#verse : tbd
havvkinsqueen · 5 months
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---☁︎。⋆。 "I sort of miss Valentine's Day in school where we all decorated shoeboxes and gave out little doily cards to each other."
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gotaletter · 2 months
"Piers?" James asks above the slight din of the bar, "Is that... Is that you?"
It has been a long time since he's seen a familiar face, and there was no way in hell he would have ever expected to see one of his fellow platoon mates all the way out here in Shepherd's Glen. Was there a base nearby? Was he off duty? There were so many questions. He hadn't even thought of the service in such a long time; not since he got discharged anyway.
James brings himself a little closer, trying to get in the other man's line of sight before speaking again.
"It's me! Sunderland! Do you... Do you remember?"
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sankta-alina-s · 1 year
Her light could slice through the nichevo'ya, yet another would just replace its fallen comrade. As much as Alina wished to take a stand and fight, the best option for the four was to get as far away from the Darkling and his creations as possible.
That was, until the nichevo'ya began to advance toward them. Alina gathered the light and pushed back at the shadows until the two forces could stand no longer. The blast sent her sailing, her body colliding with the wall as she slid down it. It took her a dazed moment to realize that the ceiling was beginning to crack.
Tolya and Nadia were still gathered around the injured Adrik, watching the cracks in horror.
"Run!" she yelled just as the ceiling began to fall. She saw a flash of movement as the two women dragged Adrik away before the fallen stone and dust obscured her view.
Alina staggered to her feet, left arm protesting from her collision with the stone wall. A harsh cough from the dust struggled its way out of her lungs.
The cry of pain couldn't be stifled even if she wished it. Her left arm, the first limb to meet the stone, hung limply at her side.
"No, no, no," she muttered under her breath, eyes refusing to believe the unusual angle of the limb.
Panicked eyes shot toward Aleksander, watching his movements from where she was up against the wall.
She'd go down fighting if need be.
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arachnidiots · 2 months
their arm stays still— held out to other as it’s somewhat bandaged. gaze stuck on the sight, it’s almost foreign to see themself this way. they’ve bled sure, been bruised and beaten to hell and back, but a swollen, maybe broken, wrist is just peculiar. it’s so… normal. liam doesn’t really have words for the matter, transfixed by what is only the start of their injuries, they give in rather speechlessly as the commander scolds.
the need to be brave feels never ending, for liam at least. it’s exhausting and consuming, and somewhere in the midst of that it’s entirely blinding. maybe it’s why they look to spock for some idea of how to keep up. “some days it’s a little hard to remember that, that i’m human.” when you can lift a car over your head, stick to walls, and withstand so much there are often times you might start to feel like something else. liam feels like something else. “i have a duty to help. sometimes it means being brave even then.” even when it outweighs the need for survival. “it might not be your logic, but it is mine.”
up on her feet, she is hardly stable and she knows it immediately as she’s pulled up to them. liam tries nonetheless to stay upright, scraped up legs be damned. “let’s go with yes.”
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paishodragon · 3 months
"you're here...?"
send me   “ you’re here…?”   for your muse to wake up in a hospital bed and find my muse holding their hand.      send    “ i’m here. “    for my muse to wake up and find yours. 
Iroh startled slightly at the sound of his nephew's voice, having gotten used to the silence as the boy slept. He squeezed the boy's hand gently and offered a small smile.
"I'm here, Zuko," he said, both a reply and a promise.
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haledwolf · 11 months
@redhoodiskra wanted a starter
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“You don’t have to leave … you can stay a little longer … “
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inundatae · 4 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 across a cloudless sky. But much like lightning is it a promise of something greater, a flood of power and the arrival of the divine. One by one do they arrive, adorned in the ornaments of their office, immediately mingling with those who have already gathered.
Neuvillette has no need for such artifice when he claims the Court of Fontaine as his residence. Merely needed to descend the stairs from the Palais Mermonia to merge with the flow of bodies. His hope is to be as unintrusive as possible, drawing no attention his way so that when he chooses to leave within an hour. Amidst an already swelling crowd, there is only one god he finds tolerable, the rest are as wretched and abhorrent as their forebears.
But as the tide is drawn to the moon, so too are the eyes of far too many drawn his way. He ignores the many gazes. As much as he could hope for one result, there is only the reality that a fallen sovereign will always be a novelty to those who have little interaction with one. And as far as he is aware, he remains the sole sovereign with any passing good will with the ruling archons. It is for her sake that he does not attempt to drown the lot of them.
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There is another flash, this one different from the rest. Darker and more somber, bleeding in crimson. Normally caring so little for which god has chosen to attend, it is the difference that has Neuvillette looking on in with mild curiosity. There at the entrance is a god he has never lain eyes on, but he knows through reputation alone. For that deity could be no one else. And through the crowd of onlookers, their gazes meet. Wriothesley, Lord of the Underworld, a god who so rarely journeys to the surface. Whispers ripple through the crowd, the many gods parting to grant him a wide berth. Neuvillette remains where he is, lingering in the background, watching a spectacle unfold before him. No doubt Focalors will be taking much enjoyment from this unexpected turn of events. / @petrokhelidon
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desireandduty · 30 days
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In Padmé's mind, one of the perks of being a member of the Senate was the ability to travel on diplomatic missions. While she would always love Naboo best of all, she enjoyed seeing other worlds, learning of other cultures. She had never visited Zarath before, and since she received word yesterday that her visit would be accompanied by a Deira Jedi Knight, she'd been looking forward to this trip even more.
Now, standing on the landing platform beside her Nubian Cruiser, she was just bidding farewell to Dormé when she saw @sunhearted walking towards their party on the landing pad. With a warm smile, she turned towards the female and gave her a respectful bow in greeting. "You must be Knight Vos Zarath. I am so pleased you are able to join me on this visit."
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havvkinsqueen · 5 months
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---☁︎。⋆。 Chrissy had trouble voicing her thoughts and this? She knew it wasn't going to make any sense to @hargrove . "In fairy tales sometimes people step into a fairy circle and go to the faerealm. And if they get back... They're all. Strange and different. I relate to those people, sometimes."
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banefulbenevolence · 4 months
Rumor Has It
A thread for @shadovan
Neverwinter. A despicable place for a Baldurian like Enver to end up. Every bit of infrastructure was being internally criticized as he maneuvered through the repulsive crowd.
The only thing this city had on Baldur's Gate was a rather interesting rumor, one that caught his attention and held it until he finally broke down and took a portal to the so called Jewel of the North. Prodding a few of the locals confirmed the rumors: they believed a lich lived in the haunted mountains to the north. None seemed at all bothered by this, of course, and Enver refused to believe it until he investigated himself.
The rumors suggest the lich was a peddler of the odd potion and tincture, something the locals found valuable, so his first stop was the Apothecary that seemed to be the hub of the stories. The pungent smell greeted him as he entered and he barely contained a grimace. Between the ingredients and the potions brewing in the back it was an assault on the senses. "I'm looking for a lich." Enver declares loud enough for the entirety of the store to overhear. Sharp, calculating eyes quickly scan over the patrons and workers nervous reaction to such a bold statement, following the furtive glances to find the person they were all avoiding looking at.
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rockange-a · 4 months
@lilithisms sent : oh , she looks confused and . . . angry. ' adam , what are you doing here ? i haven’t . . . i haven’t seen you in centuries . . . '
Normally the man would have quite many unsavory things to say in response, for he had wondered how things might go if and when he saw Lilith again. Many centuries had he dreamed of what he would say to her, how he would curse her for leaving his side to be with that damned Fallen, but nothing came from him as he simply... Stares.
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"I don't know. Perhaps you could tell me."
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mischieftomake · 1 month
“Is life just, some horrific joke, without a punch line?”
gravity falls prompts - accepting
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"Oh no, there's always a punchline. This is the punchline. It just isn't funny." He slammed his palm against the metal door with a dull clang, teeth bared in his frustration. He was hoping that the violence might make him feel a little better even if it didn't do anything to actually get him out of being trapped, but the door's continued unaffected presence only made him angrier. "I hate this realm."
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ataviisms · 1 month
@sherevival said god chooses who he cares for, and he didn't choose us.
they're both cursed, doomed by circumstance. this is not a story where love can save them. this is not a story of hope in spite of overwhelming odds. instead, this is a story of monsters. a story of pain and betrayal and heartbreak and loss. there is no happy ending for them. they both know it, and neither of them will say it out loud.
cheetah is all aggression. she always has been. but that doesn't stop waylon from wanting to reach out and take her hand. it doesn't erase everything he's ever felt for her, even if she probably wishes it would. it would be easier for both of them if he would just give up. if he would turn away from her the way she's turned away from everyone else.
that's the thing about monsters, though. all they have is each other.
" no, he didn't. " waylon doesn't reach out. he doesn't take her hand. he doesn't do anything except look at her sadly, wishing he could somehow find a way to bridge the gap between them. that great rift that swallows everything. " but i did. "
monstrilio --- accepting
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nebula-drcams · 1 year
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@purple-paw-muses asked: ❝  i don’t believe in that destiny bullshit.  but i do know i shouldn’t waste what i’ve been given.  ❞ - Banda @ Nimue //@dragxnfxrced
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"Whos to say what's considered a waste and what's not? Destiny doesn't really exist, and you weren't really given your powers, i'm assuming you were born with them if you don't believe in destiny. It's your choice on what you do, whatever path you go down." 
Crossing her arms over her chest, she's not really sure what to tell the other aside from that. She doesn't believe in much to begin with. She doesn't believe in fate, destiny, that they're made for something bigger. She believes they're just there to make choices and fight over who's got the better morals or whatever... But that's just her really.
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haledwolf · 11 months
@minimavampiress wanted a starter
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“You think that because you’re cute and shit, you can bat those pretty eyes at me and I’ll give in?”
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havvkinsqueen · 7 months
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*/ OPEN STARTER (Moots only)
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---☁︎。⋆。 Chrissy felt like she was hit like a truck. It usually was like this after she had one of the big ones; Eyes white and glazed over, red tears dripping from her eyes. A few blinks, almost as if to reset herself in her surroundings, blue eyes darted about to see if she ended up in public. Or if anyone were around at all. Quickly and sheepishly, she wiped the tears from her face with her forearm before meeting the gaze of another.
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