Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Azusa Route ー Chapter 3
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ー The scene starts on one of the side streets
Azusa: ...Things seem really lively...over on the other side.
Yui: You’re right...I wonder if there’s some sort of event going on?
( Hmm, I’m a little curious, but returning to the castle is more important right now, huh...? )
???: Young lady, do you have a spare minute?
Yui: Eh...?
???: I’m talking to you.
Yui: ( He suddenly reached out for me but...Who is this person...? )
???: Yes, exactly. You.
Yui: ( It doesn’t seem like he’ll suddenly jump me...? )
Azusa: ...Eve, do you know this guy...? 
Yui: No...
Azusa: ...Stay behind me, okay...?
Yui: G-Gotcha...
Azusa: ...What do you need from her?
???: Oh come on, no need to get so defensive.
I promise I’m not a threat in the slightest. I’m just a passerby fortune teller.
Fortune teller: I figured I would read her fortune.
Yui: My fortune...?
Azusa: ...
Yui: Azusa-kun...?
Azusa: Eve...Let’s go. This person is suspicious...
Fortune teller: Those words sting a little.
Azusa: I mean...A normal Vampire would never...
Reach out to a human such as Eve like this, would he...?
Yui: Ah...
( Right...He does have a point. All the Vampires I’ve run into so far. )
( Every single one of them reacted to my blood...So it might be a little unnatural for him. )
( To casually strike up a conversation with me like this. )
...It really is strange, huh?
Azusa: ...Hey, Eve, let’s go?
Yui: Yeah.
ー The two of them walk away
Fortune teller: ...Aah, won’t you please wait?
ー He grabs hold of Yui’s hand
Yui: Eh...!?
( He’s tugging onto my arm...!? )
Azusa: Yui-san...!?
Fortune teller: I want to read your palm.
Yui: My...palm, you say?
Fortune teller: Yes. Now, show it to me.
*Rustle rustle*
Fortune teller: ...Oh? It seems like you’ve injured your hand.
Yui: ( Ah...From earlier... )
Fortune teller: Can I remove this handkerchief?
Yui: ( ...He’s staring intently at my palm...I wonder if he’ll actually predict my fortune...? )
Fortune teller: ...I’ve seen your fortune.
Yui: Eh...?
Fortune teller: ...There’s a line (1) which reads that you will find what you’ve been looking for.
Yui: I’ll find...what I’ve been looking for...?
( I wonder what that means...? )
Azusa: ...Eve!
Yui: Azusa-kun...!?
Azusa: Stay behind me...
Yui: ( Eh...!? Why did he pull out a knife...!? )
Azusa: ...Get away from her.
Yui: You can’t do this, Azusa-kun! It’s dangerous to pull out a weapon like that!
Azusa: ...Don’t worry...I promised that...I would protect you, right? 
So...Get your hands off my Eve.
Fortune teller: ...Heh.
You’re really putting me on the spot with that cold glare.
I genuinely just wanted to read her fortune without any ulterior motives, so please rest assured.
Well then, I suppose I shall back off now.
ー The fortune teller starts stepping away
Fortune teller: Aah...Right.
The spa here in the Demon World should help against your injury. ...Go and give a visit if you’d like.
While everyone is busy enjoying the Carnival, I’m sure it’ll be deserted.
It should be the safest place in the whole Demon World.
ー He leaves
Yui: ...
Azusa: ...Nn.
Yui: I-I wonder what that guy’s deal was...?
Azusa: I don’t really understand myself either but...Are you okay, Yui-san?
He didn’t do anything weird to you, right...?
Yui: Yeah, I’m fine.
Thank you for saving me earlier...
Ah...You’ve got a small cut on your hand...
( I wonder if he cut himself when he pulled out the knife earlier...? )
You got hurt because of me, huh? ...I’m sorry.
Azusa: ...I’m fine. I’m a Vampire after all...
I don’t care as long as you’re safe and well.
Yui: But...Please don’t be so reckless again, okay...?
Just like how you’re worried about me...
I’m also concerned about you.
Azusa: Yui-san...Yeah.
Yui: Right, why don’t we try visiting this spa mentioned by the fortune teller earlier?
It might actually be free of risk right now...
Azusa: ...You’re going to listen to him...?
Yui: I just figured it is worth the shot if it’ll help heal my injury.
Azusa: ...
Yui: Besides...You’re hurt now as well...Why don’t we go take a look...?
Azusa: ...If you say so...
Yui: ( Thank god...! )
Well then...The spa is...
Azusa: ...I believe it’s over at the sky terrace...
Yui: Eh? I see!
Azusa: Yeah...Eve, let’s hurry...
Yui: Y-Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to the sky terrace
Yui: ( We made it to the sky terrace but... )
( I wonder where the spa in question is...? )
( Huh? What is Azusa-kun looking at? )
Azusa-kun, what’s wrong?
Azusa: Ah, Eve...The spa is on the rooftop it seems...
Yui: Ah, you’re right! It’s written over here.
Azusa: Let’s go...
Yui: ( A spa in the Demon World, huh...? I wonder what it’s like? )
ー The scene shifts to the spa area
Yui: Waah...! So this is the resort.
Azusa: ...It’s my first time here as well...
Yui: There really doesn’t seem to be anyone around...I wonder if it’s always like this?
Azusa: ...Ruki said that...Usually it’s much more lively...
Yui: I see.
( The combination of a hot tub and Vampires is kind of strange... )
Azusa: ...Eve? What’s wrong...?
Yui: Ah, s-sorry! It’s nothing!
Azusa: ...Is that so? Okay then...
Yui: ( ...Putting that aside. )
( I didn’t think I’d be going to the hot springs in the Demon World. )
Well, see you in a bit then, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: Eh...? Why...?
We’re not entering the bath together...?
Yui: Eh!?
Azusa: Why do you seem so surprised...?
Yui: I-I mean...!? Taking a bath together is obviously out of the question!?
Azusa: ...Why not? You don’t...like spending time with me...?
Yui: T-That’s not the problem...!
Azusa: ...? Then why...?
Yui: W-Well, it’s embarrassing...
Azusa: Embarrassing...?
Yui: Yeah...
Azusa: Because I’m with you...?
Yui: Mmh...
Azusa: ...
...I’ll be watching you from over there then.
So you can get in the tub alone, okay...?
Yui: Eh...?
( Basically I’ll go in while he’s watching me from the sidelines!? )
( That’s honestly even more embarrassing... )
Um, I don’t want that either...I guess.
Azusa: ...
We can’t enjoy the hot springs together. Nor do you want to get in alone...
Yui: ( Oh no, I’m troubling him, huh...? )
( But I can’t get in together. )
Azusa: ?
Yui: Azusa-kun, what’s wrong?
Azusa: ...
Together’s a no, and you don’t want to get in the tub alone either...So then I’ll just bathe by myself...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Wah! He started stripping out of his clothes...! )
( W-What now...!? )
I-I’ll go over there, okay!? 
Azusa: Ah, Yui-san...
Yui: !?
ー She suddenly trips
Yui: ( Kyah! My foot slipped...! )
Yui: ...
Azusa: ...Are you okay, Eve?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Azusa: Fufu, then...
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Yui: ( Oh no...! How did things turn out like this...A-Azusa-kun’s right behind me...! )
Azusa: ...
Yui: ( Uu, this really is embarrassing...! )
Azusa: You’ve been facing down this whole time...Has the hot water already gotten to you perhaps...? (2)
Yui: That’s not it but...How to put this...It’s embarrassing so...
Azusa: Embarrassing...? Why?
We’re the only ones here, remember...?
Yui: ( That’s...I know but...! )
Why, you ask...? I mean, I didn’t expect for the two of us...
To end up in the hot tub together like this...
Azusa: ...You don’t like bathing with me...?
Yui: Ah, I don’t dislike it, but...
Azusa: ...Really...?
Yui: Yeah...
Azusa: Then...Come a little closer...?
Yui: Wah...Azusa-kun...!
It’s dangerous to suddenly pull me close, you know?
Azusa: But...I know you won’t move my way if I don’t do this...
Yui: ( Uu... )
Yui: ( The silence only makes it even more embarrassing... )
( Right! I should strike up a conversation...! )
→ I’m curious about something (☾)
Yui: ( I should probably inform Azusa-kun... )
About the thing I noticed while he was changing earlier... )
Um, Azusa-kun. There’s this thing I’ve been curious about...
Azusa: ...Eh?
→ Keep quiet after all
Yui: ( ...What should I say? )
( Guess I’ll keep quiet after all... )
Azusa: ...Yui-san, you’ve gone silent again...
Do you hate doing this with me after all...?
Yui: ( Ah...I made him pull a sad face again... )
Ah...Um...Right! There’s something I’m curious about...
Azusa: Curious...?
Yui: I realized just now but...
Yui: Look...The cut on the inside of my palm has disappeared...
Azusa: Eh? ...Let me see for a second...
Yui: Sure...
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Azusa: ...You’re right...
Yui: Told you...? I was surprised to find out it had suddenly disappeared...
Do you know how?
Azusa: ...
...You’re right, it healed too quickly...
Yui: Could it be...The fortune teller from earlier?
Perhaps he did something when he touched my hand to look at it...?
Azusa: ...
...Say, instead of thinking about that right now...
We’re finally taking a bath together...So I’d love to do something...
Yui: Eh...!? A-And what would that something be...?
Azusa: Hmー ...Perhaps we could compete to see...Who can endure the hot water the longest? 
Yui: Ah...That’s what you meant...
( He suddenly said something weird like that, so it startled me... )
Azusa: What’s wrong, Eve...? You’re blushing...?
Yui: Eh!? Ah, no! It’s nothing!
Azusa: Fufu...Silly Eve~
Yui: But on the topic of bathing, I’m actually the type to soak for quite some time.
I won’t lose to you!
Azusa: ...I’m good at enduring as well...So I’ll try my best.
Yui: A...Azusa-kun...
Azusa: ...What’s wrong?
Yui: You’re still fine...?
Azusa: Yeah...
Yui: ( Wow...Quite some time has passed since as well...! )
Azusa-kun...That’s amazing...
Azusa: Is it...? I figured this much was normal...
Yui: ( It definitely isn’t...! )
Azusa: Ah...But...I’ve gotten scolded by Ruki before.
For taking too long in the bathroom...
Yui: Is that so?
Azusa: Yeah...Also...I’ve competed with Kou and Yuma as well.
Those times I had the best record as well, I believe...
Yui: Amazing...
I always thought I took long baths as well.
But compared to you, I still have a long way to go.
I think I’ll get out for a bit.
What will you do?
Azusa: I’ll...stay in the water a little longer, I suppose...
I’m feeling warm and cozy...
Yui: R-Really...?
Azusa: I feel a little lightheaded as well.
Yui: ...Eh!?
( When he said he feels lightheaded just now... )
( Does that perhaps mean...? )
You can’t, Azusa-kun! Get out right now!
Azusa: Eh? ...But why...? This is where the real fun always starts...?
Yui: Always!?
( So he always continues to sit in the tub while dizzy...!? )
Azusa-kun, that’s happening because you soaked for too long! You have to get out soon or...!
Azusa: It’s okay, Eve...Don’t woーー
Yui: Azusa-kun!?
Azusa: ...Uu...
Yui: Kyah...! Azusa-kun, everything alright!? Azusa-kun...!!
Translation notes
(1) The term 相 or ‘sou’ in fortune telling means a ‘seeming’. However, since he was reading her palm, I translated it as ‘line’ since they usually rely on the lines on your hand for this type of fortune telling.
(2) Since Japanese love taking extremely hot baths (even outside of hot spring culture), they have one verb for ‘to grow dizzy due to bathing in hot water for too long’, being のぼせる or ‘noboseru’. 
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