vivian-ambrose · 2 years
Where: The Market Square, Stalls Who: Anyone, @vievecorcitystarters​
Vivian had almost been dreading another event, still mentally on the mend from the last one.  She knew not going was not an option, so the blonde decided she’d bring Frankie along with her for comfort. He seemed to be enjoying all the attention as the two perused the different stalls, which elevated her mood significantly. As the vampire stopped to get her and her furry date a snack, she hadn’t even realized Frankie’s leash had slipped out of her hand until it was too late. “Frankie,” she called out, in mild panic. He was normally the most well-behaved pup,  but he was no stranger to chaos. 
Eventually, she spotted him at a nearby bench, charging up to him in relief. “Frank Einstein Ambrose!” she called out to him in her sternest mom’s voice, the recent purchases jumbling in the plastic bag as she approached. “You are in big trouble, mister,” she added, before rounding a tree that had been blocking her view of the other side of the bench. “Oh, uh… hey,” she added with embarrassment as she was caught off guard by the person Frankie had been bothering for pets. .
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makena-harris · 2 years
festivities | open starter
Makena had jumped at the chance to set up shop at the market that the deities planned for the supernatural community over Christmas. Taking one unit for herself, she decorated it with all sorts of traditional Christmas flora and offered custom bouquets, wreaths and potted plants for purchase. Her rainbow python, Morgana, was currently coiled on a stand that sat beneath a heater, reptilian eyes shifting to watch people pass by.
“Hi,” the witch called out to someone who caught her eye. “Fancy some flowers? Or perhaps you’d like to take this mistletoe and hang it somewhere fun,” Makena grinned. The deities had neglected to put any of these up around the party grounds which seemed like a huge miss on their part.
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chris-elkar · 2 years
Despite her earlier anxieties about coming tonight, Viv was actually beginning to have a good time. Frankie was definitely having a good time as he was met with endless pets and coos, living for all of the attention. “Don’t let this all go to your head now,” Viv playfully warned as she continued to explore the various attractions. The vampire purchased a few trinkets along the way,  that she’d found cool, one of which was a perfume that hid her vampire scent. Excited to continue perusing the stalls, Viv looked up to see a familiar not too far away.  “Frankie, look whose here!” Viv called down to entice some excitement from the Beagle. It didn’t take much as Frankie’s tail began to wag happily, jumping up to greet Chris. “Wello to you too, handsome. How’s it going?”
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“Hey there king francis.” Chris leaned down to scratch behind his ears, leaning his head away to avoid getting dog slobber all over his face. He’d started sometimes calling Frankie random variation on his name, so far the longest was frankie-doodle-dandy. After one last ear ruffle, he stood up and leaned his head against Viv’s shoulder as a greeting. “Merry Christmas Viv.” He shrugged. “I think one of the spells floating around is rubbing me the wrong way, but I’m good. Looks like you’ve gotten your shopping done. How many treats has this guy suckered out of people?” He gave Frankie a gentle nudge with the side of his leg.
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vievecorcityevents · 2 years
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The VIEVECOR CITY GAZETTE (VCG) is Vievecor City’s supernaturals-only news bulletin. It is a publication that has been magically tailored by the city’s techno-pagans to keep the supernatural population of Vievecor City up to date with what is going on in the city. These publications are usually sent out at the beginning of each month in the form of highly encrypted e-mail blasts that will be automatically deleted from an inbox after 48hours.
The gazette would like to congratulate the deities on a successful Christmas event that sent the community into the next year with heralds of peace and tranquility. Here’s to a more harmonious 2023. 
Isabelle Laurent’s new role of Council representative has been doing good for interspecies relations. The number of vampire sightings across the island have decreased significantly and the supernatural community would like to thank Laurent and the Sisters of the Night for their hard work.
In accordance with the Lunar Calendar, the werewolves of Vievecor City will be organising this year’s Lunar New Year celebrations that will take place towards the end of the month. All supernaturals are invited to take part and ring in the Lunar New Year together. More details to come!
This month’s full moon will be at its peak on the night of January 6th. It will last for three nights and the Lycaon pack has opened the forests of Chissob Hills to all other packs and wolves who need space to run. All other species are encouraged to avoid the Chissob Hills forests at this time.
While tensions between the different supernatural species have seemingly ebbed in the last month, there are still pockets of vampires and werewolves who bear a grudge. What is being printed in the VCG does not necessarily align with what is happening in the city and a number of vampires and wolves have decided to leave Vievecor City entirely. These vampires have made their displeasure known to vampire elders Isabelle Laurent and Leon Blachedone; and these werewolves have made theirs known to werewolf elders Caleb Lycaon and Esmeralda Bheriya.
There have been more whisperings about the case of Nihira Bheriya, the werewolf who was sent to Zamok for killing a vampire at last year’s Spirit Party. The human who tipped off the Police Department was caught just before the new year, but the authorities and species elders have been keeping this a secret from the community at large. After interrogating this human, it was found that he was contacted on the internet and paid by an anonymous person to do the deed, meaning that the true culprit is still out there. While this culprit has yet to be identified, more rumours have been swirling that the person who compelled Nihira is a dark witch. But what is really surprising is that this dark witch was also hired by someone else to do the deed and no one knows who this one mastermind might be. Word on the street is that this dark witch is still hiding somewhere in Vievecor City.
OOC: The ‘Rumour Has It...’ section is not printed in the VCG and is additional information that is being talked about amongst the supernatural community.
Players are welcome to use all the information in this post to inform their coming threads. Have fun!
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matthew-alexander · 2 years
grumpus | luke & matthew
for: @lucasxholt​​ location: the market square
Christmas time was particularly frustrating time for Matthew this year. The annual celebration being a deity run event was already more than enough reason for his sour mood, that coupled with his mood in recent months and the uneasy feeling of being in the Sacred Glen had the fallen deity standing next to antique carousel with a thunderous look on his face. He was waiting for Luke to turn up and shot him yet another text to ask him where he was.
“Took you long enough,” he held up a cup of piping hot coffee towards Luke, not caring how annoyed he sounded because the man should be used to Matthew’s moods by now.
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eremington · 2 years
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Eli’s sweater for the christmas event. Kind of boring, but it’s festive.
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naz-ulusoy · 2 years
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Naz’s Christmas Sweater  
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esmeraldabheriya · 2 years
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Esme’s Christmas Sweater
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eduardofaukes · 2 years
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Eduardo’s Christmas Jumper
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daphnemontagu · 2 years
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Daphne’s Christmas Outfit
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mercyedwards · 2 years
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Mercy’s Christmas Sweater
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vivian-ambrose · 2 years
Instagram: dr_vivie has posted a new photo
dr_vivie: Someone is not happy about his Christmas costume, but knows it’s gonna get him all the pets at the Market Square. Happy Holidays from the Ambroses! <3
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hemi-tekoha · 2 years
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Hemi’s Christmas Sweater
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chris-elkar · 2 years
“Hi,” Augustine mumbled back softly, surprised and somewhat nervous about running into Chris. The vampire had seemed quite nice well.. for a vampire… when they met. Enough so that Augustine had felt protective of him when they had ended up in the dungeons at Halloween. That alone had been enough Augustine knew to know he hardly saw Chris as a threat if he was honest… But after the attack things had been hard. He still felt the urge to growl around any vampire he crossed paths with, and honestly wasn’t sure he would feel comfortable one on one with one for some time. It was tough. But as unexpected as Chris’ visit had been post attack— and arguably dumb on the vampire’s part… he still knew he had been out of line himself. Scared. On edge still and also quite weak.
Regardless… he probably owed Chris an apology.
“How’s… work?”
Chris unconsciously leaned a little bit further into the wall next to him. He’d talked with a few people after their altercation and realized that he should have waited until more time had passed or tried to just text Augustine instead of going to check on him in person. But he still felt kind of hurt by the whole getting thrown against a wall and being told he didn’t actually care about anyone thing. “Uh mostly ok. Matthew’s been a bit on edge, but I’ve dealt with that kind of stuff before.” It felt awkward to be making small talk when he didn’t know where they stood. The fact that Augustine was the one who had approached him had to be a good sign, right? “How have you been since... everything happened?”
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vievecorcityevents · 2 years
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As the sun rises into the sky on the morning of December 26th, Vievecor City’s Christmas Event begins to wind down to a close. Guests have already begun to make their way home from the Sacred Glen and leave Holy Island however they wish.
The general consensus is that this event went by without any hiccups, as expected of an event run by deities, and everyone is glad that the year has ended off on a much calmer note.
Now that Christmas is over, the supernatural community have all gone off to celebrate the coming new year in their own special ways...
OOC: Vievecor City’s 2022 Christmas Event is officially OVER!
Players should not be starting any new threads pertaining to this event but are more than welcome to use the information in this thread to start anything in the aftermath of what happened. The next Vievecor City Gazette will be posted in the new year!
If anyone has any suggestions or feedback for this event, please feel free to shoot the main a message as we are always looking for ways to improve! 😊
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makena-harris · 2 years
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Makena’s Christmas Sweater
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