#virgil and riza’s children
wouldyoustayvn · 1 year
I remember there was a post about canon Virgil's adopted kids w/ Riza, but I can't find it.
Yeah! So Og Virgil and Riza adopted three kids! From their eldest kid, Ryder, to Edith, and to their youngest Clementine! :D !!
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wouldyoustayvn · 1 year
Same anon who asked to see OG Virgil and Riza's kids! What exactly are their species? Could you also just tell us more about them? Apologies if this is a asking a little much, don't feel obligated to answer this you wouldn't like to. Please have a good day! <3
Ohh!!! I’ll happily to explain!!! :D!! I love them so much!! They just make me happy!
To start of with their eldest son, Ryder Evans
- He is a drider!
- He is a sole survivor of his biological mother’s hunger. Virgil found him laying outside of the forest during his stroll, injured and a bloody mess. Virgil quickly took him to his house and takes care of him along with Riza.
-Being so young and traumatized, Virgil and Riza took Ryder in and love him as their own kid.
- Ryder absolutely admires Virgil and is forever grateful for his kindness for saving him.
- One time he tries to attempt to cut his hair to look just like Virgil but couldn’t and asked his dad to cut his.
- Ryder loves watching his dad making music, watching him in his little corner that Virgil created for his children to hang out if they want to be in Virgil’s office. There are times he grew curious and wanted to play an instrument. Virgil happily taught him! He lets him pick out an instrument to choose! Ryder’s first instrument were the drums!
-Ryder also enjoys watching his dad working on developing his game!
- He also helps Virgil with housework!
- Virgil gifted Ryder a star necklace on his birthday(the day that he was taken in by Virgil, he does have no recollection of his birth). He noticed that Ryder tends to play with Virgil’s necklace. It brought back bittersweet memories of his dad and himself when he was young. So just like what Virgil’s father did, Virgil gives Ryder a necklace.
-Ryder adore the necklace Virgil gives him, it made him happy and would often refuse to take it off. He swore to his parents that he will cherish this necklace.
- Ryder is absolutely a momma’s boy. At first when Virgil took him in, he is on high alert and on guard whenever he sees Riza, due to his experience with his mother, he is being extra cautious around her. But due to her kindness and patience, he began to lower his guard down. With her, he feels safe, loved.
- He loves teasing his little sisters, especially his youngest sister,Clementine, he finds her angry hissing and screeching and thrashing her wings pretty entertaining. But he apologized whenever he teases too much!
-He absolutely love colors! Especially Edith’s paints! They’re just pretty to look at! He tend to mess around with Edith’s paints (which sometimes accidentally spill or drop them) and face with a very angry Edith. So he bought her replacements with his allowance as an apology (he still messes with her paints but is now careful)
-He is the first child Virgil and Riza adopted!
Now to the eldest daughter, Edith Evans!
- Edith is a half orc!
-She was adopted by Virgil and Riza at an orphanage (literally the only kid they adopted properly lmao)
-She is a very polite girl, which made her look up to Riza and her grandma Erin (Virgil’s mom) she is inspire to be lady like just like them!
-Despite her orc strength, she is very careful about it! She never wanted to hurt anyone! Unless if you’re Ryder that mess with her paints- which she grabbed a tree and was about to smack him like it’s baseball— which they both got a scolding from their mom
- Edith absolutely love to paint! She gets giddy whenever Virgil bought her art materials (don’t worry it’s not the typical art kit 💀)
-She is very protective of her material *looks at Ryder* so she usually hids them somewhere in her room
-She absolutely gets along well with her Uncle Irvin, they both share their love for bees and gardening! Irvin lends her flowers that he grew for her artworks! Or even use them as references!
-Speaking of painting, she absolutely enjoys listening to her dad’s astronomy rambles. There are times when she paint stars for Virgil (he has them in his office walls, he’s just so happy whenever he takes breaks and looks at them!)
-She enjoys her time with her family with English afternoon teas parties in their garden! She absolutely enjoy the sandwiches and pastries her dad make!
-She loves playing at the garden with her siblings! She also happily read Clementine, stories when they’re under their favorite tree!
-Edith is the second child they adopted
And finally to the youngest daughter, Clementine Evans!
- Clementine is an owl harpy!
- Virgil found her as an abandoned egg when he went out for a stroll. Just like with Ryder, he took her home and takes care of the egg (he has done so much research of how to take care of an egg 💀)
- Virgil instantly pulled out a camera to record her when she began to hatch!
- Virgil is the one that named her Clementine!
- Clementine is the most energetic out of the three!
- She absolutely took much interest in games! She always watches Virgil plays video games (and be his little cheerleader!)
-She absolutely enjoys spending time with Riza and help her with cooking! Although she struggles due to her wings but she found ways to help!
- She absolutely loves reading time with her big sister Edith!
-As much she doesn’t like Ryder mess with her, she enjoys spending time with him! They tend to get competitive when it comes to play games but they just had fun!
- She tends to sleep in her parents bed, it just helps her feel safe and happy! Just being in the middle!
-She wanted to be a teacher just like her mom!
-She gets along with her Aunt Sarah (Virgil’s sister) and loves listening to musicals that her aunt plays!
-Also the three love to play with Scott! (Virgil’s doberman!) they’re practically inseparable with Scott!
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wouldyoustayvn · 2 years
Move aside Virgil, I want your girlfriend.
She is so damn cute
Virgil furrowed his brows. “Girlfriend? What are you? Oh.” He stop for a moment as he realized what they meant. He looks back at the folder on his desk. He walk towards the desk, he reach out the folder and pick it up. He opens the folder and stares at the picture of an elf woman.
His face softens as he stares at the picture. “What’s funny is that I have never met her…However I have watched a different timeline about her, that she… and I have been together. From looking at them. They… they look extremely happy. We even have a family together, three children, all adopted.” He chuckles as his thumb caress the holographic of her. “And I thought, ‘Wow, they really were made for each other.’ That… we’re made for each other… And that made me think… Would I also be happy with her if she ever see me like this?”
“I would like to think that all three of us in a happy relationship, from observing and reading her files, I’m sure Riza would have love you as well.” He chuckles as he give a grimace smile. “Ah but that’s my wishful thinking. I’m afraid that if I bring her out in this world. She won’t understand the situation I’m in. I….” He shook his head. “Nevermind me.”
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