#vernon's made me UNWELL LOOK AT HIM
jeongtokkie · 2 years
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2019 | seventeen x dispatch - hiphop ver.
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seungkwansphd · 2 years
i think i need to shoot you
pairing: jeonghan x reader wordcount: 6.2k summary: so you’ve figured out how to get along with jeonghan. so what?! everyone at the office doesn’t need to know. it only gets in the way of life occasionally and it’s not that bad, right? genre/themes: fluff, smut, secret relationship at work, rivals to lovers (kinda), maybe some angst? basically i love jeonghan & yn and just want them to be kinda bickering but happy.
a/n: this is the pt2 to we get along infamously. i found it a little challenging to keep their tension, so i hope it was worth the wait and that y’all love it too :)
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    You chewed on the inside of your lip as you stared what you hoped looked like daggers at Jeonghan. He was wearing the black button down that you had gifted him last week and you were imagining how efficiently you could take it off of him, but you were also at the office so that was a nonstarter. Grumbling, you turned reluctantly to your monitor and tapped angrily at the keys.
“You okay?” your coworker, Vernon, looked at you with slight concern.
“I’m great,” you smiled at him with just your teeth and he shook his head at you, amused.
“I actually thought you and Jeonghan were getting along better lately, but I guess I was wrong,” Vernon mused.
“Vernon…I need you to know that I would never,” you placed your hand on your chest, acting aghast. “To my last breath I will curse his name.” You wondered if you were overdoing it, but Vernon didn’t seem the type to notice.
    Jeonghan looked down to hide his smile as he listened to you pretend to dislike him. It should probably bother him more, but you were going about it in such an obtuse way that he found it terribly endearing. He’d never let you know, though. No, it was much more fun to tease you about it later.
[redacted]: ‘are you hungry? should i grab you lunch while i’m out for my client meeting?’
[yn]: ‘plz & ty!! where are you going?’
[redacted]: ‘i’ll send you a link to the menu, just lmk’
    You did a little happy dance in your chair as you peered at the menu on your phone screen and made your choice. You eyed Jeonghan surreptitiously as he left for his meeting, you really had done a good job with the shirt.
“Should we grab lunch? I don’t have another call for an hour,” Vernon turned to you.
“Oh, I-, uh,” your brain stalled as you tried to think of a reasonable response. “I’m not hungry. My mom’s bringing me lunch,” you malfunctioned slightly. “I mean my stomach hurts so my mom is bringing me soup.”
“Oh…that’s nice of her,” he replied, but you could clearly tell he found your response odd. He didn’t press, though, and simply left to find some lunch for himself. Once he was out of sight, you rushed to text Jeonghan again.
[yn]: ‘nevermind, please bring me some soup instead’
“Clam chowder?” Vernon did a double take when he saw the soup container on your desk. “Is that helpful for your stomach?”
“Mhm,” you had to answer simply to prevent yourself from bursting out laughing. At this rate, Vernon was going to report you to HR for being unwell.
“How did your client meeting go?” you asked Jeonghan as you chopped up onions.
“Good! They said they’re happy with the progress and are considering bringing a second project to us too,” he smiled, pulling pork out of the fridge. He set it down for you and moved to boil noodles for the night’s jjajangmyeon.
“That’s so good, Hannie!” you beamed at him.
“Hn,” he nodded. “Did you enjoy your soup?”
“No,” you groaned, “I panicked when Vernon asked about lunch so I told him my mom was bringing me soup,” you laughed, still embarrassed at your inability to think on your feet.
Jeonghan burst out laughing as he finally made sense of your weird lunch order. “I see,” he nodded slowly, “I guess that’s the downside of people at work not knowing, huh?”
“Yeah,” you pursed your lips as you fried the black bean sauce in oil.
  Jeonghan watched as you thought, trying to read your expression. He was ready, at any time, to go to Minghao and find out what paperwork he needed to file. You weren’t quite there, but that was okay. He could be patient. You were worth the wait.
“Mm, I overheard something interesting today,” Jeonghan remarked as he helped carry dishes to the sink.
“What’s that?”
“This developer was telling Vernon how she would curse my name until her last breath or something like that?” he raised one eyebrow at you as he caged you in against the countertop with his arms.
“Oh th-that’s crazy,” you stuttered, flushing at his hungry gaze.
“Especially because I really haven’t given you anything to curse about,” he leaned forward, breath tickling your ear, “Not yet at least.”
“Oh?” you squeaked, “Please elaborate,” you tugged at his shirt eagerly.
“With pleasure,” he laughed, grasping you just under the jaw to pull you into a kiss before popping you up onto the kitchen countertop. “Just so you know, you’re in for a long night.”
“Well fuck,” you weren’t able to stop yourself from cursing.
  Jeonghan ran his fingers up your inner thigh, the material of your leggings dragging just slightly at his touch. He pressed two fingers against your clit as his other hand held you open to his firm and direct pressure.
“Jeonghan!” you gasped, head falling back, hair spreading across the kitchen countertop.
“That’s good, I want you to be loud tonight. If you’re going to curse my name, I want you to mean it,” his lips curled up as he worked his fingertips, pressing circles into you at a medium pace. He could feel you soaking through the fabric of your leggings, which always spurred him on.
“Hannie,” you squirmed against the countertop, simultaneously overwhelmed and wanting more. You clutched at his wrist, but he didn’t relent until you were frustratingly close.
“Stay put,” Jeonghan ordered before wandering off. You wondered what fresh hell this would be as you waited. “Is this okay?” he asked when he popped back in, a blindfold dangling off of his index finger.
“...yes,” you nodded after blinking a few times. Jeonghan asked you to get undressed before sliding the blindfold over your eyes gently.
“Okay?” his gentle voice asked, to which you nodded. “Good.”
    He guided you into the bedroom, laying you back gently on the bed. The cool air pebbled your nipples and the deprivation of sight made your pulse race. Jeonghan watched intently as your fingers spread across the covers, orienting yourself. He stepped out of the bedroom again as inspiration struck and you laid on the bed, listening to him shuffle around. He returned shortly and trailed the fingertips of his left hand across your skin. The pressure was quite light, almost ticklish, and made you squirm under him. If you could’ve seen him, you would’ve seen a look of pure adoration as he watched the way your muscles jumped and twitched at his touch. He almost felt bad when he lowered the ice cube against your nipple. Almost.
“Hannie!” you jolted, almost sitting upright as you registered the freezing sensation. “Fuck!” your whole body clenched, hands gripping the comforter. Jeonghan grinned, holding the ice against you for just a few more seconds before pulling back.
“Mm, you seem to like that,” Jeonghan’s brows raised, seeing the way you were glistening.
    You nodded, ears tuned in, trying to follow his movements around the room. Somehow knowing what he had at his disposal made the anticipation even more blissfully agonizing. You gulped audibly when you heard a now familiar buzzing kick on.
“Hannie, I’m sorry I said what I said!” you groaned, cursing your past self, knowing his penchant for torture.
“Are you tapping out?” Jeonghan asked, unable to read you properly with the blindfold on.
“...no,” you whispered sheepishly. It was a fine line between pain and pleasure and Jeonghan had such a skill at walking it.
“That’s my girl,” he patted your cheek condescendingly before he placed the vibrator just off-center, lengthwise against you. Your strangled cries and the way your hips hitched stroked his ego like nothing else he could even imagine. He continued, alternating between ice cube and vibrator, until you were begging desperately.
“Hannie, please,” you cried.
“Jeonghan, please!” you repeated yourself, eyes squeezed shut behind the blindfold.
“Go ahead,” he nodded, bringing the toy to sit squarely against your now swollen clit. You let out a loud sob as your body shuddered and an orgasm rolled through you. “Another,” he insisted, keeping the toy planted as you continued to squirm. “Han, Han, Hannie!” you gasped, clutching his forearm desperately as another and another rolled over you mercilessly.
“Louder. I don’t think we’re done until you run out of breath,” Jeonghan snickered at you. 
“Hannie, I can’t, no more!!” you eventually squealed, tapping insistently at his forearm with two fingers. Jeonghan nodded, recognizing your signal for release, and pulled away. He pulled off the blindfold and gathered you into his arms, spooning you from behind, and stroking your hair reassuringly.
“So good, so good. Thank you for indulging me,” he murmured appreciatively against the top of your head. You relaxed, melting into him and beaming under his praise. You adored the way he took such care of you.
“What about you?” you asked, turning your face towards him and rolling your hips gently against him.
“Are you sure you’re up for it?” he asked, knowing he had already asked for a lot.
“Mhm!” you nodded, “But maybe instead of fucking the living shit out of me, you could be a little gentler?”
“Of course. I’m multi talented after all,” he laughed. You rolled your eyes at him as he ground himself against you. He finished undressing and pulled your back against his chest before sliding into you.
“I don’t think anything beats having you inside of me,” you sighed dreamily, twining your fingers with his as you pushed back against him.
“You’re such an angel at times,” Jeonghan remarked at the way you were able to work him up so easily. With one arm wrapped around your waist, he stroked into you, deep but at a leisurely pace. The way you wrapped around him made his brain feel like a melted slushee in the best way. “Fucking christ,” he cursed, arm tightening around you.
“So good, so good,” you moaned appreciatively, “Will you cum in me?”
“I can indulge you in that,” Jeonghan chuckled, trying to stay composed, but his voice cracked slightly which ruined the effect just a bit.
“Fill me up,” you begged, “Deep inside of me,” you babbled, not really caring what kind of embarrassing shit came out of your mouth as long as you got what you wanted.
“You-, you’re-, fuck,” Jeonghan tried and failed to reprimand you before his hips bucked, shooting his load deep inside of you. You giggled, always proud when you were able to make him the one at a loss for words. He clicked his tongue at you weakly, more than spent.
    You blinked slowly, trying to mentally orient yourself as you woke up. That’s right, you had stayed the night with Jeonghan, which was why everything seemed out of place. Turning, you couldn’t help but grin as you saw him, still asleep to your side. He was drooling slightly, his hair was defying the laws of gravity, and you weren’t sure if he’d ever looked cuter than this. Glancing at the clock, you let him continue to sleep for as long as time would allow.
    The pair of you moved through the morning with ease. Brushing your teeth side by side in the mirror, making coffee, and helping him pick out a shirt. It was a good thing you liked him so much, otherwise it would’ve been sickening.
“You’re really not going to eat?” Jeonghan looked at you, almost horrified.
“I don’t usually get hungry until later!” you waved at him, sipping your coffee.
“You should eat,” he grumbled, but dropped the subject for now. Grabbing his plate, he sat down next to you, tugging your chair towards him. Grinning, you hooked your right leg over his left, enjoying the closeness. The morning had passed quickly, but you had to admit it was nice to start the day with Jeonghan.
“Do you want to go to happy hour?” Jeonghan asked you as you walked towards the office building together.
“I was planning to, unless you had other thoughts?” you nodded.
“No, just curious,” he shook his head, “Do you want me to fall back a bit so we can walk in separately?” he offered, eyes scanning the area for coworkers.
“That’s okay,” you shook your head , “We can say we ran into each other on the sidewalk.”
“Okay,” he smiled at you, maintaining a professional distance as you swiped in.
“Morning, dearly beloved!” Minghao greeted you happily when his eyes landed on you. His eyes flitted to Jeonghan before his brows lifted just slightly.
“Morning Hao,” Jeonghan waved to him before everyone piled into the elevator.
“Everyone coming to happy hour today?” Minghao asked, observing the two of you out of the side of his eye. You tolerated an atypically small distance between yourself and Jeonghan and hadn’t actively picked a fight yet. Interesting.
“Yes, you know Seungkwan will beat our asses if we don’t,” you laughed genuinely.
“This is true,” Hao nodded, “Ride over together?” he asked you as he stepped out of the elevator.
“Of course!” you nodded. You could feel Jeonghan’s eyes on you, but you resisted the instinct to turn to him as there were still others in the elevator and walked to your cubes in silence.
    A few hours into the day when you returned from a bathroom break, you spotted an out of place object on your desk. Cocking your head to the side, you realized it was an egg kimbap with a sticky note placed on it instructing you to ‘eat’.
“I’m-, are we late?” you turned to Hao with a confused expression as you walked in on an already drunk Seungkwan singing incredibly loudly.
“I-,” Hao stopped in his tracks, slightly surprised, “It’s only six thirty.”
“How long have you been here?” you turned to Hyemi.
“Since five thirty,” she flushed, “It’s been a lot.”
    Your eyes flitted to Jeonghan, who shrugged defeatedly. He sat on the couch nursing a beer while Jae and the interns talked at him about something or the other. You could tell he needed extraditing, but weren’t sure how to manage it. To top it all off, Seungkwan’s voice permeated your brain and made it even harder than normal to think through it.
“Narcissistic, my god I love it!~”
“Let’s get a drink and then figure out how to wrangle these cats,” you laughed with Minghao before searching out some soju.
“Did something happen? Or is he stressed? He is way more drunk than usual,” you whispered at Hyemi as she poured shots for you and Minghao.
“I think he’s fighting with Seyoon?” she guessed, already flushed high in her cheeks.
“Ah,” you nodded. That made a lot more sense. Sipping quietly, you took inventory of the room. Seungkwan had momentarily surrendered the mic to someone else, Jae still clung to Jeonghan like a moss to a tree, and Hyemi was…making eyes at Changkyun? From finance? “Um,” you turned to Minghao, jerking your head subtly at the pair.
“Interesting,” his eyes lit up, “Very interesting.”
    Jeonghan watched you watch the others. A big part of him wanted nothing more than to go home and take you with him, but he could already tell that you were committed to a night of being the mom friend. When your eyes finally met his briefly, his brows quirked up just slightly before anyone could notice and he delighted in the smile that lit up your face.
“Okay, everyone know how they’re getting home?” Minghao helped to herd the small crowd out of the establishment. A chorus of yeses rang out and he nodded, somewhat satisfied.
“Okay, subway gang follow me,” you announced and the interns fell in line behind you and Jeonghan like a group of ducklings. In lieu of holding hands, you hooked your pinky into his until he reached his stop.
“Yoon Jeonghan,” you held your left hand up in front of you, eyes wide and voice calm, as if you were negotiating a hostage situation. “Jeonghan, please,” you implored.
“I’m so sorry, but I think I have to shoot you,” Jeonghan grinned mischievously, his paintball gun trained carefully on you.
“I’ll make it worth your while if you don’t,” you stepped forward, tongue tracing your lips in a way that you knew your boyfriend found incredibly distracting. He didn’t shoot, so you took another step and grabbed him by the tactical vest, pulling him in. He couldn’t help it. Confused that you were doing this during work hours, his grip on his paintball gun slackened and his arm dropped, making him the perfect target for Hyemi to shoot in the back.
“You!” he pulled back, eyes narrowed accusingly at you as he touched the neon green paint dripping down his back, “Oh you’re done!” he pointed at you with a threatening chuckle before walking towards the bleachers where the other out players were.
    You laughed it off, running towards Hyemi for a victorious high-five before setting off to find your next target. You scanned the bleachers and noticed that Changkyun and Mingyu were still at large. Noted.
“How did you do that?!” Hyemi asked, high on the rush of taking down the Yoon Jeonghan. “I thought he would’ve shot you right away!”
“I have my ways,” you laughed, turning to her. “Shall we go get your man? I know you guys just recently started dating, so I don’t know if you have the stomach to betray him just yet.”
“Apparently my cat, Natto, prefers him to me, so Changkyun is dead to me as of now,” Hyemi turned to you. A laugh burst through your lips when you saw her deadly serious expression and you nodded firmly before setting off to find him.
“Okay, let’s go!” you pumped your fist, breaking into a jog through the obstacle course.
    Jeonghan fumed on the bleachers as you and Hyemi carried out your mission. He wasn’t actually mad, of course, but his competitive nature got the best of him at times. Even more than that, however, he was surprised at how attractive it was to find out that you could be just as ruthless as him when it came to games.
“Ya, Mingyu!” he gestured to one of the junior developers when he spotted him.
“Yeah?” the large man loped over.
“YN and Hyemi are going for Changkyun, so tail them. You should be able to take one or even both of them out while they’re focused on him.”
“I feel like I’m not allowed to take your tip since you’re out,” Mingyu hesitated.
“Don’t care. Do as I say,” Jeonghan waived off his concerns and pushed him towards the field.
    Mingyu shrugged and crept through the course, keeping an eye out for you and Hyemi. He ducked behind some netting when he spotted you cornering Changkyun, as Jeonghan had described. Taking aim, he fired off a shot, taking you out of the game. You shook your finger at your boyfriend as you approached him on the bleachers.
“Why do I feel like you had something to do with this?” you rounded upon him, suspicious.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked, a picture of innocence, which more or less confirmed your original thought. You reached around him to grab a bottle of water. “I’m not gonna lie, that was kind of attractive,” he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“You’re terrible,” you flushed, stepping away from him bashfully.
“Not yet, but I will be later,” he whispered under his breath, eyes full of dirty promises.
    Reminding yourself that you were at a work event, you turned away from him for fear of overheating.
“We were right not to let YN and Jeonghan be on the same team,” Vernon laughed as he grabbed a fresh water bottle. “Just separately, they’re both menaces. Can you imagine their combined powers unleashed upon us?”
“I actually think I rank YN higher on the menace list than Jeonghan right now,” another one of your teammates, Miseon responded proudly to Vernon. “She did manage to coordinate Jeonghan’s takedown, after all.”
“Yeah, how did you manage that, actually?” Vernon wondered aloud, fixing you with a confused stare. Jeonghan had been extremely well positioned before Hyemi had managed to hit him. It didn’t make a lot of sense.
“Keep underestimating me, Vern,” you crossed your arms as you looked on at the remaining players with interest, “That’s how I like it.”
“Hannie?” you called, realizing it had been a moment since you’d last had eyes on your boyfriend. Poking your head into a few rooms, you jumped slightly when Jeonghan appeared next to you, a finger gun pointed at you. You were a little confused, but played along.
“C’mere you traitor,” he ordered with a straight face.
“Traitor? We weren’t on the same team!”
“Traitor of my heart,” he pulled you against his chest, acting wounded.
“Tch,” you rolled your eyes, but allowed yourself to be folded into him.
“I didn’t realize you were so competitive,” he looked down at you, his expression surprisingly soft and full of admiration.
“You didn’t?” you narrowed your eyes at him in confusion, “A year and a half of working together hasn’t made you realize that I’m competitive as hell?”
“I meant more like in games,” he clarified.
“If I’m being honest,” you cocked your head to the side to try and organize your thoughts, “It’s really just something about you that brings it out of me. I’m generally quite easygoing.”
“Hn,” Jeonghan blinked. He supposed it made sense, he did seem privy to a much more difficult side of you than most others were. “I have an idea,” his eyes lit up.
    Your eyes widened at him, a bit surprised at how excited he seemed.
“What do you think about cockwarming me?”
“Oh?” you blinked rapidly as you considered it. One the one hand, yes. But on the other hand, no.
“I’m just curious which of us will cave first,” Jeonghan explained, knowing it would egg you on.
“Well it won’t be me,” you bluffed, “So sure!”
“You’re sure?” he smirked at you amusedly.
“More than,” you rolled your eyes at him. Jeonghan scoffed. His toxic trait was that he actually liked it when you acted like this.
    Moving to the bedroom, you and Jeonghan decided on a TV show before climbing into bed. It took a few tries, but ultimately you decided that spooning on your side was most conducive to the task at hand. Jeonghan pulled himself flush against you, sliding between your thighs and tugging the sheet up.
“Not fair!” you protested as he rolled his hips and his shaft grazed you, coating himself in your wetness.
“Sorry, you’re right,” he patted your head before sliding into you, bottoming out easily. You exhaled sharply as he filled you up. Maybe your confidence had been undeserved. “You haven’t watched any more of this without me, right?” he asked as he pressed ‘play’.
“No?” you tried to clear your head. You felt so full.
    Jeonghan’s arm was looped around your waist and fingers laced between yours. You were surprised at how still he was able to be as you watched most of an episode. Towards the end, you started to get a little bored. Ever so slightly, you started flexing around Jeonghan. You hoped to be almost imperceptible and you thought you were achieving that until the episode ended and he put it on pause.
“You’re misbehaving,” his voice was gravelly as you felt him twitch inside of you.
“Am I?” you wondered aloud. “Were there rules?”
“No, I guess not,” he shrugged, realizing you were right, and pulled you down against his hips, hard.
“Han!” you scowled at him.
“Hm?” he hummed lightly as he continued to drive into you without ever pulling out.
“Not fair,” you bemoaned as you realized your inner thighs were completely slick.
“I don’t really feel like playing fair,” he tsked at you, hand moving to tease the underside of your breasts. Your nipples puckered at his touch and your mouth hung open in disbelief. You’d fucked up, truly.
  You folded at the waist, as if it would provide you some relief, but it didn’t help even a little. Jeonghan continued to grind into you, stroking you deeply as little whimpers and cries escaped your lips.
“You could end this,” he goaded you, laughing cruelly, “Just be a good girl and cum for me.”
“No,” you frowned, even though you wanted nothing more than that. You were still holding onto your stubborn pride, but your grip on it was slipping.
“I can hear how wet you are. I can feel how close you are, baby,” Jeonghan continued to needle at you with his words. “Just cum.”
    Your eyes squeezed shut as the orgasm ripped through you. A mangled cry managed to escape your throat as you clenched hard, triggering his own orgasm. If you’d had the presence of mind, you would have heard him cry your name out, but you weren’t exactly all there.
“I really do hate you,” you grumbled, after pulling yourselves together.
“You’re just mad you lost,” he fixed you with a shit eating grin. It was big talk for a man whose bones felt like jelly.
“Hao, I genuinely need to file a formal complaint about all of these workplace bonding activities,” you griped to your favorite HR manager. Today was community service day, so a group of you were headed to a local food pantry in embarrassing, matching t-shirts.
“I am once again asking you to remember that that is above my pay grade.”
“What’s the point of being your friend if I can’t use it to get the things I want?” you leaned against him affectionately.
“Yeah, the ROI is dismal, isn’t it?” Minghao laughed.
“Oh! Actually that reminds me. I have something to ask you later, in private.”
    Minghao’s brows disappeared into his hairline, but he nodded. His curiosity burned, but the volunteer coordinator arrived to walk the group through the tasks for the day. It was a pretty straightforward boxing of groceries to be distributed later. You settled in between Seungkwan and Hao and were responsible for adding carrots. Jeonghan worked at the end of the line, next to Vernon, on the opposite side of the table.
“Hey y’all!” a new voice arrived in the room, “I’m Kim Yejun, the executive director here, and I wanted to stop in and thank you all for your time today! We really appreciate the extra help.”
    The group went through introductions around the table. You thought you were imagining it, but it seemed like Yejun’s eyes lingered on you just slightly longer than needed. You realized Seungkwan had picked up on it too when his head turned towards you, eyes like saucers.
“May I join you?” Yejun approached your table during the lunch break.
“Yes of course!” Seungkwan nodded furiously, pushing things away dramatically to make room for the executive director.
“Thanks,” Yejun laughed, taking a seat almost across from you. “How are you finding things today? Any questions about our organization?”
“It’s been great,” you nodded at him.
“I do have a question,” Seungkwan raised his hand, “How did you come to be in this line of work?”
“Me? Ah, well, actually when I was young, my family was not always food secure. We relied on food pantries, like this, and when I got older, I wanted to make sure I could give that positive experience to others as well.
“That’s so admirable!” Seungkwan fawned. “And do your family and children ever come to help out as well?”
“Ch-children? I’m not married, I don’t have any children,” Yejun blinked.
“Ah, I see,” Seungkwan nodded, clearly scheming.
“How about you all? Do you have families?” Yejun asked, eyes meeting yours with interest.
“Ah, well,” you stammered, not sure how to answer. You weren’t single or interested in this man, but no one at the table knew that and it wasn’t really the time for a big reveal.
“She’s single,” Seungkwan filled in the gap seamlessly.
“Ah,” Yejun nodded, not really listening as the others shared their marital statuses with him as well.
    Jeonghan eavesdropped on your table’s conversation, chewing angrily. He trusted you, but that didn’t make him wish that he could vaporize Kim Yejun any less.
“You okay, man?” Jae noticed Jeonghan’s sour mood.
“Yeah, just ready to be done with this,” Jeonghan grumbled.
“Same, this is so lame. We should go out afterwards and pick up chicks! I’m a great wingman,” Jae boasted, wanting to stay in Jeonghan’s good graces.
Jeonghan wanted to bang his head against the table. There was almost nothing he wanted less than that.
[yn]: ‘should I still come over?’
[🥰]: ‘please’
    You smiled, tucking the paperwork that you had gotten from Minghao into your bag. You were glad Jeonghan still wanted to see you, as he had seemed a little moody earlier. You couldn’t blame him though, Seungkwan really had been pushing the YN & Yejun agenda today.
    Jeonghan stewed as he waited for you to arrive. The day hadn’t been completely horrible, but it had certainly snapped things into perspective for him. He had genuinely been okay waiting for you to be ready to go public, but today had dislodged an ugly, jealous piece of him that he did not like at all. He wanted desperately to bring the topic up with you, but was also worried about pushing you too too far and too fast. What a dilemma.
“Hannie!” he heard you calling as you opened the door. For a split second, he forgot everything that had been bothering him as you ran over to him excitedly. “I brought you snacks!”
“Ooh!” his eyes creased into a smile as you climbed onto his lap , kissing his nose sweetly. His hands naturally found their way to your hips as you tossed off your bag and settled in.
“Sorry about today,” your lips drew into a straight line as you played with his hair.
“Sorry?” he cocked his head to the side at you.
“Seungkwan was on another level today. I don’t imagine it was fun for you to see him try to set me up with Director Kim?”
“No,” he shook his head, but the knot in his chest loosened and was replaced by relief.
“Actually, that’s why I was a little later than you today,” you held up a finger before reaching for your bag to rifle through it. You retrieved the handful of papers and started reading from them, “There shall be no policy prohibiting peer coworkers from dating, although HR must be notified via form 0526-15,” which you presented to Jeonghan with a flourish. “What do you think? I know we’ll have to give up our tough, intimidating personas, but-”
    Jeonghan cut you off with a kiss, before beaming at you. “You have no idea how ready I am to file that damn form,” he enthused, almost exhilarated.
“Oh!?” your eyes popped open, “Really?”
“Yes, you dunce,” he tapped you on the forehead impatiently, “You’re mine, I want people to know.”
“Oh,” you flushed. It wasn’t like it was a total surprise, but to hear him say it so simply made your heart swell.
“I also want Seungkwan to repent. He’s already a little scared of me.”
“You’re a big softy though,” you giggled, kissing across his jaw contentedly. You felt Jeonghan swallow as his hands tightened around your waist. 
“Oh yeah?” he queried, and you could already feel him hardening against you. You grimaced at his bad joke, but couldn’t help the way your body reacted so readily to him.
“I retract-, redact,” you tried to say, but his hands were guiding you along his length and you lost the ability to form thought. “Help,” you whimpered, clutching the front of his shirt as your clit throbbed.
    Jeonghan smiled. You were so responsive to him, it was one of the many things that he had come to adore about you over the past months.
“Princess can’t think straight anymore?” he teased, pulling your chin down to meet your eyes as he let you work your hips by yourself.
  You pouted, pupils dilating as your mouth fell open with little gasps and whimpers.
“My princess,” he corrected himself, grinning up at you. You were so pretty when you were speechless for him.
“Yours,” you nodded, loving this soft, possessive side of him.
“Take this off for me,” he tugged at your shirt lightly. You were more than happy to comply. “Mine, mine,” he repeated as he kissed each of your palms before threading his fingers into yours. His lips sought out the sensitive skin of your breasts and nipped gently, continuing this ‘mine’ mantra as your hands clutched his for support.
“My turn,” you decided, standing up and pulling him into the bedroom. You pushed him onto the bed and helped him undress. Settling between his legs, trailed gentle kisses from his knees to his upper thighs. You could see the sinews of his muscles tense as you moved close and closer to his cock. “Mine,” winked at him before closing your lips around the head, lapping your tongue against the underside.
“OooOoh,” Jeonghan’s voice wavered as you massaged him. You giggled around him as you manipulated your lips up and down leisurely. You watched intently as he gripped the sheets, a sure sign that he was unraveling quickly.
“You’re so cute, all worked up like that,” you pulled back, teasing him slightly.
“Shut up,” he glared at you weakly.
“Will you cum in my mouth?” you asked politely, hand stroking him as you waited for his answer.
“This time, yes,” he nodded.
  Your eyes creased into happy half-moons as you worked your mouth back around him, swallowing deep. You applied a gentle pressure as you milked him, knowing it wouldn’t be long.
“YN,” he warned, hand hitting the mattress as he tensed and unloaded. You showed him your tongue proudly before swallowing.
“You truly are filthy,” he shook his head appreciatively as he pulled you against his side. There was no use denying it, it was very true.
“You like it.”
“I love it,” he corrected you without thinking.
    You froze for a split second, surprised to hear him use that word. Did he? Did you? You weren’t sure, but the way it made you smile like a fool to hear that probably meant something, right?
“When do you want to file that paperwork?” Jeonghan asked, cutting off your mental spiral.
“Oh! Um, maybe tomorrow?”
    He smiled the brightest smile you thought you had ever seen on him. “I can’t wait until everyone knows that you’re mine.”
    Damn, if that didn’t make your heart swell and your pussy throb.
“Say more stuff like that,” you insisted, clambering on top of him. Jeonghan had to laugh, that might’ve been one of your most reasonable requests.
“Oh?” he drawled, “I can’t wait to show up to happy hour with you, hold your hand in front of everyone,” he nuzzled you as you played with his hair.
“Hold my hand? You’re gonna get us fired,” you teased him playfully. It really tickled you to hear that such seemingly small things were what he looked forward to most.
“I have lots of ideas that would actually result in that,” Jeonghan grinned impishly up at you, his erection pressing against your inner thigh.
“Of course you do,” you chuckled as you lowered yourself on him. You rode him lovingly, from hilt to tip, and observed him.
He looked up at you, adoringly, hands resting loosely at your hips allowing you to set the pace. 
“You feel so good and you look so pretty,” he pulled your forehead down to his and whispered. He looked directly into your eyes and his blown out pupils made your breath catch. You really did like him.
“Hannie,” you whined, hand tightening at the back of his neck.
“All yours, princess. Cum on my cock for me,” he whispered encouragement at you as his balls tightened.
“Cum with me?” you asked, doing your best to hold off.
    Jeonghan nodded, bucking his hips up into you just slightly as he complied, emptying himself into you as you came around him. You cupped his jaw and kissed him deeply before slumping over him, pulling him into an embrace.
“Minghao?” you knocked on the wall of his cube as Jeonghan stood behind you.
“Yes?” he turned, a little surprised to see the two of you there together.
“We have our form 0526-15.”
“Oh. Oh!” He did a double take. “I hate to have to tell you this, but we also need to follow policy. Seungkwan would be the person to process that. I can pass this along,” he offered.
    You and Jeonghan looked at each other for a moment before shrugging. You were ready.
    As you walked back towards the main staircase, you heard Seungkwan let out a strangled yelp after reading the paperwork.
part 3 is here, if you’re so inclined!
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance Part 19/? - Nome Part 20/? - The Future
Kay has big plans.
Peggy had expected them to immediately board another plane and head south again, but it seemed that the aircraft in question was held up in Portland by a terrible thunderstorm, forcing them to spend the night in Nome.  There was only one place in town that could really be called a hotel, and it had only four rooms for let, which created something of a problem.
“Well,” said the proprietor, an aging white man with a steel-gray mustache.  “Obviously the best room will be for the guest of honour.”  He held out the key to Steve.
Steve held up his hands.  “Uh, thanks, Mr. Stanley, but I couldn’t, not when we have ladies with us.”  He nodded to Peggy and Kay.
“Oh,” said Peggy.  “Well, no, Captain Rogers really is the guest of honour here, and he’s been unwell.”  Peggy had certainly seen more soft beds in the past couple of years than Steve had, no matter how anyone defined it.
“Peg, I’m fine,” said Steve.
“And I’m not?” Peggy asked.
Kay cleared her throat.  “I believe,” she said, “that the guest of honour here is the hero who’s bringing Captain America home – that would be Mr. Masters.”  Her voice was dripping sarcasm, but she gestured to the man with a smile on her face.
Masters frowned at her suspiciously, but only for a moment.  Then he stepped up to take the key.  “Thank you, Mr. Stanley,” he said.
Peggy and Steve both looked at Kay, who shrugged.  “If we had to stand here all night listening to you two say I couldn’t possibly, we’d never get any sleep,” she said.
With the best room claimed, Mr. Stanley gave a second key to Steve and a third to Peggy and Kay, and then offered the fourth and final one to Howard.  “Sorry to the soldiers,” he added, “but I’m sure you fellows can figure something out.”
“Guess I’ll go sleep in the Skytrain again,” said Jason.  He wasn’t angry or bitter, merely resigned, which Peggy thought was probably worse.
“Don’t be silly, we can share.” Howard clapped him on the shoulder and then approached the counter.  “What’s there to drink in this place?  I’m buying a round for everybody… Steve and Peg have a hell of a story to tell and we’re all gonna need to be fortified for it!”  His glance at Peggy told her that he wanted to hear the tale and wouldn’t let her refuse, government secrets be damned.
Half an hour later found Peggy, Kay, Howard, Jason, and Steve all sitting around a table in the nameless hotel’s tiny common room, refilling glasses from a bottle of something Mr. Stanley had confided he distilled himself.  It was pretty crude and burned the throat, and Peggy didn’t want to drink too much of it.  Jason had nearly choked when he tried it, Steve looked disconcerted, and Howard blinked back tears, but Kay downed it like a shot of whiskey and held out her glass for more.
Peggy took the men through the story of what had happened after she and Kay flew away with the helicopter, and how they’d dragged Steve down to the boiler room to thaw him out.  Although she wouldn’t have done so in front of Masters, Peggy confessed that he, herself, had believed Steve was dead, and it was Kay who’d insisted on keeping him intact.
“How did you know?” Howard asked her.
“I just… knew,” Kay replied with a shrug.
That was enough to tell Peggy not to go into the backstory before Kay herself was ready.  “The rest, I suppose is, is fairly obvious,” she concluded.  “The doctors poked and prodded at Steve to make sure he wasn’t going to drop dead on them, and Masters stopped worrying about arresting us because he was far too busy calling ahead to make sure everybody will give him the credit.”
“Doesn’t that bother you?” asked Jason, who knew what it was like to have other people claim responsibility for his work.
“I could not care less what Vernon Masters says or does, as long as he leaves me alone,” Peggy replied firmly, though it was an utter lie.  Whatever the man had against her, she knew he wasn’t going to drop it just yet.
“What about you?” he asked Kay.
“I’m used to working behind the scenes,” she said.  She poured the last of Mr. Stanley’s moonshine into her glass, then pushed the empty bottle away.  “Anyway, that already happened, and is officially in the past.  I’m worried about the future.”
Peggy leaned forward.  “What about it?” she asked.  Of course Kay had insisted Masters take the best bedroom, she realized… it was on the top floor, far away from anywhere he could hear this conversation from.  “You said you had an extensive to-do list.”
“I do.  I’ve checked two items off – Ste…” Kay caught herself.  “Captain Rogers is back, and Zola is dead.  That’s a good start.  The next items are Sergeant Barnes and the Red Room.  I want to do both at once, because I know how these people operate, and if I do one first, it’s gonna be much harder to come back and take care of the other.”
Almost unconsciously, everybody else huddled in closer, too.  “Bucky is dead,” said Steve.  “You said the Russians found his body.”
“I said they found him,” Kay said.  “You assumed he was dead.”
Steve’s eyes widened, and Peggy had a sudden vision of him sitting in that half-destroyed tavern in France, trying desperately to get drunk off something that was probably no more than soda when compared to Mr. Stanley’s brew.  For him that had been only a couple of weeks ago, and the guilt and grief were still fresh.  To tell him he’d abandoned not a dead friend, but a live one… Peggy reached to put her hand over his.
“I lied when I told you they found in him the valley,” Kay went on.  “HYDRA found him there.  They recognized him as one of Zola’s experimental subjects, and were very interested in the fact that he’d survived the fall with only a few broken ribs and a shattered left shoulder, so they put him in suspended animation so they could keep working on him.  Of course, only a few days later the Valkyrie crashed and Hitler shot himself like the sniveling coward he was, and the Russians moved in to search their bases and take anything useful.  He was nobody to them, just a nameless POW, but his medical records interested them enough that they took him back with them.
“That’s where he is now,” she concluded.  “They’ve been training him up and brainwashing him, trying to create the perfect assassin… something like me, but with less free will and higher necklines.  They had to amputate his left arm, and eventually they hope captured HYDRA scientists, people like Zola, can build him a functional prosthesis.”
There was silence at the table.  Kay smiled sadly at Steve.
“Don’t feel bad, Captain Rogers, you didn’t know.  How could you have known?  It’s only been three years.  They’re not finished yet.  It’ll be much easier to save him now that it would be later, when the only thing he’s known for decades is orders and violence.”  She glanced at Peggy, and Peggy realized she was the only other person at the table who knew that Kay was speaking from terrible personal experience.
Steve swallowed hard.  “How do you know any of this?” he asked.  “I mean… why should I believe you?”
That made Peggy think twice, too… if she assumed Kay’s story of being from the SSR of the future was a lie, then how did she have this information?  Either she was making it all up, or else she knew an awful lot about what was going on with both the USSR and possible HYDRA holdouts that may or may not exist.  Was that awfully convenient, or just awfully suspicious?
Kay seemed to think for a moment.  “Sergeant Barnes has a sister,” she said.  “Rebecca.  She’s the one who named him Bucky, because then their nicknames would match – Becky and Bucky.”  She thought a little longer.  “Before he was drafted he wanted to be a writer.  His favourite book is A Princess of Mars but he’d read almost anything in that genre… not just Burroughs but Wells and Verne and Doyle.  When you were twenty-one, some relative living in London sent you a copy of The Hobbit as a gift, and you read the first chapter and then immediately gave it to Barnes because you knew he’d like it.”
Steve stared at her, not knowing how to respond.
“I know that because you would have told it to me, in a future that won’t happen now,” said Kay, “and I know it won’t happen because you’re alive in 1948 and Zola isn’t.”
“Uh, I’m sorry,” said Jason, “are you trying to tell us you’re from the future?”
“That’s what she told me,” Peggy put in, “but I didn’t want to be the one who sounded like a lunatic by bringing it up.”
“I’m from a future, Dr. Wilkes,” said Kay.  “It’s not the future anymore, and you wouldn’t want it to be, because it’s a future in which you got crushed to death during a demonstration in Baltimore in April of 1968.”
“If you’re a time traveler, how did you get here?” Howard wanted to know.  “We worried that some of the stuff HYDRA was building was for altering time, but I did the math and it just doesn’t work.  You’d need more energy than even the tesseract could give you.”
“I don’t know,” Kay told him.  “I just woke up naked in an alley in San Francisco, and once I figured out I wasn’t dreaming I sat down and made a list of things that have to change.  I need you guys to trust me, because I need your help changing them.”
A moment passed in which nobody spoke, and Peggy realized that everybody was looking at her, as if she were somehow the arbiter of truth and lies in this ridiculous situation.  “I don’t know,” she said.  “I don’t know what to believe.  It sounds absurd… but she did know about Steve.  I can’t deny that.”  How could she, when Steve was sitting right there at the table, in the flesh, as she’d never thought she would see him again.
That seemed to be enough for Steve himself.  “Where is he?” he asked Kay.
“That’s the first problem,” she said.  “I don’t know.  Organizations like the Red Room don’t exactly keep meticulous records, and the details of their history weren’t part of the raise-a-spy curriculum.  When they leave a place, they take everything they need and burn the rest.”
“Which is why you need Dottie!” Peggy realized.
“Exactly.”  Kay nodded.  “She at least knows where she was brought up and who did it, and that’s a start.”
“We haven’t had a whole lot of luck questioning her,” warned Peggy.
“We just have to figure out what she wants,” Kay said.  “I’ve picked out a couple of her patterns… she’s collecting money, but also blackmail material on powerful people.  I don’t know what she’s planning because in my future she obviously didn’t succeed.  But I have a theory, and if I’m right, we’ll have leverage.”
“We’ll have to catch her first,” Peggy said, but for the first time in weeks, she felt as if there were some hope of that.
“What’s my future?” Howard wanted to know.
Kay cocked her head and bit her lip.  “You and your wife die in a car accident just before Christmas in 1991.”
He was startled.  “I’m going to get married?”
Kay rolled her eyes.  “Peggy – you outlive two husbands and die in your bed at nearly a hundred years old, after saving the world over and over but never realizing the enemy you were fighting was within your own organization.  Captain Rogers, they didn’t thaw you out until 2012, and then you had to realize that all this time…”
Steve winced and lowered his head.  “All this time those people had Bucky.”
“Exactly,” Kay nodded, “but like I said, none of that’s going to happen now.  The future is going to be better.  I don’t know how I got here but I know I can do that, or at least try… some things I cannot change, but ‘til I try I’ll never know,” she added in a singsong.
There was another silence around the table.  Steve cleared his throat.
“If what you said about Bucky is true, then I can’t just do nothing,” he said.
Peggy took his hand again.  “We obviously have to try,” she agreed.
“You found Steve,” Howard said.  “I owe you one for that.”
Jason hesitated, then appeared to make up his mind.  “I’m in.”
Kay smiled.  “I won’t thank you yet,” she told them, “but I’ll know when.”
Howard grinned and raised his glass.  “To the future!” he said.
“The future!”  They clinked their glasses together and downed the last of Mr. Stanley’s bootleg, and Peggy felt a little thrill of excitement in the pit of her stomach.  Her work had long ago lost any of that, becoming just what she did with all its secrecy and all its dangers.  But for some reason… this must be what Mr. Jarvis felt, when he described it as adventure.
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tonicandjins · 6 years
hello faye! i hope you are having an amazing life !!! 😄 can i have Healing + Hansol for the ficlet if you are still doing it? thank you, love!!!
hello ajhfdsgfjkasd i cant believe you requested smthng i sCREAMED when i saw this i love you very much 
healing + 1.5k words + fluff + platonic hansol & reader
It took Hansol half an hour to convince you to get out of your room before you reach five-hour mark of sulking on bed.
You hate to be that kind of person but you don’t really feel like seeing anyone today, and unfortunately, that includes your best friend. It’s a known fact that it is difficult to become a celebrity at your age. With eyes watching your every move daily, waiting for you to make a mistake so they could use it against you, it’s exhausting to even get out of your own house.  Although Hansol understands all the ins and outs of being in the limelight because he’s in it himself, he doesn’t let you stay locked inside your house on the first day of your two-day break from the lights and cameras. He made it a mission today to help you get your head out of the mess it’s been drowning in for months and you’re kind of being a pain in the ass because you’ve done nothing but complain since you sat on the passenger’s seat of his car.
The media identifies you as The Duo, and neither of you is sure if it’s a good kind of the or a bad one. You and Hansol, or more commonly known as Vernon, have established a name for yourselves in the music industry. With him being one of the best rappers of his generation and you as an incredible singer-songwriter, you really do make the perfect duo. You could say that the entire population of artists in your generation is jealous of your bond with each other. It’s not only because you’re best friends with Vernon and he’s best friends with you, but also because you two can go our freely, without the media twisting words to make it seem like you’re dating.
Of course, in the beginning, it was inevitable to have those kinds of rumors. It started to spark when an infamous paparazzi team captured you and your best friend skating at two in the morning around Han River. His fangirls were furious, as expected, while you mocked and laughed at Hansol for a week by responding to him only in fangirl language. (e.g., “You’re being so annoying, Y/N.” “How dare you breathe around myVernon?” “Fuck you.”)You could say it worked out in the end because the media eventually gave up on making rumors about you after coming back from Japan when they thought they’d catch you two doing something malicious or couple-y but ended up taking HQ pics of you two geeking out to Star Wars merch. It’s still a funny story to look back to whenever you remember the headlines the next day saying that confirmed: Y/N and Vernon are REALLY just best friends. (“We made it,” Hansol had said as he read it that day. “We’ve become stars!”)
Hansol takes his duty as your best friend too seriously because, like how it is now, he doesn’t let you lose yourself in the midst of reaching your dreams. One time you cried in front of him at four in the morning when he came to pick you up from your schedule because you refused to be driven home by your manager. It was one of those days that you didn’t really want to see anyone and of course, Hansol came to the rescue. You remember how he let you cry on his shoulder while you went on a rant about how Music Shows treat rookie female artists like shit and how much you just wanna give up and go back to your hometown where you can be an ordinary girl. And today is one of those days.
You had just finished your small Asian tour, Seoul being your last stop, and your separation anxiety with your fans and the stage is getting a little too depressing. With the tour being over, it meant that you need to go back to your agency in a couple of days and they’d pressure you to write another hit song again. You also heard the personal assistants whispering about a dating scandal the agency is planning to involve you in to further promote your upcoming music. And it’s all just… too much.
Hansol did not need to hear it from you to figure out you’re unwell at this moment. That’s how amazing he is.
He takes you to a secluded beach and you whine about getting sunburned. He assures you that the cameras won’t be around you for a couple of weeks so you do not need to worry about being seen. While you’re being prissy and whiny, Hansol does all the work for you—setting up the beach blanket, taking out the food, and even carrying you from his car to the sand.
“You’ve become such a diva,” he grunts when he carries you. Your arms are wrapped around his neck. “I don’t even know you anymore.”
“You said you’d carry me around if I go out with you today,” you say, chuckling.
“What were you planning to do today anyway?” he asks and carefully puts you down on the towel. “Watch How To Get Away With Murderas you plan your attack to your management?”
“That,” you laugh. “And learn more Japanese.”
“Why?” Hansol sets the food down. He looks good with the sun beaming on his face.
“I feel bad that I had to get a translator to talk to the audience last week,” you answer, taking a burger from Hansol’s hand. “And now I’m gonna feel even worse for eating this.”
“Shut up, just eat,” he sighs, knowing exactly what you’re worried about again.
“This would cost me a week of extreme diet and four miles of running,” you mumble before devouring the delicious food Hansol got you. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” he says with a smile and sits beside you, legs stretched out like you.
You groan. “God, I just remembered I need to call my manager.” Hansol snatches your phone before you could even unlock it.
“Stop,” he says. “Just… stop thinking for a while.”
“How do you do this, Hansol?” you ask with a sigh. “Because I am this close to just leaving this place.”
“Well,” he starts. “I think about the people who support me.”
“I do, too,” you defend. “It works when I do but after that I’m drowning again, Hansol.”
He smiles and looks at you, chewing his food.
“What?” you ask.
“You know how I keep myself afloat?”
You urge him to continue.
“Because you still call me Hansol.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowing. “I’m never calling you Vernon in a normal conversation. You’re Hansol to me. You still are even after thirty-two hair dyes and three hit songs.”
He laughs. “This is what exactly keeps me afloat. This is my healing, Y/N. You calling me Hansol and being a pain in the ass.”
“I don’t quite get it,” you mumble.
“What calms your mind?” he asks. “Tell me.”
You think for a second, and suddenly you understand what he’s trying to tell you.
Hansol doesn’t treat you like you’re a star now. He is very much proud of you and the person you’ve become but he doesn’t treat you like all your other old friends do now. Like when you were younger, he still sends you random text messages at four in the afternoon that he’s proud of you and reminds you that he’s there if you need anything. You always forget about your stressful situation when Hansol calls you just in time to ask about Star Wars. He takes you to your favorite places at one in the morning, even when he’s tired from his own schedule, and lets you tie his hair just because you feel like it. Hansol… he makes you breathe better.
“Y-you’re,” you start and look at him. “My healing.”
Hansol smiles. “That’s a bit cheesier than I expected but okay, I accept the new job as your healing.”
You laugh.
“Bask in the warmth of the sun,” he says. “You’ve done such an amazing job. I don’t want you sulking alone when you’ve just made everyone proud of you.”
“I don’t really know what to say,” you answer.
“You don’t need to say anything,” he replies. “Just take a break. You deserve it.”
You stay under the sun until it’s setting. You forget about your phone and your schedule when your break is over because Hansol reminds you of what you’re here for. And you know harder days are coming your way, but for as long as you have your healing, you’re sure you’ll be just fine. They say you shouldn’t depend your happiness or whatever to a single person, but Hansol is the only person you know who’s worthy of that title.
Perhaps you two could write a song about it.
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