#violyane replies
violyane · 9 months
Do you know the huge motorcycle in the Science Club? Have you ever thought that it could be used for a date? Kaga and Megami can ride it to a location far from the city for stargazing or various astronomical phenomena. But they will be surrounded by her guards, which will make it somewhat awkward.
Ooh! That would be so cute! However, we should establish first that the guns which are attached to it exist only in the game’s easter egg because I’m certain that Megami would jail Kaga for seeing that killing machine.
But imagine him showing her the motorcycle for the first time, being all proud and smug, thinking she’ll run into his arms, but the only thing Megami does is question whether it’s even safe to ride lmao
Kaga deftly removes the cover, revealing a rather large and technically advanced motorcycle, boastfully smiling at the student council president. "Just a small creation of mine," he announces very proudly while showcasing the vehicle. "I thought we could drive around the city roads and have some fun. What do you think?" Megami stood cross-armed, shifting her eyes between the motorcycle and her boyfriend in silence. "Are you certain that this is safe? Your inventions do have a tendency to explode unexpectedly,” said finally Megami, looking at the massive construction in front of her. At first glance, it did look impressive and well-made, but life has taught her that Kaga’s inventions should be approached carefully. "It pains me that you don't believe in my great genius", replied Kaga with a small frown forming on his face. "But I can promise you that this is my safest invention yet! ...probably."
But after successfully convincing Megami of the safety of the motorcycle, they go on a date. Kaga probably thinks that he looks like a cool motorcycle gang leader, but in reality, he's like a gremlin lol
And yes, the bodyguards! One of his greatest enemies, who ruins every romantic scenario between the two of them.
After a long journey, they stopped on the outskirts of Buraza Town and rested on one of the mountains surrounding the city, where there was a small viewing station. That day the sky was astounding. The black, everyday void above their heads was as if painted with blue and purple paint and decorated with white, shining stars. Even for a scientist like Kaga, for whom the starry sky was just part of astronomy, today's was like a work of art. He turned to his companion, who was also fascinated by this wonderful sight. Her eyes like a mirror reflected the beauty of the sky, although for Kaga they were always stunning. "Isn't chemistry impressive? Only a few thermonuclear reactions taking place inside stars can create something this amazing," started Kaga, taking her hand to gain her attention. He gave Megami a small smile and then continued: "But none of these reactions compare to the ones that happen inside me when I'm with you. No thermonuclear reaction will ever exceed the level of oxytocin and norepinephrine in my brain when you look at me or smile, or when you are simply close to me." Megami's bright eyes looked at him tenderly as he confessed his declarations of love. Her cheeks took on a slightly pink tint that would be almost unnoticeable to a normal eye. But Kaga was always able to pick it up because he memorized her every reaction and gesture. Seeing her positive reaction, Kaga slowly moved his lips towards Megami's to confirm his confession through actions. But just as they were about to connect with each other, a small grunt was heard in the background. Megami immediately turned away, while Kaga looked with annoyance at the source of the sound, which were four security guards looking at the couple with disapproval. I should just bring my killing robot next time, thought the scientist and his gaze turned back to the starry scenery above them.
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violyane · 1 year
Wait you're still active? I thought you deleted tumblr or something
Yeah! I'm still active and in the Yansim fandom!
I'm just finishing my first year of college and... it's hard, but just one remaining month and I'll be free for a while.
As for my content, the Mater Plan fanfiction is on hold, because I need to rewrite some events (I will probably start writing it again during my summer break tho)
BUUUT I've been writing a small Kagami oneshot, I don't wanna spoil anything, but it's adult Kagami and oooh boy when I write it I have butterflies in my stomach.
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violyane · 1 year
Hey! I hope this blog didn't die but are you still gonna update Master Plan? It's only one chapter but it got me really fixiated about the story
Hello anon I'm still here! I'm currently enjoying my holiday break while doing absolutely nothing.
As for Master Plan, I really want to write and continue this story. Really. Like I've been thinking about the story and plot for about six???? years now I believe (damn I've been in this fandom for quite a while), but honestly, I think a few factors overwhelm me in writing it.
I started writing it way too early. Which is funny considering I have had it in my mind since 2016. But tbh I only planned the major events of the story. And they include such different aspects of the characters' personalities and development that they look flat without some in-between events. Even looking at the first chapter makes me realize how flat Kaga and Megami are. They are behaving more like their future selves than who they should be now. This is not the first impression of them I wanted to leave at all. I think I really should just open my fanfic planner, take a deep breath and write the whole story, with all the events that I wanna include, before actually writing the thing.
The place of events and timeline confuses me. Since Akademi was changed from a high school to an academy I really have no idea how the organization of the institution even works. Do all students attend for one year, or do they have to be there longer? Are they finishing with a certificate? Do students just choose what class they want to be in or does the school management test them? What does recruitment look like? And more similar questions like that. As for the timeline, some things just don't make sense. For example, when does the student council election take place? If Megami and the student council girls took the position on the first day of school, was the election taking place while Megami was still in class 1? If yes, then how did Shiromi become part of it, considering she just started attending school in April? (That's actually why I put her in Aoi's class since the fanfic takes place before the canon events and she has to somehow be here).
I need to research more into the canon. I really don't want to make my fanfic a big AU with my own silly headcanons in it. But is it even possible to access all canon information? I was looking through YanDev's Reddit posts in the past, but unfortunately, it's not easy to see all of it. Dev also shares some information privately with friends and on Discord (where I don't really hang out much). Sure I can just use info from the game, but is there really that much of it to write a nice story? Especially since I'm writing about the last rival, the most mysterious one, while we only got the first one in-game. I can make it more into an AU, but will it still be Yandere Simulator? I mean, I could always rewrite it after we get the full game, but I don't know... what if half my story loses a logical narrative because of it...
I'm not confident with my writing. English is not my first language. When it comes to reading literature, I only base my knowledge on other fanworks I've read over the years. My writing is not the most ambitious, I know that. But the problem with writing a long-chapter fanfiction is that you have to interfere with your written work. When I write my one shots I mostly just write them, publish them, and never return to them again, so I don't overthink every word and sentence that I came up with. I'm actually scared to open the first chapter of Master Plan because I'm afraid that when I'll re-read it, I'll just start cringing at my writing and delete it altogether.
There are probably more concerns that I have, but these are the main ones that are stopping me from writing Master Plan. Sometimes I really just wish I could stop overthink it and just pour my heart into it.
But I'll say this. I promise to work it all out. Because I don't want to disappoint the teenage me, who spent numerous nights daydreaming about this story. I will do anything to write it.
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violyane · 3 years
Do you have some hc for Kaga and Megami
I don't know if you're asking for Kaga and Megami separately or kagami itself, but I'm gonna do both because they literally live rent-free in my head so lets gooooooo
As a kid, he often visited his parents at Saikou Corp., which made him more interested in the company (and that's probably where he met Megami for the first time 👀)
Nobody from Akademi knows that he wore glasses in the past (except Shiromi and Info-chan, but that info doesn't benefit them rn).
He's fond of the way his hair looks after the failed experiment.
His hair will never turn back to its original color (but his genes may have remained the same idk)
He's the type of person that tends to overwork himself. He can literally not sleep for three days straight while he's working on something.
Because of sleep deprivation, his veins are basically filled with coffee by now.
It's a known headcanon, but he hates cats due to another failed experiment that involved one.
Another known headcanon, but I believe he could be related to Shiromi (maybe not siblings, but they could be cousins)
He's the type of person that would complain about unrealistic plots in movies/games
Out of all students, he dislikes Kizana the most. There were times where they fought during the whole club leader meetings.
He's mostly afraid of Aoi, since she doesn't trust him around Megami and has threatened him multiple times to stay away from her.
he has an ectomorph body type
He already lives in an apartment alone, where he has his own small lab.
He carries a diary around, where he scribbles new invention ideas.
He's a terrible cook.
She doesn't like physical affection mainly because she never actually experienced it on her own when she was younger.
She gets slightly nervous when she doesn't understand modern trends that her generation follows.
She copied her mother's looks since she thinks her mother is an exemplary example of elegance.
She wants to meet with her aunt and ask about her past decisions.
She gets teased all the time by Shiromi. She shows her dank memes while Megami just unemotionally looks at it.
She rarely talks about her emotions and had opened up only to her best friend.
She doesn't like metal jewelry.
She never watched a romance movie ever.
She's fond of ancient art
Wearing gloves give her comfort. She feels uncomfortable without them.
Although she doesn't have much time, she tries to spend her free time around nature.
As a child, one of her wishes was to experience one day as a normal girl.
Every time she gets the chance, she tries to fix her relationship with her brother.
On any formal occasions, she ignores people who are trying to flirt with her.
I believe their relationship it's kinda a 'rivals to lovers' trope.
As times go by, Megami will become more comfortable with showing affection around Kaga.
Kaga will try to 'normalize' Megami's life as much as possible by taking her on casual dates.
While they are together they love to talk about new scientific discoveries and theories.
Kaga visits Megami in the student council room all the time, while she works there alone.
They dislike acting all lovey-dovey in public, but whenever they are alone Kaga becomes more clingy.
Kaga can get jealous pretty easily around Megami since he knows all the world is basically trying to take her hand in marriage.
When Kaga hurts himself while experimenting, Megami gets very overprotective.
When they started dating they began to experiment more with their appearance (trying new clothes, hairstyles, etc.)
Megami tried to persuade him to exercise with her regularly but gave up after Kaga almost died at the gym.
Megami finds it cute how Kaga talks to himself while working on something.
They both complain at each other for working too much but do it anyway.
Although Megami always complains about Kaga's messy hair, deep down she likes it.
There’s probably more but I need to save some hc for my fanfictions haha 
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violyane · 3 years
any sneak peek of the new fanfiction?
As for now, the fanfic is only 1000 words long, so I don't want to reveal too much. But it's gonna be a married Kagami fanfic, that mostly focuses on Megami :D
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violyane · 3 years
You said you needed some asks to get insirpriation to finish your fanfiction, and I need inspiration to finish my fanfiction too, so I can relate:
1) What are your thoughts on Shiromi Torayoshi?
2) WHat are your thoughts in Info-chan?
3) What’s your favorite character/rival?
1) I love her!! I like her eccentric personality and comedic aspect. Basically in all my fanfic drafts she has a big impact and she is an important character. I love the mysteriousness around her. And I hope that in the game they will be some scripted events with her
2) I really like her character as well. She's supposed to be the ally in the game but she gives off antagonistic vibes to me and I love it. I'm curious about her true intentions and relation to the Aishi family. I'm happy that her purpose got changed and she's no longer the last rival (it was too cliche and predictable for me)
3) It's gonna be Megami. Although we dont know much about her rn I think she has a potential to be one of the best written characters in the game. I love her design, character and purpose in the game. I just hope she won't be a total Mary Sue and Yandev will add some ✨angst✨ to her backstory (just like I do in my headcanons haha) I would love to do a character analysis of her and the Saikou family in general.
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violyane · 3 years
Have you seen the video about how Amai's week will be different from Osana's? What do you think of it? And what are your expectations for the Kickstarter, or theories for the big surprise that YandereDev is planning?
I think I know what video you're talking about. Yes, I saw it. Honestly, it made me more hyped than the whole Osana development. I don't play the game too often recently, since I'm more interested in the characters and lore anyways. But there was a time when I was playing the game every day. There were only 20 students and no scripted events and it was probably the best time I had with Yansim. When I tried to play the demo with Osana the gameplay was actually boring. I was just supposed to wait for a certain event and I felt like I couldn't do anything. When I opened the Amai challenge I felt a breeze of nostalgia. I had the same experience as years ago when I was just playing around with the game mechanics. I really like the concept, that instead of scripted events, the scenery of the game will change every week. The scripted events aren't that bad. We can get more character information from them, but honestly, If I was told to get rid of the rivals using only the scripted eliminations the game would get boring too fast. So I'm happy there's still a variety of game mechanics we can use :)
For the Kickstarter, I just hope the past dramas won't make the project flop. I understand why Yandev is so skeptical about the crowdfunding campaign and I don't want to rush it either.
I have actually no idea what the big surprise can be. Maybe it has something to do with the Custom Mode that has been suggested at the beginning of the development? Either way, I'm super excited about it!
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violyane · 3 years
thoughts on the gardening club ? ^_^
Cute girls!!!
I don't really find them that interesting, since we know nothing in particular about them but I don't mind them.
From all the girls I think Uekiya is my fave (although her new textures are ugly ngl lmaoo). She was actually my favourite character at the beginning but then I started simping for Megami haha
I also like Sakura and I wish we could get to know more about her. I would be happy if the final game had a mechanic, where she visits the nurse one time a day.
I'm not fond of their routines. I liked when they were walking around in the garden, rather than watering the same flowers over and over. I think it would be cool if they walked around outside.
Also I have a small headcanon that the girls do ecology events at school ^^
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violyane · 3 years
What do you think of the student council members other than megami?
The student council girls are one of my favourite. I think they are one of the better-written characters in the whole game. I personally like all the girls, but Akane and Shiromi stole my heart from the beginning.
I'm interested in their relationship with Megami (especially Aoi, since she's probably the rumored Megami's best friend)
I also ship Aoi with Shiromi lmaoo aoiromi supremacy
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