#very “you made me wait 100 years you dick so you're doing the dishes for the next 30”
I'm tired so y'all get angsty Nimona headcanons
So apparently since I’m a masochist I was thinking about how Nimona would react to the boys dying 
Specifically the order cause I feel like that would contribute to how they would react 
If Bal died first he would be crushed and kind of just shut down and close himself off
After a while he would start taking longer trips and meeting new people and the hurt would lessen year after year 
After a while they kind of notice that they left Ambrosius alone
They didn’t mean to it was never their intention to recede into themself 
But that’s what happened and when they rejoined his life he didn’t miss a beat 
He just acted like they never left and that hurt ten times worse 
Especially when she realized that Ambrosius never fully dealt with his death 
At least not in a proper way
Ambrosius passing soon after they reconnected was just another gut punch 
It was like she finally started to recover just to be thrown back down
And a small part of her just a teeny tiny part of her was bitter about it 
And she fucking hated it
If Ambrosius died first I think she would still be angry 
She wouldn’t shut down like Bal she would lash out 
She would act like his passing away was just another betrayal by someone she trusted 
And again it would take a very long time for her to stop viewing it as that
They would never lash out at Bal though
They saw the effects and noticed how deep the sadness ran so they would always hold their tongue around him
One day Nimona made an offhanded joke about how Bal’s eyes should be studied cause they should be able to get even bigger with age 
And Bal just starts laughing 
And he doesn’t stop
Even as he’s bent over sobbing there are still laughs sprinkled in
He asks Bal what was wrong and he says “oh nothing starlight” he keeps pestering him until he finally says 
“You know I don’t think I ever had a chance to miss him because I see him every day when I look at you” 
And they just sit on the couch and seemingly go through every stage of grief 24-hour period 
When Bal dies a couple of years later it’s still like a gut punch
And he wants more than anything to dig himself into a hole and never come back out 
But he doesn’t 
It takes a long time for him to start letting people in again
So I don’t know if the boys were living together or if they were still living in the dorms before the knighting ceremony 
But there in either situation there is something so utterly heartbreaking about the idea of Ambrosius having to rummage through the destruction of people barely knighted  
Desperately trying to pick out the undamaged bits of Bal and clinging to them
I can also just imagine him searching through his phone frantically looking for old photos videos and voicemails 
Trying to figure out if he was genuine or if he was talking with a mask for a decade 
He goes back and forth between knowing those are his genuine smiles and laughs and that’s really love in his eyes 
But then he also has moments when he remembers that he might not know what his real smile looks like or what his real laugh sounds like 
And how can he know what love looks like when he might have been faking it this whole time 
He stops looking through his phone for a while
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