#vihkor stitch kuzmin
softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
In honor of this post, I bring to you:
How canonically freaky are your faves for a Plus Size Queenβ„’
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
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Today, I bring you this comprehensive chart of who does and does not deserve a treat
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Could I get something with stitch comforting his S/O after they had a ptsd breakdown? (Stitch is my comfort character)
At long last...
This request shall be fulfilled 😌 (sorry)
Stitch is extremely sensitive to changes in his surroundings, so he can hear you crying from a mile away
Although he himself experiences PTSD episodes as well, he turned off his connection to his feelings years ago
However, this doesn't mean he can't understand the emotions of others, particularly when it comes to interpreting yours
There's nothing he hates more then to see you upset or hurting, so you can count on him to come to your rescue
It's taken a bit of training on your end, but Stitch has finally started picking up on things he can do to comfort you
The two of you share a bed wherever you are, at base or his personal properties
A while back he bought you a thick, fuzzy blanket while you were stationing in his homeland for the long winter nights
You've kept it with you ever since and everywhere you go
At times like these, if you don't already have it around you, Stitch will find it and drape it around you and himself as he comes to sit beside you
You're of course welcome to talk about what's bothering you if you want, but no one knows more then he does how hard it can be to put tough experiences and feelings like that to words
Regardless, his next move is to wrap his strong arms around you and hold you tight
He tucks your head under his chin and kisses your hair
Once you've had a bit of time to calm down, he offers you some water and returns quickly
He always tells you how much he loves you, and how he wishes he could do more to help you
Usually he'll try to lift the mood by talking about good times you've had together or whatever interesting developments are going on for his work
It's quite the impressive feat, but he always manages to cheer you up
The two of you can spend as long as you need together until you're feeling yourself again
But before you go, he gives you one more kiss and reminds you that he's here whenever you need
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
ghost and stitch head cannons plssss! They can be any but I’m in love with them lol
I got you :)
This is probably obvious, but ghost is very protective of his personal life
He never talks about himself much, even when he's just with the guys, and when he's off duty he's quite introverted and likes to stay at home
Simon grew up being the shy kid and while he's grow to be more social now, he still has a desperate need to recharge his social battery after a while
He is more of a coffee > tea type of guy, however he's not against a calming brew before bed or when he's stressed
Also, he's not much of a drinker either
Not that he thinks there's anything wrong with alcohol, hell he likes it himself now and then, but he's always afraid of being caught off guard, so he keeps his senses sharp
On that note, being in his line of work has given him a sense of hypervigilance, which means that he can be on edge for seemingly no reason at times
Ghost enjoys being with a partner who's relaxed and low key, but also has a spark for adventure
This allows him to find comfort and down time in their presence, instead of being always on edge, and also gives him a chance now and then to go do something fun and outdoorsy
Stitch can't really ever recall a time in his life where he was just a sweet, misunderstood kid
He was always rough around the edges and got in trouble quite a bit growing up
This has given him a sense of mischief now that he's an adult, and he has been known to cause a little trouble for his associates now and then
It's never anything overtly silly, usually just inconveniences like hiding something away or screwing lids on extra super tight, then refusing to help open it
These are few and far between tho, thankfully, considering he usually has far more important things to be doing
Stitch is a true gym rat and gets some of his greatest enjoyment while working out
If he has a partner, he will certainly brag to them about his latest achievements in the weight room and will be showing off his muscles frequently
He prefers weights over straight up cardio because he has a bit of a lung condition
In the same scenario with Adler where he lost his eye, he also took some really bad damage to his chest which in turn messed up his lungs
This is why he wears that mask, it's actually a sort of air filter to help him take in more oxygen so his lungs don't have to strain as hard
He doesn't mention it because it embarrasses him to have been weakened like that, but all that shame gets turned around into fuel as yet another reason he hates Adler so much
When he had Adler hostage, it took everything within him to not give as badly as he got
It was difficult yes, but what he, as an agent of Perseus, did manage to do to him was satisfyingly worse...
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Rating Stitch bc @actuallyilya asked, and throwing in some other bad guys too bc why not
Probably should warn you guys that there some no nice stuff in here, but you probably already assumed that since these are literally murderers and villains
Honestly, Naga is surprisingly mild considering he's one of the bad guys. Aside from the fact that he's a literal warlord and low key paid assassin, I don't see anything excessively "wrong" with him aside from the fact that he has the personality of a 12 on Xbox live. However, I can even give that a pass considering that, despite the fact that he sounds like someone's dad who's trying to be hip and relevant, he clearly has some sense of maturity and adult know how considering he's "successful", take that as you will.
3/10 he actually gets a positive rating bc if I could someone just get him to renounce his life of crime, I don't actually think he'd be that bad. But he's still a criminal, so.
If this man is not a literal psychopath, then he's extremely close. He's like the dude from fifty shades of grey except without the kinky stuff, and by that I mean he probably thinks everyone else is stupid and only he knows how to pave a better future and he doesn't care who he has to crush under his heel to get there but you'd never know it bc he's such a smooth talker. That includes me and anyone else unlucky enough to be in a relationship with him. If anything, this man would gaslighting me into a relationship so hard I wouldn't even know it and then as soon as I served my purpose in his eyes, whatever that may be, he would immediately discard me like yesterday's trash
-1/10 I'd probably, but not certainly, end up dead
He is literally Menendez part two, but with less power and self control. Probably hits women out of anger, definitely would slap me in the face at the very least if I wasn't perfectly obedient. Yeah, just no.
-10/10 I would be living in constant fear and torment. No thanks.
This man is a literal actual dsm 5 sociopath with no feelings or remorse. I gaurintee he does not see human beings as human beings, let alone women, so immediate no from me. However, if all is that isn't bad enough, the insane and mind breaking amounts of trauma he's carrying makes him far beyond help and honestly he looks like he's into some kind of really scary, physically harmful kink and wouldn't respect your safe word
-10/10 if I saw this man even APPROACH me in public I'd honestly probably start crying on the spot out of fear
Haha. Literally the exact same as Kravchenko, except I am 100% that this man would have no issue murdering me in my sleep if I so much as raised my voice at him.
-10/10 it doesn't get any worse
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Heyy!! Do you write for Bell/Stitch? or maybe William Peck/Reader? If not do you know someone who does? β€’α΄—β€’
Baby, I'd write Hudson x Menendez if someone requested it. There's hardly a ship I won't write lmao. Gotta say, you're the first person I've ever seen to request Peck anything πŸ‘€
I have to be honest, he's so annoying I use to haaaaaate him, but idk I started missing him when mauer dropped 😭😭 I'll do hcs for both ships 😌
Bell x Stitch
Ok, honestly?
I seriously hc that Bell and Stitch were together when Bell was still running with Perseus
Bc I also hc ship my Bell with Adler, and the DRAMA if Adler found out that Bell's ex is his arch nemesis is just πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈπŸ€ŒπŸ»
Anyway, I feel like Bell and Stitch's relationship is kind of like a loving "bro" style relationship
Like they're not super touchy feely or emotional with each other
It's a lot of "pushing each other to be better"
They first met through being agents of Perseus and naturally didn't trust one another very much
But, they're been on several missions together and bit by bit they won each other over with their impressive skills
The relationship started out as training partners basically, and sure that part did stay as I said, but their feelings, trust, and admiration of one another grew deep
They're basically perfect matches
Stitch is absolutely devastated when he here's Bell's been killed by Arash, it's the most emotion anyone has ever seen him display
And when he finds out that Bell is alive, but under Adler's control...
Oh, it's every reason more for him to hate Adler
It takes all of his strength not to kidnap Bell back, or brutality massacre Adler when he gets his hands on him
Stitch never gives his heart to another after Bell
He know no one could ever take their place
Peck x Reader
Whoever peck's voice actor is deserves a freaking medal or something, bc I literally have never heard a more insufferably annoying but not cheesy character in all my life
Peck gives me "super smart, gifted kid who was mercilessly bullied in school, so he swore he'd be the best there ever was as vengeance and also developed an abrasive personality to keep himself from being hurt again as a trauma response" vibe
That is to say, he has an ego and a personality both the size of a planet
But, despite that fact that he thinks he's the be all end all... He seems incredibly affectionate towards his wife (?) Martha
Which kinda makes me feel like he's the type of person who's actually really self loathing/conscious so he just acts like he doesn't give an F
As anxiety icon, Queen Marina Diamondis said, "I feel like I'm the worst, so I always act like I'm the best"
A relationship with Peck would be super clingy and highly affectionate I believe
You do have to get past his ego first, but like I said, that's just a front tbh
He really just wants some who genuinely, actually likes him, but for whatever reason, he's afraid to be open, so instead he acts insufferable and keeps everyone at arms length
When you two are together in public, everyone will probably come up with some not so nice assumptions as to why you two are together
I mean... Who in the world would want to be with such an ass of their own free will?
There's a low chance he'll try to fight off any rumors, mostly because he really just doesn't care what other people think
You are the one and only person in the whole world who's opinion matters to him and he would seriously do anything for you
In public, he's really not much into PDA (although he will constantly hold your hand if given the option), but in private, he's a huge cuddle monster and you'll need a crowbar to get him off you lmao
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Bro, I love your writing so much but I was gonna ask if you can do the one where they fall out of love with their s/o like the one you did for the Safehouse members can you do the Perseus peeps, Like Stitch and Naga I know its angsty but yk
Yes I can πŸ‘οΈ It's a short list, but I hope that's alright πŸ˜…
Naga is more of a "live fast, die young" kind of guy
He wants constant entertainment, both from the things and people in his life
And one of said things begins to bore him...
Well. You know.
There's no easy way to break it to you, and honestly?
He may not have the balls to do it
Naga holds onto you for as long as he can and plays around, hooking up here and there on the side until you find out
Once his infidelity is out in the open, he lets everything else out too
He's just so... Tired of you
Perseus is a realist
He's an old man, with a grand vision and a dangerous lifestyle
Does he truly fall out of love with you?
Or does he force himself to do so
He'll tell you whatever will let all the blame fall on him
He has important things to do, and he just doesn't have time for you like he thought he did
Really, he's doing this for your benefit, you just can't see it is all
Your time together was special to him, but you know what they say
All good things must come to an end
Like the good little follower he is, Stitch takes a lot after Perseus
However, Stitch is a bit more... Belligerent
He simply has far more grand designs for his life then "love"
No, he's too busy reshaping the world
Too busy hunting down Adler to make him suffer and turn him into a tool of destruction
When he thinks of all things he wants to set out and do...
Why did he ever start up with you to begin with?
Stitch drops you like a rock
A simple, "we're done" or something along those lines and he's over with you
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
How would Adler, Hudson, Stitch and Perseus react to their s/o calling them a monster?
Hmmmm πŸ‘οΈ I'm throwing in Makarov for this too bc πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ
You'd think that as a man with a nickname like America's Monster, you'd be use to being addressed as such
And in part, he supposes he is
After all he's done... He knows what he is
So why does it hurt so much to hear it come from you?
He doesn't even try to argue against you
If that's the way you, feel then just go already
Just like she did, before the divorce...
He thought maybe things would be different, that maybe he could change
Looks like he was wrong
How dare you say that to him?
He risks his life and sacrifices so much, more then you even know, to keep you and the world you live in safe
Not everything has a pleasant chain events in this line of work
He has to make the hard calls, because no one else will
But believe him... He if didn't, then someone else will
He... He hopes you don't that
That maybe you only said that because you're angry, and not because you believe it
He doesn't like calling the darker shots anymore then you like for him to be doing it
But he does it anyway because he loves you
He takes no shame or insult to that label
If anything... He relishes it
He is the monster the world wanted him to be
He has never know trifles such as pity, kindness, or mercy...
Why should he offer such luxuries to a world that couldn't be bothered with him?
His dreams, his desires...
They mean nothing?
Fine. He means to show the world how that feels right back
You may call him a monster...
But you only encourage him by doing so
A monster?
Perhaps that is you see
He sees a man with the courage and drive to change the world, to finally make a free and livable way of living for all
Unfortunately, there are many who oppose his ideals
Even worse, they cannot be reasoned with and so they must meet their end...
Nothing will stop him and his mission for a new world
Although it pains him to say it...
Not even you
Pft, you think that word hurts him?
He relishes the power it gives him
You knew what he was the moment you met him
If you are just now deciding that you can't handle it... Then that's on you
Although, he will admit it's a bit disheartening to hear it come from you
He thought you were made of something a little tougher then all that
Hopefully you'll come to your senses once you've calmed down
If not, you are free to leave at any time
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Been sad recently about life and online. Got any soft Naga or Stitch Prompts πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆπŸ’–
Aw, yeah I feel that πŸ₯Ί I hope things get better πŸ’–πŸ’–
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I have some other requests for this type of thing, so tagging @awolfnamedluna and@sclvixtcxnnxcticn too
You never have to ask twice for some affection from Naga
He knows he can be a self absorbed asshole sometimes, so he never has a problem reminding you that you're the most important person in his life
Besides, cuddling up makes him feel good about himself on the low lol
Naga's a pretty small guy, so it can be hard to feel threatening when you're surrounded by hulking, +6ft Russians and Slavs
But cuddling with you makes it feel like you're the only ones in the world and he gets to keep you safe from all your troubles
It's a special kind tough and manly, to feel like the one's closest to you trust and maybe even rely on you
Thankfully, Naga's cuddles aren't excedingly warm, no thanks to the hot climate of his home, but they make up for it in other ways with a tight, reassuring grip
Honestly, Stitch isn't really big on physical affection
Even a kiss from him can be far between some days
But one things for certain: he would do anything to provide for your health, safety, and general well being
Stitch is extremely possessive and couldn't bear the idea of losing you, be it break up or death
Very much a "would burn down a city to keep you warm" type of guy
All this to say, he'd almost definitely relent to the concept of cuddling for a while if you happen to mention you're feeling chilly 😌
It's with a great sigh, and a frustrated "Fine" but he'll do it
And after he gets that first taste...
You won't have to try as hard from then on to get him to snuggle with you
It becomes one of his favorite activities at the end of a long day
You will never be cold again :)
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
You pick the crew to write for, or maybe indulge in our greediness and write for both πŸ₯΄, but which members would try that β€œyou’re safer without me” hero speech after something happens like in the Naga request you just posted? Thank you for that btw. ❀️
Aw, you're welcome! I'm glad you liked it! πŸ€— Sorry, ik this was a but of a wait, but I did some summaries for the safehouse crew and the Perseus agents for you! Enjoy πŸ’–
You're safer without me
Adler - He's the "if you love something, set it free" type, and if things started getting dangerous for you bc of his work, he would probably get discouraged and try to encourage you to leave him :(
Mason - Alex feels this way about himself in general. He feels he's too damaged from everything that's been done to him, and if things started getting serious between you two, he'd probably try and pull away so he doesn't hurt you
Park - As much as it would hurt her to leave you, it would kill her to see something happen to you because of her work ties.
Weaver - Weaver's a sensitive guy in general, so he absolutely would do this if he thought you were in danger bc of his work or maybe even his association as an ex Russian in the current cold war climate
Stitch - You might think that Stitch is too much of the selfish sort to try and do this, but I would counter argue that he's smart and experienced enough to know when it's time to try and let go. He's only one man after all, and he knows in truth... He can't possibly protect you from everything he has to run from.
Wraith - She's the same as Stitch, except with perhaps about half the sentiment. While she does care for you, she's hesitant to express it, and would likely come actor as quite cold if she tried to cut you off with this speech
I need to protect you
Hudson - He worries for you constantly, but he's either confident or arrogant enough to believe that if he works hard enough and does his job right, that you'll be fine. You don't see much of him and he gets burnt out a lot, but he tries to make the time you do have together worth while
Lazar - Lazar genuinely does not believe you are in any danger by being with him. His work is low key enough that he doesn't have any public enemies, nor does he tangle with any dangerous organizations, so he sees no need to upset you
Sims - Exact same as Lazar. Sure he has a more direct tie to Adler which could pose a threat, but that just means he keeps an eye out. It's not enough to make him think he'd have to cut you off though
Woods - Ironically, he's the same as Hudson. Woods believes that the very act of going to work and doing his job keeps you safe, and as long as he's doing what needs to be done, both on the field and protecting you and his home, there's nothing to worry about. Besides, he's basically a one man army, right?
Naga - Naga, with all his IMMENSE wealth, resources, influence, and connections doesn't even dream of something bad happening to you. The actual Laotian military could siege his turf, and he and his own forces have a decent chance of actually holding them off. This man probably has a couple intercontinental missels on his property just for fun. No one is taking you from him.
Perseus - Very much the same as Naga, except with thrice the manpower and resources. Perseus can make sure that no one who could pose a threat to you even knows you exist and you'd be able to live a comfortable life while doing so. He of course has a few living arrangements in his various underground bunkers and what not, but you needn't always be with him if you'd like to go to one of his nicer homes. Not even Adler, the enemy who knows him the best, knows about you.
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Sarah!! Pls do a version of the neck/back rubs for some characters from Warsaw!! I’m on my period and I feel horrible but I love the way you wrote it for the CIA and it would be awesome if you could do it for the opposing pact ^
Oof, I feel you 😭😭 I am seriously like indisposed rn, like bye πŸ’€ Thank you for this request!!! I'll do the Perseus operators plus the old man himself of course lol. Enjoy πŸ’–πŸ’–
This is an issue pretty foreign to him tbh
Menstrual cycles wasn't really a topic of discussion growing up, despite however many sisters he may have had
He may not know much about what's going on and all that, but he knows enough to understand that you're in pain and discomfort
And that is something he can help with!
He could get you any drug you want tbh, but he supposes he can make you tea and bring you plain old ibuprofen if that's what you really want...
He's kind of afraid to touch you, for fear of making things worse, but he can offer a lower back rub if it'll help
At the end of the day, he just wants to help, so you have a rare opportunity where your wish is his command!
As long as you don't mind giving him some guidance x)
Oh yes, he's been around long enough and with plenty of lovers to know what to do
He has everything you need and could ever want available for your pleasure
This also includes himself of course!
He's got a nice set up of pillows and a headed blanket for you in bed
You don't have to do anything, just rest and try to relax
If you'd like, he's picked up some massage tricks over the years to help as well
He's got this one where he uses his thumb against your hip joints to ease the tension...
Just nice slow circles and the right amount of pressure to undo the knots from the muscle cramps
It's a God send
He's not extremely knowledgeable about such things, but he has the basics down at least
Stitch gets very protective of you when you're on your period since it leaves you a bit vulnerable
He wants to be on call for you himself, rather then let anyone else care for you
You can expect some snuggling and back rubs from him in addition to any medical cures for pain
He doesn't quite have all the fancy stuff that Perseus does, so he relies on his own body heat to try and help with your muscle tension
He's also pretty good with his thumbs however, so you'll be in for some true relief after he gets the hang of massaging you
Ugh, she knows exactly what you're going through
As the most able to relate, she has a unique touch with her approach to caring for you
She's very gentle with touch and very regimented with pain medicine
There are some days that you don't even deal with cramps thanks to her lol
She does all she can to keep you company and comfortable when you're really in bad shape
She'll even indulge in snacky foods with you if you're in a craving type mood
Don't tell anyone, but she does have a little stash of things like chocolate and ice cream hidden away at all times
She enjoys the occasional sugary snack after all, and she's more then happy to share in your time of need lol
Bonus: dad bod!Naga (feel free to skip, but I just wanted to 😌)
Basically the same as regular Naga, but!!!
He has particular advantages to help you out
He's got room enough now to be able to support you sitting on his lap, which allows for a particularly cozy cuddling session
All you have to do is face him and lay against him, and he'll do the rest
He's of the softer variety when it comes to dad bod types, so there's plenty of cushion to support you and your sore muscles
That, plus the right amount of pressure from laying against him and the naturally warmer state of his tummy, is almost better then those flimsy little heating pads or hit water bottles (suck it Perseus! πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰πŸ»)
Besides, this puts you in the perfect position for him to rub your hips or lower back, whichever you'd like
And as an added bonus, you won't have to feel alone if you're craving some sugar
Not only does he for sure have some of whatever you might be wanting on hand, but he'll happily eat it up alongside you
If you ask him, his excuse is that it's for solidarity lol
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Hey I really love your account!! I was just wondering (if you’re still taking requests πŸ˜…) if you could maybe write some soft stitch/m!reader content … I would really appreciate it ;_;
Aw, thank you πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί I'm in the mood for this one tbh, I feel like I need some Stitch content lol. I'm slowly starting to simp 😭😭 he's a handful of headcannons off the top of my head!
Stitch is a pretty big boi, so he insists on being the big spoon basically all the time
He's a bit self conscious if you're on the slender side tbh
I mean, he's got his big muscles and all, but he's a tad bit chunky so he worries you might not like that he isn't as defined
Although, that's not to say he doesn't like to show off his muscles...
He just doesn't usually like to take off his shirt
Stitch is very protective over you, and to be quite honest you never deal with much trouble when you're with him
Even when he's purely dressed down to blend into society, he's still rather intimidating
He's like your "scary dog privileges" lmao
He has no problem holding your hand out in public either, despite Russian prejudices
The good news is that you have truly nothing to fear!
Of civilians are too afraid of him to say anything and the government can't touch him
And he'll be damned if he lets them touch you...
Stich is very into snacking and chill, at home dates like movies or stargazing
Even though he likes to be the big spoon, he doesn't mind if you cuddle him while you're relaxing
He especially likes to get his head and back rubbed lol
Oh, he also loves to give you his clothes to wear
Basically all of his outfits are oversized on you, so there's plenty of comfy tshirts and sweaters for you to steal
Just make sure to leave some for him!
He likes to be comfortable when he's at home :)
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
idk if it's been asked but Perseus operators with a chubby fem! s/o?
I have to cut the line real quick and FINALLY get to this one tbh, bc this topic gives me LIFE. We have not had this requested yet, so thank you for sending it in! I hope you enjoy ❀️
Bro, Naga is a FREAK thicc girls
You ever see those memes where it's like "don't be afraid to get on top, if he dies he dies"
He is a firm believer in that concept
Besides, he loves the way your thighs do that little squeeze against his ears
Women's weight is a pretty stigmatized thing where he's from, but when you're with him, he goes to no end to make sure no one bothers you
I mean, how else would he be able to show you off?
Naga loves to spoil his s/I regardless, but for you he buys you cute, flattering little outfits for the hot weather
Only things your actually like to wear though, of course!
Since he's a much older guy, Perseus isn't quite as freaky or hyper about it all as Naga is
Although, that's not to say he can't be spry when he wants to be yk 😏
He has more of a gentlemanly adoration approach
A brush of fingers against your hip in quiet passing here, hands planted softly on your waist during a kiss or a dance there
He's the type to compliment your figure and looks fairly often
Unfortunately, he doesn't get many chances to show you off considering he needs to keep a low profile
But does enjoy taking you out for little dates like coffee or dinner whenever he can to make it up to you
Stitch has always been more of a beefy guy himself, so he knows about how you might feel insecure sometimes
He has stretch marks from his muscles, but they make him feels just as insecure at times as any that you might have
That's one of the things he loves about being with you, you never make him feel like there's any pressure to be perfect looking
In the privacy of his home, he's rather clingy and will take any excuse to catch a nap with you
You both kind of have a thing for the others bodies lol
He likes to feel your thighs and hips, and you like to feel his arms and chest
Well... he likes it when you do that too tbh X)
Stitch is also very into snacking (gotta maintain the muscles after all) so there's no fear if grabbing a little extra something while you relax
If anything, he probably suggested it lmao
Honestly? She's be lying if she said she wasn't a fan of the contrast between you both
She's frigid and lithe, while you're sweet and curvy
It's one of those "opposites attract", she supposes
Anyway that's not to say she comments on it much, she just enjoys your company more then anything
Although, she does like to snuggle and sit close during down time
And she enjoys scaring people off considering most people assume you two aren't together
She's also very supportive and encouraging, as she's always there whenever you're feeling insecure about yourself or your looks
Although, it's hard to feel down on yourself when she's constantly coming on to you like she does lol
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
How would Stitch, Naga and Perseus act after having an argument with their s/o?
Gotcha right here πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
Oof, he is 100% the petty type
Even if he's wrong, he'll wait for you to come and apologize to him
... For about 30 minutes
Naga cracks very quickly after you two have an argument
Even if he was wrong, he'll come apologize to you in a storm of pitiful emotion
The truth is, he can't stand to be alone, and the thought of losing you terrifies nearly everyday, considering his line of work
If he were to be the one to drive you away...
It would kill him
He clings to you and kisses you, sometimes he even brings himself to tears while he tries to make up with you
It can be a little intense sometimes, but Naga is the type of man who cares very, very deeply under his prickly facade
All he wants is to make sure you know he loves you
Honestly? He's not really the type to do that "fighting" type of arguing with you
He never raises his voice, instead he simply counters your statements with his until you either reach some sort of agreement or you have to walk away
If that later happens, he's pretty quick to come and make up
He'll give you some time to cool down and fit him to collect his thoughts and rethink the situation a little bit, but it's important to him that you both are about to clear the air
He's definitely one to admit when he's wrong, but he'll hold fast when he knows he's right
He'll never rub that in your face though, he's just happy to out the whole thing behind you both
He's very prickly after you two have an argument
It's not that he's mad at you, just that he's a little two wound up
Luckily, he knows himself well enough to be able to excuse himself gracefully from the argument to go let off steam before he says or does something he knows he'll regret
It's best to just let him be during these times, and he'll come back to you when he's ready
Rarely does he ever want to finish whatever you two were debating over however
He'd much rather make up and forget it
You wouldn't think it, given his line of work and all, but he really does hate conflict
It's so much easier to just get in and get out with no interruptions and he feels the same way about his relationship with you
He'll do whatever he can to make things operate as smoothly as he can, and if that means throwing in the towel and letting you be right, most times he will
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
Hnnnng I don't usually do ask, But I just read the falling out of love with the Nato pack and was wondering if you could do the hc's for the Warsaw pact, it not that's totally fine!
Xnsjsjsj I meant to get to this faster, sorry! πŸ’€πŸ’€ BUT YES. YES I CAN DO THIS !!!!! Thank you for the request!! The whole on Warsaw pact is a bit extensive for me tho and I don't really know everyone (sorry!!) but I'll happily do the Perseus agents + beck, portnova, and stone :)
Beck considers himself a practical type of guy
If he notices you're losing feelings for him, while it might take him some time to truly catch on, he decides not to beat around the bush
He'll confront you in a non hostile manner and ask you straight up what's going on
He just wants to know the truth
When you tell him you're losing feelings, he's pretty understanding and decides to break things off right there
While this may seem callus and impersonal, anyone who truly knows him would catch just how deeply he's hurting
The breakup crushes him and he spends a looooong time pondering what he did wrong to push you away
He is both A) so arrogant and B) so strongly attached to you, that he either can't or refuses to see that you're falling out of love
He assumes that you're just not feeling well or that you're having an off week
It's a lie he keeps telling himself and one that he buys every single time
That, and even the smallest scrap of genuine affection that he can get from you seals the deal in his mind
When you finally reveal the truth and initiate a break up he's so blindsided that he thinks you're joking
But the fact that you aren't sends him into a panic
He tries everything he possibly can in that moment to change your mind or at least stall the inevitable, but it's no use
After all he did for you and all the trust he gave you, he's an absolute mess and for the rest of his life he's never able to quite recover from the breakup
Oh, she's angry
Not angry at you persay, although that does play a bit into it, but moreso at herself
She's hurt and confused and all she can do is question what she's doing wrong
Honestly, she's never been that big on shows of affection, but all of a sudden she's trying very hard to do just that
Perhaps this is what you want?
She's convinced herself that this has everything to do with her and that if she can just be better, do better, maybe you'll love her again
All her efforts manage to buy little moments of affection from you, but giving love out if a sense of obligation isn't real love now is it?
Your consious weighs on you and after a while you know you have to end things
When you do, she suddenly reverts back to her cool, callus self
She handles it about the same as Beck does and simply lets you go
However, also like Beck, she spends all of her recovery time blaming herself
He is also angry, but the difference is he's open about it
On the one hand, he's so terrified of losing you that he has no idea how to conduct himself or even how to understand what he's feeling
After all, he's never really allowed himself to get as close with anyone as he has with you
But at the same time...
This volatility is uncalled for and part of the reason you're not as attracted to him anymore
He never takes his anger out on you, but it scares you a bit to see him get like that nonetheless
For your own mental health, you break things off sooner then later, leaving no room for negotiation or conversation
Once he's alone again...
It's one of the first times in his adult life he's ever cried
He knows it's too late for tears and there's definitely no room for feeling sorry for himself
But... He knows he's going to be a mess without you
Another aggressive one
He's pretty confrontational about it when he notices
He demands to know if it's true and that you don't love him anymore or if you have someone else on the side
You tell him it's not that black and white, but no, there's no one else
This leaves him confused
If there's truly no one else then... Why don't you love him anymore?
Like Stitch, he's so hurt and confused that he comes on far too aggressively about the whole thing
When the breakup comes, he's the one who initiates it, but only because he's tearing himself apart trying to understand this all
So why bother? Best to make the cut now
It hurts him so much to be separated from you... He's never been good at handling rejection, and this is just too much
He never loves anyone like he did you again
She's hurt
Soooo hurt, and deeply depressed
Even as she watches you fall out of love and drift and drift away...
She's in so much pain that she can't bring herself to do anything about it
She acts like everything is fine and just waits for the final blow all the while
When you do breach the subject of a breakup, she's very even keel about it
She's surpringly understanding and calm during the whole ordeal but on the inside she's absolutely crumbling
The whole thing manifests as a physical pain in her chest, so much so that she feels like she's going to have a heart attack
She's almost glad when it's over, that way she can finally grieve the loss
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softcallofdutyimagines Β· 3 years
I loved you last fic so much(the non-binary s/o), could you do Perseus, Stitch and Naga too?
Sure, I can crank this out real quick! ☺️ (Quickly, but with love that is!!) Thank you and I hope you enjoy! Be well friend πŸ’–
Considering the fact that he lives in a palace that may not be as open or welcoming of LGBTQ+ issues or individuals, Naga makes a point of letting you know that if you want to live with him that he will always be there to support you 1000%
He holds more influence over the local population then you may think, so he'd definitely put it out there that you and your identity are to be adknowledged and respected
Besides, even if he didn't hold that kind of power, he's extremely proud to have you at his side and makes sure to introduce you with your pronouns worked into the sentence with a touch of empahsis, just to get the point across
Naga is usually the type to think that gifts and tokens of good will will solve problems, so if you're having dysphoria issues, don't be surprised if you find yourself one item richer the next day
He's a pretty smol man, so he will likely buy you thinking that you can wear that are comfortably baggy, rather then give you something of his (as much as he wishes he could πŸ˜ͺ)
However, he can be quite touchy feely too, so he hopes that one of his methods can be used to do something to help you feel comfortable
Regardless, the bottom line is that he will be your number one supporter and ally, always and forever when you're together
He is never too busy to make time for your feelings, problems, and dysphoric issues :)
Perseus has been around for a while now, and, like Hudson, he's far more knowledgeable about the LGBTQ+ community then you'd initially think!
In fact, he's quite openly supportive of the whole community and movement. People should be free to do what they want and do it in peace after all
That's why he does what he does in a way. Freedom for the common folk
With him, you are in very good and capable hands when it comes to your gender identity and even days of dysphoria
His entire organization shares his views of course so, particularly as the S/O of Perseus himself, you are rarely, if ever, misgendered in his safe houses and bunkers
He practically creates safe spaces for you everywhere he goes, however he does understand that sometimes it's simply a body vs mind thing, and not so much the outside world
Perseus takes all your concerns very seriously and is always there to lend an ear, a shoulder, a hug, or whatever else he can give to help you feel more comfortable
And yes, this includes his little collection of very large and very cool looking coats to wear, if you like baggy clothes on dysphoric days
As an agent of Perseus, Stitch shares the same view as Perseus himself and the others that you should be free to be yourself and the world should be yours to live comfortably in
Sometimes he likes to think of you and this when he's out in the field doing his job
Every mission brings the world closer to the fair and equal life that Perseus envisions for all, but mostly for you
Admittedly, he's not a man who's very big on emotional expression or processing, but he is an utmost excellent listener and never fails to hear you out in your entirely when you need to speak on something that's bothering you
Considering his emotionally stunted self, he consistently will follow up your talks with asking what he can do for you, and he will stop at nothing to see your request through
Out in public, he is also a vocal advocate for subtly expressing your gender identity to strangers, but he does tend to have a bit of a short fuse for those who fail to remember
For you, he's trying to tone it down, but he's just highly protective is all, so he hopes you can forgive him if he makes you uncomfortable by being so snappy at times
At the end of the day, he just wants to make the world a better, safer place for you to be yourself, and he'll do whatever it takes to support you in the meantime πŸ’–
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