#varik korvond
cinnamonzor · 4 years
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
I may or may not be throwing together some Syrik-themed entries for AU-gust 2020 (okay fine that’s exactly what I’m doing). I probably won’t get to all of them, but I am gonna work really hard at this!
Now, let’s see here. First prompt on the list is...
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Ooh! Fantasy A...!
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(sigh) Better luck tomorrow I guess. Least we got the actual series’ premise out of the way right off the bat lol
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
Day 2 of Syrik AU-gust (belated by nearly 24 hours since I may lack the ability to pace myself). I also may have made it double as a library/bookstore AU. Because we need more of those.
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I also may have taken the opportunity to throw in a quick cameo from Heather, another of the series’ main characters! She’s a political science major in this AU
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
Day 8 of Syrik AU-gust 2020, the Superheroes/villains AU! I wound up setting it in the HeroAca universe because why the heck not.
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Do I enjoy making fun of early 2000′s superhero movies? Absolutely. Did I want more practice drawing/coloring night scenery? Also absolutely.
I feel like Sylor would totally go for peak aesthetic with his costume that secretly doubles as practical for his Quirk (the cloak makes his shadow bigger so he has more control over how big it needs to be). I’m also adamant on the fact that he’d totally make funny or cute constructs with his Quirk to cheer up or calm scared civilians (especially kids. He’s a natural dad/big brother at heart).
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For those wondering where the four prompts prior are, I kinda opted to try this list at the last minute, so for now I’m gonna work on the ones I have solid ideas for and finish the rest when I can.
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
Day 3 of Syrik AU-gust 2020, the ever beloved Soulmate AU! Decided to go with the cliche “first words your soulmate says to you on your wrist” prompt since I enjoyed the comedic potential given Sylor and Varik’s actual first interaction I have planned.
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I opted for this deviation from the canon script because this is EXACTLY the kind of thing Sylor would do in this situation. Especially with Ash egging him on (they’re both total geeks). She was very much the Shawn to his neutral-good equivalent of Gus in their dynamic.
It was also pretty fun to throw together the three’s designs as 16-year-olds (Ash’s birthday is nearly a month before Sylor’s so she’s 16 too). Sylor didn’t start growing his hair out till college thanks to his school’s dress code and Varik was on a VERY tight leash before reaching adulthood.
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Quick lore note: Since the calendars give me an excuse to ramble about it, years in Erathos are counted differently than years in our world. Aside from the year starting on March 1st instead of in January, they also started counting up from zero when our calendars reached c. 1800.
For example, today is August 4th, 2020, and we’re currently four days into the eight month of being trapped in this nightmarish year. Meanwhile, in Erathos, it’s August 4th, 220, and they’re currently four days into the sixth month of the year.
This has been the Children’s Fun Fact Science Corner.
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
Day 12 of Syrik AU-gust 2020, the Crime AU! a.k.a. Fun with Noir-ish Greyscale in Spite of This One Still Taking Place in Modern Day Because I Wanna.
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CrimeAU!Varik is an admin and local chapter head of the Korvond Crime Family. Through whatever genre-oriented mayhem brings them together, Sylor becomes his advisor/“badass mob wife,” as Sylor himself puts it.
I have a one-shot comic scripted for this AU but I DEFINITELY wouldn’t have finished it by today so it’ll come out at a later date. So look forward to that down the line! As well as the upcoming Role-Reversal AU!
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cinnamonzor · 4 years
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Introducing Varik, the intimidating, yet beloved Questmaster of the Erathos Questors! It’s still his birthday in my timezone (since my computer’s clock is an hour ahead), and I just had to reveal him today because Happy Birthday, you magnificent bat man!
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