#very nervous and upset about what's happening in faerghus
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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This is a part of Felix I really like. When it comes to Rodrigue, as long as Rodrigue is safe, Felix is his usually tsun self... but as soon as anything dangerous happens to him (in both games) Felix gets anxious.
It's a nice detail because it makes sense for him to feel that way after losing Glenn, and since this is in VW, he's also, presumably at this point, lost Dimitri. It makes sense that if something felt off about his family (i.e. Dimitri is basically his brother, thus family. Dimitri literally sees Rodrigue as his second father) that he would get uncomfortable.
What I love about it is how much it speaks to his real feelings. He can act uppity and vocal all he wants, but as soon as something happens to these people he claims he doesn't like or care about, it makes him antsy. For all the nonsense he talks about them, as soon as something happens to them, he struggles to accept it (such as why, in his AM advice box note, you have to tell him that that's just the way life is sometimes when he's grieving about his father).
For all of Felix's complaining about Rodrigue, as soon as Rodrigue suddenly isn't able to update him regularly or communicate with him during a war, he becomes uneasy. He's not suddenly grateful like oh finally the old man shut up. He gets nervous that they've suddenly had little to no contact. He's unsettled not knowing what's going on with Rodrigue.
I love this line because it's who Felix really is, without all the posturing. He'll act tough and angry in front of them, but as soon as something goes wrong, he wants to know what's happening. He's afraid of not knowing what's going on. He's afraid that the Kingdom could be in a bad situation, or worse for him, that his father could be in a dangerous situation.
If he didn't care about Faerghus or his father anymore, why would it bother him not to get updates? If Rodrigue was in contact with Felix despite Felix being in the Alliance army, Rodrigue obviously had no issue with that and still took the time and effort to remain in contact with him. Plus, if Felix says this now, it means they'd been pretty regularly exchanging information up to that point and it's just recently started to go quiet, and Felix is uncomfortable with that. He wants to know what's happening.
It's so rare that he acts like this, but when he does it's very powerful. It's sincere and genuine - something he usually is not. He hides his feelings about people if they're safe in front of him. If they're not in front of him and could be in danger, he's worried.
I just wish we had more lines like this because they're so good for his character and help to get him past the issue Houses often has with tropey aspects of characters being their entire personality. In Hopes it's handled significantly better imo, but before we had AG Felix we only really had crumbs of who Felix really was and the parts of himself that he hid from others.
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boundlesshart · 2 years
It was one of the dates he had marked on his calendar- Claude's birthday. Dimitri always made sure to remember others' birthdays, particularly if they're a friend or someone who can be considered important either in the authority sense or for the future of Faerghus in any way. Claude's case...
...he wasn't sure what it was, and didn't want to push boundaries either. As much as he wished to be able to call Claude a friend one day, the path towards that felt difficult and unsure- and so the prince saved the date in the diplomatic sense, for now. Yes, he's the heir to the Alliance's leading position. A good relationship with him could spell great opportunities for Faerghus.
That...and Dimitri did injure Claude once, a long time ago. No, he never forgot.
"I noted that it is your birthday today, so I did my best to find something I could gift you with. Sorry, I shall warn you here and now that I am quite awful with gifts." It was one of the most ridiculously impossible tasks he had done. Dimitri had no idea what Claude liked- with the exception of what, bows and arrows? Deers? It was rather embarrassing to admit that his knowledge was so shallow like that. I hope he doesn't get upset by that.
Feeling a bit awkward, the prince handed out the first gift he had to offer- a book. Rather heavy with a thick leather cover engraved in silver and gold. Claude was the schemer type, wasn't he? He remembers the fellow house leader's shenanigans regarding traps and stealth. "This- is a tactics book. But not a typical one, rather it involves tactics regarding the handling of crests and their effects, specifically." It was through this book that Dimitri learned more about his own crest and what to do with it, so he imagined that maybe Claude could like it too. "It is a rather popular book in Faerghus for the soldiers and knights! I...imagined that you would enjoy something like this."
The second gift was actually his very first option- but he mulled over it so many times that he decided to not make it the main thing. He had already done this once and it ended terribly, but perhaps...only maybe, this time it wouldn't go as badly.
Staring at his own feet, he handed the archer a dagger, its blade sheathed in blue- and gold, an oddity for Faerghus. "As for this dagger, uh...I shall spare you the history lesson, but in Faerghus the blade is believed to guide you towards the future you find right. It cuts open the path for you to walk on and steels your resolve. Uhm, it is an odd gift, is it not? Sorry...but well, I am giving it to you because I wish you great power, for whatever future you are set to walk towards."
A pause. And he grows embarrassed. "-or you can just use it for self defense as well, the blade is excellent!" Another pause....oh no, what if this could be perceived as a threatening move? For the prince of Faerghus to be giving a dagger to the Alliance heir? Oh Dimitri, you fool! You tone deaf fool! "And this is not a threat, I swear! It is just- ah, blades have meanings in Faerghus and...ah, sorry if this has unsettled you."
"Anyway- Happy Birthday, Claude. I wish you a bright life ahead." With that, he hurried to leave...forgetting that his own room was only one door away from Claude's.
Claude tilts his head at Dimitri, confused by how... nervous he is when there's no reason to be. Is it because of what happened last year? Sure, he was upset by what happened, but that's in the past. Surely Dimitri has left all that behind him...
"Well, the thought's what counts for a gift," Claude tries to reassure him, but honestly he braces himself for the worst. A brush that will break all his curls. A torn up dandelion. He breathes a sigh of relief when it's just a book, and an interesting book on that. Tactics on handling Crests and their effects? Claude hums in interest as he flips through the table of contents, of course eager to find where the Crest of Riegan sits. He never grew up knowing how to use or handle his crest effectively the way some of his peers did, and his grandfather's experiences with a major crest don't always match with the realities of Claude's minor one. "You had me worried there! Thanks, Dimitri. I'll make good use of this during the next mock battle," he adds with a wink.
He thought it would end there, but not quite. Dimitri surprises him with a second gift: a simple dagger, by all appearances, though with how antsy he's acting about it Claude's not sure if there's more to this than meets the eye. Carefully he unsheathes the weapon, scrutinizing the blade and handle and finding nothing out of place. A perfectly fine gift. There's no need for Dimitri to get so worked up over it.
"Were you always this much of a worrier? I've been gifted daggers before, your intentions are loud and clear." The dagger Claude is thinking about is all the way back in Almyra, enclosed in an ornate sheath and nestled at the bottom of a drawer. "But it's the first one I've ever gotten from someone from Faerghus, with the well-wishes attached and all. I appreciate it. I hope that I can live up to those lofty expectations—Hey!"
Rushing to leave him behind? Rude! "At least let me thank you!"
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ship-ambrosia · 4 years
Dimimari Week Day 4 - Seasons (The Goddess’s Reply)
Summary: Marianne's first year living in Faerghus.
AO3: Lucky Charm Chapter 4
I'm particularly excited about this prompt, because I think it's kinda a different style than I usually write. It was also the first idea I came up with for the week.
By the way i know you probably shouldnt overexplain everything, but the title comes from the dimitri/marianne A support where marianne wonders "if this is the goddess telling me i should make something of myself?" dimitri says "that must be why the goddess allows me to live on" and dimitri ends the support with "i promise to the goddess of fodlan that i will never give you cause to despair" So i just kinda thought of this happiness being "the goddess's reply" to their questions and prayers
  The war ended in the eighth month of the year. The Verdant Rain Moon.
  Marianne moved into Fhirdiad Palace the following spring. The flowers of the city were beginning to bud, the cold northern air of Faerghus making one last attempt to deliver the snow. Marianne had only ever seen Fhirdiad in chaos, Cornelia’s Tripp’s and mechanical abominations standing in their way as they raced through the capital to confront her. It was like an entirely different city now. Fhirdiad was a famously clean and beautiful city, and she was happy to see it this way now. It was a wonderful distraction as she came to terms with her responsibilities as the future queen of the united Fodlan.
  For some reason, she hadn’t thought of what falling in love with Dimitri would actually entail; or perhaps she had been avoiding it. Dimitri was a kind, just man, who had faced his own darkness, the horrible things that plagued his mind, and overcome them. He deserved to become king of course, and she would never convince him otherwise. But she, becoming queen... left her increasingly nervous.
  Dimitri had a lot to take care of as well, now that he was to be king, a lot of things needed to be fixed after the war and though he had begun them almost immediately, he was gone from the palace for long periods of time. Her heart aches for him, wishing she could come along but he was worried about leaving the palace empty, and so she and Dedue spent much time together as they waited for the most important person in their lives to come home.
  When he did come home though, those were the best days. She enjoyed nothing more than when he would lead her around the city, showing her the places that meant the most to him and meeting the people. Fhirdiad was beautiful, with its aqueducts just as decorative as they were functional in keeping the water supply clean, to the vast garden as they bloomed over the weeks. She never fell into a rhythm, every day felt brand new; every moment spent with Dimitri felt like she was falling in love all over again.
  Summer came to Fhirdiad warmer than she had expected, and Marianne felt the teeniest twinge of homesickness. She and Dimitri traveled to Leicester so they could reunite with friends, and see the city of Derdriu once again. Upon returning, Marianne was surprised to find her awe with Fhirdiad had not faded, still as captivated by the northern city’s beauty and life as before. She was starting to see herself live here, the role of queen still frightening but something she found herself proud of.
  Summer was when the people of Faerghus really came alive, and she spent much of her time traveling around the former country. She was scared to meet the nobles of the west in particular, to get them to accept her as the queen, though much of the nobles in the east were her friends - Felix and Sylvain, respectively, were rising to the heads of both their Houses, which happened to be two of the most powerful in the former borders of Faerghus. With their support, she felt she could lift her chin a little bit higher.
  Mercedes and Annette insisted they be present at every step of the way that Marianne was fitted for her wedding gown, which began around this time. Every thought of being wed to Dimitri sent her blushing like a lovesick schoolgirl, and listening to the dressmakers and her friends made her feel like she was going to combust. She had never imagined herself marrying happily, always assumed it would be an arrangement to benefit her adoptive father. When she returned home to Dimitri after those visits she would hold him and cry; they were happy tears, as she thought about differently her life was now than she had imagined back then.
  Their relationship itself too, changed with the change in season. Sweet and tempered in the spring, like how the world was poised to bloom. In the summer they naturally progressed into something a little more heated. This was such uncharted territory for both of them, exploring new avenues of their feelings for one another, but it never felt wrong.
  As the leaves began to change color, the people of the country got to work harvesting the fields and Marianne had to prepare once more for celebration. It was a joyous time as people all across Fodlan celebrated their good harvests going into winter. A little over a full year had passed since the end of the war, and it seemed like the scars it had left had truly begun to heal. It was one of the best harvest years in all of recorded history, as though the goddess, wherever she may be, was celebrating with them.
  But all the time of bliss they had witnessed in this new year had spoiled them, made them forget what obstacles they still had to overcome. The war was still fresh in everyone’s minds, the scars still there. In late autumn after the leaves had begun falling, a handful of Faerghus’s western nobles attempted a coup. Dimitri was joined by Felix and Sylvain to quell the uprising, though Dimitri was injured in the fighting. It felt as though all of Fhirdiad was holding its breath as he was returned home not on horseback but in a medical carriage, the death of their previous king still fresh in everyone’s mind. The presence of their queen-to-be as a specialist in healing magic did little to calm the anxieties of the city, but Marianne thought that fitting as she was equally as upset each day as she cared for him. She saw flashes of the madness he had gone through returning, knowing full well that the entire battle itself had reminded him of the day in Duscur that he lost so many people he had loved. The wound in his mind affected him more than the wound in his chest, and so Marianne stayed by his side, that he might remember all that they had both fought so hard for.
  And Dimitri recovered, by the time Faerghus’s chilling winds had brought snow back to the city. He walked out onto the balcony of the palace, and the people of Fhirdiad had gathered in the streets for him, just as they had after he had retaken the capital from Cornelia a year ago. After all the suffering she had known he went through in the past month, at his bedside the entire time, there was nothing that could have prepared her for the rush of emotions that overcame her when she saw Dimitri smiling at the people of Fhirdiad. Ever the intense empathetic soul he was, Dimitri immediately scooped her up into his arms, in front of everyone. Her first real large gathering in the palace, and everyone saw her crying and clinging to Dimitri.
  On the bright side, such a sight made Dimitri and Marianne’s relationship incredibly popular across all of Fodlan, when news spread that Marianne had personally tended to him and not left his side. Dimitri’s more... savvy advisors touted that seeing Marianne express such raw emotion made her seem more human to their subjects, or something like that. Considering she had only really been with Dimitri in public during small festivals or meetings, she assumed everyone by now knew she was just very nervous at the prospect of being a queen. What else could she be but human? She didn’t like his political advisors very much.
  The entire kingdom’s joy in Dimitri’s recovery carried to his birthday, where celebrations rang out all across the country and once again, Marianne found herself traveling with him. Her emotional outburst had made her the center of attention, and suddenly everyone wanted to know about her. Certainly, she knew her adoptive father must be enjoying his own fame, as her home in a former Leicester territory was quite well known. She was just happy that the western lords, whom Dimitri had been quite light on their punishment when considering the trouble they caused, were clearly not as popular as they thought they were. House Rowe, who had once been the major power in the region, now bowed the knee to House Gaspard, led by Ashe.
  Between parties, Dedue told her that Dimitri was glad the rest of Fodlan was finally seeing her as he saw her, though it made him a bit jealous that her attention was constantly being taken away by someone else. She resolved to do something with this information.
  They got on a horse together and rode off early in the morning one day, making tracks in the fresh blanket of snow. Though the path was covered, Dimitri knew it by heart as these were the trails he had rode as a boy, sometimes with Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid, sometimes alongside Gilbert and Glenn, and other times by himself. And they spent the day in the snow, laughing and twirling, throwing snow at one another, that surely if any onlooker did not know this was the king and future queen of Fodlan, didn’t know of the darkness that either of them had pushed their way out of and overcome, would probably have just rolled their eyes at two young, foolish lovers. Because certainly that was how Marianne felt as she danced around her first real snowfall of Faerghus.
  When Dimitri kissed her, it all came rushing back. Everything they had been through, everything they had suffered and all the people they had lost, all the victories and the relief when it was all over. All the ways her life had changed just by knowing him. And Marianne smiled, because even though she was still scared about it all, he would be there.
  And then the snow started to melt, the trees began to bud again. At the beginning of spring a year after she had moved to Fhirdiad, Marianne and Dimitri were wed to begin their lives together and guide the people of Fodlan beyond the war that had once divided them.
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