Named Narielh Naringa Nasha Nathain Nathar Nelore Neloristia Nicolette Noémi Odireon Olanaryll Olandrin Olanie Omarcel Omarthus Ophierelle Ophieu Ophilde Orille Orilly Orilosi Orion Osydine Otrolios Parthelle Patra Paulie Paulien Paulio Paulus Phina Pierros Polkaraine Prence Prenda Quine Rakaukin Raves Ravest Raymon Reneviève Rervé Rethion Rhamed Robertoc Rodil Rolil Romala Romalaine Romas Ruybine Sabethlec Sabien Sabine Sabinia Sabriel Sadriel Sarane Saulette Scaro Selves Seraunette Shakeya Sheer Sikar Simond Sokhoshen Solan Solanque Solkesheer Sonique Spelling Strallal Strastarah Strath Stéphaëlle Sulla Sylvaindie Sylvierel Sylvierre Sébas Sébastara Sévella Sévelyne Talag Talles Taodirei Tarra Teness Tevar Thaine Thieu Thilien Thindis Thinianel Thond Tille Tiratthiul Tuduthrak Urdith Valac Valérice Vanques Vanquine Vanquissa Vegmorgan Velafyn Velan Velian Veline Venolandré Vigilbert Vinnine Waernardek Wendionel Wendolynna Werron Werry Westel Whenri Willa Wonel Xavid Xavith Yanne Yavar Ylrishion Ylristel Yornarsis Yornhavena Yrellena Yrieth Yveth Yvetoh Yvonna Zaltharles Zalthiodie Zaltot Zamdil Zilnaeaf Zorath Zubarah Élien Élisabella Élodi Élodin Élodir Émienne Étien
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shinydixon · 2 years
Bit rude of grace to say she thought Joe was a weirdo for coming up to her and introducing himself to her in Eddie costume. Like of course he was in costume there on a set and its polite to introduce yourself to new people you work with. Also it's so clear in my personal opinion that she had or has like a childish crush on Joe like having a crush on your older brothers best Friend. But unlike what the vanquins want I think Joe just sees her as a little sister probably because she comes across so childlike.
I think it was "weirdo" in a good way? Like she didn't intend to be mean, but I'll never know 🤷🏻‍♀️
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shinydixon · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/shinydixon/713668651341021184/this-is-embarrassing?source=share what else is there to expect from the person who managed to ruin the entire mood of a panel just so they could get their precious ask about grace's harassment answered? better yet, what else is there to expect from the person who is clearly worried grace will never do that romcom with joe now that she's only streaming??? oh and for them to joke about joe being her boyfriend when they put on this entire show about shipping hellcheer only and being upset grace suffers because of it and only because of it, how coherent and nice of them. (i know you stalk this blog by the way, sweetie. don't even try to delete the romcom posts made right AFTER grace revealed why she stopped acting because i have them all saved. you're a horrible person, i hope you know. your fave reveals she's been sexually harassed and all you can think about is a romcom? disgusting. it's a shame grace doesn1t know who you really are. even if she knows you guys ship vanquin, she has no idea how badly you guys treat her in your little discord and then pretend you don't. but hey, karma is karma and it will find you. <3)
Man...this one lurks over here too? Fuck sake.
Anyway, they're a horrible person, I hope they know that.
Calling people STDs just for a ship, ignoring the fact grace was sexually harassed because they want ship content...it says a lot
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shinydixon · 2 years
even If grace is single now doesnt mean that she and Joseph will ever get together. Sometimes you just dònt feel attraction to someone.men and woman can work together and be friends without any form of sexual attraction. Vanquins whatever they call themselves need to understand that simple logic.
Good luck with that, pt 2
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shinydixon · 2 years
she makes a post, a bunch of vanquins comment that they think she and Joe are a very cute couple, she deletes the post and vanquins can't understand why. it's not even funny anymore. i'm blocking so many people and i'm not searching him up on twitter ever again. i'm just gonna take my Joe news from the tag here on tumblr, your blog and his instagram. this entire thing is actually making me very upset, i've never seen fanaticism like this before. maybe i'm just not in a lot of fandoms but yeah, this is scary. ....very ironic though that they choose to ignore the times he's brought up steve on his own, said the best thing about his job was seeing joe keery shirtless (please don't fret, i know it was a joke but if he had said something like that about grace the vaquins would freak out), they pretend jamie and joe don't constanty touch each other all the time or that joe always grabs jamie's arm to walk with him side by side, they ignore he said steddie would be a good fit...but the first time, after a lot of hate thrown at him from her fans, he chooses chissy to be in his team and touches grace the same way he touches everyone, even his fan, the very first time he does that, he's suddenly the best hellcheer fan ever. captain of hellcheer even. all of this is so...i can't find the words. i want to say insane because they're so deep into their delusion that it makes me a little sick.
The way vq behave is really disturbing, they can't realize that what they're doing is weird and wrong, to the point that even grace called them out.
I never see something like that before
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shinydixon · 2 years
i think this whole vanquin mess is happening because to us, the viewers, it feels like they worked on season 4 and immediately released it. but truth is they've known each other for over two years now. mason was one of the first friends joe made, along with jamie, and then grace. they spent a long time together so they obviously have intimacy. all of them. then the show airs, people ship chrissy and eddie, see the actors at a con, notice said intimacy and some of them jump to conclusions. and if it ended there, fine, but it didn't and the whole thing turned disgusting and quite frankly terrifying. i don't like grace, she's always given me pick me vibes, but if she's trying to set boundaries now and if she deleted that post when the vanquins started commenting, then i think we can safely assume she's pretty over this and is maybe trying to protect her relationship with her real boyfriend. season 4 will turn one year old soon and it seems like a long time for this shit to still be happening but it actually isn't. i'm in a lot of fandoms so i see this happening all the time. i think this entire thing will only calm down a bit if we get breaks between the cons. they're all working on different projects now so maybe that'll help? to close off this message, i don't know for sure and i will never know for sure but i do get the feeling joe and grace have a lot of care and respect for one another. i don't think they're close in the sense that they're best friends and hang out and confide their deepest secrets to one another but i think they have that kind of friendship that when they see each other it's just really nice, you know? i do hope we get some peace around here soon. this fandom gets so chaotic sometimes that it's overwhelming.
I don't think that getting space between cons will change something.
The vq are so into their illusions that they'll only keep being weird, even without the cons
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shinydixon · 2 years
part 1:
i knew that what i said was going to be taken out of context but here it goes: i never said people can't have fun unless they're having sex. everyone is different. the wank comment was NOT something hellcheers came up with. a lot of anti vanquins/hellcheers were sharing the same comment on twitter and laughing. look how crazy the reaction to someone saying joe hooks up is: how the hell do you guys know most of the people in those pictures are in a relationship? because you went looking for it. and why were you trying to see if those people were single? because you wanted to know if there was a chance joe had hooked up with someone. you absolutely can have fun without doing anything sexual. but my rant was in response to this phenomenon that happens every time joe is pictured somewhere with girls. every single time people have a meltdown and go looking for any proof that there is absolutely no way joe may have been with the girl he's pictured with. it's fucking crazy how much drama a single picture of him with a girl gets; also, i specifically said that he is caring and kind. there are times he is nervous/shy. his interview on jimmy fallon proves that. his hands were shaking, sometimes his voice cracked. and that's adorable and charming but some fans tend to make that his entire personality. if anyone suggests he may be doing something absolutely wild there is always a discourse about how he's not that kind of guy and he would never go that wild. i also never said taking pictures or filming him without his consent is okay. i'm saying that it's going to happen anyway. because some people don't have that train of thought, they don't really think that sharing a picture like that is invading his privacy; they just want to see a new picture of him so any consideration to his privacy goes out the window. and has anyone ever stopped to think that joe knows his pictures are going to get shared? first of all none of those pictures were private. they were on that girl's stories and someone saw it and thought 'oh shit, it's joseph' and decided to share the pics. and joe knew for sure that was going to happen. the pictures some fans hunted down that show him as a child are creepy, i agree. or when people keep filming him when he's enjoying his private time. but oh my god, he was at a party, sharing a pic like that is not a breech of privacy. you guys think he really doesn't check his social media? you really think he has no idea how crazy some fans can get? he knows what goes on behind the scenes, he just chooses to ignore it and carry on with his life. that pic with the guy with a cowboy hat, of course he knew it was going to get posted. again, i want to make this very clear, it was a fucking party. he knew he was going to get caught in random pics.
The wank thing is fake anyway! He never said that, it was taken out of context as always.
Secondly, people indeed looked for infos about these people, and it's creepy, but you indeed basically said that he always hooks up and you could tell from pictures of him partying when he was younger 💀like how can you tell something like that? Just because he's having fun? I have pictures at parties as well and all I did is making out with strangers 💀
About the pictures, nobody said you said it's okay to share but you said that people should shut up about it because it will be a normal thing... Sorry but I'll never shut up because I'm tired of people sharing private pictures (and I'm sorry but stories tags are "private" so, those pictures weren't meant to be shared) just because he's a celebrities.
I'll never shut up about it and I'll always call them out
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creativelenspx · 5 years
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Boitier : Nikon D3200 Objectif : NIKKOR 85mm F/3.5 Macro DX Distance focale : 85mm (x1.5) Ouverture : f/8 Vitesse d'obturation : 1/1250s Sensibilité : ISO-200 Traitement : PhotoshopCC / CameraRAW
Copyright ©2019 Vanquin-Gebavi
BY-NC-ND Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
@onlylyon @parcdesoiseaux
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creativelenspx · 5 years
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Boitier : Nikon D3200 Objectif : NIKKOR 85mm F/3.5 Macro DX Distance focale : 85mm (x1.5) Ouverture : f/5 Vitesse d'obturation : 1/640s Sensibilité : ISO-200 Traitement : PhotoshopCC / CameraRAW
Copyright ©2019 Vanquin-Gebavi
BY-NC-ND Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
@onlylyon @parcdesoiseaux
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