#vash has that contented smile like when wolfwood about the orphanage - telling how if vash doesn't protect it he'll blah blah blah angy
cute thought running on my head.... nicky carrying chip and vashboy under his arms and angrily walking as if they just did something wrong (they didn't) and they're giggling at nicky for being a softie (who'd be willing to carry two people at the same time?) 💚💚💚💚
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volaenii · 1 year
| Trigun Stampede Episode 6 Ramble
Before writing this whole thing I’m about to go on, I just want to say that i will be talking about major trimax spoilers, specifically for volume 10 as well as spoilers for tristamp (obviously)! so if you haven’t read trimax, maybe skip this post! Anyways, onto the ramble!
I’ve had this thought for a while now — since I’ve first watch stampede — but I’m dumb and don’t know how to out my thoughts into words. Along with this, I’m sure there are others who have made posts talking about this exact thing but I don’t care, I just want to brainrot and cry over this.
So, episode 6 of tristamp — “Once Upon a Time in Hopeland” — is the episode in which we as the audience are finally given a glimpse into Wolfwood and Livio’s childhood at the orphanage. And immediately, something stands out about this entire scene — the artstyle changes.
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Instead of the typical CG/3D models that we the audience are used to, we are given this sketchy, simplistic, 2D animation style instead — almost similar to that of which you’d find in a children’s book. This of course, is completely different in comparison to what Tristamp had shown us previously. All the other flashbacks we had been shown thus far had still been rendered in CG. But this. This scene in particular is the only one with this art style. With that being said, it’s safe to assume that Studio Orange did this with the specific purpose of making this scene feel special and distinct. To make it stand out and to signal it’s importance.
Now, with that being said, why would studio orange go out of there way to make a distinct artistic style just for this moment? Not to mention, why make it only geared towards Wolfwood and Livio? Well… I think studio orange is going to use it in relation to Wolfwoods death.
Like, okay hear me out, I’ve seen some people say that there worried wolfwood won’t die next season (for whatever reason) but like THE DEATH FLAGS ARE ALREADY THERE!
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But anyways, back on topic. I think they’ll use this 2D artstyle in a way to make wolfwoods death hit like a fucking train. Like… after rewatching tristamp for the second time, I couldn’t help but feeling like this whole artstyle choice is going to bite us in the ass later.
Like…y’all… I can see the fucking confetti falling in this artstyle…
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Now, this last segment of this ramble is just gonna be me speaking in “what if’s” and just spewing out made up scenes based on this idea since obviously we have no clue what studio orange plans on doing. But anyways, here it goes.
So like…imagine studio orange finally adapting the couch scene, with Vash and Wolfwood having their last drink. Now obviously, the scene would prolly go similarly to the manga, with Wolfwood saying that he’s sorry for saying his smiles were empty and vash telling him to not say stupid things. Cue in the confetti beginning to fall, and in Wolfwoods perspective it shifts art style. And to make it even more fucked up, they could do the thing were it flashes between this and then back to the normal CG models; between Wolfwoods contentment of his death and being at peace with it — depicted like a children book — versus the CG — the true reality of it… the one vash is experiencing as he begs god for just one thing.
On a side note, I’m so so so fucking scared and excited for what Orange has in store, considering the fact that they’ve already paralleled the one fucking confetti frame from the manga (which I will not show cuz I cant look at those panels but if you know, you know) and like, I don’t know, I think I’m just gonna be a mess when that arc gets adapted.
Take these screenshots as a gift! 💕
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Thanks for reading my dumb thoughts!
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Mistletoe Mischief
summary: Vash the Stampede enjoys a moment with his s/o. And it just so happens to be Christmas. With Wolfwood making it a bit more festive.
Characters: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, OC
Content: romance, mention of violence, alcohol, smoking
The whole little town was decked out in one form or another for the festive holiday. Which meant a lot of happy laughter and rowdy bar patrons. Vash the Stampede enjoying the party at the saloon with the insurance girls and Wolfwood as well as his girlfriend. Retha making sure the group didn't get too rowdy or drunk on the offerings of the bar. While the music was of old Christmas carols as well as some smooth jazz. The hours spent with good memories and good moments between friends and a few kind strangers.
Wolfwood had just walked out of the saloon to light up a smoke. Where he looked up to see a sprig of mistletoe. His smile full of mischief as he inhaled on his cigarette. But soon he turned to notice that Retha had come looking for him. Her smile bright as she soon stood beside him. "Figures you'd take a moment to inhale more coffin nails. Seriously, Nicholas. I really would appreciate if you cut back on those things. Maybe think about it for the New Year?"
Wolfwood openly chuckled to breathe out the fogged smoke and shake his head at Retha. "These are one of the few reasons I haven't hanged your lover from the highest cliff. Or you for that matter. But I can think about it." Wolfwood takes another drag from his cigarette to then look up to the night sky. "Wish I could have been back home for Christmas. But maybe next year we can all visit the orphanage and help out for a week or two. Be that as it may. I would like to see to a holiday tradition. If you are up for it?"
Retha looked at Wolfwood with confusion. So he pointed up above his head to indicate the mistletoe. Which has Retha see it and blush. Her smile full of good humor to laugh and shake her head. "Honestly. You would want to make Vash crawl up the walls with jealousy. One of these days Vash is going to kneecap you for these kinds of stunts. And I will load the gun for him."
Wolfwood grinned before snubbing out his cigarette. Turning to fully face Retha and raise an eyebrow at her. "But you didn't tell me no. So should I keep my hopes up? Or light up again and get a blindfold?" Retha stepped forward to wrap her arms around Wolfwood and give him a deep kiss. Which he returned with gentle affection. The two soon breathless and grinning when they stepped back. Wolfwood soon lifted his hand to rub his thumb to Retha's nose. An old gesture as she wrinkled said nose at him. "Thanks for putting up with me, Retha."
Retha then turned Wolfwood around to lightly shove him back into the saloon. Which he laughed at to then go and get Vash to bring out to meet Retha outside. Which Vash was asking about and stopped mid sentence. His gaze going to Retha and how she had take those scant few seconds to wrap a red bow around her neck. Which Vash blushed at for Wolfwood to then point to the mistletoe. Which had Vash blush even harder before Wolfwood walked back into the saloon to leave them alone. So Retha held her arms open for Vash to step over and wrap his arms around her. His smile so full of love and joy when he lifted Retha off her feet. They spun in a circle once before Vash set her back onto her feet and gaze at her. His lips soon stealing her breath away with one deep kiss after the next. Until the two of them were gasping for air before Vash rested his forehead to hers and grinned. "My best gift of all time. I love you, sunbeam."
Retha hummed to rub noses with Vash. Her words so full of love and joy in turn as she wraped her fingers into his coat in the back. "Merry Christmas, Vash."
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