lesbianbernardsumner · 9 months
I don’t want to start any autistic rumors but I think that God’s got a neurotypical sense of humor
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wolfpackfive · 4 years
Straight friend groups be like: Blond Idiot, Chad, Nerdy Weak Ass, Kyle, Goth Girl.
Gay friend groups be like: 4 of them are named Bill. Baby in the washbasket. Peter and Peater. Mom. Parrot.
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tellio · 5 years
If You Need Hope, Mr. Berry Sings My Hope to the World
If You Need Hope, Mr. Berry Sings My Hope to the World
In a recent comment in this Vialogue, Daniel Bassill noted,
This is challenge I don’t see enough people talking about. How do we get enough people to look at information like this, often enough, that it leads them to take active roles in making change happen? I think educators have huge role in this because they can engage youth as early as elementary school and build habits over man years. 
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iryusha · 2 years
Лыжи и немного истории
Лыжи – один из самых популярных современных зимних видов спорта, свое начало берет из России и Скандинавских стран. Лыжи были изобретены много тысячелетий назад. Лыжи – отличное средство для укрепления иммунитета, они способствуют развитию практически всех групп мышц и комплексному оздоровлению человека, тренирует выносливость.
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caartcollective · 2 years
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dariabukin · 2 years
Интерактивное видео о пользе плавания
Польза Плавания для Здоровья
Примечательно, что плавать в бассейне одинаково полезно и для мужчин, и для женщин, и для детей, при этом возраст и телосложение не имеет никакого значения. Каждый сможет подобрать для себя подходящую систему тренировок, которая поможет достичь поставленного результата.
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annproshka · 2 years
Интерактивное видео о пользе плавания
Ученые доказали в чём польза плавания для здоровья! Узнай всё о пользе плавания. Ты должен знать!
Польза плавания для мужчин, так же как и польза плавания для женщин неоценима! Особенно ценна польза плавания для женской фигуры, т.к. это очень хорошо сгоняет лишний вес! Так же известна польза плавания при остеохондрозе и при грыже позвоночника
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fitness-aerobics · 2 years
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Задание 1. Платформа vialogues
Всем добрый день! Перейдите по ссылке и оставьте свои комментарии под видеороликом, ответив на вопросы “Как лучше всего начать разговор на английском по телефону?”, “Как лучше всего завершить разговор?”
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lesbianbernardsumner · 7 months
Tumblr media
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tellio · 2 years
ScreenPal, mini-Screencast-0-matic, Auditions to Replace Videologues
ScreenPal, mini-Screencast-0-matic, Auditions to Replace Videologues
Here is a tool to partly replace the video commenting function in the soon defunct Vialogues: Here is the full article by Taibbi. I hope it is open for all.
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hryaninaelena · 3 years
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grippan-blog · 5 years
This video is extremely interesting as a coach from St. Johns University discusses how he could not sign a deal with Nike as a coach because he knew the ethical violations that were occurring in sweatshop. As a promoter of a Catholic Institution he refused to work with a company that totally is hypocritical to the morals this institution is supposed to be upholding. He was fired for petitioning against this and made it is his mission to show everyone what Nike really stands for. He wanted to gain a better understanding by living exactly how these workers did by living on a dollar a day and in a 9x9 space sharing bathrooms with around five other families. They show the drastic effects of the low wages and how it is a hard cycle to break as the kids are not educated and continue to have to work to help provide for their family. They display the cruelty in these sweatshops as any disobedience leads to death threats, violence, houses ransacked, and in extreme cases being held at gun point. Although these conditions are extremely sickening, this video is inspiring as this man has stopped at nothing to make sure the world hears of these issues even if it means putting himself in harms way.
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9 recursos TIC para crear vídeo-quizzes
1. Edpuzzle
2. PlayPosit
3. Hapyak
4. Vialogues
5. Vizia
6. Multipop
7. Wirewax
8. Educaplay
9. H5P
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ankranka · 5 years
Real World
Serendipity in real world is an amazing thing - you get in touch with someone you know or someone you don’t know and it leads to a lot of big impact stuff in our life. My own experience with this is pretty interesting - that is how I met the co-founder I started company with back in 2011. It was a Meetup in NYC. I went to the Meetup to cheer up my colleagues who were presenting one of the product that they were working really hard on (Vialogues). I wasn’t part of the team but I was really interested in being part of its promotion. I was working on a side project then and meeting my co-founder was critical to my ambition of doing something extra and not just be satisfied with a day job. I haven’t had much time to think about it since then but it definitely had a huge impact on my professional life. That said, real world provides everyone of us with a lot of opportunity to meet people, talk to them and if the timing is right it does lead to something.
World Wide Web
Since the beginning of the internet tons of websites have tried replicating the real world serendipity and have been really successful with it. Social networks sort of fall short of it because its just an extension of our real life activity. We meet people in real life and we add them on Facebook. Twitter being an exception if used right. My advice to anyone wanting to use Twitter is to NOT follow friends but to follow people who inspire you. That said, any activity performed on these social networks is a conscious act of adding or following someone. That serendipity is lacking when you are reading an article, news or a blog. There are people behind those articles, there are people mentioned in it that you might want to learn more about. It’s difficult to lookup every single person that you encounter while browsing web. Wouldn’t it be good to get links to social media profiled of people that we are reading about or encountering on those about pages. A lot of company "About" pages actually link to the LinkedIn or Twitter profiles, I end up clicking on a lot of those because I am always interested in people behind a product. I think this can really be extended to pretty much anything on the web. Everything you read on web has footprints of people all over it - writers, mentions, comments - all people. I am yet to encounter a product that does this. I can imagine that tool being really useful in different job profiles as well - sales guys, journalism, hiring etc.
This idea of learning more about people while browsing has been something that’s brewing for a while and I actually ended up on stage at Techcrunch Disrupt SF Hackathon in 2015 to show a chrome extension I built two of my friends. Here is the video if you are interested in taking a look, we called it ThreeDegrees because given how connected we are, the farthest we are from most people mentioned on the web pages that we care about is three degrees.
Do you know any tools that does this or something similar already? Will love to try some of those and see how serendipitous those are!
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