thefreakymunson · 1 year
Bestie the iii x vessel x reader got me 😫🥲 i need more sweet moments with either them separate or together PLEAAASEEE 😭
You got it!!
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You often wondered how you got so lucky.  Most people struggled to find true love in their lives, and you had found it with two men who loved you, and each other, desperately.  However, in that same breath, you were wondering how you even got into the position you were in currently, which was funny enough.
The outside festival didn’t have the commodities that a venue would.  No.  There were no backstage dressing rooms where the guys could bathe the black paint off of them.  They were stuck with having to be hosed down behind the bus as to not ruin the bathroom interior.  Maybe you were having too much fun with it, being the one in control of the hose itself, spraying and squirting the band members as they quickly washed themselves clean, complaining about the frigid temperature of the water itself.
“I swear to god,” Vessel said as his teeth chattered, “I’m going to build a time machine, go back in time, and beat my own ass for having this idea.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shrugged nonchalantly, “I’m having fun.”
That got you two death glares from the two tallest of the group before Vessel glanced at iii and before you knew it, you were being tossed over iii’s shoulder as Vessel playfully jerked the hose from your hand and began spraying you all over.
“Vessel, stop!” You shrieked, trying your hardest to get away from iii but he just locked his arm around you tighter.
“What’s that?” Vessel said mockingly, “I can’t hear you, I’m having fun.”
You kicked with all you could muster, the laughter spilling from your mouth as you fought against them but it was no use.  They were too strong and too fast, so you gave in and admitted your defeat.  Vessel eventually turned off the faucet and just as you were being sat back down on your feet, iii was brushing your now soaking hair back away from your face, exposing the eyeliner running down your cheeks.  Your makeup was ruined and so was your hair, but it wasn’t the first, or last, time the two things got ruined by the two laughing giants in front of you.
“That was mean,” you said, wringing your shirt out as you glared up at Vessel himself who was pushing his hair away from his face as well. 
“That was payback, my love.”  Vessel smirked before he bent down and pressed a kiss to your lips, “Now let’s go change before we catch our death.”
“It’s ninety degress out, Ves.”  iii laughed, “Sounding like a old grandma.”
“You heard me,” Vessel grinned lopsidedly at him, which only meant one thing.  The three of you were not getting on that bus to just change into regular – dry – clothing. 
By the time the festival was over and everyone had eaten dinner, you were exhausted.  Thankfully tonight was a no travel night and you three were able to get a hotel room which meant a good hot shower and an actual bed to sleep beside the both of them on.   
When you walked out of the steamy bathroom, you were greeted by the sight of your boyfriends lounging on the couch, both in their pajamas.  iii’s head was laid in Vessel’s lap, fingers being carded through blonde hair.  They both smiled when you walked in and held the blanket up for you to crawl under.
You were immediately wrapped in four long arms, pulling you into them.  You weren’t leaving for a little while by the looks of it, not that you minded one bit.  It was your favorite way to end a day, surrounded by the two men you loved the most. 
“Sweet girl,”  Vessel’s voice was quiet, an arm snaking around your waist as you looked up at him sleepily.  It was late, and while they were still riding the high of just coming off of stage, you were exhausted from the day’s events.  They had coaxed you into watching some movie – a horror based off of the woman’s shrill screams and the impending doom music.
The three of you had been clogging up the couch in the hotel for the past hour.  iii’s head was in Vessel’s lap while you were tucked safely under Vessel’s right shoulder,  your legs tangled up with iii’s arms as his fingers gently scratched at the back of your calf. 
“Mmm?”  You muttered sleepily, blinking away the bleariness of your vision. 
The festival circuit was hard and hot.  Long days of helping out with the merch table or whatever the band needed left you nearly dehydrated and exhausted, but it was so worth it to be able to spend time with your boys. 
“You need to rest,” Vessel said, turning to look down at you.  The concern in his voice alerted iii who also turned to look up at you.
“Yeah, you worked hard today.”  iii chimed in, “Go to bed, sleepy.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I’m not even tired.  I’m okay.  I’m comfortable.”
Vessel and iii shared a look that you didn’t see as you curled up tighter in the blanket that was draped over you.  Whatever movie that was playing had become an afterthought minutes after the ‘play’ button had been pressed and you had sneakily dosed off pressed into Vessel’s chest.  He must’ve realized you were half asleep soon because you were pulled tighter against him, feeling him press his warm lips against your forehead, before he slid a bit further down on the couch, pulling both you and iii further into him.
“You want to go to bed now?” Vessel whispered, his fingers gently rubbing up and down your back, only to earn a sleep filled whimper from you.
“I think she’s out,” iii laughed, his tiredness tugging on his own voice.
“Mmm, yeah.  Me too.  Guess we’re stuck here.”
“It’s a good place to be stuck,” iii said as he tangled his fingers tighter into Vessel’s hand.
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