enaelyork · 1 year
Nébuleuse - Preview [O.Krennic x Tarkin Daughter]
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There are times in my life when you just have to stop me from writing. 🫣🫣
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I'm little late so i post a preview for next chapters. @alotofrandomfangirling, @fenharel-enaste, @starlady66, @lady-of-imladris
~ O. Krennic
—We'll stop the bullshit. You first, telling your friends you've had enough to drink and going home. You're going to do it, seriously, otherwise your dear dad will be informed first thing in the morning of your little nocturnal follies. Bedtime is well past for children your age.
Hysterical laughter. It's so thunderous that even the music doesn't distort it.
—You know what ? Go put your dick back in Brenda's pussy and fuck off, asshole!
The communication cuts off, silencing my comlink before I have anything to say, leaving me with a deep nervous breakdown that agitates me.
I'm going to kill her.
Of course. How could I have been dumb enough to think that. Tarkin didn't send his younger daughter to me just to spy on me - if that was really the purpose - but to drive me crazy. And that's exactly what is happening: this degenerate gives me murderous impulses that I find it increasingly difficult to repress. You don't call people like that in the middle of the night by mistake, twice. You will have to take it now. I think, especially stating an excellent excuse to find out where she is and bring her back to her room by the skin of her back. Because it's a safe bet if I base myself on the voices around her that the outcome of this evening will put me in a bad mood if I don't decide to intervene.
V. Tarkin
Everything is perfectly fine.
My boss showed up at the East Plaza party after I mistakenly called him twice—and it's clearly not my fault that my best friend's name starts the same as that motherfucker's—. He planted himself in front of me like an asshole and I looked at him with all the anger that my wookie disguise still allows me before insulting him - and it was probably because he had never seen a wookie make an obscene gesture that he seemed so shocked -. Then, I agreed to follow him before he tussled with Erkani, and I went back in, but not without rubbing against his thigh, to warm him up on the way. I still feel the warmth of his hands on my waist and his warm voice telling me that he will never end up above me other than in an organization chart of the hierarchy.
Absolutely the opposite of what his body - and his hands - told me.
That's because there was probably more alcohol than blood in my veins.
Really, perfect evening, too bad I remember it so well.
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