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Call For Paper... Track 25 Precision medicine is "an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, Join us at the 10th World Digital Pathology & AI UCGCongress on April 04-06, 2023 in Berlin, Germany Submit your Paper at https://digitalpathology.ucgconferences.com/submit-abstract/ #Precisionmedicine #pathologyweek #digitalpath #nephropathology #slimība #nephrology #皮肤病 #immunopath #pathologist #oralpath #uropath #surgicalpath #molpath #ქიმიურიგზა #renalpath #kidney #cytopath #reproductivepath #veterinarypath #pathologyresident #medlife #surgicalpathology #clinicalpathology #anatomicpathology #ملګري #match #medicalresident
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Fleas Ctenocephalides Felis: Most commonly seen fleas in household cats and dogs. Principle host of the cats but also seen infesting dogs and other mammals. Fleas go through 4 life cycle phases egg, larva, pupa and adult. It's is estimated that a female lays somewhere between 5000 to 8000 eggs during her life. The fleas need to feed on a blood meal before they start producing eggs. The eggs develop to larvae in around three to six weeks. The larvae are negatively phototrophic and hide from the light unto the ground substrates. They again moult to pupae by spinning a Coccon and waiting for suitable environmental conditions and for a suitable host. The adult fleas are capable of detecting the CO2 and temperature from the hosts and this helps in lodging of the fleas to the hosts body. Clinical signs and symptoms develop due to allergic reactions towards the substances present in the fleas saliva (Flea allergy dermatitis - FAD). Morphological differentiation between C. felis and C. canis: a. The first spine of genal comb of C. felis is almost the same length as the second, in C. canis is almost half the length. b. Head of C. felis is more rounder and longer than that of C. canis. c. C. felis - tibiae of all 6 legs have 7 to 8 bristles C. canis - tibiae of all 6 legs have 4 to 5 bristles. To effectively control fleas, both the fleas on the animalss as well as the fleas and eggs in the surroundings have to treated. Adulticides along with insect development inhibitors (Lufeneuron) and insect growth regulators (Methoprene) have been used effectively to control flea population. Spot on (Imidacloprid, fipronil, Methoprene) solutions are more effective alternative in pets rather than the commercial available sprays and dips. #vetpath #vetpathology #vetclinpath #vetclinicalpathology #vetlabdiagnostic #veterinarypath #veterinaryclinicalpathology #veterinarypathology #veterinaryparapathologist #vetdermatology #veterinarydermatology #veterinaryentomology #vetlaboratory #vetdiagnostics #vetparasitology #veterinaryparasitology #vetparasite #flea #catflea #dogflea #ctenocephalidesfelis #externalparasites #fleaallergy #fleaallergydermatitis #wetmount #parasites https://www.instagram.com/drdashvetpath/p/BvyuuHyhN9f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mnofp94i184l
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Avail Special Discounts on registrations at:https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/registration Know more deals @pathologyweek #pathologists #telepath #chemicalpath #microbialpath #diagnosticpathology #immunopath #headandneckpath #dermatopath #anatomicalpath #veterinarypath #softtissuepath #bonepath #oralpath #maxillofacialpath #comparativepath #renalpath #reproductivepath #clinicalpath #molecularpath #plantpath
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Epidermal cyst with pyogranulomatous inflammation in a dog: As seen in the images many polymorphonuclear cells are seen surrounding the irregular dark basophilic material. Multinucleated foreign body giant cells along with variable number of macrophages can also be observed in aspirates. The dark basophilic material seen are aggregates of keratinized materials which have been ruptured from the cyst into the surrounding tissue. A inflammatory response is set by the host to clear out the debris along with keratinized materials out of the involved tissue. #vetpath #vetpathology #veterinarypathology #veterinarypath #vetclinpath #veterinaryclinpath #veterinaryclinicalpathology #vetclinicalpathology #cytology #vetcytology #veterinarycytology #aspirate #aspirationcytology #aspirate #vetlabdiagnostic #veterinarylabdiagnosis #cytologicalexamination #cytologylab #cytologyvet #fnac #fna #caninetissue #epidermalcyst #dermatology #vetdermatology #veterinarydermatology https://www.instagram.com/drdashvetpath/p/BvGNW39h3R-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16c5bpw8m5clt
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Boost your research at: pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submission talk on topics like:Clinical and histopathological features of fatal cases with dengue and chikungunya virus co-infection in Colombia 19th Edition on World Pathology Week 2019 #pathology #pathologist #cliniicalpathology  #doctors #cellularpath #pathologyassociation #laboratorymedicine  #medicine #autopsypath #dermatopath #immunopath #nephropath #veterinarypath #digitalpath #telepath #nephropath #medicine #travel #oralpath
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To validate Special Discount at: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/registration#pathology #doctors #scientists #researchers #pathologists #telepath #chemicalpath #microbialpath #diagnosticpathology #immunopath #headandneckpath #dermatopath #anatomicalpath #veterinarypath #softtissuepath #bonepath
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To submit abstracts PS: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submission #pathology #doctors #scientists #researchers #pathologists #telepath #chemicalpath #microbialpath #diagnosticpathology #immunopath #headandneckpath #dermatopath #anatomicalpath #veterinarypath #softtissuepath #bonepath #oralpath #maxillofacialpath #comparativepath #renalpath #reproductivepath #clinicalpath #molecularpath #plantpath
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#callforabstracts #pathologyweek2019 PS:https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submission #autopsypath #veterinarypath #clinicalpath #chemicalpath #molpath#surgicalpath #reproductivepath #gynecologicalpath #uropath#veterinarypath #digitalpath #telepath #nephropath #medicine #travel#oralpath
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Join us at: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/ to expertise your skills @PathologyWeek19  #pathology #pathologist #cliniicalpathology  #doctors #cellularpath #pathologyassociation #laboratorymedicine  #medicine #autopsypath #dermatopath #immunopath #nephropath #veterinarypath #digitalpath
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Interesting titles like :Pathology and biochemistry of prion disease varies with genotype in transgenic mice at:https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/ #immunopath #headandneckpath #dermatopath #anatomicalpath#veterinarypath #softtissuepath #bonepath #oralpath #maxillofacialpath#renalpathology
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Benchmark your skills at: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submissionSubmit your abstracts @PathologyWeek19 #pathology #reproductivepath #gynecologicalpath #uropath #veterinarypath #digitalpath #telepath #nephropath #medicine #travel #oralpath #neuropathology #plantpathology #histopathology
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Register Now @pathologyweek2019 PS: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/registration #pathology #doctors #scientists #researchers #pathologists #telepath #chemicalpath #microbialpath #diagnosticpathology #immunopath #headandneckpath #dermatopath #anatomicalpath #veterinarypath #softtissuepath #bonepath #oralpath #maxillofacialpath #comparativepath #renalpath #reproductivepath #clinicalpath #molecularpath #plantpath #infectiouosdiseasepathology #pathJC #GIPath #Cytopath
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Submit abstracts  PS: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submission  #pathology #doctors #scientists #researchers #pathologists #telepath #chemicalpath #microbialpath #diagnosticpathology #immunopath #headandneckpath #dermatopath #anatomicalpath #veterinarypath #softtissuepath #bonepath
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#callforabstracts #pathologyweek2019 PS:https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submission #autopsypath #veterinarypath #clinicalpath #chemicalpath #molpath #surgicalpath #reproductivepath #gynecologicalpath #uropath #veterinarypath #digitalpath #telepath #nephropath #medicine #travel #oralpath
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The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. Submit abstracts now!! #Pathologyweek PS: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/abstract-submission #pathology #Science #Doctors #laboratory #hospitals #scientist #dermpath #Cancers #researchers #hematology #Digitalhealth #nursing #healthcare #uropath #veterinarypath #digitalpath #telepath #nephropath #medicine #travel #oralpath
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Hurry up register now for Pathology Week #Tokyo #Japan PS: https://pathologyweek.euroscicon.com/registration #pathology #Doctors #nursing #immunopath #Liverpath #diagnosticpath #dermatopath #microbialpath #infectiousdiseases #autopsypath #veterinarypath #clinicalpath #chemicalpath #molpath #surgpath #SLP
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