#vikings ficiton
vikingsmasterlist · 5 months
Young God
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gay-grandma · 6 years
11 questions + 11 questions
Rules: Always post the rules. answer 11 random questions  posted for you, create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
I was tagged by @swiftbell​, can anyone say Infinity War?
1. Which would you rather explore: a haunted attic or a haunted cellar? Haunted attic, so I'd feel less trapped, and able to jump out a window xD
2. If you could could have a familiar, what would they be, and what would they look like? Can I have a seal that floats in the air beside me? Otherwise I would probably want a dog because you know.....dogs
3. Would you rather be agile and graceful, or strong and tough? Strong and tough. Agile gracefulness sounds great but I have a taste for the other one.
4. Being able to fly, or being able to breathe underwater? Breathe underwater probably? Flying sounds awesome but imagine being able to explore the deep seas?????
5. What do/don’t you like about your starsign? I like that we're always described as having big hearts and love taking care of others, I don't like that we're also described as petty and childish.
6. If you were a mystical/magical/mythological/supernatural creature, what would you be and why? I feel like I've answered this before, cos it's always the same answer. Kelpie/Selkie/Bäckahäst. Something that lives in water, is scary and creepy. Just make me a kraken.
7. What’s your weapon of choice? I want to say sword, but it would have to be a very specific size. Otherwise I could do a gun but also a bat, for simplicity.
8. If you became a character in a book, what role would you want to have? And how do you think your story would go? What role I want? Damn, something badass. Smart and badass, those are my only requests. Make that smart badass and gay. I feel like I'd be a side-character, the one who thinks they're cooler than they really are, and is ridiculously cautious about stuff and then ends up doing something stupid for the first time towards the end of the book, and gets themself killed? This is fine
9. Favourite clichéd trope? I want to say friends to lovers because of my otp, but honestly the older I get the more I realise that the only trope I want is the one where "they've been married for decades and have five kids". granny life guys
10. Favourite dragon from How To Train Your Dragon? I can't decide if I like Stormfly or the Alpha (the light one) more?
11. Which ficitonal universe would you like to go to, and why? I mean now that you mention it, HTTYD sounds like a good choice? Ride a dragon and live in a viking timeline? Fuck yeah!
11 questions, themed around my rediscovered grandma-ness:
1. Favourite kind of tea? 2. Best kind of cake? (Totally offended someone spoke ill of cheesecake btw) 3. Knitted jumpers or fuzzy socks? 4. Best colour of string to tie around your glasses and keep around your neck? 5. Getting a perm or dyeing your hair grey prematurely? 6. Cleaning: bought bleach or homemade concoctions? 7. I'm obligated to ask, do you prefer one of your grandparents' cooking or one of your parents'? 8. Tiny reading glasses or thick-rimmed ones? 9. what is the ultimate amount of grandchildren 10.  Speaking of war, whose side were you on in Civil War? 11. Do you think you would have died in Infinity War?
Right, @misplaced-padawan, @swiftbell, @myfirstrode-oh, off ya go, do your thing!
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fic-dreamin · 7 years
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Book was very good. Looking forward to book 2 of the trilogy Book was very good. Looking forward to book 2 of the trilogy. Go to Amazon
I really enjoyed this. It was a little slow about a ... I really enjoyed this. It was a little slow about a third of the way through, the politics got heavy. But enjoyable! I'm looking forward to the next book. Go to Amazon
A Viking Masterpiece This book is an absolute and total delight. The story draws the reader in immediately with a pivotal, gripping, life-and-death situation that sets the entirety of the rest of the novel up within the very first chapter and tells the reader a ton about the characters right off the bat. The plot then moves along at a very satisfying pace, with moments of sword-clanging, visceral action juxtaposed flawlessly with quieter moments of introspection and even romance. Go to Amazon
Lights up a Kindle like the Northern Lights! A finely crafted and well balanced adventure story the likes of which are a rarity in fiction today. Without an over reliance on Norse myths, or blood lust, both elements in the story, the author weaves a Nordic tale that moves forward based on the complex motivations of the individual characters without sacrificing action to cliché. Having struggled through an English translation of Sigrid Unset's 'Kristin Lavransdatter'. set several centuries later, I was struck by the consistency in the descriptions of Nordic farm life and the universality of the frustrations of the female protagonists. This book stands as a compliment to Unset's work, an impressive feat given her Nobel status. Do not read this book thinking it is an episode out of Netflix 'Vikings'. This is a considerable book of fiction that should be enjoyed for the finely detailed story and the craft. The second book in this trilogy cannot arrive fast enough! Go to Amazon
Excellent! This is an excellent historical novel about Vikings. Well-written, well-researched and all-around very impressive. Go to Amazon
Genre-breaking Viking Adventure Okay, yes, I'm her mother. Go to Amazon
Harold's Saga like it had been written in another language and then ... Packs big punch when it comes to pure entertainment I love historical novels and it was great being distracted from ... Five Stars Interesting historical/romance fiction of early Norway. Kind of like "The Thorn Birds" for Vikings. Excellent Historical Ficiton! Woman's and Man's Point of View Great book! Compares well to TGoT Well written and entertaining The Vikings
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