#violin!mc and nagi definitely have a lowkey relationship = just quiet time spent together no words needed
seoafin · 1 year
Can we get some trivia for violinist!mc , like was she the secretly popular at school but doesn't recognise/ doesn't care about it, whats her favorite food that she mix and match from the konbini? 🥺 or is it too early for that? she sounds so precious just from the 3 posts
yes ofcccc you can get some trivia <3
it's funny you ask whether or not violinmc was popular in school bc i wrote about this exact thing in reo's POV about the time he was trying to figure out more about nagi (bllk episode nagi) but finds out that nagi is lowkey the school cryptid LMAO
It seemed inescapable, how your name would always come up in conjunction with Nagi's. Nobody knew much about Nagi, but you were somewhat of an infamous figure within the school. Popular opinion was divided. You had spoken up about some male teacher’s overly touchy ways, which prompted several other girls to speak up. An investigation was opened. He was quietly fired. Some female students admired you for your outspoken ways, while others thought you too bold. Male students steered clear of you after you had curtly turned down a confession of a well liked athlete, irritated that it had cut into violin practice. You were well regarded in the drama department, garnering fans from the few performances the school had forced you to do during the school's culture festival.
people definitely thought violinmc and nagi were dating in hs but also thought it was crazy because violinmc was considered out of his league LMAO also ppl think violinmc is kinda intimidating bc she very easily defaults into defensiveness but if that's just an act. violinmc gets hurt very easily!!!!
violin!mc gets a lot of bentos and onigiri from the konbini! sometimes she adds a iced coffee or a pocari sweat. she doesn't really cook that often and it's just easier to buy premade meals than to cook since cooking takes time away from practice. it wasn't until she met nagi that she started getting more snacks like jagariko or toppo or even some bread. i feel like she unconsciously adopts some of nagi's tastes in sweets. i'd imagine that they eat dinner together a lot. well, it's more like eating dinner at the same table. nagi is playing a game on his phone and she's looking over some sheet music, but they're doing it together and that's what counts ig 😭
violin!mc is not good at studying. nagi is a horrible tutor. every year she barely managed to pass enough to keep her scholarship but she did it! somehow. nagi would always accompany her in the library though while unhelpfully pointing out things that did not help 💀
before she met nagi when she needed a change of pace she would go to the riverbank near her house and sit on the bench overlooking the river. she would just sit and listen to her previous performances while watching the kids play soccer. after meeting nagi she just goes to his house next door and watches him play games LOL
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