#vio betraying evil for the side of good is fine because hes a hero. shadow betraying vaati for the side of vio is wrong becausehes evil
cervideity · 3 months
I saw your tags about how you think Vio is not heroic when he tells Shadow why he IS a hero, and now the idea will not leave my brain. You are so correct. This is the best understanding of Vio's actions that I have ever seen.
YEAYEAHYEAHYRAH . OH MY GOD . the whole fucking speech about heroism and then they all blast shadow to bits or whatever. oh my god. its such a . brutal contrast to me.
"but as a hero, i never strayed from my hopes and my goals" oh my god VIO. VIO.VIO CRUSHING HIM IN MY FUCKING HANDS. YOURE DEFINING THIS AS AN IMMUTIBLE TRAIT . SOMETHING YOURE BORN AS . RATHER THAN A COLLECTION OF ACTIONS OF MORALS . AS IF CHANGE IN THE FACE OF CONTEXT IS NONHEROIC. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHADOW PROVES ***WRONG*** LATER. i love violet link. i love his flaws. im actually shaking him around. BLOOD. i love how vio is flat and unmoving in his belief here, and shadow is angry and hurt and visibly emotional, and shadow still gets to be in the right!!! even though he was deeply flawed and handled everything very messily, (and also BECAUSE shadow handles things emotionally) he changes his actions! and proves himsrlf a hero!!!!!!explo
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