#victor rodenmaar jr
victor and nina’s beef is genuinely one of the funniest points of the show, because it’s not even the same sort of beef that victor has with like patricia, or jerome, or alfie, etc.. like this beef is petty, flabbergasted beef. the type of beef so raw it’s still mooing. the type of all american beef victor’s stuffy british ass probably hadn’t had since he was in the literal trenches with some random soldier. he was beefing with her just to beef, and nina barely knew she was on the cow farm
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flamingfalcon3 · 4 months
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ofsapphicambers · 4 months
i am a victor apologist.
let me explain.
first, yes, he wanted to make the elixir of life. but he genuinely didn’t know someone would die. he freaked out when alfie started to feel woozy. he just wanted to live forever. why is that a bad thing?
second, he gave up what he thought was the last year of gold to save joys life. like come on, that was a big moment!!
third, also in season two, he got mad at vera for not releasing the kids from their ‘trance’. “harming the children was never part of the plan”. he cared for those kids in his own way. he never wanted any of them to get hurt!
fourth, in touchstone, he pushed eddie (i think im sorry it’s been a hot minute) out of the way and took the chandelier falling on HIM. like come ON guys.
he might not have always liked the kids - and to be fair, they were always breaking the rules - but he never wanted any of them hurt and he did care about them in the end.
no more victor slander pls.
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winniewells · 10 months
unpopular HOA opinions
*edited to remove ableist language i.e word crazy*
Nina is not an asshole for being bitchy/apprehensive of Joy. Joy wanted her man, like why would Nina be nice??? Be fr
On that note, Fabian is 100% the asshole when it comes to his relationship with Nina and Joy. Mf led Joy on and flirted with her in front of his girlfriend. Nina and Joy should have collectively beat the crap out of them.
Mara is wild and not the moral compass the show paints her to be. Don't get me wrong, I love Mara but oh my god??? She sent pictures of Ms. Robinson and Mick to Mr. Sweet to make it seem like they had an inappropriate relationship and was just like "im sorry lol Mick u deserve better im just a mathlete"
Patricia in season one deserves to be smacked. Like I know that she was being gaslit like crazy, but she bullied the shit out of Nina and she should have paid for it a little bit.
Season three isn't bad because Nina isn't there. It just carries a less serious vibe and is more comedic. The mystery is also being shown to use through Eddie's lens who completely accepts the Osirian status while Nina never wanted to be the Paragon.
Victor had every right to hate Sibuna. Mf worked his whole for this shit only to have it all unraveled by the British knock off Mystery Inc.
Jerome Clarke is an AWFUL human being and he doesn't actually become decent until Mara dumped him. He might be funny but quit acting like he's a genuine person.
I love Jeroy but it SHOULD HAVE BEEN JARA
Amber deserved better.
Patricia is a bad friend for not noticing how badly Joy was hurting and for not helping her transition. Girl got KIDNAPPED dammit quit acting like things are supposed to be normal and don't let your friend act that way.
I love Fabina but they were never going to be endgame
Joy and Nina DESERVED to have a friendship with each other and we were ROBBED
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house-of-secrets · 5 months
There are many good questions that HOA raises, but the most important one remains... Did Victor really kill and stuff that cat back in Season One?!?!
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tinkerbelldetective · 10 months
Iconic and Amusing Victor Moments
Playing an Egyptian(?) board game with Mr. Sweet
His face and reaction and stepping back and "Wha-wha-what?" when Willow hugs him
Including Mick in his disciplinary "get to your rooms" before whipping around confused "Mick Campbell?"
Bursting through the door when Mick and Mara are having their date
Cuddling with Corbiere
He just really likes that raven. Petting it. Talking to it. Thinking about its safety.
Immediately rushing down the ladder when Amber feins fainting and asking if she'd been doing a fad diet
Awkwardly telling off Fabian and Nina when they're having 'a lover's tif' and backing out the door
Slinking back behind the corner during the senet game
Bringing a rose for Sarah.
His license plate
Knocking out Rufus and throwing him in a van
Pinning Rufus against the wall
Going on a tangent about the children (Alfie in particular) and leaving his office
"He's going to regret messing with me."
Having a surprisingly soft tone of voice when he asks Amber, Nina, and Fabian why they were in the cellar in s2
Mildly concerned when he sees the Mark on Nina's arm "For your sake I hope it does [come off]."
Warming up his voice ??? When Fabian covers up Sibuna shenanigans by asking if he would do a voice over
When he's in the tunnels being snarky about RFS like he has a rivalry against him (he literally let you eat at his table with his family, Victor. Chill)
The fact this man did hopscotch (should have made room to show that in the episode)
"Who, me?" Slamming the book shut and saying he was doing light reading when Vera enters his office to see if he was researching a task.
Kissing Vera's forehead all tenderly
His reaction to losing Alfie in the senet game. "Release them!"
Wearing an apron and making breakfast
Alfie pretending to choke and Victor, believing him, slapping him on the back and sending him out to get a glass of water.
Essentially calling Jerome a snitch in front of everyone at Mick and Amber's party: "I know I can count on you, Jerome."
"Alfie Lewis, would you like a slice of chocolate cake?" *whips around*
"I have your father on speed dial."
Reading Amber's diary and the passage about him, slamming the diary shut, and then checking himself in the mirror.
"If those miscreants can do it..." before crossing the crocodile bridge
"Yes, you listen to this old man."
"It is 10 O'clock. You have five minutes precisely, and then I want to hear.. a pin.. drop."
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thechosenanubis · 2 months
Sarah and Rufus are actually symbolism of the paths Victor could've taken in his life, in this essay I will-
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skysister · 8 months
one thing i can’t believe we never saw the sibuna kids even ACKNOWLEDGE is the fact that all of these egyptian spook-ems mean egyptian gods are just real?? does this mean it is the one true theology, or do other religious icons exist also? what does this show indicate about the status of spirituality in their universe?
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non-cannon · 2 months
Nina: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?! Victor: ... Nina: Oh, right. The lying.
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seabreeze0 · 2 months
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 3 months
Victor: Nina Martin, my arch enemy.
Rufus: I thought I was your arch enemy.
Victor: I have a life outside of you, Rufus.
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 6 months
i needed the s1 victor and rufus smackdown to be 10x longer than it was. we needed to see those two old farts beat the shit out of each other in front of a live audience
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ambersgiantpanda · 28 days
Trudy: What the hell? Why is the house on fire? Sibuna: In our defense, Victor was supposed to be supervising us Victor: And in my defense, I myself was left unsupervised Trudy: Jesus Christ
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ofsapphicambers · 2 months
does it bother anybody else that when nina is trying to break into victor’s safe she LITERALLY HAS THE COMBINATION IN HER FUCKING HAND BECAUSE FABIAN WROTE IT DOWN FOR HER AND SHE STILL GETS IT WRONG??
or is it just me.
because it drives me fucking insane - girlie pop!!! read the numbers right in front of your goddamn face??
“oh i hope you got this right fabian” HE DID BUT YOU CANT READ APPARENTLY.
rant over lol
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lilrowantree · 4 months
The montage of victor trying to break into the tunnels in season three in increasingly ridiculous outfits is the funniest thing ever why didn’t we have this in house of anubis
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houseofpunisher · 9 months
bite the hand 🦷
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