unpopcorned · 5 years
                          I think I’m losing my mind                                                       Trying to stay inside the lines
The phone rings and keeps ringing until it stops. Machine answers, familiar voice next. Jonah sighs. 
From behind him, Jax asks, “Got anything?” 
Jonah looks up, even through the shoddy, fingerprint-covered mess of the phone-booth’s glass, he can make out the mess of blonde curls and bright eyes. Jax is bouncing in place, impatient and glancing over his shoulder every couple seconds.
Jonah decides to hang up the phone, letting it clatter and dangle on the hook. Such an old thing, there’s grime caking the numbers. A light drizzle greets him when he leaves the phone-booth, he doesn’t bother lifting his hood, glancing up towards the darkening clouds. 
There’s no stars out tonight, if it weren’t for the neon pink lights of CRUISIN’ shining down on them, there would be no way to see at all. 
“Nah,” Jonah says, sighs again. It’s all he seems to be doing as of late. “They must not be back yet.” 
“Yeah,” Jax hesitates, “Wanna go back inside?” 
Jonah wishes he could calm his nerves, Jax goes out of his way to throw his arm out and wrap it around his shoulders, like he’s trying to make Jonah feel better. He appreciates it, leans into his side gradually. 
It’s the weekend, so it’s not like CRUISIN’ is missing any patronage. The place is filled to the brim with people. Usually, the locals come  —  mainly teenagers or twenty-somethings, rent their skates, order a few drinks, or try their hand at the old-as-dirt arcade games. Dark purple casts all over the room, save for the flashing neon every other moment. Jax seems as if he’s right in his element, and Jonah can’t wait to leave. 
Don’t get him wrong, he’d offered to come. It’s usual for business. And Gus works here, so Asher and Tate and Fitz get in free. Jonah has always been a homebody, even more so over the last couple days, burying himself in his studies. Jax had been the one to force him out of the house, practically tugging on his arm to pull him off the couch. 
“Look, there’s V!” Jax has to shout in Jonah’s ear to be heard over the loud bass of the speakers, shaking the walls each time the tempo speeds up, “She looks pissed.” 
Yeah, she does. When they get closer, Jonah is able to see she’s talking to someone, almost spitting her words, eyes narrowed and mouth deep-set. It’s Melody, who’s rolling her eyes and shifting her weight onto one foot. Of course, she’d be the only one brave enough to go toe-to-toe with Veronica. 
“--told you we’re not taking anymore of that shit. Some kid OD’d in the fucking bathroom last month,” Melody is saying, eyebrows creased, “No more laced shit, got it?” 
“Maybe you should be more careful,” Veronica replies, flippant and annoyed, “Stop sellin’ to kids. Ever thought of that?” 
“They’re most of our customers, in case you haven’t noticed,” Melody leans closer, “And we don’t sell to them unless they’re over fifteen.” 
Veronica scoffs, “Yeah, real fuckin’ smart--” 
“Hey, hey,” Jax breaks in, leaving Jonah’s side to try and simmer the flames between the two girls, “What did Rob say? No fightin’ before he got here.” 
Veronica rolls her eyes, Melody backs off. With a flip of her blonde hair  -  never mind that she almost smacks Veronica in the face with it  -  she turns on her heels, “I’ll go let Mr. A know you’re here.” Her voice is very sing-songy, the exact opposite of before, sarcastic twist to her lips.
Veronica is left staring after her, Jonah can’t help but think Veronica’s eyes could burn a hole into someone’s head or scare Death himself if she tried hard enough. She could be really scary when she wanted to be. 
She looks to Jonah and Jax next, eyebrows lifting faintly. “You talk to ‘em?” 
“Nobody answered,” Jonah shrugs his shoulders, his voice might sound a little more down than usual. He adds, unsure, “What if something happened?” 
Veronica makes a face at him, “Oh, Christ. Don’t do that. Don’t do that - worried thing. Trust me, I know better outta anybody, those idiots can take care of themselves.” 
A couple of teenagers skate past them, full of laughter and shouting. It’s hard to make out any faces in the limited lighting, though. Veronica is always on edge, even more so without a certain someone by her side, clicking her teeth out of annoyance. 
“Great. Just fuckin’ great. So I gotta deal with these assholes on my own, huh?”
“Don’t worry, you got us!” Jax pulls Jonah closer by the shoulders again, Jonah is able to get a whiff of light sweat and hairspray, “We’re behind you one-hundred-percent, V!” 
“Shut up.” 
“C’mon, V, don’t be so--ow!” 
She swats at his arm before he can rope her into the one-armed hug, just as Jonah. Jonah only watches the two of them bicker for a second or two before William is joining them, in his usual skates and rainbow hoodie, gesturing all over the place once he’s close enough. 
“Yo, ya’ll hear them tunes? Fuckin’ with my whole vibe out here, man,” William’s complaining, readjusting his glasses, “Weak, I’m tellin’ you. My cousin runs a side hustle, could’ve totally hooked Mr. A with some sick--” 
“Hey,” Veronica isn’t in the mood, she still has a tight grip on Jax’s wrist and is twisting it little by little, “Pay attention. Focus. I don’t have time for--” 
“I’m focused, V,” William breaks in, all smiles now, even with her crass attitude, “Don’t be mad, mami. Y’know I got your back when Jay ain’t here.” 
Veronica lets go of Jax when he begins whining, curling himself backwards behind Jonah as some type of shield, “That’s what bothers me.” 
Jonah feels like sighing again. Maybe he shouldn’t have come after all. And of course, William notices, leaning closer to him when Veronica attention is diverted. He picks up his eyebrows, purses his lips in that annoying and cute way of his, practically begging Jonah to spill with his expression alone. 
Jonah almost smiles. Almost. “Just worried.” 
“Don’t be, man,” William says, like it’s so easy, “I got you.” He nudges his elbow into Jonah’s side, encouraging in his own way. 
Veronica is the first to move towards the concession area when something catches her eye, and they’re all forced to follow. Jonah’s steps are shuffling and slow, glancing towards the EXIT sign every few seconds, as if he expects something. Constance is running the concession stand tonight  ---  mainly the place to trade your money in for tickets or to get a cheap snack. Among other things. 
Sabryna is there too, seated in the corner, flipping a magazine and feet propped up. She barley looks up when two teenagers approach the stand, patting their pockets and looking nervous. Constance notices them, blows a big fat bubble in their faces when they hand over a wad of cash. 
Sucking it in thereafter, she squares them both with a sharp look, “How old’re you, kid?” 
The first boy withers under her stare, “F-Fifteen.” 
“Mhm,” she blows another bubble, pressing a few buttons on the register so it falls open, tossing the money inside and handing over his change. Once she’s finished, Constance slides across a baggy, “Careful with this, got it?”
The two teenagers nod, run off with their purchase. Constance can only shake her head, attention shifting when she notices Veronica out of the corner of her eye. Marginally, her expression becomes less hostile, weight leaning against the counter.
“Hey, Veronica,” She draws out her name, that only makes Veronica cross her arms over her chest, “Where’s your boy-toy?” 
“Ha,” Veronica says, “How much’re you sellin’ that shit for?” 
“Don’t worry, we’re not dubbing your prices,” Constance says, not at all offended, “Mr. A actually wanted to go higher.” 
“You’re supposed to be talkin’ to him today, right?” Sabryna asks from the corner, looking up from her magazine briefly, “He’s in a bad mood.” 
Constance nods, “Definitely.” 
Veronica’s nose wrinkles up, “Fuck’s he gotta be upset for? Stickin’ my neck out far ‘nough for the guy.” 
“Bet’cha you won’t say it to his face,” Sabryna sing-songs, snorting, “White girls all bark and no bite.” 
“‘Ey, don’t be talkin’ about my girl V like that,” William says, leaning far over the counter to frown at Sabryna, which she only sticks her tongue out at, “Got bigger balls than yo’ mans.”
Sabryna flips him off, Constance looks tempted to laugh. 
“I’m here, I’m here!” Cory burst in, wet curls from the rain, shaking it out and causing Sabryna to squeal and jump from her seat, ducking out through the way he came. Constance grimaces at him, but puts up no fuss, “Sorry, I’m late. All the talking literally kills me.” 
“Break up with him, then,” Constances tells him, twirling her gum around and around her index finger, “You have the patience of a saint.” 
“I hate being single,” Cory is whining while he bends down behind the counter, plucking up a crate and setting it atop. He doesn’t get a chance to rifle through it, however, his attention is on Jonah, even though he’s been quiet throughout, “Jonah! You look cute today.” 
Jonah blinks, looks down at himself. He was rushed out of the house, so he’s not wearing anything particularly special. One of Vito’s hoodies, some old jeans and sneakers. But still, he says, “Thanks.” 
Cory balances his chin into his hand, ignoring the look William is giving him, eyes set on Jonah, “Are you seeing anyone? Please say no.” 
“The answer is always the same,” William grouses, “Don’t know why yo’ass keeps--” 
“I’m seeing someone,” Jonah says, goodnaturedly, almost looks apologetic when Cory’s expression crumbles, always melodramatic, “Sorry.” 
“Geez. You never make time for me.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
William is still going, “You not his type anyway--” 
“Hey,” Constance says, “You’re scaring off my customers,” She’s pointing past them, where a threesome has stopped to linger by the stand, appearing anxious to step any closer, “Flirt somewhere else.” 
“I’m not some errand girl,” Veronica looks annoyed again, her arms tight across her chest, jaw locked, “Mr. A wants to see me, needs to make time. I ain’t waitin’ around for anybody.” 
“Melody will come get you when he’s ready,” Constance is quick to reassure after she finishes with her customers. Cory holds out the tip jar, the metallic sound of coins hitting the bottom of the glass, “Relax, Veronica.” 
“Yeah, your vibe is totally killing the mood,” Cory purses his lips, “Wanna freebie?” 
“Do I want the shit I just sold you?” Veronica sneers, “No.” With that, she turns and walks away, Jonah doesn’t hesitate to follow after her. William only stays to poke more fun at Cory, Jax eager to take up the freebie offer. 
The music is able to drown out mostly everything, but Jonah can hear Veronica mumbling beneath her breath, shoulders lifted up to her ears defensively, even more tense than her usual self. She half-turns to Jonah, eyes scanning the crowd, “You sure nobody answered? Did it just - go to voicemail or somethin’?” 
Jonah’s stomach is twisting, expression falling by only a small degree. He tries his best to keep his expression in check, “They’re usually back within a couple days, right?” 
Veronica shrugs, “Depends. Rudy can be a real fuckin’ asshole when no one’s keepin’ him in check.” 
“He’s . . . something.” 
“Always talkin’.” 
“It never stops.” 
“For such a big guy, you’d think he’d know when to shut the fuck up. Nah, he’s like one of those . . . yappin’ dogs.” 
Jonah smiles at her, withdrawn but still there, “It’s hard not to love him.” 
“Yeah,” Veronica’s only quiet for a small moment, “He’s still an asshole. Don’t know why Vito puts up with him. ‘Specially after all the shit.” 
Ah, yeah. Maybe Jonah’s heart can just be a bit too big sometimes, but he was never angry with Rudy, not for that. Understands his reaction in a way, because he’s had it happened to him before. The anger and confusion that comes with it. Sometimes, he worries for Vito even more than he lets on, with his family and friends and peers, people who could look at him differently just because Jonah remains beside him. 
He shoots Veronica another smile, grabbing a hold of the rink’s railing and leaning back a little, “Rudy’s a lovable sort of guy.” 
“Don’t let him hear you say that.”
Jonah didn’t say that. Neither did Veronica. 
She’s the first to turn towards the sound of the voice, but arms slip around her waist, pulling her back and she’s quick to melt into the embrace. Even so, she puts forth her most grumpy voice when she says, “What took you so long, asshole? Gonna give me a fuckin’ heart attack.” 
“Aw, Ron,” Jacob rests his chin on her shoulder, pressing his nose into the curve of her jaw, kissing there, “Didn’t know you cared so much.” 
“Fuck you. Jonah called your place and you didn’t answer.” 
“Just got back.” 
Veronica tilts her head a bit, “Somethin’ happen?” To which Jacob whispers something in her ear, Jonah is unable to make out through the music and limited lights. Veronica nods though and rubs his wrist. 
But if Jacob is here, that means --- 
“Where’s Vito?” Jonah can’t help but ask, lighting up at just the thought, “Is he here? Did he come with you?” 
Jacob seems amused with his excitement, tightening his arms around Veronica and rocking the two of them lightly. With one finger, he points over the way, past the rink and the crowd of teenagers strapping on their skates, “Yeah. He was lookin’ for you, back over there.” 
Jonah is polite enough to excuse himself at least, but it comes out pretty rushed. He speed-walks in the direction Jacob said, shouldering his way past others, mumbling apologies when he’s given dirty looks. It doesn’t take long to find Vito in the crowd, though  ---  he’s taller than most, appears completely out of place. He spots Jonah coming and they meet halfway, Jonah throwing his arms around him once he’s close enough. 
They talk at the same time. 
“I’m sorry--” 
“I was so worried--” 
Vito stops, “You--” 
“No, you first.” 
He fumbles with his words for a second or two, before he leans down and kisses Jonah. And Jonah is quick to oblige, hands lifting to cradle his face, pulling him in deeper. Music seems to dull, people disappear, all he can focus on is Vito in moments like these. It feels like coming home, every time, welcomed by his scent and voice and touch. 
“I’m sorry,” Vito says again when they part, pressing one more kiss to the corner of Jonah’s mouth, “Sorry, Jonah.” 
“It’s okay, I’m just happy to see you,” he says, he threads fingers through Vito’s hair, it’s getting longer than usual and a bit damp from the rain, “You said you’d be back yesterday and I just--” Vito kisses him again, gentle as ever, “I missed you.” 
“I thought you’d be mad at me.” 
Jonah blinks, incredulous sort of smile on his lips, “Why would I be mad?” 
“’Cause,” Vito backs up some, maybe only an inch or two between them, but Jonah keeps a tight grip on his shoulders, feeling them tense underneath his fingers, “The whole...Texas thing. When you went to get your award and those professors were bein’ so - that fuckin’ word you used---” 
“Yeah, bein’ fuckin’ assholes to you. The whole time. I didn’t mean--” 
“That’s why you left with Manuel after we got back?” Jonah had wondered if things felt off, but hadn’t thought anything of the trip. He doesn’t blame Vito for being defensive and hostile around people who think they’re smarter and better than others, it was kind of hard to keep reminding even himself of that. “I thought you were mad at me. ‘Cause I made you come with--” 
Vito’s eyes are wide now, disbelief visible on his face, “No. No, Jonah. Shit. Fuckin’ - sorry. I didn’t think--” This time, Jonah kisses him quiet, a soft press of his lips, reassuring in every way possible. 
Unfortunately, Jax had went out of his way to come and find them, clearing his throat loudly to gain their attention. Jonah can only turn his head, flashing a quick smile, relieved, “Vito’s here.” 
“I can see that,” Jax says, greeting Vito softly, which Vito ignores for whatever reason, “Veronica’s leaving with Jay.” 
Jonah pulls away from his boyfriend, but Vito’s arms keep tight around his waist, unwilling to let him go fully, “Why? What happened?” 
Jax shrugs one shoulder, appearing nervous, “Said they had somethin’ to take care of. Looked pretty important, I think.” 
Vito snorts into Jonah’s ear, “Sure.” 
Jonah occupies himself by playing with Vito’s fingers, noting the caked grease underneath the nails, can’t help but wonder just what he’d done while he was gone. But he won’t ask, he allows Vito to slowly open up whenever he prefers. It works better that way than to ask the endless amount of questions that pop into Jonah’s head at random. Tenderly, he kisses the knuckles of Vito’s hand, right on the scar there that stretches a few inches  -  perhaps from an accident or a fight. 
“Rob should be here any minute,” Jax blabbers, he ducks his head whenever he meets Vito’s eye for too long  -  Jonah gives them both a confused glance, “He’s gonna talk to Mr. A for us.” 
Jonah suggests, “We can just ask Tripp--”
“Don’t think so,” The blond shakes his head fast, stringy blond curls everywhere with each movement, “Rob and Tripp had a fight.” 
“Couple days ago. I don’t think they’re talkin’.” 
“Great,” Vito huffs again, shifting one hand into his pocket and letting Jonah hold the other, “Just great.” 
“Okay,” Jonah’s tone is subdued, thinking, “Okay, we’ll just wait then.” 
And they do wait. Turns out Jax was right: Rob is in a horrible mood about something and it shows. His shoulders are hunched in, he doesn’t look like he’s slept, and he glares whenever one of them speak. William is the only one who can’t take a hint, he keeps talking, even when Rob disappears into Mr. A’s office without a word. 
“What the fuck is up with him?” William complains, irritated, “Would rather deal wit’ V if he gonna be like that. Fuck ‘im.” 
“He’s goin’ through some stuff,” In the short amount of time, Jax has managed to acquire a slurpee, sucking at the straw eagerly, “Go easy on him.” 
“I’ll kick his ass.” 
“William,” Jonah scolds, but it holds no scorn, William merely grins at him, “Don’t be a jerk.” 
“You’re in a better mood,” William ignores him, using his chin to gesture towards Vito, who’s standing off to the side but never too far away from Jonah, “Boyfriend come t’save the day?” 
Jonah glances over in his direction, and then back to William, lowering his voice. “I don’t like when he goes on ‘jobs’ with Rudy.” 
William looks curious, interested. 
“He’s . . . difficult. Vito complains about it all the time.” 
“Maybe Vito should stop doin’ ‘jobs’ then.” 
Jonah sets his jaw, one more look taken towards Vito. This time, Vito catches him staring and smiles a little. Even with the limited lighting, Jonah is able to make out the different browns and hazels in his eyes, “Maybe.” 
But then he thinks of Felicity, her offer, her price. He’s not short on money or anything, but . . . the things he could learn. His mother had always told him he was a lot like his father, always grabbing for any information he could get, here or there. Compared them often to Hungry-Hungry Hippos, they’d stay up all night reading and stretching out maps and researching whatever suddenly interested the two of them. 
Jonah wants to learn more, wants to be more. He’s good at what he does, wishes other people could see it. Not Veronica and Rob’s loose change, but something else. 
He shakes his head to himself, he shouldn’t think like that. Ever. Vito had already told him his concerns, cast the idea aside like it was nothing, fiercely protective when he has no reason to be. He supposes he can see his side, given the recent circumstances and difficulties of this business, but Jonah himself never puts up a fuss when Vito has to suddenly leave, or when Veronica takes him out in the middle of the night for ‘something’, or when he’s gone for days on end without an update. 
He worries, a lot. And he’s painstakingly lonely when he’s away. Which seems to be more often, ever since word of Dex being back in town flooded. 
"What’re you guys doing here?” It’s a new voice, but familiar. Sydney stands to the side, Falen next to him, both looking thoroughly confused to see them all. “Can you not take a hint?” 
William is already pushed off the wall before anyone can say anything, “Chill the fuck out, white boy. Just here to see your boss--” 
Sydney looks pretty pissed, and menacing. Even in his light-up skates and sweater with a giant heart on the front, “Good. Maybe he can finally tell you the news.” 
Jonah blinks, “News?” 
“We’re not dealing with Veronica or Rob anymore,” Falen says, there’s a Blow-Pop in her hand that she uses to gesture towards the group, “After what happened.” 
“What happened?” 
Sydney shrugs, looks the least bit intimidated with Vito stepping closer and William glaring at him, “After he says whatever to Rob, you guys can screw off.” 
“What’s that su--” 
“Sorry,” Falen continues, sympathetic tilt to her eyebrows as she walks past them, “Not personal.” 
“Totally personal,” Sydney follows behind her, ignoring William when he flips him off, “Broke Tripp’s heart. Not cool.” 
They’re gone after that, and Jonah is left staring after them. He looks to Jax for help, who’s been noticeably silent throughout, but he just seems uncomfortable and out of place. 
“What was that about?” 
William is still frowning, deep and unpleasant lines set to his face, “Yeah, fuck’s up with ‘em?” 
“Maybe it’s worse than I thought,” Jax mumbles, barely heard over the music, “I don’t--” 
Rob comes out of Mr. A’s office. He appears even worse than before, thin layer of sweat over his face and staring off into space, stumbling past them without saying anything, again. Jonah is only still for a few seconds before he’s taking Vito’s hand again, jogging lightly behind Rob to catch up. The others soon follow. 
“Rob?” Jonah tries, “What happened?” 
“Nothing,” Rob says over his shoulder, voice low, “We gotta go.” 
“Why? What happened--” 
“Gotta meet with somebody.” 
“ . . . okay? Who?” 
“Yeah, thought this was gonna be an hour thing, Rob--” 
“What did Mr. A say?” 
“Is everything alright?” 
“Just--” Rob’s voice raises an octave. They’re outside now, the sky is pitchblack and it’s almost eerily quiet, besides the music from CRUISIN’. Rob’s face is pink, he’s biting at his bottom lip hard before he speaks, “We can’t come here anymore. Gonna do this last thing for him then . . . that’s it.” 
Jonah’s forehead has crumbled, concern etched onto his expression, “What happened? Is this about Tripp?” 
“No,” Rob laughs - it sounds frustrated and not at all humorous, like he’s laughing at himself and the ridiculous situation, “No. It’s - it’s me. Let’s just . . . go. Okay?” 
Vito and Jonah exchange a look. But the others are falling right into step with Rob, loading into his car. Vito keeps a tight grip on Jonah’s hand, lightly pulling him back to him, eyeing Rob’s back, “We should go home.” 
Jonah smiles some, just a slight tilt of his lips, “Yeah. After this, okay?” 
Vito shakes his head, “Better if we don’t get involved.” 
“It’s Rob, Vito. Plus . . . he looks really upset.” 
“I--” Vito looks like he’s struggling to say what he really means, anxious and tense, “When I was gone, all I could think about was comin’ back to you. I wanna go home, together. Not have to worry ‘bout shit like this, yanno?” 
Silent, Jonah just holds Vito’s hand in his, stroking. He can see the stress and exhaustion in his face, and he knows words are difficult things for him, spreading himself so thin when there’s nothing left to give. Jonah wishes he could say something to comfort him, give him a calmer mind and a softer place to relax. 
“You guys comin’?” Rob yells from his truck, peeking his head out only for a second, “C’mon, let’s go.” 
Jonah visibly hesitates, one look taken to Vito’s face. It’s enough to make his boyfriend melt, just by a bit, blowing out of a breath like it takes everything in him to agree. But he does, and that’s what matters. Perhaps, Jonah’s a bit too thoughtful, considerate and caring when it comes to his friends, especially when they seem so at odds, typically the glue within the group and doing his very best keep everyone together and tempers somber. 
There’s no more room in Rob’s ride, so Jonah goes with Vito, buckling in as soon as he’s inside, the familiar smell of cigarettes and pristine leather. There’s not much talking as the two of them tail Rob, Jonah fiddling with the radio until he finds something suitable, a soft and amicable song that Jonah somehow can’t remember the name of. 
It’s a long drive, Vito readjusting the heat when Jonah shivers, one hand on his thigh and rubbing soothing circles into the knee. Which Vito seems to do a lot lately, like he needs to be sure that he’s there and solid. Jonah doesn’t mind, sometimes he needs a reminder too. The smell of seawater is strong when they part near a truck-crossing bridge, right next to the shipping ports a few miles up the road. 
Even in the darkness, the shapes and shadows of William and Jax are easy to see as they get out of the car. Jonah looks to Vito, sheepish, “Sorry for making you come out so late.” His tone sounds suggestive, like he’s trying to say Vito is free to go if he’s too tired from his day. To which Vito picks up on easily, eyebrows pinching together and lips pressed tight. 
“Not leavin’ you here, Jonah.” 
“I know.” 
“I don’t like--” He makes a vague gesture with his hand at the windshield, towards Rob’s truck, “I don’t trust them.” 
“It’s Rob, Vito,” he repeats himself from earlier, beseeching, wishing he could see his friends how Jonah does, “Nothing’s going to happen.” 
“It’s not just him,” Vito says, “The other one, too.” 
Jonah finds himself befuddled, once again glancing up to see Jax is closer to Vito’s car, hands in pockets and rocking on his feet, constantly moving. He’s waiting for them, meets Jonah’s eyes briefly and flashes a smile. Jonah looks back to Vito, “I don’t get it.” 
“Just keep an eye on him,” Vito’s voice is serious, locking eyes with Jonah quick, searching, “Alright? For me.” 
Jonah nods before he can think about it, reaching across and taking Vito’s hand in his again. It seems to help, Vito’s shoulders kind of relax, he sighs and reaches over to switch off the car and pocket his keys. With one more shared glance, the two of them leave the car. 
It’s bitterly cold from the rain earlier, and being right on the water isn’t helping. Jonah burrows deeper into his hoodie, leaning closer into Vito for some type of warmth. Which, Vito isn’t shy with sharing, he wraps his arms briefly around him, chin on the crown of Jonah’s head. 
“You two are fuckin’ worse than V and Jay,” William complains once they’re in view, he looks pretty pissed, Jonah can only wonder what argument had transpired inside of the truck. He doesn’t keep his attention on them though, he turns halfway to look at Rob, “Hey, gonna say anythin’? Could use an update, over here freezin’ our asses off.”
“Do you always have to talk so much?” Rob snaps, it makes Jonah blink in surprise at his tone, “Had to listen to it the whole fucking ride.” 
“Well, excuse me,” William says, “I came out for V, not you. Didn’t want to be riding for this shit no way.” 
“Then follow Veronica,” Rob turns to face him, eyes narrowed tight, “See if I give a shit!” Gaze flickers over to Jonah fast, accusing, “You, too? You wanna go too?” 
At first, Jonah doesn’t have much to say. The sudden shift in Rob is startling to see, he’s almost unrecognizable, cold in the eyes. Jonah’s pretty sure he’d seen it once before, awhile ago maybe. He holds up his hands in surrender, still tucked half-way behind Vito, “It’s cool, Rob. I’m not leaving.” 
“Yeah, just chill out,” Jax pleads, nervously rocking again, shoulders up to his ears, “You’re freakin’ me out, man.” 
“What the fuck is up with you?” William isn’t backing down, never really does, he spits his words, a diluted cloud hovers around his mouth each time he speaks, “Don’t take your shit out on us.” 
“It’s--” Rob throws his arms out suddenly in Vito’s direction, gesturing to him like he’s an annoying fly that he can’t get rid of, “Why’re we workin’ with them?” 
“What?” William and Jax share a confused glance with each other, “Fuck’re you talkin’ about?” 
“Italians,” Rob supplies, “Since when do we work with them?” 
Vito has kind of tensed from beside Jonah, jaw locks with an audible click. Jonah nudges his shoulder into his, just slightly. 
“‘Cause of V,” William talks slow, like he’s explaining it all to a child, “She’s dating Jay--” 
“So we’re all dating fucking Jay?” Rob blusters, “Things were just fine without all this shit--” 
“V knows what she’s doin’--” 
“Does she? Seems like she’s got into nothing but shit since--” 
“Let’s all just calm--” 
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down right now!” 
“Okay, fuck this, I’m leavin’--” 
They stop at the noise, somehow deafening in the midst of their argument. Maybe because they all know what a gun sounds like, even in a moment like this. Tentatively, Jonah turns his head, towards where it came from, heart stopping in his chest. 
Jax is as still as ever, muzzle of the pistol pressed against the back of his head, bottom lip trembling and eyes big. There’s a stranger behind him, a man Jonah’s never seen before, but from one glance at Rob’s face, Jonah can tell that he knows him. William almost jumps out of his skin when he turns around, Rob hasn’t moved, Jonah wants to take Vito’s hand but he’s not really able to get his body to work, cold sweat breaking and nerves heightened. 
“What the fuck,” William mutters, shuffling a step backward - he was the closest to Jax, after all, “What the fuck, what the fuck.” 
“Nobody move!” The guy is about as tall as Vito, just more gangly, long legs and arms, eyes darting over their faces, one after the other. His gun presses harder to Jax’s head, nudging and insistent, urging him forward. Jax does just that, stumbling over his own two feet, but somehow managing to keep upright, “Nobody move...” 
It’s quiet, but Jonah’s heart is racing a mile a minute, in his ears so loudly that he’s afraid Vito will be able to hear it. The glint of the gun in the limited street lights brings back memories, some that he’s tried painfully hard to forget over the years. 
No one’s able to really get anything out, William’s mouth moves uselessly, opening and closing, searching for words, until Rob speaks up, “Rench,” he says, hands lifted from his sides and held out like he’s trying not to spook him, “what’re you doing?” 
“You know him?” William balks, throwing a panicked look over at Rob. 
“Rench,” Rob says again, ignoring William pointedly, “Put the gun d--” 
“No, he doesn’t know me,” Rench, Jonah is guessing that’s his name, growls, aiming his gun wildly towards Rob, gesticulating with it in violent motions, causing William to curse, “You don’t know me! Step the fuck back!” 
“From the garage,” Rob finally supplies, he’s not moving towards him anymore, “You work with Nico and Theo. We met once through--” 
“I only know Tripp!” Rench keeps going, “Only him! I only deal with him!” 
“And we understand that--” 
“Shut up!” 
“But I--” 
“Rob,” William mumbles, and it only makes Rob glare at him again, “Shut the fuck up.”
“Mr. A sent us.” 
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Rench is yelling, flushed in the face, speaking through his teeth, “You think I don’t know? You think I don’t see what kinda shit you’re in? Huh?” 
William’s brow crumbles in confusion, “What--” 
“I said shut up!” 
“Chill the fuck out!” 
Jonah’s eyes have flickered between the gun, Vito’s back, and Jax’s expression. The blond has stopped struggling, seemingly limp as Rench wraps an arm around his throat and tugs him backwards, gun pressed to his temple. Jax’s face is sort of blank, eyes far-off, Jonah’s worried that he’s gone into shock of some kind. That thought in mind, he reaches for Vito’s sleeve to tug at it. The movement catches Rench’s attention, who spins halfway and jerks the muzzle of the gun in their direction, specifically at Jonah. 
“I told you not to fucking move!” 
“Watch where you’re pointin’ that shit!” Vito’s voice is cutting, he moves halfway in front of Jonah, as if he’s fully prepared to take a bullet. Jonah, growing desperate, grabs at Vito’s hand, pulls in a futile effort to bring him closer  -  it doesn’t do much.
“Vito,” Jonah whispers, “Vito, don’t--” 
“Hold on,” Rench blinks several times, slightly off-putting, leaning around Vito awkwardly with Jax still plastered to his chest, “Hold on, hold up. I remember you.” 
Jonah finds himself blinking too, stopped short by his words. His fingers fall away from Vito, heart in his throat, “...me?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, fucking you. I’ve seen you.”
“Fuck you,” Vito spits, “Put the fuckin’ gun do--” 
Jonah is still staring, keeps glancing at Jax, “I don’t think so.” 
“You were there. With V and my brother.” 
Rench’s jaw clenches tight, a muscle in his cheek jumps, “My brother.” 
“Alex,” Rob says, hands falling back to his sides, breathing out deeply like he’s come to some sudden realization the rest of them haven’t, “You’re  -  fuck, I forgot--” 
“Rape-y Alex?” William’s voice is high with his confusion, “You’re fuckin’ Alex’s brother?” 
That’s enough to drive Rench into action again, his face screws up, flushed and pinched, and in that moment - Jonah can see Alex through him. The sandy curls, the light freckles, the same noses even. Kind of makes sense, you don’t get into this business without family, really. He looks as if he doesn’t know whether to keep the gun trained on Jonah or smash it against the side of Jax’s head, he jumps between the two motions hastily and unsteadily. Jax barely reacts. 
William is shooting glances from Jonah to Rob, as if he’s trying to communicate something he can’t get out properly, “Put the fucking gun down, man. Nobody’s seen Alex in months!” 
“I saw him!” Rench thunders, his pistol jerks towards Jonah again, Vito hasn’t moved from his spot, and Jonah’s too stunned to try and tell him to move again. He tries to think over the amount of time since he’s last seen Alex, his mind and thoughts racing like his heart, “I saw him with you!” He says it directly to Jonah, eyes fierce and guarded, “With you!”
It all comes back to Jonah in a nauseating wave - he’d volunteered to go and see Alex with Veronica, free from class for the day, and it’d been a usual : the two of them going back and forth, Alex making an inappropriate joke that made Veronica’s nose wrinkle up. The garage had reeked of gasoline and oil, Nico had been dismissive with the three of them, Theo greeting Veronica like they were longtime friends, and Rench had been there. Even though Jonah hadn;t known him at the time, he’d been there and Alex had hugged him, pulled him to the side to tell him something. Rench, paranoid as ever, kept glancing over in Veronica and Jonah’s direction even as Alex tried to reassure him it was fine. That was the last time Jonah met with Alex, and he hadn’t even considered why. With a chilling realization, he looks towards Vito, lost. 
Vito doesn’t meet his eyes. 
There’s a bunch of yelling, William is pointing at Rench aggressively, left only to bargaining for Jax’s life now. Rob is telling William to shut up over and over again, growing in volume and intensity every time. Vito is the only one quiet, tense in front of Jonah, eyes trained solely on the pistol. And Rench is cursing at them all, spitting his words. He knows, he can read it in all of their faces. 
Alex is gone. 
“Shut up, William! Shut the fuck up for once, would you?” Rob yells, throwing his hands towards him in frustration, “Don’t you know how t--” 
“This is your fuckin’ fault!” William growls back, gesticulating towards Jax frantically, “You’re gonna get us fuckin’ killed ‘cause of your shit!” 
“My fault?” 
“Yeah! You, Tripp! All of your--” 
“I--” Jonah’s voice cuts through it all, Vito’s shoulders straighten when he steps from behind him, hands held in a placating manner towards Rench, like he’s a bird threatening to take flight. Vito makes a grab for Jonah’s arm to pull him back, but Jonah doesn’t let him, he keeps his eyes locked with Rench’s, “Can you let Jax go? Please.” 
Jax, oddly enough, still hasn’t moved. He looks almost dead in Rench’s arms, and Jonah would’ve thought so if Jax wasn’t blinking every so often. Rench can feel his lack of reaction, he keeps squeezing his bicep tight against Jax’s throat, but it doesn’t really do anything. 
“Where’s my brother?” Rench’s voice breaks towards the end, it’s raw from screaming, “What did you fucking do to him?” 
William and Rob have gone quiet, Jonah can feel their stares digging into him. Vito is the hardest not to look at in this moment, especially as Jonah keeps shuffling steps closer, head of the gun aimed at his chest, trembling in Rench’s grasp. 
“Can you just--” Jonah’s breath catches and comes out as a sudden rush, “Can you please let Jax go first. I’ll tell you whatever.” But he had nothing, lying tasted bitter on the tip of his tongue, “Just let Jax go.”
“Fuck you. I’m gonna blow his fucking brains out.” 
“Jonah,” Vito’s voice is desperate, just less than a foot away, “What’re you--”
“Don’t do that,” Panic rises in Jonah’s throat like bile, “I don’t know what happened to A-Alex, but killing Jax isn’t going to--” 
“Isn’t gonna what?” Rench doesn’t even need him to finish, spittle flies from his lips, “What! Say it! Isn’t gonna bring him back, right? Because you fucking killed him!”
Jonah wants to flinch under the bite of the words. But he finds himself staring at the tip of Rench’s gun, aimed at him, cocked. His eyes are twitching, he looks like he’s in pain, furious and demanding. After that, things kind of happen in a blur - and a lot happens. Vito grabs a hold of Jonah’s arm and yanks, William yells something, Rench clenches his finger around the trigger. 
The gunshot that rings out doesn’t come from him though. It comes from Rob. 
Jonah hates that he sees every second of it. In the movies, they make it seem as if it happens so fast, but it doesn’t. A cruel lie. Because Jonah sees the wide-eyed shock on Rench’s face, the bullet lodging into his cheek, the sheer impact enough to make him stumble back. He releases his hold on Jax, loses his footing, and falls to the ground, lifeless. 
His own gun clatters a few feet away, near William’s feet. But he’s too shocked to really react. For a moment, they all just stand there, taking it in gradually. William is the first to make a noise, a strange wheezing sound in the back of his throat, hunching over like he may vomit, “What the fuck, what the fuck!” He keeps repeating. 
Jonah stares. Rench’s face isn’t really a face anymore, his cheek has dissolved in on itself, bullet exited through the back of his skull. Blood spreads, an inky color in the dark night. Jax blinks several times, broken from a trance, breathing in shakily and scrambling away as fast as possible. 
Attention shifts onto Rob - Rob, brown-eyed, nice smile, warm jacket Rob - a gun of his own in his left hand, still aimed as if he’s ready to fire again, the sound is still reverberating off the empty bridge and water below. Nobody knows where he even got it, he’s never had one before, he’s always vehemently been against it. Looking at him now, he’s unrecognizable. 
Jonah loses the feeling in his legs. If it weren’t for Vito’s constricting grip on the crook his elbow, Jonah would’ve collapsed where he was. He curls into himself, gasping, Vito releases him out of worry, gathers his shoulders in his hands, rubbing soothing circles that Jonah barely feels. Together, the two of them sink onto the wet concrete. 
Blood pounds in his ears, his veins. His heart is soaring in his chest, desperate to break through his ribcage. And despite it all, he can’t breathe. His lungs tighten, close like a door slamming shut. He can’t take his eyes off of Rench’s limp body, who had once been moving and alive and talking, he’s dead. Just a second ago, just a split decision. 
Like Alex. Like his friend Reggie in the fifth grade. Like his dad. 
He can’t breathe. He can’t. 
Vito’s face comes in and out, his voice sounds far away, like Jonah’s submerged in water. A tremor takes to Jonah, his entire body won’t stop shaking, doubling over. He wants to throw up, reflexively almost, but he hadn’t eaten anything today out of worry for Vito’s sudden disappearance. 
“Jonah, baby,” Vito’s hands are on his face, tilting it towards him. In that moment, all Jonah can see are his brown eyes, “Look at me. It’s okay, baby. Breathe. Breathe with me.” He enunciates the rise and fall of his chest, coaxing Jonah to join him. And Jonah tries his hardest, there’s pain in his abdomen, “Calm down, it’s okay.” 
It takes a total of eight minutes to get Jonah to come down from it all. A few pumps of his inhaler - Jonah was surprised to see that Vito even carried it with him - Vito touching him as much as possible, speaking quietly between the two of them. Jonah’s eyesight is still blurry, but he can’t really tell if it’s from tears or lack of oxygen. 
“I’ve got you,” Vito is saying, “Breathe.”
Through the soothing sound of Vito’s voice, there’s others. William, Jonah realizes vaguely, is yelling again. Pointedly at Rob, jabbing a finger at him, Jax wobbly and unstable between them, trying to keep them from going at each other’s throats. Jonah can only watch, wheezing, clutching his inhaler like a lifeline. 
In his peripheral, past Vito’s shoulder, he can still see Rench’s body. 
“--stop, guys!” Jax is breathless from the entire thing, “Stop! William - c’mon, just--” 
“Are you fuckin’ stupid? You braindead? You tryin’ to get us all killed?” William is shouting at the top of his lungs, trying his best to get to Rob, “I’ll kill you my goddamn self--” 
“We gotta move him,” Rob’s voice is kind of dead sounding, numb. Like Jonah, he’s staring in Rench’s direction, he can’t look away, “We can’t leave him here.” 
Vito’s lips sneer up in the middle of a gentle whisper of Jonah’s name, he twists his head around to glare at Rob, “Can you shut the fuck up?” 
Rob blinks, like he’s just now noticing Vito and Jonah were still thee. He steps towards them, ignoring William. “Jonah,” Rob says, “Help me move him.” He’s staring right at Jonah, but not really. Through him, almost. He’s pale, there’s a shake in his hands, this is what “in shock” looks like. 
Vito stands before Jonah can even open his mouth and make sense of his friend’s words. He’s in Rob’s face before anyone can stop him, eyes deadly. The thing about Vito is, he doesn’t have to make threats like Rudy or Jacob to get his point across, everything about him says enough. Rob shuffles a step back, but doesn’t heed to the warning. 
“We need to move him,” He says again, restless, “Someone could’ve heard--” 
Vito sets his teeth, “Don’t touch him.”
“Don’t touch him,” Vito’s voice is final, steel, “You’ve done enough.” 
Jonah spaces out around that time. He keeps thinking of the moment the bullet hit Rench. He thinks of his dad, and his mom - what they’d both say if they could see him right now. To calm his breathing, he puts his head between his knees and counts until he gets to two - hundred. He can still hear them, arguing, going back and forth like this is something so trivial, something that happened every single day. 
Maybe it did. 
Jonah lifts his head a scant, swallowing, his eyes on Vito - who stood only a few inches away, refusing to leave Jonah’s side. But his attention was on Jax, Rob, and William, as they each grabbed a limb of Rench, hefting him from the ground with great difficulty. Repulsed, Jonah looks away, back to his boyfriend. 
He hadn’t even flinched at the gunshot. He didn’t look disturbed in the slightest. 
As if feeling his stare, Vito turns his head and gives Jonah a tight-lipped smile of reassurance. He crouches down to his side again, rubbing one hand at the top of his back gently, “Better?” 
Jonah shakes his head“Can we go home?” 
Vito helps Jonah from the ground, his expression is almost pained, and grows more severe when he meets eyes with Rob. By then, they’ve moved Rench’s body to Rob’s truck, throwing a spare tarp over it. William and Jax were going back and forth over where to dump it, but Jonah couldn’t hear much after that, because Vito helped him into the car and closed the door. The voices are muted, he can’t make out what they’re saying too much. 
Vito says something when he walks back over to them, his stance is aggressive and agitated, he’s patting at his pockets like he wants to grab his carton of cigarettes. And then he shoves his hands into his jeans, glowering. Jax is tentative to speak up, William cutting him off at every time he opens his mouth, and Rob is carefully smoothing down the edges of the tarp, methodical almost, barely sparing Vito a glance as he speaks. 
Rob talks. Vito does too. William looks annoyed. Jax is staring at the ground. Thanks to the headlights of Vito’s car, Jonah is able to make out each of their expressions - they look hollow. Whatever agreement they come to, Rob is dissatisfied with it, but he shuts up with one look from Vito. 
Jonah feels sick again. 
Vito gets into the car, settling into the driver seat familiarly. He finds his cigarettes finally, but doesn’t light one. He just looks at Jonah, who’s staring straight ahead, not really seeing anything, but still there, “Hey.” 
Jonah turns his head to look at him. 
“I’m gonna take care of this, alright?” He reaches over and takes Jonah’s hand, his fingers feel numb and he realizes he’s still grasping at the inhaler as tight as ever, “Nothing’s going to happen.” 
Jonah wonders what that means. There’s always consequences when it comes to death, especially in this line of business. What about Veronica, what about Tripp? What about Mr. A? Theo, Nico - how could Jonah look them in the face anymore? 
Rob’s truck starts up, tail - lights flickering. 
Vito’s face is grim, voice tight, “Let’s go home.” 
0 notes
unpopcorned · 7 years
Jonah isn’t sure what to make of it anymore. What to make of Vito, what to make of the kiss. Granted, the guy was drunk, so he can’t really act like it meant much. Maybe he didn’t even remember, maybe Jonah should act like he doesn’t remember. 
But he does, he remembers really, really well. Jax always commented that Jonah had a great memory. Picture perfect.
“It a guy?” 
Jonah blinks, looks up from his takeout box - the chow mein from the place down the corner was the best, he fiddles with his chopsticks, doesn’t really look at William, “...No.” 
“You should work on that,” William says, pokes at his orange chicken, “Lying, I mean. You’re bad at it. Still.” 
He knows that. He isn’t a fan of lying, anyway, “I mean - I guess you could say it’s a guy.” 
“You do anything with him?” 
“What’s with all the questions?” 
“You been all quiet, thinkin’ and shit,” a pause, Jonah continues to pick up the noodles and then drop them back into the box, “You fuck Vito, bro?” 
Jonah’s head lifts, “What--no! No, okay? We...” He shrugs a shoulder, looking down, “It’s nothing.” 
“He hit you or somethin’?” 
“So what’s up?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
William is still eyeing him, frowning. Then he speaks up, “A’ight. Fine. You got it, no talkin’ about it. We can talk about somethin’ else. Like some work.” Jonah almost groans - the absolutely last thing he wants to focus on. It’s a priority though, he doesn’t have time to waste daydreaming. He works well with William, he knows what he’s doing, at least. 
 Better than fumbling Jax, at least. 
But while he is working, his hands are on autopilot. It’s his brain that never shuts off, never stops thinking. Running through scenarios, things he could’ve said, things he shouldn’t have said. He should’ve said more to Vito, shouldn’t have kissed him back when he was drunk. The guy won’t even look him in the eye now. They’d had one meeting all together last Thursday, Vito avoided him like the plague. Not that Jonah was going out of his way to speak to him, but whenever he glanced at Vito even once, Vito was pointedly not looking in his direction.
Maybe he only remembered bits and pieces. Maybe he didn’t remember anything at all and he was still angry. It’s hard to tell. Either way, Jonah feels like a bit of an idiot. He always does in these types of situations. 
He doesn’t talk to Vito then. Even after the next meeting that Rob calls - the last one for the month, since everything would be carried out by the end of the week. Jacob would be happy, Veronica would be happy, and Rob would stop trying to argue with them both. 
Jonah sits outside by Rob’s truck - now, every time he looks at it, he’s going to be thinking of Vito. That sucks. He likes Rob’s car. To the left of him, he hears footsteps, turns his head to see Vito slowly making his way over, staring at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing on earth. 
At first, he does not say anything. Neither of them do. 
Jonah looks up, blinks. Vito isn’t looking at him still. 
Jonah continues to stare at him, Vito hesitantly raises his eyes. Jonah manages a half-hearted smile, looks curious now, “What happened before?” 
“I don’t.” 
“We--” He makes this vague gesture with his hands, looks a bit frustrated. He keeps looking at Jonah and then away, back and forth, “Outside.” 
“You know what. You know what we did.” 
“Nope. Gonna have to remind me--” He stops when Vito steps closer, so close that Jonah can smell the soap off of him. Vito’s eyes are dark and intense, staring right into his, Jonah keeps his hands in his pockets, probably best to not touch him, “I’m not going to say anything, Vito.”
Vito presses his lips together, seems to be contemplating his answer. Like he doesn’t know whether to trust him or not, “...The girl. From before--” 
“Casey? Don’t worry. She’s harmless. And high most of the time,” Vito still looks unsure, “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll make sure she didn’t see anything, okay?” 
“I...I just...Just forget it, alright?” 
“No problem. You were drunk. Not thinking right.” Jonah’s been trying to tell himself that for awhile now. He’s got Vito’s confirmation, it didn’t mean anything. It can’t mean anything. It should be dropped, fast. “We’re cool, man. Chill out.” He tries to be casual when he touches him, one hand on his shoulder, Vito tenses underneath his touch. 
“You ready to go?” Rob’s voice is a few feet away, he has his keys in his hand. Vito shies away from Jonah’s hand, moves past Rob carefully to go back inside. Rob blinks, glances back at Jonah, “Everything okay?” 
Jonah watches Vito’s back, then looks down, “Yeah. Everything’s fine.” 
This download is taking forever. Jonah grumbles to himself, irritated and tired - he hasn’t had any coffee yet. He thought it would be finished by the morning, no such luck. With how many names are being copied onto the floppy disk, there’s only so much his laptop can do. He has to have it ready by noon, it’s already twelve. 
He stands from the table, peels off his shirt. It’s way too hot in his apartment, he searches around for looser clothes - a pair of sweats that have a few too many holes in them. He’s had them for too long now, his mom isn’t around to sew it up like before either. The length of his sleeves aren’t helping either, he has to push them up to his elbows. 
When he gets to his laptop, he frowns, presses his thumb to his lip. Maybe he should reduce the number of names and data, just to make sure the drive isn’t taking too much at once. It’ll corrupt it. He’s biting at his thumb when there’s a knock at his door. 
Probably Veronica. Said she would be over soon to pick it up. She’ll be pissed if it’s not ready, but there isn’t much he can do to remedy that. He pulls himself off the sofa, gets to the door and opens it, “--Oh.” 
It’s Vito. Of course It’s Vito. 
Another week or so since Jonah has seen him. Talked to him. Touched him at all. He drops his hand from the doorknob, “Sorry - I was expecting Veronica.” 
“She told me to come pick it up,” Vito tells him, he’s staring at Jonah - but it’s kind of like he’s staring through him at the same time. Like a spot over his shoulder, “It’s ready?” 
“It’s only on fifty-eight percent. I don’t want to mess up the files by overloading it, might have to switch it out for a bigger drive.” Vito steps inside, takes off his shoes like before, blinking at Jonah. 
Jonah smiles, it starts off slow and then spreads across his face, “I - uh, I’m sorry. I keep forgetting, people don’t deal with stuff like this a lot. Long story short, I’m probably gonna need another hour on it. That okay?” 
Vito shrugs one shoulder, “’S fine.” He stays though, doesn’t offer to leave like Jonah thought he would, “It okay if I wait here?” 
Jonah sits back down on the couch, brings his computer back to his lap, “You’re fine. Sit wherever you want, man.” And Vito does - he sits on the far end of the couch. Away from Jonah. Jonah is okay with that, tells himself to be okay with that. He still doesn’t like the thought of Vito not liking him. Puts a bad taste in his mouth.
He’s typing away on his laptop, squinting while he focuses. Vito speaks up after maybe ten minutes of quiet, “You drink a lot of those?” 
Jonah looks up, follows his gaze to see two cans on the floor. Jonah rubs at his shoulder, he’s starting to cramp from slouching so much, “Yeah. Love ‘em.” 
“They’re bad for you.” 
“A lot of stuff is bad for you.” 
Vito doesn’t say anything to that, he looks like he wants to keep talking though. There’s a beep from Jonah’s computer, he looks back towards it. First side is complete, gotta flip it now. He takes out the disk, puts it back in on the opposite side. Veronica will probably find it more complicated, but it’s the only way he knows how to get all the names on the drive. 
Jonah gets up from the couch, pauses for a second and looks over at Vito, “Hey, you want anythin’ to drink?” 
“Hm?” Vito obviously was lost in his thoughts, looks up when Jonah speaks. 
“I said do you want anything to drink?” 
“Sure.” Jonah doesn’t have a lot to choose from, water and soda. It’s flat though. He grabs a bottle, almost drops it when he notices Vito is in the kitchen too. His words come out in a rush, “I know I’m bein’ an asshole to you, but - I don’t want to be. I want to be--” He has difficulty spitting whatever it is out, he motions a lot with his hands, “Friends, yanno? Shit like that.” 
Jonah doesn’t say anything, licks at his bottom lip as he thinks, “...friends?” 
“Yeah. Just fuckin’ friends. And I don’t know how to be--” 
“‘Cause I’m gay?” 
“No, because--” Vito stops there. He looks irritated, Jonah doesn’t know who it’s directed towards, “Fuck.” 
“Hey,” Jonah steps closer, tries to make his tone as comforting and calm as possible - like how his mom used to talk to him when he was scared. It always made him feel better, “It’s fine, Vito. It’s cool. Stop beatin’ yourself up,” Jonah has noticed he does that a lot, only had a handful of conversations with the guy, “It’s my fault. I made it weird. We can be friends--” 
Vito kisses him. Again.
Except, it’s not like before. Teeth and the hard press of his lips. It’s soft this time, cautious - lingering almost. When he pulls back, Jonah is staring at him and Vito has turned a light pink. Jonah doesn’t give him a chance to apologize or leave, he kisses him this time. Vito inhales sharply, doesn’t back up though, leans his weight up and presses into the kiss harder. 
Jonah keeps his hands to himself - Vito is so jumpy, he’s scared he’ll leave again and act like it never happened. He grips the counter behind him tight, so tightly that his knuckles begin to show through the skin. Hesitantly, he parts his lips along Vito’s, enjoys the feel of Vito deepening it further, as if he’s trying to chase after Jonah’s breath to see where it’s coming from. 
It makes his heart feel weird. Stomach too. Head. Everything.
There’s a small noise from the living room, takes Jonah a few seconds to realize it’s his computer. When they pull away, Vito is breathing a little too hard to be normal, leans back slightly to give Jonah room to move around him. 
“It’s - uh, done,” Jonah tells him, out of breath as well. Vito is slow getting to him, takes the drive from him, careful not to touch skin to skin. Jonah tries not to take that too personally. Vito looks down at it, flipping it over to get a good look, “Thanks for...stopping by...”
Vito twists the disk in between his fingers, flexes his jaw, “No problem.” 
“Cool, right?” 
“Yeah. We’re cool.”
The heat is becoming stifling. Jonah works hard, though. Works for Rob, finishes his school work ( as the second semester ends, the load has become even heavier ), schedules as many tutoring sessions as he can. A few things he’s learned in college: where to get weed, you can pee whenever you want ( don’t gotta ask to be excused ), and even though you were born rich and white, it doesn’t mean you’re very smart.
Jonah tutors a lot of different people. Mostly guys - they don’t like writing notes, don’t like studying, they flunk more than girls. Jonah scribbles a doodle on the corner of his paper, his appointment is running late. He doesn’t mind as much as he should. He only looks up when his headphones are pulled at lightly. 
Gavin is standing there, smiling at him, “Sorry. Class ran on longer than usual.” 
“It’s cool,” Jonah hadn’t been waiting long, he turns off his old cassette player, tucks it away in his backpack, “You bring your textbook?” 
“Hey,” Gavin points a finger at him, “I’m gettin’ better at remembering. Don’t tease me.” 
“Uh-huh,” When he takes it out, Jonah pulls it close, flipping open to page two-hundred-forty-nine, “Right here,” he points to the map there, “The Kalinigrad Oblast, which body of water does it border?” 
Gavin looks like he’s thinking, bites at his lip, “Don’t throw me shit like that, it’s only been two seconds.”
“This is one-oh-one stuff, you should have it down. How’re you gonna pass your final?” 
“Won’t have to if you take it for me.” 
“Ha-ha. Be serious,” He points to something else, “What about this one - which country is located between Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast?”
“This is easy stuff.” 
“Easy to you, yeah,” Gavin has never been very confident in himself when it comes to academic portions. To Jonah, it’s like remembering the back of your hand - too easy. He can understand though, it’s not like that for everyone. He’s patient enough to try and help, “What’re you doing this weekend?”
“Don’t change the subject.” 
“I’m not. I swear,” he grins at Jonah, the type of grin that wins over the girls here, “Seriously, what’re you doing?” 
“Nothin’. I was gonna study, why?” 
“Throwing a party. You should come.”
Jonah licks at the corner of his lips, eyes Gavin, “Anything interesting gonna happen?” 
“Besides me being there, nah,” he drops his blue eyes to the book in front of him, “Rashid was gonna bring his band out. Never heard them play before. It’ll be cool. Music, food, I’ll even buy a fucking pinata if it means you’ll come.” 
Jonah can feel a smile forming, he quirks up his eyebrows, “You drive a hard bargain, man. Hard to say no.” 
“Yeah, I get that a lot.”
Jonah shouldn’t. He’s not the partying type. He only really goes to things like that because of William or Jax. Though, with the amount of work he’s been putting in lately, he doesn’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to take a break.So, he shrugs a shoulder, looks back down at the book.
“Alright. Yeah.”
“Really? You mean it?” Gavin’s face has lit up, “Don’t flake on me.” 
Jonah doesn’t flake on him. He goes to the party, feels uncomfortable without William there. Stays huddled in the corner on his own. Whether he likes it or not, he is pretty well known around campus and people are always eager to speak to him. Around one, Gavin finds him, he takes a seat next to him, handing him a cup. 
“You didn’t spike this or anythin’, right?” Jonah is only half teasing, he doesn’t take a drink, “What - not enjoying your own party?” 
“Would be enjoying it more if you actually joined in,” Gavin tells him, nudges his shoulder into his playfully, “You aren’t bored sitting over here?” 
He is, but he isn’t going to say that, “Nah. I’m good. I didn’t see a pinata yet, I’ve been deceived.” 
“Yeah, y’got me. I forgot,” Gavin continues staring at him, takes a sip of his own drink, “Hey, wanna go somewhere quieter?” Jonah grimaces, puts down the drink to the side of him. On the clock on the wall, he follows the ticking motion. And then back to Gavin, who looks at him expectantly. 
He follows Gavin around his big house, past couples making out, people taking shots, some smoking. They make it to his parents room, from the balcony, Jonah can see a few guys tossing a girl into the pool, she’s laughing. 
Gavin comes to his side, “You always so quiet?” 
“You’re around me all the time.” 
“Only when your tutoring me. Been tryin’ to invite you to shit like this for a year now.” 
“I was busy.”
“Yeah, okay,” Gavin snorts, puts down his cup on the end table, “You’re fucking Mr. M, right? Economics.” 
Jonah blinks, “Sorry?” 
“Mr. Milverton. You’re fucking him.” 
“...And that’s your business because...?”
“Don’t get all defensive. Just wondering.” 
“Wondering what.”
“If you put out.”
Jonah stares at him, he suddenly doesn’t like how close he is. How his breath smells like vodka. How he’s a few inches taller. Frowning now, Jonah crosses his arms, pokes his tongue against his cheek, “There’s a reason you’re asking, I’m guessing.” This is one of the things he hates about college - a lot of people were open to opening their sexuality for the shits and giggles, didn’t take it serious or think anything through. He’s been on the end of that stick more than once, “Look--”
He’s kissed. It’s sloppy, Gavin almost misses his lips completely. Jonah pulls back, almost gets out another word before Gavin is going back in for more. It’s strange - nothing like--( well, you know what he means ). Either way, it’s not something he enjoys, he has to hold steady hands to his shoulders. 
“What’s wrong?” Gavin asks, tries to lean back in, “Not good?” 
“No, I just--” Jonah is currently wondering if that’s what girls are into. Being kissed like that, like by a dog with a bad drooling problem, “I gotta go.” It’s hard to detangle himself from Gavin, he has a steadfast grip and talks quick, apologizing and blabbering fast, “Thanks for inviting me.” 
He’s even more crowded downstairs than it was before. Jonah has a difficult time getting through all of the people. Outside, Gwen and Jenny are there, both smoking and looking up when he passes by.
“Jonah, are you leaving?” 
“Huh? Oh--” He scratches at his neck, shrugs, “Yeah.” 
“Wanna ride? I was gonna take Jen home.”
He’s packed into the car with Mike, Gwen, Jenny, and Taylor. He would’ve just ridden his board, but it seems like Jonah has a hard time saying no to people nowadays. Gwen stops her mom’s minivan at a convenience store for gas, and Jonah only gets out to breathe for a couple moments, get something to drink to get the taste of beer out of his mouth. 
He opens the cooler, notices someone out of the corner of his eye, “...Rudy?” 
Said man looks up, cracking open a beer, even though he hasn’t bought it yet, “Oh, shit. Hey, Jonah.” 
“What’re you doin’ here?” 
“Too sober for it to be Friday, yanno?’
“Here,” he tosses a beer at Jonah’s head, fortunately he catches it, “I’ll buy.” Even though Jonah definitely isn’t going to drink it, he goes along with Rudy. Watching as he gets into a small fuss with the shop clerk for opening the drink too early. They leave the store together, Rudy taking a quick drink and looking up when he hears laughter. 
His eyes seem to zero in on Gwen - long legs, blonde hair, pretty smile. It reminds Jonah of those cartoons he used to watch on Saturday mornings ( where the protag falls in love with a girl and his eyes get all big and heart-shaped ). 
“Jonah! You ready?” Gwen is waving over to him.
Before Jonah can reply, Rudy elbows him, “Who’s your friend?” 
“Uh - Gwen. She’s nice.” 
“She sure fuckin’ is. Introduce me,” Gwen starts to make her way over to them, straightening her walk when she spots Rudy beside Jonah, “Love blondes--hey, baby. What’s your name?” 
Gwen bats her eyelashes at Rudy, plays coy, “It’s Gwen,” she looks at Jonah next, “Jonah, this your friend?” 
Jonah doesn’t have a chance to answer, Rudy does for him, “Yeah. Me and Jonah go way back, yanno. Surprised he never introduced us. Think we’d make a good pair, hm?” Gwen is giggling, Jonah simply watches, curious. 
“What’s takin’ so damn long...” From Rudy’s car, out steps Vito, who stops when he sees the three of them. Mostly Jonah. He looks away quickly, narrowing his eyes on Rudy, “Hurry the fuck up--”
“This is my cousin,” Out of nowhere, Rudy wraps a long arm around Vito’s neck, pulling him close, “Name’s Vito.”
“Hi,” Gwen smiles at Vito, just as she did Rudy, “We were actually...about to hit another party in Jen’s neighborhood, did you guys want to come?” 
“Jen, huh?” Rudy is still holding Vito close, who’s starting to look more and more uncomfortable, “‘Course we wanna come, baby. Whatever you want.” Gwen skips away, too excited to hold to information to herself and goes to tell Jenny. Rudy lets Vito go, slapping him hard on the back, “See that? One blonde for me, redhead for you, man.” 
Jonah watches as Vito goes a bit pale, rubs at the back of his neck, “Thought we were headin’ home. Jacob called, remember?” 
“Little Emiliano can fuckin’ wait, okay?” Rudy is still staring after where Gwen went, “You’ll thank me later. When you get some pussy.” With that, he’s heading back inside the gas station to pay for a tank, pulling a wad of cash out of his jeans pocket. 
Jonah keeps quiet, pressing his lips together briefly and then glancing at Vito out of the corner of his eye. Vito is taking out his pack of cigarettes, lighting one quietly. 
“You want one?” 
“No, thanks. I don’t smoke.” 
“Okay,” Vito tucks it away, voice sounds strange so he clears his throat, “Those’re your friends?”
“Yeah, I guess.” 
“You guess.” 
“Yeah. They’re nice to me.” 
“So that makes ‘em your friends?” 
“Makes pretty much anyone my friend, man.” 
Vito is frowning at that, inhales from his cigarette, “I’m not nice to you. I don’t think.” 
Jonah shrugs a shoulder, “It’s cool. I don’t mind--” 
“You should,” Vito glances over at him, his voice is quiet and hushed, like he doesn’t want anyone else to hear him, “You should. Mind it, I mean.” Jonah doesn’t say anything, can’t really look away from the dark color of Vito’s eyes. When he looks in front of him again, he goes back to smoking, “...Sorry ‘bout Rudy.” 
“I like him,” Vito snorts some, “No, really. He’s got character.”
“You don’t think so?” 
“Don’t really matter what I think,” Vito says it so quietly under his breath that Jonah doesn’t think that he wanted him to hear him. But before he can reply, Rudy is back out, throwing an arm over Vito’s shoulders again, “Fuck - Rudy, warn a guy, would ya’?” 
“I’m gonna make sure you get laid tonight, man,” Rudy tells him, “Been way too long.” 
Vito glances at Jonah, and then away. Laughs - it sounds a bit too high pitched, “You drunk or somethin’?”
“Nope. Not drunk. Determined.” As they begin to drift back towards their vehicle, Gwen returns to Jonah’s side, mostly staring after Rudy. 
“You comin’, Jonah?” 
Jonah can feel his stomach twisting up, he shakes his head, “Think I’m just gonna ride the rest of the way back.” His board is under his arm, and it’s not too cold tonight.
Gwen’s face falls, “You sure?” 
“Yeah. It’s fine. You guys have fun.” 
“Okay. Call me when you get back home, okay?” 
He watches as Gwen pulls out of the gas station parking lot, Rudy’s car soon following after hers. And again, Jonah is left alone. 
He actually ends up seeing Vito the next morning. When Jonah wakes up that morning, it’s so hot in his apartment. Almost hard to breathe. It didn’t help that he stayed on the fourth floor, the highest in the building. He has to head downstairs - weird thing is, the hallway feels fine to him. When he gets to the lobby, no one is at the front desk, he’s gotta ring the bell a few times, and wait. 
When he’s about to hit it the third time, the side door opens, Wallace ( the landlord ) steps in. Looks grumpy as usual. Jonah brightens, “Hey, Mr. Wallace.”
The landlord eyes him, already looks irritated, “Hell do you want?” Mr. Wallace had never been very friendly, Jonah was used to it, “I’m busy.”
“I know, but - uh...” Jonah slides his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, shuffling on his feet, “I think the air conditioner in my place broke down again.” 
“How would you know?” 
“...’cause I live there.”
Mr. Wallace sneers up his lip, glares daggers at Jonah, “Try turning it on and off.” 
“Actually, there’s been a lack of maintenance lately. I think it might’ve blown a fuse,” Jonah has read his lease enough to know that Mr. Wallace is supposed to take care of these sorts of things. Jonah has made an attempt to ignore it the first few times, even fixed it himself once, but it was getting ridiculous, “Can you at least take a look at it?” 
“LIsten, you--” 
The front door opens, Jonah and Mr. Wallace both look up. Jonah’s gaze lingering for a few seconds once he sees who it is. Vito is standing in the doorway, bright light shining behind him, hair messy and a bit winded. He drops his cigarette, flicks it off to the ground before entering. 
“What’s up?” Jonah looks curious, even more so when Vito stops about a foot away from him, “You okay?” Now that he’s getting a good look, he doesn’t seem okay. Doesn’t look like he slept very well. He’s guessing the party didn’t go how he planned. 
Vito shrugs it off, “Yeah. No. I mean - sure,” Jonah’s eyes stay on his face, only looking away when Vito turns his head towards him, “I’m fine.”
Mr. Wallace doesn’t like being interrupted, he glares at Vito, crosses his arms. And then his attention is back to Jonah, “If you got a problem, feel free to move the fuck out.”
Jonah rubs at his neck - last thing he wants to do is argue with his landlord, “Can I at least hire someone to come and look at it? To make sure I’m not doin’ anything wrong, if I touch it, I mean.” 
“If you damage property, you have to pay for it.” 
Jonah can feel Vito staring, carefully keeps his eyes away from him, “Mr. Wallace--” 
His voice is filled with venom when he speaks again, narrowed icy blue eyes on Jonah, “If you don’t like the way things are run around here, faggot, you can just--” 
He doesn’t get the rest of his words out. It happens so fast, Jonah has a hard time following Vito’s movements. One second he’s beside him, and the next, Vito is gripping his landlord’s shirt, shoving him hard against the wall. Jonah blinks, stands up straight.
Vito’s voice isn’t like anything he’s heard before, not out of his mouth, “What did you just say? What the fuck did you just call him?” 
Jonah stays where he is, watches as old Mr. Wallace sputters for words, “H-Hey...calm down--”
“Vito,” Jonah is closer now, he touches Vito’s forearm, tries to pull a bit to encourage him to let go. He doesn’t like this, “Vito, hey. It’s fine. It’s cool.” It’s not - it’s really not. But he doesn’t have the time to look for a new place and he doesn’t want Mr. Wallace in the hospital because of this. Jonah shouldn’t have been pushy with it, should’ve let it go, “Look at me,” It takes awhile, but Vito does just that, “It’s fine. Let go.” 
Vito’s posture is tense, he releases the older man roughly, forcing him back against the wall again, “You call him that shit again, I’ll come back here. Break all your fuckin’ fingers, y’hear me?” Mr. Wallace nods, mouth agape, Vito moves past Jonah, knocks over the papers on Mr. Wallace’s front desk with one violent movement - it makes pens and a stapler hit the floor. 
Jonah stays quiet, Mr. Wallace leans against the wall, breathing heavily. Jonah isn’t sure if he should ask if he’s okay or not. He does, gets a glare in return. Decides it’s best to leave him alone for an hour or two. When he gets outside, Vito is still there, rubbing a hand against his face, pacing. 
“You okay?” Jonah asks, Vito glances over at him. Then away, like usual. Jonah reaches over, grips his arm, “Vito--” 
“Don’t touch me,” Vito moves fast, yanks away so quickly that Jonah flinches a bit. His face is flushed, he’s looking at Jonah again, defensive and wired, “Just - don’t, okay?”
“...okay,” Jonah stays to his side, doesn’t touch him anymore, “You look...tired. You alright?” 
“No...not really,” Vito tells him, voice soft, “Night been kinda shitty, yanno?” 
Jonah shrugs a shoulder, still staring at him, “...yeah. Mine, too.” By the time Vito calms down and actually takes a breath, Jonah suggests for him to use his shower. Vito takes the invitation, surprisingly, seems like he really needs it. Jonah’s clothes would probably be a little small, but not too bad - he avoids any type of eye or skin contact when handing them to Vito. 
“Thanks,” Vito mutters when he comes out of the bathroom, his hair is still a bit wet, he thumbs at his nose for a second, “For the record...I was walkin’ and...walked past here. Thought I’d...” He trails off when he looks at Jonah, “Don’t really know what I thought.” 
“Hey, it’s cool. We’re friends, right? You can come over whenever you want,” Jonah sits on the couch, fiddling with his card-reader, currently replacing the antenna with a better one. Faster reading speed would be good. It’s quiet for a few moments, Vito shuffles on his feet, “Party didn’t go well?” 
Vito’s shoulders tense up a bit at that, he drops his gaze quickly, “Fucking hate parties like that. They’re bullshit,” he doesn’t linger on it long, though, “You deal with that a lot?” 
“Deal with what?” 
“That old guy - you’re landlord. He talk to you like that all the time?” 
“Not all the time--”
“That doesn’t piss you off? People calling you shit like that?”
“I’ve been called worse,” Vito scoffs, looks off to the side, “It’s not a big deal.” 
“It is a big deal. Should be.”
“I just don’t think it’s worth fighting the guy. He’s old - talks however he wants. Not much you can do about it, Vito,” Vito locks his jaw, clenching it so tight that a muscle jumps in his neck, “Can you stop pacing around? Please, man.” 
Vito stops, looks at him, rubs at his jaw a bit. He doesn’t say anything else though, sits down on the couch. He still looks really tired, Jonah can’t help but worry. He bites at his mouth, unsure of what to do or say. Vito had said he didn’t want to be touched, Jonah’s used to being able to do that whenever his friends are this wound up. 
He looks back down, reaches over and grabs a hold of his cassette player. Vito scoffs when he sees it, “Why’re you always carryin’ around this old--”
“You wanna borrow it?” Vito looks at him, brows furrow. Jonah keeps going, “I make my own mixtapes. William’s got most of ‘em, but...you can borrow it. Helps me calm down all the time.” When Vito hesitantly takes it, their fingers brush. Vito doesn’t snatch away like he usually does, he’s staring at the cassette player almost curiously. Jonah pulls his headphones from around his neck, pulling them apart and settling them around Vito’s head. 
“So, if you need’a calm down and think for a sec. You got those.” 
Vito licks at his lips, almost looks like he’sfighting a smile, “This is fuckin’ lame.” 
“Hey, don’t diss those,” Jonah lightly complains, “Those’re my fa--Oh! Crap, hold on.” Jonah gets off of the couch, Vito’s eyes follow him. He’s in his room for a few seconds, returning and handing over two different tapes for Vito, “Here. These are the best.” 
“I’m supposed t’take your word for it?” 
“We’re friends, right?” 
“...yeah,” Vito is staring at him, drops his eyes when Jonah looks back at him, “Yeah, guess so.” 
“So, just trust me.” 
“Easier said than done, right?” 
Either way, Jonah’s smile never really leaves. 
“You know his favorite color?” 
“Why the fuck would I know Vito’s favorite color?”
Jonah presses his lips together, casting her a look when she crosses her arms. She hasn’t hit him yet, always a good sign. He follows her gaze - the stuffy business guy from just a few feet away is standing in front of the ATM, typing in his numbers. Veronica waits, she’s pretty impatient with this part. Last crack at it hadn’t gone so well, the device was really bugging out. 
Jonah might have to try rewiring it again, or scrapping it completely and starting over. Veronica bites at her nail, grimaces over at him, “What if it doesn’t work again? Then what?” 
“Wires might be pressing against somethin’ they shouldn’t. Like the reader itself. I might need a - uh, what’s it called? Twenty-two-six component. But it might make it too bulky--”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re saying,” Veronica tells him, keeping her arms crossed, “Might as well be speakin’ another language.”
“It’s the wire gauge, Veronica.” 
“Still no idea.” 
“Okay, think of it like this--” He peels open the back of the device, holding it under the light so she’ll see, “Red wire and blue wire, both have eighteen-six components. I need twenty-two-six to get it to work faster.” 
“So where do we get that?” 
Jonah shrugs a shoulder, nonplussed, “Doesn’t matter where you get it. Just gotta be right. Think of it as basic math.” The reader makes a delicate beep, and Jonah flips it over, pressing a button. Glowing blue numbers pop onto the screen, filling in blank spaces gradually, “Too slow...” 
Veronica shrugs her shoulders, “Fine, I’ll buy you whatever you want. C’mon.” Jonah follows her out, tucking the reader into his pocket. Without his own volition, almost subconsciously, he reaches up and his hands close around empty air - oh, yeah - gave his headphones to Vito. 
Can’t help but wonder if he’s using them.
“Why you keep askin’ about Vito?”
Jonah looks up, spots Veronica throwing him a look, “No reason. Just curious.” 
“You want me to ask him what his favorite color is?” 
“If you want,” Jonah tells her, “I just - I wanna be friends with him. But it’s hard.” 
“Yeah,” Veronica stops walking, looks back over at him, “I know what you mean. Kind of.” 
“I think he’s freaked out by me,” Jonah slides his hands into his pockets, lifting his shoulders, “Or--” And then he stops, drops his eyes down, “I don’t know. Don’t want him to be.” 
“Y’think he’s freaked out by you?”
“Don’t think. Know.” 
Veronica flexes her jaw, glances off to the side. And then back to Jonah, “I’ll ask for you.” Jonah’s answering smile is slow and easy, she scoffs under her breath, “Wipe that look off your face. I owe you--” 
“V! Jonah!”
They both look up, catches sight of Casey and William heading towards them. Casey, more of skipping. They come to a stop in front of them both, Veronica raises her brows, “See anything?”
“Cameras. Lots of ‘em,” William says, “Security up the ass.” 
“Fuck me,” Veronica mutters under her breath, presses her tongue to the corner of her lips as she thinks. She’s quick, turning her head up the street and then to Jonah, “How many cameras can you deactivate at a time?” 
Jonah smiles at her again, “As many as you want, V.” Like usual, all three of them follow Veronica whenever she moves, Casey twirling a lock of her hair around her finger as she rushes behind them. She comes to stop by Jonah’s side, blowing out a large bubble with her gum, “Hey, Casey.” 
“You remember...uh, Mason’s party a few weeks ago?” 
Casey blinks her big eyes at him, beams a smile, “I like Mason.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“What about it?” 
“Remember when you were looking for me?” 
She seems to think about it, blowing another bubble and then chewing quickly, “I remember I lost Veronica--oh! I do remember. Yes.” She nods her head, “You were with...um...that one - Manuel? Vito...?”
She blinks at him again, fluttering her eyelashes like she doesn’t know the point of the questions. Which is good, “Why?”
He stops walking, glancing over to watch William lean over to say something to Veronica and her swat at him out of annoyance, “If you...saw anything - you can’t say anything, okay?” 
“Why not?” 
“You just can’t.” 
Casey considers it, pressing her lips together with a tilt of her head. Finally, she shrugs her thin shoulders, “Okay...if you don’t want me to.”
“Thanks, Casey.” 
Vito is standing next to his car. Jonah hesitates, rolling his foot lightly back and forth over his skateboard. And then he plucks it from the ground and heads over, “Hey, you okay--” 
Jonah stays quiet, holds his board tighter under his arm, “Rudy didn’t mean what he said, I don’t think.”
“How would you know?” Jonah opens his mouth to reply, but Vito is already turning towards him, eyes dark and heavy, “How the fuck would you know, Jonah? You know anything about me - ‘bout my family?” He expects the anger, it’s always quick and merciless when it comes to Vito, doesn’t try to put up an argument with him. It’d just make it worse. 
“I just--” 
“Mind your own business, y’hear me?” He’s still staring at Jonah, not giving him room to say anything, jaw clenched tight. Jonah shifts on his feet, and Vito flicks away his cigarette, “We got an understandin’?” 
“No, I don’t. I don’t understand, Vito. One second you wanna be my friend, next you’re actin’ like this--” 
“If you don’t like it, then just don’t talk to me.” 
“Is that what you want?” 
“Yeah! I do,” Now, Vito is closer to him, voice dropping to a low and careful tone. When Jonah doesn’t say anything, Vito backs off, reaches inside of his car to pull put the headphones and cassette player, shoves it into Jonah’s chest to make him take it back, “Just forget it, alright?” 
“What’s wrong with you?” 
“With me?” 
“So - what? We can be friends in private, but we can’t talk around your cousins, is that it?” 
“What’s so hard for you to understand?”
“You. You’re hard for me to understand. I wanna--” Jonah stops, it’s one of the first times he’s been loss for words. Wanna be close to you, wanna know you? What he’s supposed to say to make things better? “I don’t know how to make things better. For you.” 
The anger seems to drain quickly, Vito stares at him for a long time. His eyes look a bit watery, he presses his lips together. He looks like he wants to say something - he always looks like he wants to say something, but he can’t. His eyes dart over Jonah’s shoulder.
“Everything okay?” William asks, raising his brows expectantly towards them both. Vito’s closes his mouth, doesn’t say anything, “Jonah, you good?” 
“Yeah--” Jonah nods quickly, holds the headphones and cassette player to his chest more tightly, “We’re just talking.”
“Wouldn’t mind if I stayed right here, then huh?” William gets comfortable slightly behind, to the right of Jonah, tilting his head at Vito, “Right?” It’s tense, even more so now that William is there. Jonah hesitantly glances back towards Vito, he’s not looking at either of them, pressing his thumb against his nose and then pulling his keys rom his back pocket. 
Jonah looks at him, “Hey--” Vito doesn’t give him a chance to say much, he’s already getting into his car without a backwards looking, lights flashing on and pulling off the side of the road quickly. Jonah frowns, waits until Vito’s lights disappear around the corner before turning his attention onto William, “I was handling it.”
"That what you call it?” William doesn’t look amused, his eyebrows crease, “Fuck is up with that guy? He buggin’, you see ‘im?” 
“Vito’s fine, William. You don’t have to act like that,” William shakes his head, “I’m serious.”
“Yeah, yeah--” William waves him off, climbing the stairs again, nudging his head towards the door, “I’ll buy you a drink later, make it up to you. C’mon.” When Jonah only gives him a look, William shrugs his shoulders, opens the door - there’s the sound of laughter and light music playing when he goes inside. 
Jonah stays by the street though, looking back to where Vito had gone.
And then down at his shoes. 
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