#venom was awesome and didn't need to be absorbed into the mcu for it to happen.
So I watched ScreenJunkies honest trailer for Venom and it was cool. They threw in a little Symbrock, commented on that wig, and poked fun at the tumblr mess. I dug it. But the thing that made me start praise shuffling was when Epic Voice Guy said:
"Enjoy a comicbook film that isn't bogged down by 20 other episodes like the MCU--"
Y'all. ... ... Y'ALLLLLLL
Ok listen. I still enjoy my Tony (Bucky and winteriron) stuff and, unless the trailer absolutely blows, I'll be seeing BP2 whenever they make and release it... but I am SO. DONE. with this neverending series. It was fun. . . until it wasn't. Like these last few movies got watched for the sake of needing to finish the shit and maybe for niptpicking? For the sake of wanting to be there to witness the koolaid running out? Idk. I'm just not enjoying it any more.
I have this issue with lengthy series in general though. If it's a tv show, I can't binge it "properly" because after like 4 episodes I'm no longer watching for enjoyment or plot or even interest. I'm just watching to get done. So I'll only do a few episodes at a time. And if that show has more than 5 seasons? Pffffft never again. I went beyond that threshold with one show and all that happened is that I began to hate the shit with a passion.
I fucked up with a book series like that too. Read the first few books and was good. Crammed like 6 (which meant I'd read 9 in total) over the course of 4 days?? Fuck the main character, fuck the side characters, fuck the pitiful excuse of a "plot." The only character I remember liking was the mofo that didn't show up again after like book 3.
I thought with MCU being movies (and I didn't watch much of the shows) that they'd be spaced apart enough... Nope! Add in the hyper criticism that anything else that's almost a comicbook movie gets because it "needs to be like the mcu" or " is trying to be like the mcu" and I'm beyond... like just BEYOND!!!!!
Take the trailer for movie number 23? 22? What the hell number is the next big team up? It was edited like they meant for that shit to be moving and poignant and I just don't...care. I kept waiting to, I even watched it a second time and felt nothing. Not. A. Thing. I have a hard time remembering when I even LIKED most of these characters, so forget trying to find it in myself to care about whatever angst they're supposed to be going through. They only let like 2 characters emote anyway.
😞 I didn't mean to rant like this.
So yay to Honest Trailer for recognizing that "sometimes it's fun to watch a movie that's just a movie."
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