#very excited for the golden gals to return next mcc!
alittlebirb · 2 years
Some showstopping seconds from the MCC 22 Golden Gals!
-Jojo wearing a yellow shirt that says CHAMPS, setting the tone for this MCC!
-Jojo then proceeding to tell her chat to turn their usernames "piss color" in order to show their support
-Everyone wearing old lady skins in reference to The Golden Girls
-Jojo wanted to wear minion skins but she was (thankfully) outvoted
-Gee getting False's attention and jumping with her, and then saying "See this is why I love females."
-Sylvee saying they can pet the cats at any time, but they don't get anything, "just the satisfaction."
-Jojo already strategizing and vod reviewing before the event starts
-Everyone hating on Sapnap for photobombing their group screenie
"He made me fall!" -Gee
"He pushed an old lady off! That's fucked up!" -Sylvee
-Jojo repeatedly saying she's going to pee her pants
-Sylvee asking for food suggestions, specifically something that's easy to eat while they play, and Blushi suggesting hot wings
"Hot wings are like, the most difficult thing to eat, they're so slippery!" -Jojo
"That is the worst possible food you could have picked." -Sylvee
-Blushi then revealing she apparently eats hot wings with a spoon??
"What? Why are you saying these things now?" -Jojo
"Gimme attention! Gimme attention!" -Blushi, cackling her head off
-"Let's just keep talking so the count down doesn't make our tummies hurt." -Blushi
-Gee suggesting that Sylvee order M&Ms???
-Gee and Blushi seeing Quig's birthday hat and begging for one of their own
-Sylvee saying it's sooo embarrassing for whoever threw their chicken inside the glass you guys 🙄, and everyone side eying her because it was her chicken
-Jojo calling for the team to leave a room that's melting in MD and Sylvee yelling they can't leave because Blushi is literally frozen rn!!
"Sorry sorry sorry." 😳 -Jojo and Gee
-Sylvee's mic cutting out so much while she's yelling that for a minute straight the comms are incomprehensible
-Everyone getting so focused on fighting Aqua that the lava eats the floor out from under them
-Gee realizing that she had the intense music off the entire time
-Jojo and Sylvee somehow literally running into Cyan in the 3rd round and Jojo's quick bow shots taking out all four
-Sylvee grabbing the entirety of the big coin box like a freaking queen
-Gee asking if she should ask her roommate to pull the internet on Oli's computer
-Jojo getting Top 5 in MD!
-Jojo calling Purpled her hero
-Sylvee getting excited over "lil ol' me" getting 9th place on the leaderboard
-Sylvee praising the NoxCrew for all their creative games and the work they do
-Gee typing in the chat during the elevator lore
-Sylvee dunking Pink AFTER they already voted
-Sylvee once again throwing the chicken inside the glass
"Wow, I am not a great voter, what the fuck?"
-Gee becoming very distressed at the fact that the chicken died after she punched it
-Everyone asking for Gee to please remind them of the teams each of them will be hunting in PKT 🥺 👉👈, and Gee complying by reading them out in a sports announcer voice
-Blushi saying she's "taking a gander" at the map
-Jojo forgetting to comm after dying and apologizing because she was "fixing myself"
-Sylvee having to hunt 3 teams in a row in a deeply upsetting turn of luck
-Jojo wanting RSR after PKT and the others teasing her it's "for the ego"
-"Should we sing happy birthday to Quig one letter at a time?" -Gee
-Jojo checking in with the others by asking for affirmatives and everyone sounding off
-"That's our Jojo, girl!" -Gee about Jojo during RSR
-Sylvee complimenting Jojo on her elytra hops! "Nice hops, Jojo!" "HUGE hops!"
-Gee getting top 11 during the second round in a huge improvement, and Jojo getting top 2 in players!
-"It's the speed of the elytra, like oh my gosh! I'm zoomin!" -Blushi
-"If we skip Build Mart I'm literally gonna cry." -Jojo T.T
"No! Don't make Jojo cry!" -Gee
-"Make sure to follow walls directly from behind like a little puppy dog." -Sylvee
"Bark bark!" -Blushi
-"Girls! What do we love?" -Gee
"Winning!" -Sylvee
"No!" -Gee
"..can you give us a hint?" -Sylvee
"We love walls, especially when they have?" -Gee
"Holes in them!" -Jojo
"That's my girls, a bunch of hole lovers!" -Gee
-The exclamation mark walls are the most dangerous of all.
-Jojo winning the second round and typing in the chat
-"What do we love?" -Gee
"JOJO!! Oh, walls, right." -Sylvee
"And Jojo!" -Gee
-Jojo seeing the MCC wall and wanting to type it in the chat, but she's shaking too much
"It's okay, Sylvee will do it for you!" -Gee
-Jojo calling one of the walls a uterus
-Jojo winning the third round and Gee yelling "I want to do something to you that I can't say on stream!"
-Jojo got top 5 in every. single. HITW round. And to top it all off, she won the last two rounds entirely.
-Purpled and Jojo taking their leaderboard screenies together (they're besties your honor)
-Sylvee singing an custom song during the break about how Jojo is the best Minecraft player and the w in women stands for winning, and conveniently forgetting the entirety of it when Jojo asked her to repeat it
-The chat asking if they can skip TGTTOS and Jojo replying "you don't understand, we have Blushi."
-Everyone being so supportive and kind the whole way through, but especially when Blushi is feeling down about her performance so far
-Gee saying you don't get laps in reverse Ace Race, you get pals!
"One pal, two pals!" -Gee
-Jojo seeing Sylvee pass her in AR and screaming and calling her "the baddest bitch I know!"
-"Mirror map is my map! Mirror map is my map!!" -Sylvee
-"I was following Dream the entire time, I could smell his asshole. It smelled bad, but okay." -Sylvee (Why.)
-The Golden Gals getting 2nd place in AR scores!
"We are so hot." -Jojo
-Sylvee frantically messaging everyone in the aftermath of AR to ask did they see that?? Did they see how good she was???
-Jojo suggesting skipping BB and Sylvee immediately groaning in disagreement
-Sylvee murdering Sapnap in BB
-"Support players my ass!" -Sylvee
-Jojo getting an ace on Pink!
-Gee calling Orange a team of "little bow shooters."
-Sylvee saying "Hi Hbomb! Sorry Hbomb! He's going to be so mad at me," while playing in SOT
-"NO, Ryguy, please don't tomato us!" -Gee from the cage
-Everyone trying to puzzle together HOW they messed up so bad in SOT
"Do you think we'll make the top 10 most tragic plays?" -Jojo
-"Wilbur gave me some tomatoes, DIE EVERYONE!" -Blushi
-Dream getting locked out and joining The Ladies
-Jojo STILL being in first after the disastrous SOT because she's just THAT good
-"It's okay, we have time to make up coins." -Jojo during TGTTOS
"What's not okay is my Sands of Time loss." -Sylvee, who is still not over it and never will be over it
-"Jojo's like, no first? Cringe!" -Gee
-"We love her. She's so cute, look at her. Stop, I love her!" -Blushi, fangirling I've Tina
-Everyone calling Blue cringe for griefing during TGTTOS
"Blue, more like Boo!" -Gee
-"Guys I got first on the team! Every other time I came last! I'll take it!" -Blushi
-"It's a learning curve! Now you're gonna be absolutely cracked at every single SOT game after Hbomb roasts the shit out of you!" -Gee reassuring Sylvee
-Jojo and Blushi apologizing to Puffy but they have to root for the other Captain
-Gee playing this MCC on Puffy's set up, while Oli is playing on her set up
-Blushi realizing that Red's skins are in black and white and she is not, in fact, colorblind
-Jojo calling for pp's to rise up
-Jojo having a lil one on one with Kara in the audience
-Gee going over to keep Tina company because she's standing by herself
-Jojo predicting that Sparklez would win this MCC and telling it to his face when she went to LA...the gift of prophecy
-Jojo trying to convince Sylvee her SOT tragedy wasn't that big a deal and it's all okay, and Sylvee just NOT having it
"You never win an argument against Sylvee." -Gee
-Sylvee saying that if only Jojo wasn't so freaking good, she wouldn't be so upset about costing her coins
"I'm sorry, it's my fault!" -Jojo
-Dream entering the call to congratulate Sylvee on AR and Sylvee immediately putting her SOT performance on blast and going on an extensive rant about everything that went down during it
-"It's okay, we held hands all the way to the finish line!" -Jojo to Sylvee about AR
-"Sylvee's always got revenge on her mind." -Gee
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