#verse; ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ
licentiapennas · 6 years
cont. from here with @lavuan
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There is something about the way his hair just melts between the gaps of her fingers that is fascinating. She is vaguely reminded of black silk, and her head tilts with the idea that perhaps cloth could be made to match the endless abyss of the night sky- between the stars that twinkled down at them every night. 
“Yes. It feels very nice. Like silk.”
Never one to not voice her own thoughts when asked, azure irises lifted to observe the man before her, he seemed so sharp and calculating.. but the softness in his eyes gave away true intentions. He was a nice man. She could trust him.
“I apologize for touching you without permission, sir.” Head bowed, a step back was taken, releasing the strands from between callous fingers.
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licentiapennas · 6 years
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She hums against him, as she is forced to use his only slightly taller form to stand because dear Maria the room is spinning--
A giggle bubbles in the back of her throat as he speaks, obviously displeased with her actions despite it making the both of them flush pink. “Yer... cute~” A puff of air released in amusement, then she pouted at him. “We didn’ drink this morning... the bar closed.. Erwin made me go home...” Now she was looking around, swaying heavily as she tried to stand on her own.
“Wa... where’s my room?”
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licentiapennas · 5 years
▰ : embracing them and holding them firmly against your chest
Send a symbol for your muse to gently touch mine
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She was not expecting it, and that is perhaps why she is startled into stillness as he holds her there, as if he is shielding her from the horrors of this world so it does not break her anymore. But she is like a crystal, the more she breaks, the stronger and more beautiful she becomes. An unknowingly held breath is released, his scent intoxicating every sense she has as azure irises-- for once-- soften to an unnaturally human level for her.
Slowly, Yuan would break down every wall she had up, and find that girl that is barely pieced together by glue and string. The only real question was, would he be disgusted with that girl, feel sorry for her, or would he love her all the same?
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licentiapennas · 5 years
♣ : slowly pulling them into your lap to curl up and cuddle
Send a symbol for your muse to gently touch mine
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Silk enveloped her frame, pulling the cold from her very bones to warm her soul. His arms are home, and you hate it because it can be so easily torn away from you. Human fingers grasp at his clothes, pulling him closer to her as she curled up tighter. Warm breath gently brushes against his neck as her nose buries into it, eyes fluttering closed.
I am home, Yuan.
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licentiapennas · 6 years
💋 HOW ABOUT A REPEAT OF THAT DRUNK KISS HEATHER >D only this time there’s no drink && Levi is the initiator like the shit he is to prove a point: THAT SHE KNOWS EMOTIONS.
It’s Sinday! Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!
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It wasn’t often that Heather received affection, especially since Benedict’s passing. It was even more rare that she got kissed. So when Levi leaned in to capture her burgundy lips, there was a soft squeak that barely moved past her lips. He was trying to make a point, she knew this, she knew he didn’t want anything more from her than to just feel. 
His hold on her wrist is loose, nothing about his approached screamed at her to fight back. Yet there is a struggle, her mentality is shaken, slowly cracking like stained glass. I can’t feel, I can’t feel, I can’t feel anything! “... Levi...”
But she does feel, she feels her heart aching painfully, it’s spreading heat all throughout her body, scorching nerves and boiling the air in her lungs. She can’t breathe. He doesn’t love you. No one can love a monster. She knows this, and it only hurts more than he’s doing this. She backs away, pressing her back against the cool stone wall, eyes closed tight as she frowns.
You do feel. You feel isolated. You feel like you never really left that cage, don’t you?
Yes, I never left that cage.
Yet here he is, rattling the metaphorical bars, like he’s desperate to get her out. She’s staring at him, eyes watery and skin bleeding, too scared to reach out. “Please.. just... “ It hurts to feel love, joy, happiness.
“It hurts to feel without him. I don’t.. I don’t like this. I don’t like this anymore.” She grips the pendant wrapped around her neck like a noose. “I remember why now, I rather not feel, because I can’t stop the pain of being alone. You... you can’t understand.” No, he can, she is just too scared to admit it. “I can’t understand it. I don’t understand why I felt nothing killing those men, slaughtering Titans, breaking everything around me. It’s no wonder everyone around me that dares to give a shit dies.”
She is shaking, head bowed while a single hand rests on her face, covering an eye. “I can’t feel, I need to be a weapon for the Commander-- not a soldier. I need to fight, I need to carve a path to victory, if I feel someone dies. Everyone always dies, I don’t want the responsibility of being the reason anymore. It wasn’t my fault--” Pausing, she recoils, her own selfishness as it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Take responsibility, be human.
You’re finally showing your true colors, Heather Greene.
“I... I’m scared.”
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licentiapennas · 6 years
cont. from here with @belzinone
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It was an incredibly rare sight to see this much snow this far into the South, and up until recently Heather had contented herself on watching the snowstorm pass by through the window. Her chores were complete, the fire was raging on, and the tea was nice and hot. It was like her own personal paradise.
Up until the point Bel had burst in such a fuss and rush that it snapped her out of whatever daydream she had found herself in. Standing up abruptly, the blonde’s eyes widened upon the reveal as to why she was in such a state. A blanket? There was one wrapped around her shoulders, which was instantly torn off the moment the animal was revealed.
For the first time, Heather would allow her otherwise dead expression turn into concern and worry. Even her very tone took on something that was definitely not her, she spoke to the bunny like it was a small infant.
“.. Oh you poor thing.” Being as gentle as she could despite her speed, the bunny was wrapped up and pulled to her chest, allowing her own body heat to start bringing up his temperature. “Get some water, there’s some greens in the kitchen too. We need to slowly bring his temperature back up.” 
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licentiapennas · 6 years
"Get in here!"
Send “Get in here!” to usher my muse in from the rain.
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Her joints ache and scream at her, but she is stone against the water that pours from the sky. It had been an accident, truly, she was just fetching fire wood and it started pouring particularly hard. The noise was loud enough to drown out her thoughts, so she had froze there-- log in hand, eyes up to the crying sky.
It was her words that broke the spell, a blink before she started rushing inside. Stopping just at the doorway, the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops falling off of body made her reconsider.
“...I’ll ruin the floor.”
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licentiapennas · 6 years
Send ✮ and I’ll generate a number between 1-100 for what my muse will say to yours.
91. “This is not fair.”
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She had been staring at him for the last five minutes, uninterrupted, completely devoted. One could understand why Heather made others so uncomfortable now, she didn’t realize she was staring while zoning out. Or.. at least one would assume so before she spoke up.
“This is not fair, even you are taller than me.”
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licentiapennas · 6 years
27. goofy
One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 4]
“I just don’t understand the point of walking like that, doesn’t it hurt his legs?”
Despite legitimately sounding concerned, there was just something about the way she mimicked a certain Captain’s stride that was absolutely comedic. Perhaps better, or worse depending on ones perspective; the only being around was Angriff.
This was a regular occurrence at this point, conversing with the Titan had become relaxing, she didn’t need to force herself to speak- he included her anyways. Puffing her cheeks a bit, she concentrated on her foot work while crossing her arms over her chest. Turning to her companion, she made an attempt to give his resting bitch face.
“Do you think that’s close enough?”
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licentiapennas · 6 years
cont. from here with @silevestris
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He is met with an unwavering gaze, empty and blue just as the sky above them. Be it from stupidity or bravery, none can be the wiser. She was aware of his legacy, and more than aware of her own weaknesses. Madness? Those that knew of her would easily assume so, she was smaller than Levi and desired to get her ass kicked by him?
Well, Heather knew her strengths as well.
“To be frank, I’d break your nose if you attempted to go easy on me.” Blunt, her gloved right hand lifting to brush golden hair behind an ear. Did she assume herself better than the children here? By no means, but the strongest normally give the best lessons-- don’t they?
Moving herself to the standard offensive position, an exhale calms her nerves, there is one thing that’s different from back then, during those days she failed hand to hand combat back in training. This becomes obvious upon her moving forward to attack, she’s faster now; and cautious of her right arm, she instead swings with the left. The right instead is used as more of a defense.
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licentiapennas · 6 years
cont. from here with @liberons/brazcns!
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Shivering, shaking, quaking in skin that showed a variety of colors to her favorite time of the year. Metal creaks are muffled by the howling wind, her arm was becoming less functional the colder it got. This is why she loved this season, her frosted gaze and raging blizzards brought anything and everything to it’s knees in submission. Oh how she desires to be the same.
His voice barely tickles her senses among the chaos they were currently within. One moment they split to diverge Titans from the group, the next a storm they feared hit. Real fingers reach out, grasping at his sleeve to keep close, her vision blurred in a sea of white. It is only when they enter the cabin that she is finally able to breathe, all her senses rocketing back into functionality with a snap.
This left her more than a little dizzy, fingers slipping off his clothes to lean against the wall. Bleary blue eyes look around before she shakes the snow off of her just as a dog would. Words are not spoken, she observes for a few moments then begins the task of ensuring a safe night for the two of them. Her metal arm is barely moving due to the frost, so fire is the obvious choice to make. You must huddle for warmth. Something in her mind says, recalling books she read, but this is ignored in favor of another log being tossed in. They were in a cabin that was likely used by criminals, hopefully they wouldn’t come by anything soon. Fetching a match from her back pocket, a light was striked to illuminate her features. Burgundy to the color of blood. Don’t let her fool you, fangs hide behind that frown.
“You’re clothes, Captain. Once the fire starts, we’ll need to dry them.”
Tossing the match onto the kindle, her gaze sweeps the room again; a small noise rumbles the back of her throat, sounding like a whine. “I assume we’re holding the same shifts until the storm passes?”
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licentiapennas · 6 years
One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 4]
Number: 25 [Fuel]
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White smoke leaves burgundy lips, drawing itself into a cloud before it dissipates before her azure eyes. Patience had been a virtue, and she knew it well, but in the end it came to a haunting reality. They were out of fuel.
More specifically, it had been Levi at first, and Heather remained loyally by his side for when extra gas could be delivered by another comrade. Something told her he did not make it. A helpless situation that she refused to cave into, as heartbreaking as it was. She could’ve give up on anyone, especially him.
So what else is she to do but replace his canisters with her own, wordlessly and calmly. She ignores his words until she is done, looking at him at last with the sharp clarity of a leader. If nothing else, he needs to survive. The world didn’t need a weapon, they needed a shining ray of hope that he unintentionally gave off. 
Even if he didn’t see it himself.
Yet it is Heather that finds herself surprised when he crouches down enough for her to climb onto his back, which she gratefully accepts. Together, they could do anything.
What else were friends for?
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licentiapennas · 6 years
lavuan: 50. grace
One Word Writing Prompts [pt. 4]
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It is the way they move among the Chrysanthemum and Lilies/It is the dance golden hair commits intermediately with the wind as it passes by.
Her eyes trace the delicate curve of his cheek, such a fragile thing she holds, knowing that one trusted you so as mechanical whirls bring an arm into sight. Not too much pressure, it’s stronger than it looks. Yet so is he. It was something they both did not fully realize, but from the moment that his index finger traces from her chin to the pitter patter of her heart.
She is his.
And what in this world filled with destructive Gods and greedy Humans, is more beautiful than the Grace that comes from two coming to understand love in it’s entirety? 
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licentiapennas · 6 years
cont. from here with @belriseau
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“You will want to remove your weapon from my person immediately, Bel.”
Not a request, but a demand. Heather had to physically resist the temptation and automatic response to slam Bel against the wall with the full strength of her newly gained arm. The damage done there would’ve probably ended up permanently injuring Bel. 
“I was attempting to adjust my sight to see you properly, did you have a nightmare?”
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licentiapennas · 6 years
It wasn't often Bardolf let himself go close to others; avoiding any contact was his usual approach. But at his core, all Bardolf wanted was for everyone around him to be happy. If it meant braving the dangers of hugging a stranger, then so be it! Considering how small the older woman was, it wasn't difficult maneuvering his arms around her in a loose fashion. She was warm. "I... Sorry... Does this even help...? You can hit me as well! I heard punching something helps some people feel better."
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“..When is it going to be enough?”
It was a question that inevitably lead her down the rabbit hole of possibilities, it could not end until her death.. or tomorrow. There was no telling. Perhaps that was the beauty of War. In the moment, it felt everlasting, but.. after it was over..
Would they not go back to ignorant “cattle” stuck in a pen? They were no different from the very animals she saw every day. Let Humanity Burn.
Her heart races, and her pupils dilate, as her body quakes subtly with an emotion she cannot identify outside of exhausted. Her skin crawls, begging for stimulation it has not received in far too long. Like a Siren’s Song, her anxiety brings forth the arms of someone that she does not immediately notice as emphatic. Suddenly stone beneath his touch, it is only when the young Ackerman speaks that Heather relaxes. 
She did not realize that her body desired something so simple. Absorbing that sensation quietly as he speaks, there is but a single arm that lifts. It is her real arm, and it wraps tightly around him, like an anchor into reality. It does not take long before she lets out a few words, quiet and flustered.
“...It’s fine. Just... one moment please.” 
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licentiapennas · 6 years
“It’s time to free yourself.” :^)
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Silence consuming after those few words spoken, it ate away her thoughts and heart, leaving a trail of fire and blood in it’s wake. A natural disaster wrapped in human skin, he was suppose to be the salvation of Humanity. She saw him differently. They were merely tools of circumstance, built to be weapons that killed under the guidance of those that could handle the responsibility. It was easier this way. 
So why did he seek freedom? Why did he dare to offer it to her? She was a Hound of War long before he thought of joining, the coffins resting on her shoulders were too heavy to just put them down. Why are you doing this, Eren?
“Freedom is not an option for the damned.” She wants to be free, somewhere deep in her shattered heart, she wants to run and be wild; her body aches from the strain of hiding her pain. She just wants to rest. “My time has not been served, I am a weapon until I am forgiven for my sins.”
You would do well to learn from your own, boy.
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