maskedthief-archive · 9 years
viridisaemulum said: [ Just an eye roll for added measure. ] Don’t give your hopes up too much. It’s just been rather quiet around here, that’s all.
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“So your dull, scheduled life is finally catching up, huh? I thought you liked the quiet? You always told me to quiet down because you couldn’t hear yourself think,” she says while mocking his tone. “Is Red just not cutting it or something?”
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arborn · 9 years
    [ COMPOSE MESSAGE TO: Green Bean! ]  > ☮
                           [ ☑ 1/2] I’m sorry, i’m really sorry! I can’t make it.                           [ ☑ 2/2] Uncle isnt feeling very good and I want                                        to make sure he’s okay. 
[ RE: Green Bean! ]   > ☯
                           [ ☑ 1/3]ヽ(^。^)丿Good morning!                                                     [ ☑ 2/3] I’ll try to drop by the gym today and say hello.                                        chuchu is a LOT more bouncy than usual,                                         so I think a walk will be good for her!                            [ ☑ 3/3] Have a nice morning until then
                          [ ☑ 1/1] NO MORE BAMBI MARATHONS!!!
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[8:31:02 PM] steven stoner: hyperslides 2 u [8:31:10 PM] steven stoner: do u wanna. [8:31:32 PM] Negau ✦ Red: do i wanna [8:31:40 PM] steven stoner: dooo uuuu wanna [8:33:38 PM] Negau ✦ Red: dooooo i wanna??? [8:35:09 PM] steven stoner: wow u are not gonna help in this r u [8:35:49 PM] Negau ✦ Red: thIS COULD BE A NUMBER OF THINGS??? DO I WANNA FURBY. SHIPPING TRASH. DO THE WINK WONK????? [8:35:52 PM] Negau ✦ Red: IDK DUDE U GOTTA HELP ME OUT [8:35:59 PM] steven stoner: oH YM HGOD [8:36:07 PM] steven stoner: IM FUCKGING DU IGN? ? ?
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mentalpsi · 10 years
I miss you.
    send me “i miss you” to know what my muse will say after       1 year, 5 years, then to 10 years after your muse’s death.                              ( meme | still accepting )
one year,
    It’s been a while since she’d glanced at her phone and tried to actually call someone, if only due to the strange sort of difficulty of trying to think of just what that abra of hers would have renamed them. Plenty of them were ridiculous (even if some of them did make sense), but she’d paused as one name had caught her eye. She let out a slow hum, if but slightly questioning, at how this had remained unchanged.
    "And here I thought Blue would be the one nostalgic," she remarked before moving on to the next one. 
five years,
    Even though five years have long come and go since then, Sabrina hadn’t changed. She was still a rain of sunshine when they invited her to those regional meets, and she’d chosen to spend most of her time leaning back in her seat, watching as they’d discussed trivial matters. Her occasional input was often targeted at someone, digging in a little too personally, before she’d let them go.
    It wasn’t all too long after that she’d stood abruptly and just left as they were in the middle of a speech to stretch her legs and walk around the city. Imagine her surprise when she found Daisy in an aftermath of a shopping spree, carelessly tossing an arm around her and half-dragging her to Green”s home.
   And that’s how she found herself with a warm cup of tea in her hands as the brunette floated about the kitchen, stocking it as if he were still here. It was perplexing, honestly. With all the offences she’d had with her family, she’d so easily welcomed her here—and that was not even considering just how. or why, they’d even managed this home.
    Without even taking a sip, she’d placed the cup back onto the coffee table, watching Daisy oh so very closely. "Why are you doing this?"
    The woman stopped, if only to tap her chin and let out a small hum. " … Because you looked like you could use a little distraction."
    "I really miss him, you know." She started, the words uttered in such a way even she could barely catch them. "It might not make much sense but--"
    "--I do too." 
     The woman turned and smiled in that all too knowing manner, and she would learn later that day, there's a reason why he acted as he did.   
ten years,
    Ten years had passed since he was gone (and not gone as she’d just come to know but the kind of gone where they needed and found another replacement for the Viridian Gym). It seemed as like it was never going to be a place she’d ever find herself at ease, filled with the memories of not one but two people she—
    Sabrina clicked her tongue before kneeling down to place a flower next to the gravestone. "It wasn’t my idea.” She’d said as she straightened once more, arms wrapped around herself as she stared elsewhere.
    Then again, it wouldn’t have been her idea to ever be there in the first place.
    It wasn’t as if she’d even gone to the processions years ago, far too awkward about the very idea of intruding on all those dex holders and general goody-two-shoes. Never mind how she’d judged just how it wouldn’t have been right, not with how she did try to kill him the first time they’ve met.
    “She said I should visit sometime, and that you’d like it.” She scoffed. "But you’re dead, so what does she know?”
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mechafights-archive · 10 years
 Everyone's bullyin' me tell 'em to stop it. :^(
' Define protecting Gold in general. '
----Doing absolutely nothing unless his life is truly in danger?
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arborn · 9 years
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viridisaemulum said: 「 fight me red.  ▾ 」
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u and me irl lets go
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sensingtheaura-blog · 10 years
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puffyhatyantone · 10 years
Send me a '◆' and I'll fill out this form:
R A T I N G Threads: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 OOC Posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 FC: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Headcanons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10Drabbles/Fics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ???
Yes/No RP with: Yes | No | WouldPlot with: Yes | No | WouldShip with: Yes | No | Would
A N S W E R Favorite Thing:  Your OOC is up there.  From what I’ve seen (mostly from today), it’s always good for a lighthearted chuckle.  :D  Plus, y’know, Green.  I One Suggestion:  Notice me— oh, wait, you did.  x3  BE ACTIVE.  (Since I seem to recall you pleading for bludgeoning of the ‘be active’ type.)Question for You:  What made you decide to write for manga Green versus gameverse?
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megadrains-blog · 10 years
When's your birthday again.
A week ago.
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