#very much not proofread either this is me tossing out ideas haha
allbluedepths · 10 months
I'm a fan of truth serum trope fics, but for something slightly adjacent to that: something (magic/actual serum/Devil Fruit) that makes the recipient "truthful" in that they lower their emotional walls. Nothing extreme or unrealistic, but enough to make typically reserved individuals much more open and vibrant with their expressions.
Aka, the perfect target for this is Mihawk. Doubly so if Mishanks is involved.
Mihawk gets hit by Devil Fruit powers that inflict this during a Warlord mission. Already not great. Also not great: in a rare occasion of pre-planning visits, he's already made plans with Shanks to drop by an island they're docked at nearby. He could just not go — Shanks would understand, albeit be disappointed — but Mihawk uncomfortably realizes he doesn't want that. (Worse, he knows that disappointment is showing on his face, far more obvious than it’d ever be otherwise.)
He arrives at the Red Force, attempting to get himself out of the crew’s view as soon as possible to avoid any mishaps… but seeing Shanks himself gives it away, if the warm smile that instantly blooms across his face says anything. Despite the distinct embarrassment he’s feeling as he registers the crew’s reactions, he expects Shanks to be ecstatic, to finally have the chance to see Mihawk just as free with his emotions as Shanks is.
But Shanks hates it. That’s obvious to everyone, in both his sudden clenched jaw and a brief flash of haywire haki. He shooes everyone away and swiftly takes Mihawk to his cabin with orders for Beckmann to keep everyone well and truly away.
They get to Shanks’ cabin. Mihawk is confused, and a bit hurt, and he knows it's showing because Shanks looks both guilty and upset as he explains: Shanks doesn't hate the idea of seeing Mihawk being expressive, but he hates the fact that it's not Mihawk's choice. He respects and loves Mihawk as he is, he always has, and he doesn't take pleasure in seeing his rival-lover-everything beheld to someone else's will.
(He also admits, more embarrassed than his usual lack of shame allows, that if Mihawk was going to be stuck like this for a bit, he selfishly wants to keep him all to himself despite what he just said. Because he’s spent so long coaxing out every little reaction and savoring them, and now Mihawk shows up on his deck smiling widely at him in front of everyone, and he knows that’s not right but—)
Mihawk cuts him off with a kiss and a smile that’s brighter than normal but just as warm as his usual, private ones for Shanks. Of course he would react nobly like that. (And if his possessive streak does something for Mihawk… well, that’s his business.) He manages to save some of his dignity and express it more in his usual manner, but he wouldn’t have still come if he didn’t trust Shanks with this new development. (His expression definitely gives him away this time, though.)
Point being, they end up spending the day or so while it wears off holed up together, without Mihawk feeling the need to fight it off as he would outside the cabin or answer anyone’s prying questions. Shanks keeps his word and doesn’t invoke any strong reactions — but he does mentally preserve the image of a truly relaxed Mihawk, content to bide his time reading and napping in his bed.
(And if Mihawk eventually suggests some other activities in bed to take advantage of this short-lived change… well, they’ve got a whole day to burn.)
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mongniel · 7 years
member: kang daniel genre: fluff, harry potter!au summary: daniel is rough when it comes to a game of quidditch. but you weren’t a very forgiving person when he sent you off your broom and pummeled to the ground. a/n: this was supposed to be up yesterday but my dumbass thought i typed it out and queued it already (i didn’t...). FOR DANIEL WEEK, @deepdickdaniel have a happy happy birthday bitch. i didn’t proofread because i was in a rush to finish another one im gonna post today LMAO.
hogwarts was the school to be at. if anyone else thought otherwise, your wand would be pointed up their throat, asking them to repeat what they said.
no one ever questions why you got sorted into slytherin. you were competitive, ambitious, and continuously determined to be the best.
it was no wonder why you were a prefect and on the quidditch team, specifically a chaser.
a really good one at that, but it wasn’t because you were talented or anything. you worked your ass off to be as good as normal players and wanted to excel even further.
everyone was surprised the slytherin that couldn’t even fly their broom their first year was now one of slytherin’s best chasers.
anyway, you had a game. slytherin vs. gryffindor
you honestly hated playing against gryffindor because their seeker, ong seongwu, is constantly not taking the game seriously.
he thinks the game is his comedic stage but he doesn’t realize how much of an annoyance he was.
well, the gryffindor team doesn’t have a hot liking for you either.
you’re the pureblood snake with the stick up your ass. according to them....
plus you’re pretty much the only player they have a real difficult time knocking down because they can’t call you out for playing dirty since you don’t.
(side note: slytherins aren’t always evil and mean!)
anyway, in the middle of the game, you caught the quaffle from another teammate, and in the midst of tossing it back to another member, a bludger hits your left shoulder, causing you to lose balance and fall off your broom.
you fell flat on your back and felt the immense pain that came from your effected shoulder.
your immediate reaction wasn’t even to take care of yourself. it was to find the asshole that hit a bludger towards your shoulder. 
and there he was staring right at you from above. 
you knew exactly who he was. kang daniel, that idiot ong seongwu’s best friend. your automatic assumption was he’s probably the same level of idiot as ong was. 
but fuck, you couldn’t think any further than that because your shoulder was killing you. 
next thing you knew, you were getting treated and was being told that you couldn’t play quidditch until the end of the week. for you, that was already too long away from a broom.
you were heated. daniel probably did it on purpose, you thought. him and seongwu probably plotted this out so you’d step down from practices and games.
they thought they could do that to you? no.
to your advantage, daniel was in the same class as you, your favorite class, defense against the dark arts (dada)
you had a fucked up arm but you’re lucky it wasn’t your wand holding arm.
when the professor asked for volunteers for a duel, you instantly had your hand up. 
“okay, choose your opponent.”
“gryffindor, kang daniel.”
at first, he was stunned. he was goofing off with another student when you were calling him out for a duel. then your professor called him up for the duel.
daniel looked at you then back at your arm. his face said he was sorry, but you couldn’t believe that. he was going to use pity against you.
“let’s start,” your professor said.
“stupefy!” you exclaimed and pointed your wand at him. (spell to stun your opponent)
he was quick and you missed the shot.
“wait, y/n, i’m s––”
“depulso!” (spell to move the target away)
daniel flew across the room before he could finish his sentence.
“take it easy, y/n!” your teacher commanded.
you ignored him as your grip tightened on your wand. 
“expecto pe––”
daniel raised his wand up and pointed at you before you could finish his spell.
“rictusempra.” (spell to tickle your opponent)
you were laughing.... uncontrollably. your dropped your wand and fell on your knees as you couldn’t stop laughing. 
“please, sto–haha!!!” 
your professor used the spell to undo your laughter as he applaud daniel for his quick thinking.
“y/n is a strong competitor. i’m very impressed, daniel,” he said.
that just made you more angry. you even heard daniel thanking the professor.
you grabbed your wand and walked out of class. you didn’t want to hear this anymore, nor did you want to see daniel. he broke your arm and got complimented. what’s next? your prefect spot going to him?
kang daniel. the name made you boiled. 
you did your best to avoid him. the mere thought of him bothered you. 
but little did you know, he’s been trying to find you. literally, he’s been really bothered and feeling extremely guilty for sending that bludger your way to the point where you broke your arm.
when your arm healed, you slightly let your guard down and... well... it lead to an interaction... with him... kang daniel.
you turned to see daniel waving and jogging over to you with a goofy smile on his face.
your instinct was to get out of there whether it was via your legs or broom. you just didn’t want to talk to him.
he was fast though for a muggle and he had his hand on your shoulder (the one that was injured not to long ago by the way) when he caught up to you.
you bet your eyes were doing its best to burn his hands until they were off. daniel caught the hint and laughed sheepishly as he removed his hand.
“what do you want?” you asked him.
“i just want to say sorry for breaking your shoulder. my aim was totally off and you were going at full speed.. i... i felt so bad for hitting you. i’ve been finding the right chance to talk to you, but you seem like you were avoiding me.”
“well, i was. you broke my arm and humiliated me... twice. defense against the dark arts is my class and you made me a fool.”
“well, you would’ve probably killed me if i didn’t do anything. plus, i thought the rictusempra spell was a better method to you know... not stupefy you but stop you from throwing me like an unwanted doll.”
“it would’ve been less humiliating if you stupefied me,” you mumbled.
“next time, i’ll stupefy you then!”
you glared at him for even saying that.
“you’re really... stupid or something.”
“no, i’m just trying to make it up to you. what do you want me to do? i’ll do your homework––”
“as if your grades are better than mine.”
“i’ll give you some quidditch pointers! look, you’re good, but i know you didn’t start off that way. i can teach you some stuff you probably don’t even know about.”
the offer was tempting, actually.
“fine, but if i see ong seongwu within a two mile radius, i’m leaving.” you just needed a condition to make it seem like you weren’t completely into the whole idea with being around daniel.
“deal. no, ong seongwu.”
these one-on-one sessions were actually useful.
you actually took his pointers seriously. daniel was surprisingly good... he could’ve been a really excellent chaser if he wanted to with the way he can throw the ball.
“nice catch!” he shouted from the other side and soon flew over to you, “you’re doing really good. if not even better than before.”
“... thanks...” your eyes wavered before you toss the ball over to him, “let’s try that one more time.”
you weren’t used to his smiles. no matter how many times he does it to you.
at times, he would laugh too and you really didn’t know why. you were strictly cold towards him, but in return, he was... warm.
it was the next slytherin vs gryffindor game.
you were talking with your teammates and when you were on the field, your eyes found their way to daniel. 
he was talking to seongwu and they were laughing with each other. 
you felt uncomfortable. you wanted to take your eyes off of him, but you just didn’t. when he noticed, you tightened your grip on your broom and your eyes moved in panic.
but he was just smiling at you, waving like... always.
you did your best to ignore him, but during the game... he was alluring. so much so, you thought you were being charmed.
your head wasn’t in the game and you glance at daniel from time to time during the game that you almost got pulled out of the game.
“listen, screw your head back in or i’m taking you out of the game.”
“sorry. i’ll focus.”
and you did. you ignored daniel because he really was a distraction... smiling at you randomly during the game. how rude.
you took ignoring daniel to a new level though, so you didn’t even see him coming when you flew right into his lane.
the two of you bumped shoulders and the impact had you off your broom again.
you had no idea why, but his name was the first to come out of your mouth. 
you expected to hit the floor again, praying that you wouldn’t break your arm again, but daniel swooped right down to you and caught you by your waist.
you can hear his heavy breathing as his head rested on your shoulder.
“i... caught... you this time.”
when he saved you, your heart was racing and it was not from the adrenaline from falling... and the butterflies just wouldn’t stop. 
you really didn’t want to admit it, but you liked a gryffindor.
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