#vark likes al for the same principle that dogs like to roll around in dead things i think
voxuli · 17 days
starter for @radiomurdeer!
Despite all the security systems Vox relies on, sometimes there's nothing better than a good old-fashioned guard dog.
Unfortunately for him, Vark... isn't.
To be fair--the hellshark does recognize something's amiss before any of the security systems do (not that they ever will, because Vox had spent time training the algorithms to recognize Alastor's particular brand of static interference). There is a hellish smell coming from somewhere in the living room, and when it reaches his nostrils, Vark perks up immediately.
He's smart enough to know that it shouldn't smell like that, because Vox doesn't ever appreciate it when Vark tries to bring home miscellaneous sinner parts on the street. He noses at his owner's prone form, as best he can without an actual muzzle. No effect.
For a moment, Vark expends all of his brainpower to contemplate tearing Vox's charging cord out of the wall. It's always worked before.
...But then Vox would probably take away whatever tasty treat was out in the living room, wouldn't he?
Vark gets up carefully from the bed, so as not to further disturb Vox, and trots out to the threshold to the living room.
To his surprise, the source scent of carrion appears quite active; a whole man standing in the living room, on his own two feet and all his limbs attached and everything! And Vark hadn't even heard him come in! Maybe he had treats for Vark?
...The hellshark's thick tail starts to wag, and he trots right up to Alastor without hesitation. Please treats.
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