#violent uncle scourge au
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
SW Masterlist: In the Big Leagues
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Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists
This post is for tumblr posts I've made that are specifically about one fic or another that made it onto AO3, including those that were previously on the Wider AUs masterlist.
Sandstorm Verse (Flip the Hourglass)
Anakin and the Jedi Babies
Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse (Bare Your Teeth, Soldier)
Commander Buir (This is Where the Story Starts)
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke (Journey to the Center of the Galaxy)
Fake Sith TCW
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
TCW Leverage AU
ObiSabe AU (When the Bodyguards Hook Up)
Sticky Fingers AU
The Sexbot AU (Human Pleasure Droid)
Tread Upon the Wind
King, Soldier, Spy
Weapon Women
Parole Officer Fulcrum
System’s Scourge
Legally Horny
Jango Breaks Into Satine’s House
Fake Affair to Cover Up the Real Affair
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank
A Candle in the Night - Anakin/Luminara (original)
Crossover between my Lumakin and Windwalker fics - Pt 2
The Way to a Boy's Heart is Through Violent Defensive Measures - Rex has difficulty with whiny AotC-flavor Anakin, a terrible flirt
Not Quite as Clever as a Fox - "I would kill for you.” “Great, here’s a list.”
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank - How this fic even happened, original post
In Which Anakin's Soulmate is a Lot Like Him, But More, and Worse - Adding some Pantress
Alert! Hot Young Single Dads in YOUR Area! - Street names are puns
Anakin Gets Pregnant and Causes a Scandal in Defense of the Jedi - Obi-Wan is just barely alien enough to have mating cycles (original)
Well, That's Not According to Plan - Rexanidala ft. pregnant transmasc Anakin (original)
General Kenobi and the Twins - General Kenobi and the Twins (original)
[redacted] - Hypnosis vs meditation
Amicable Anidala Divorce - Anidala Amicable Divorce (ft. whiny gay Anakin and “I can fix her” Padme/Ventress)
Sandstorm Verse: (chrono) (AO3) Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex time-travel to pre-TPM Tatooine, Anakin and Rex have to be fake married for Ahsoka's safety
Base Post
Fake Marriage Shenanigans
Wouldn't It Be Easier
Various Thoughts on Anakin Needing Therapy
Interaction exploration: - Dooku - Maul - Maul&Soka - Shmi - Anakin&Anakin - Mace
Anakin and the Jedi Babies: (chrono) (AO3)
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
AatJB Addendum - whatever the fuck this was
* Jango Meets Soka (1.5k words)
* Names and Faces (6.5k words)
* Anakin, Shmi, and the Jedi Babies (3k words)
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies: Knightmares (1.6k words) - Ben just really loves banthas
* Anakin Introduces his Jedi Babies (and Himself) (5.8k words)
Winds of Change
The Conspiracy (of Anakin and his Jedi Babies)
JangoShmi and Jedi-Mando relations - Shmi finds out
Cultural comparison of Jedi/Mando/Tatooine
How doth yonder baby brain work
Ylliben Skywalker (hair and tattoos) - various related thoughts - * A Child’s Ink - Hi there’s art now! It’s by the amazing @shukruut - This is the outline btw
And this is the outline of the whole ‘verse (so far)
Pronunciation of names
The Kidnapping of Pre Vizsla
* Where There’s a Whill, There’s a Windu (2k words)
From when I was writing Child’s Ink - The same - Ibid. - New subplot
Why is Anakin not aging?
A specific fanart I plan to commission
I forgot Depa has a sister orz
Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse: (nsfw) (Chrono) (AO3)
Base Post
Surrogacy, Worldbuilding, Obi-Mom
How to Build an Army - The Clone Risk
Soap Operas
Tatooine (2.2k words)
Meet the Generals
Interior Design
Country Dyke
“Assigning” Dynamics
Rexwalker Nonsenses
No Way Home
Warfare 101
Quinlan and the Interdimensional Ingenues (except not really)
Random thought about Omegaverse pregnancies
The Spikes Thing (nsfw, noncon mention, body horror)
Gland Guards
“Weren’t you dead?”
Padme’s marriage to someone who is not Anakin
Churning his brain like butter
Chandrila, Mon Mothma’s pronouns
Commander Buir: (chrono) (AO3) An excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
Initial Brainstorming
Worldbuilding for the AU
Cody & Shmi Talk About General Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn enables Skybaby crimes
The Jango Incident - Just some age stuff
Rexsoka and the Quinlan thing
New Mandalore
Cody deserves to be petty
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family: (Chrono) (AO3)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Fake Spontaneous Training Bond: (chrono) (AO3)
Original post
overbearing dad
various musings
Discussion of Fulcrum’s skills (see notes)
Uncle Ben and Little Luke: (chrono) (AO3)
Uncle Ben and Little Luke (3k words, basically a fic)
Auntie ‘Soka and Little Leia (and Rex) (25k words)
Thoughts on “Auntie Soka and Little Leia” (jokingly, a director’s cut)
Rex, Pint-Sized Battlemaster
Twins, meet TCW plots
Planned continuations
Why not Han+Vader
The process of writing Auntie Soka - Addendum
“Luke rolls his eyes”
Headcanon meme
Ben pins the dilf radar
Fake Sith TCW Trio: (chrono)
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Thoughts, and perhaps feelings
Padawan Kenobi puts up with a lot
Writing this was a JOURNEY
Why did I set this in Space!1930s NYC
Plotting the route from Rattatak to Tatooine
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped: (chrono) (AO3)
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
More of “Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped”
“Game’s over you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
Requested Headcanons
TCW Leverage AU: (chrono) (AO3)
TCW Leverage AU
The bit with Korkie
The Family Tree is… a Disaster (ficlet)
Family Tree charted out (with excerpts)
1970s Dooku/Sifo-Dyas by @uraaniuum
ObiSabe AU (AO3)
Face Blindness among clones
Sticky Fingers AU (AO3)
Hondo Saves the Galaxy
Anakin the Distraction
Manipulating Anakain
The Sexbot AU: (chrono) (AO3)
The Sexbot AU
Rex and Boytoy Anakin
Writing process jokes
Not a slowburn, but a raging inferno someone’s aiming a fire extinguisher at
Poor Quinlan
Wanna Smash
Tread Upon the Wind (and Chase the Sky)
Mace and Fives
Jaster’s opinion on swearing
Adventures in AO3 Tagging
Does this count as a Freedom Trail
Qui-Gon and Feemor
The King, the Soldier, and the Spy
Original version: The King, the Soldier, and the Spy
Writing the Intro
Time-travel or a break with reality?
Alas, poor Satine
Not Very Nice to Ahsoka 
Weapon Women in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
WandaVision/SW Prequels (original brainstorm)
Widows on Kamino (original brainstorm)
Reader response to Anakin getting a civics lesson in Witch’s Favor
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Ahsoka Steals Three Million Babies
Ahsoka with baby clone Glitch (art by @amikoroyaiart, commissioned work)
Ahsoka is Anakin’s Parole Officer
Systems' Scourge
Systems’ Scourge (original)
Ahsoka’s helmet in time-travel AUs
Legally Horny
Legally Horny AU (original)
Fox and Padme need to talk about the politics before you guys can Bang
Reactions to Jango Breaks Into Satine’s House (And Criticizes Her Security)
the weird S*ltcoats thing
Using the fic as shorthand with discourse
Fake Affair (To Hide the Real Affair
Fake Affair to Cover Up the Real Affair (original)
Sexy Addendum, feat. baby twins folllowup
Shiny Rainbow Knife
Transfemme Anakin (original)
Shipping Musings
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank
Kamino Sperm Bank (original)
An additional Fertility Clinic joke, now with lawsuits
Modern AU Hardcase’s deadname
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while I'm thinking of AUs
Scourge redemption AU where he doesn't become chilled out and a Soft Boi[tm]
but instead is Squirrelkit and Leafkit's morally questionable [half] uncle who tries to teach them that the best way to solve one's problems is to stab it with as much force as possible and that, if you try hard enough, you can turn any childhood trauma into blind rage
leading to Sandstorm to request that Scourge is no longer allowed to babysit and also that he should seek therapy [which, even if he did, he'd still refuse to mellow out]
also he calls out the dumb shit that the Clans do all the time and any time someone tries to pick a fight with this former rogue, Firestar has to forcefully drag his older [half] brother away before he publicly guts someone again
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a-world-in-grey · 4 years
Take My Breath au - Roadtrip (Duscae)
Some bad, some good, some cute - and some of Sola terrifying the shit out of Ravus. @secret-engima because hey, we get to see Ardyn and Sola exchange words!
-Sola has to admit that helping Uncle Cor take out the Norduscaen blockade was cathartic (though the exasperated why me look he gave her after she walked in the front gate with the rest of the Retinue, glaive across her shoulders and she cheerfully announced that being the distraction was fun was completely unnecessary) and she’s in a much better mood as they wander through Duscae looking for more royal tombs.
-They pick up a couple hunts - including a damn behemoth so Prompto can ride Chocobos, but in the face of Prompto’s delighted expression no one can begrudge the blonde - and Sola heals a few people from what looks like poison. Black crawling through their veins that feels like a smothering, choking fog as Sola pulls it into herself. She frowns as her magic fights off the poison, but sluggishly, taking hours, even days where normally she’d be fine in a manner of minutes.
-It’s odd, but her magic beats it off as it does everything else, so Sola simply keeps her gloves on and jacket sleeves down to hide the black creeping up her hands and wrists. The others would only worry, and she’s fine.
-Until she’s not.
-Until the poison in her veins are creeping up her forearms, up her arms, and she’s vomiting up black goo almost every night. Fortunately, she has her own tent - as big as Gladio’s is, there’s no way to cram four people inside when three of them are six feet tall, and Gladio is... Gladio - and a decade of having hanahaki has taught her how to hide the fact that she’s getting sicker every day.
-In Lestallum, Sola crashes hard when they reach the Leville. She sleeps in later than Noctis even, and wakes up after Noctis has left with Iris to tour Lestallum. Ignis returns first, and it turns out that Pelna and Axis are in Lestallum and Sola takes the chance for an update.
-She even waves off the Chocobros when they go to find the next Tomb, instead going out to get takeout and finding a discreet place to have lunch and talk about glaive operations.
-Then lunch gets interrupted by that same silky tone Sola is coming to hate. She’s not the only one to react violently, weapons whirling through the air. Ardyn casually sidesteps them all. His casual remark that Sola’s finally found herself a Shield is met with a snarl from Axis, but Sola waves both Pelna and Axis down. They cannot afford to start a fight here - too many civilians, too many refugees that cannot afford Imperial attention turning to the city - no matter how much Ardyn deserves a knife to the kidney.
-Then Ardyn grabs Sola’s hand, pushing her sleeve up and revealing the black poison stark against pale skin before Sola can wrench her arm away. But Ardyn knows what this is, mentions that it is the Scourge her little brother is fated to defeat, even if at this rate Ardyn doubts Sola will live to see it. Pelna and Axis still dangerously, and Adryn leaves with a vague comment of wondering how Sola will go.
-Sola, Pelna, and Axis return to the Leville, where Sola pulls Jared aside and asks him to look into the Starscourge - and what happens to those who are infected with it. It means revealing her infection to Jared and making the man promise not to tell the others, because Sola can feel it now. She’s dying, and unless they miraculously find a cure, Sola won’t survive.
-Pelna and Axis are not happy. They argue with Sola when Sola refuses to divert Kingsglaive forces to researching the Scourge. She tells them that they don’t know if there is a cure, and it’s more important that they continue to fight the Empire. Pelna is named Second, and if when Sola dies, he will be Chief.
-Unfortunately, Iris overhears enough and bursts into the room to confront Sola about it. Sola sighs and lets Iris look at her arms with trembling fingers. She has Iris promise not to tell the others, because they need to focus on protecting Noctis, not her. Iris nods, and Sola kneels down to wipe away Iris’ tears. Especially because Iris sniffles that she’s going to leave her Shield all alone. The glaives blink down at Iris, and Iris sniffs again, this time in part offense and says that she’s not blind. Axis is Sola’s Shield, and... Iris hesitates before she quietly adds that he’s family too, isn’t he?
-Axis is still as a statue, and Iris babbles that he looks a bit like her grandmother, and he acts a lot like Gladdy and her father around Noctis and the king. Iris shuffles when Axis still doesn’t react, and she asks why he never said anything. Axis, faced with a crying kid, immediately switches over into dad mode, and he gently tells Iris that he’s a bastard. It would’ve brought too much scandal for both Lord Amicitia and Axis’ family if Axis came forward. Iris pouts, but she grew up in Insomnia and while she wasn’t involved in court, she was still trained, and so she doesn’t try to argue against what she knows is true. 
-But Iris is also whip smart for being only 15, and Iris asks if they were worried about the Council forcing Axis to be Sola’s Shield. Axis blinks, but Sola smiles at Iris and confirms it. It’s why Sola helps Axis hide his ties to the Amicitia, because both Axis and Sola wanted it to be their choice. Iris nods, hugs Axis tight, before scampering off to help Jared and Talcott with their new research project. Because she doesn’t want either of her older brothers to lose their King/Queen.
-Sola is out with Pelna and Axis, finishing up reports and orders and plans (and telling them to send some of the Ornata over to Galdin Quay to find one Dino Ghiranze) when she gets a text from Ignis that they’ve returned from the tomb and are going to check out the Disk of Cauthess. Sola texts back and tells them to be careful of the Imperial presence in the area. Sola doesn’t worry when they aren’t back by nightfall - Ignis texted her to tell her that they’d rented a caravan for the night.
-Axis and Pelna, being absolute shits, stick Talcott on Sola babysitting duty before they leave. A duty little Talcott takes to with enthusiasm. Sola sighs, flips her two glaives the middle finger where Talcott can’t see, and proceeds to bow to Talcott’s every whim. Because she’s always been a sucker for kids. (Iris, the traitor, hides giggles behind her hands and cheerfully waves as Talcott drags Sola to wander around Lestallum. Sola won’t admit it, but the sunshine hurts on her skin, hurts her eyes and she makes sure to buy sunglasses. Sola refuses to give up sunlight, even if it hurts.)
-Sola abruptly worries a lot more about her little brother when Titan wakes up and throws a fit. Lestallum isn’t too damaged in the resulting earthquake, but the sight of the giant Astral is... an eye catching sight to be sure.
-Then the Chocobros return to Lestallum by Imperial airship, and Sola learns that they’ve been interacting with Ardyn. Sola snarls, because herself is one thing, but he is not allowed to meddle with her little brother!
-Without the Regalia, the group is forced to rent Chocobos to get around. Fortunately, the birds can cover more terrain than the car, and it allows them to avoid the sudden Imperial blockades that have cropped up. Sola splits off from the group in order to organize and lead glaive operations in blowing up the blockades and bases.
-And, well, Sola’s seen the way Ignis keeps glancing at her, and she’s worried that he’s starting to suspect that she isn’t as well as she pretends.
-Sola gets a call from Cindy pointing her towards Archeole base, where the Regalia has been impounded and waiting for shipment to Niflheim. Sola leaves Pelna in charge of wider operations, and takes Axis and two other glaives with her to meet up with the Chocobros just outside the base.
-Sola does not step into the Haven. She tried that a couple days back and it was not fun, Sola does not recommend. It means she’s now running mostly night shifts so she can sleep during the day, but she’s managing.
-Instead, Sola leaves the two glaives to coordinate with Ignis and the others while she and Axis sneak around to scout out the base.
-Night falls, and Sola and Noctis’ group infiltrate at separate points. They proceed to sneak around and murder their way through the base. Sola’s group focuses on taking out as many MTs and imperial forces as possible, while Noctis’ group heads for the main generator and the Regalia.
-At several points, Sola calls forth bursts of sunlight to disorient the mech sensors. It sears through her veins like nothing has before, but it’s the best option she has so Sola forces herself to continue through the pain.
-Frankly, Sola thinks Noctis calling down Ramuh to smite the generator is overkill, but the glaives are an Awe.
-Ravus has just pushed Gladio back against the Regalia when about two dozen weapons materialize around him. And Sola slinks out of the shadows, all predatory grace and lethal smile. “Hello, darling.”
-Ravus doesn’t dare move. Not with the blades pressed against his throat, against eight different spots that will kill him instantly if Sola wills it. With the two blades pointed at his eyes and the gun against the back of his head.
-He’s seen the power of a Lucis Caelum armiger. It’s not something he ever anticipated being on the other end of it.
-Sola’s almost a foot shorter than him. That doesn’t stop her from using the tip of her wickedly sharp blade to lift his chin. “Tell me, darling,” And Ravus has never heard an endearment sound so threatening, “why I shouldn’t cut you down where you stand?”
-He says nothing. There is nothing to say, no convincing reason he can give for Sola to spare his life. And Sola knows it. Her smile widens until it’s less a smile and more a snarl of bared teeth.
-“I’m afraid I will have to protest, dear Princess.” Sola twitches as Ardyn materializes behind them, but her glaive doesn’t move as she turns to glare at the High Chancellor. Thank the Six, that blade is uncomfortably close to his throat. “Lady Lunafreya will be most put out if her brother dies.”
-Out of the corner of his eye, Ravus sees Noctis wince. Sola however, is unmoved. “This is war.” Sola drawls, “Lady Lunafreya will understand.”
-“Let him go, and all of you will be allowed to walk free with your Regalia.” Ardyn promises.
-“Please, I’m not that stupid.” Sola scoffs. “I let him go, you’ll kill all of us.”
-“You have my word, you will not be harmed.” The Lucians give Ardyn dubious looks, and Ravus honestly agrees with them. After Insomnia, what Lucian would trust anyone from the Empire?
-“Your word means nothing.” Sola counters with a vicious smile, “Try again.”
-Ardyn tilts his head thoughtfully. “Oh? It almost seems like you want a reason to spare him, dear Princess.”
-Sola laughs. It’s the most chilling thing Ravus has ever heard.
-“Hardly.” Sola says. “But your attempts amuse me.”
-“Sola,” Noctis intervenes, voice quiet but firm. “Withdraw. We’re leaving.”
-A breathless moment where Sola is utterly still, before her weapons shatter into shards of golden magic. Her hand forms a shape, and Ravus suddenly spots the three figures waiting in the shadows when they move, forming a formation and waiting for Sola to join them.
-“As my king commands.” Sola intones. She fades back into the shadows with inhuman ease, sparing a moment to send Ravus a smile that sends shivers down his spine. “Until next time, darling.”
-Those words are going to haunt his nightmares. And Ravus prays to the Six that there won’t be a next time. He’s not certain he’ll survive it.
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