#virgo the prizzly bear
quosterswampdregs · 2 months
hi virgo, do you hibernate?
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Spring is finally here, and her wakefulness is a sign of it!
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quosterswampdregs · 1 year
What would Virgo look like/act like with a cold? I’d imagine her sneezes would get super messy!
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Here she is!! Virgo is very sweet, so she tends to talk to herself even when alone. She prefers being off to herself when she's sick, mainly because she tends to be a loud and messy sneezer.
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
Loving the new OC Virgo! She looks so big and cuddly! Bet she has huge sneezes with really long buildups with that body and sniffer, what's she allergic to? And are her sneezes really messy?
(Art by Pupperstar)
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Virgo doesn't have all too massive build-ups, but she does have big sneezes. She's allergic to pollen and strong scents, and her sneezes are incredibly messy!
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quosterswampdregs · 3 months
If you don't mind me asking, which of your characters has the messiest sneezes when they have a cold?
Likely Virgo, or Bridger! They both have rather messy cold sneezes, and proportionally make the most mess compared to themselves respectively. As for who would produce the most mess overall, that goes to Nolki, hands down—thanks to him being a macro, that is!
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quosterswampdregs · 3 months
🥵🤒 Virgo! I've actually been curious about this lol
Ask Prompts Here
🥵: What time of year would you most likely see them down with a cold? Are they a common winter sickie, or are they the rare type to catch a bug in the heat of summer?
Virgo tends to catch air of the yearly bug that buzzes around whenever it comes. Usually that happens in late autumn or early winter and serves as a transition into her hibernation, but sometimes there’ll be a bug that goes around any time of the year.
🤒: What are some telltale signs your character is sick? Do they try to hide it and keep pushing? Do they drop the hat at a single sneeze and take a sick day? Who is usually the first to find out that character is sick? Does that person ever find out before your character does?
Messier, almost unprompted sneezes for one. Tiredness, fatigue, that as well! Virgo works with a few other rangers at a local campsite that borders a national park, but during those times where she is feeling a cold, it depends! If she can catch on to her symptoms before leaving her den, she’ll take a sick day. But usually symptoms will appear halfway through her shift, and she’ll either finish out the rest of it or head home if it’s too much.
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quosterswampdregs · 2 years
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And lastly, here is the OC based on some of my favorite responses from the pool! This is Virgo, a Prizzly Bear Park Ranger!
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quosterswampdregs · 1 year
I did something like this on my main blog ( @quosterking ) and I want to write a fic/draw sooner or later it’s the top result of this poll:
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