#virtual office Sydney
officespaces12 · 5 months
How Can A Virtual Office Benefit Top Businesses?
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It is 2018, and trends are changing. There is a rise in virtual offices in the market, making things easier for small businesses and start-ups. With a virtual office, the employees can work from anywhere and anytime. It is the perfect way to carry out a task with no rental cost, low technology cost, and increased rate of productivity. However, it is good to have your own business line, a live assistant to handle your calls, a personalised voicemail, a fax line, a business mailing list and more. These factors make your company a credible firm. With low operational costs, our virtual office Sydney Australia helps you get these services at a very less price. They have their own benefits, which are perfect for any start-up or any businesses!
Get a corporate mailing address
A corporate mailing address is the basic element of any business. When you have a business mailing address, it shows the credibility of your firm and makes you look like a genuine company, who take their work very seriously. One must have a mailing address which is totally dedicated to their business. It makes work hassle-free and organised. Also, it becomes easier for clients to track your business location and it increases your visibility. With our virtual business address Sydney, you let clients identify yourself.
Get a local area code telephone call number
When you have your own local telephone number, you get yourself a local area code too. You become identifiable, denoting an address and customers can thereafter easily reach out to you. With our virtual business address, Sydney become visible in the crowd. Also, it makes you look professional, you become personalised, and you also gain trust from local consumers who know about the local area code.
Get a live receptionist
Would it not be amazing to have your all calls handled by an assistant, before they come to you? Just imagine a professional live receptionist who answers all your incoming calls related to your business. This will create an unquestionable and lasting impression on your clients. With a virtual address Sydney, your receptionist can clear all your queries and manage appointments for you in a classy and professional way, which alone will speak volumes about your company.
Get a dedicated company fax number
When you have your own company fax number, it creates an impression on your customers that you have been into your business since a very long time now, and you have the knowledge of how things work in your specified industry. This makes your virtual address Sydney more credible and trustworthy.  Therefore when you select a local telephone number for your fax number, it helps the local customers in your vicinity to reach you, in terms of faxing.
Get a personal and customised voicemail box
How do you wish not to lose some potential customers, just because they tried to call you after your company hours? You can get yourself a personal and customised voicemail box to have better interactions with your customers. It is a benefit in our virtual office Sydney Australia. With individual pre-recordings, you can get back to the customers that tried to reach you, even after your company hours had ended. This improves your customer relations as well.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running From The Flames {Epilogue 1/2}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: parenting - that should be a warning lmao, sexual themes
F1 Masterlist || Previous Chapter - Epilogue 2/2
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There was only one word to describe my life and that word was: chaotic. That being said, I still wouldn’t change it for the world.
The family calendar on the fridge was completely full and colour coded so we could all see where we were needed on any given day. Even so, I still lost track of my husband or our kids at least once a week. 
“Sydney, honey, have you seen your father?” I asked the spitting image of Pierre who was in the race simulator. He was always in the machine, practising for his upcoming debut into Formula 4 now that he had turned 15 and could move up from karting. 
“Picking up Addie from the airport.” He barely looked away from the triplet of screens in front of him as he answered with all the attitude of a teenage boy being interrupted in life. “It’s on the fridge.”
I looked at the calendar and realised I was looking at the completely wrong day. “Shit.”
“Ha,” he laughed loudly as he navigated the virtual track of the Red Bull Ring. “You forgot.”
“I didn’t forget,” I said as I scanned over the correct day and saw I had a board meeting to prepare for tomorrow. “I just thought it was Tuesday today.”
“Whatever you say, maman. You can tell me I’m your favourite, I won’t say anything.”
“I don’t have a favourite, I love you all equally. Now, can you finish that game and go do your homework? You still need to pack your bag for the weekend too.”
Addie was coming home from London for the week, taking a little break from her own busy schedule, to watch Sydney’s first race with us in Austria. 
It had been difficult to let her leave home at 18 but she had worked hard to get a place in the Arsenal Women’s Under 21 team. I had left home at the same age and Pierre had left even earlier, so we were hardly the exemplary figures to deny her. All we could do was make sure she stayed safe and she knew she could call either of us 24/7 if she needed help. It was also never that long between visits, making plenty of stopovers in England as we travelled. 
The travelling for work was tiresome but so far we had yet to miss a football match on Saturday or a karting race on Sunday. It did help being our own bosses so Pierre and I could manage our schedule around the kids. He had been running Strauss Fashion for the better part of the last ten years, after Granny finally retired properly, while I had been the Chief Technical Officer at Alpine, which Grandpa had purchased. 
When Harry passed away three years ago I found myself suddenly thrust into the ownership of the team and though there were plenty of offers to sell it, I decided to take the leap of faith and see where the journey would take me. I hadn’t looked back and so far we had two Constructors' Championship wins with our seasoned pilots, Gabriele Minì and Oliver Bearman.
We had come so far, it was hard to believe until I saw the wisps of grey hairs among the dark strands. 
“Maman!” I was pulled from my reminiscence and looked at my watch to realise how quickly the afternoon had gotten away from me as Clare bounded through the front door and leapt into my arms. “Maman, look!”
Clare had been a wonderful surprise that completed our family two years ago. After Sydney’s unexpected and frightening early arrival Pierre had been reluctant to try for another child, though he had always wanted three. I thought maybe he would change his mind after the terrifying memory faded with time but then a few years passed, we both got caught up in work, and after that it seemed too hard to imagine returning to sleepless nights with a newborn. 
But, the universe had other plans for us. What I thought was a long-enduring hangover, after celebrating the rebranding of Alpine into Gasly Racing, actually turned out to be morning sickness. Those final weeks before her birth were stressful enough to send Pierre to his doctor for a vasectomy but thankfully her arrival went exactly to plan and he could breathe calmly once again. 
“Hello my Clare-bear, wow, you have another bracelet.” You quirked an eyebrow at Charles as he arrived with Clare’s backpack on his shoulder and her spare carseat under his arm. “Uncle Charles has absolutely spoiled you.”
“Of course. A princess deserves it,” he stated proudly as he placed her belongings down and nodded his head to the simulator. “Is he all ready for the big day?”
“He is, I’m not sure I am,” I admitted as I put Clare down and she immediately went to interrupt Sydney by climbing onto his lap mid-race. If it was anyone else they would have received an earful but he just paused the game and listened as she told him all about her day at Uncle Charles’ house. “God help me when he gets to Formula One, I think I’ll have to revert the car back to a slower predecessor for my own sanity.”
Charles laughed but I wasn’t completely joking. The cars were so much faster than they were when he and PIerre raced. Though the safety features improved along with the technology that made them rockets on wheels it was still difficult to imagine putting my little boy inside one and sending it off. 
“You could keep him as a reserve driver,” Charles offered before shaking his head at the thought and taking a seat at the kitchen island. “But he’s stubborn like his father, he’d just find another team to race for.”
“No way, I can at least trust my own team to keep him safe. Same goes for Marc.”
Charles chuckled at the mention of his son who at 8 years old he was already a junior karting champion. “He said someone called him Il Predestinato after his race last weekend.”
“Yikes, I’m sure they meant it in a good way.”
The front door opened again and Addie blew in with all the gusto of a tornado, whipping around the rooms to greet everyone before she was up the stairs to her old room. Entering a little more sedately was my husband, his arms laden with more suitcases than anyone needed for a week away, especially when she still had a wardrobe full of clothes upstairs. 
“You are lucky you only have sons,” Pierre said to Charles as he kicked the door closed behind him. “I don’t work out enough anymore to be carrying this shit.” 
He dropped the suitcases in front of the elevator and hit the call button rather than carrying them up the stairs before pushing them inside as the door opened. After a few bad winters, where not even the central heating could keep the aches of my bones at bay, Pierre had made the call for the elevator to be installed and it had been a godsend in moments like this when heavy items needed to make it to the floors above.
Sticking his head up the staircase he called out, “Addie, your entire life and everything but the kitchen sink is heading your way.”
“Thanks, dad!”
“What was that about?” I asked after he joined us in the kitchen while the coffee machine churned out our usual drinks. “I thought she outgrew the ‘I’m too cool to hangout with my parents’ phase.”
Pierre's lips pressed together and he took a seat next to Charles, picking up Clare who had left Sydney to return to his practice. “Elias.”
“Vettel?” Charles asked, his eyebrows lifting when Pierre nodded and pushed his mug away so Clare couldn’t reach the hot liquid.
“They have been out on a few dates, apparently. I’ll have to ask Davis about it, assuming he went with them, it’s not like it’s his job or anything. Did you know that?”
I shook my head at the news, cradling my mug in my hands as I leaned against the bench and wondered if she had ditched her bodyguard once again. “He’s a sweet boy from what I remember, much like his father.”
“I don’t like it. I don’t care who his dad is,” Pierre grumbled before repeating, “You are so lucky you only have sons, mate. Teenage girls are stressful.”
“Ah, but I have two boys who think it is funny to have a competition to see who can fart the loudest,” Charles said as he took a sip of his drink.
“I mean, that’s kind of funny,” Pierre said with a smirk.
Charles sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead. “Not when one always pushes too hard to win.”
The sip I was taking went the wrong way and I spluttered as Pierre laughed, “It’s all shits and giggles, until someone giggles and shits.”
“To think my poor mother went through this too. Drives me insane, mate. Bet you’ve never had to worry about that?”
“Thankfully, no,” I answered after recovering from choking on coffee. “But it also wasn’t bad enough to stop you from having another.”
“And on that note, I should get going. Mia won’t let me back in the house if I don’t pick up her favourite carbonara on the way home.” He smiled as he thought of his wife’s pregnancy cravings. It was the same one she had when she was carrying Marc and Antonio so it came as no surprise at the gender reveal when the backyard was splattered with blue confetti. “Thank you for letting me borrow Clare.”
“Any time,” Pierre chuckled as he clapped his friend on the back. Charles had been busy reinstalling all the baby gates and safety locks in his home, despite the baby boy not even being born yet, and wanted a toddler to help test his craftsmanship. “I won’t complain about a little free babysitting.”
Charles placed his empty mug in the sink and before kissing the top of Clare’s thick wavy hair. “Bye petite chérie, I’ll see you on Sunday.”
“Bye Uncle Charles,” she said with a wave, but it sounded more like Unk Cha and made him laugh as he approached the simulator.
I saw Sydney pause the race and Charles crouched down beside him, sharing a few quiet words of encouragement for the upcoming debut race. I couldn’t help feeling incredibly lucky to be surrounded by so many supportive people and my smile grew as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. 
I turned to meet his lips over my shoulder and the magnetism that attracted us was still evident even after 17 years. Of course, like any relationship, there had been times when stress led to arguments and I would find him hours later in a spare bed, wide awake because he couldn’t sleep without me beside him. Those fights never lasted long enough to even remember what they were about and forgiveness came easy.
I turned in my husband’s arms and draped mine around his neck to admire him. Pierre was truly like a fine wine. Age had made him even more handsome and the small wrinkles at the corners of his lips and eyes were a testament to a life that was full of smiles and laughter. 
“Addie said she’ll watch the kids tonight,” Pierre whispered in my ear as he gently swayed to the melodic tune of his voice and I hummed with contentment. “And I got us a table at L'Ambroisie. You’ve been working so hard I thought we could do with a night away, just the two of us.”
“You think I don’t know your game, baby,” I whispered back, all too aware Charles was still chatting with Sydney and imparting some real world advice. “Wine and dine, pretty words, a hotel room. There’s only one thing you want.”
His lips curled into a smile against my cheek. “You know me too well.”
“You would actually get a full night’s sleep if you put your foot down.”
Pierre looked over at Clare who had helped herself to a banana from the fruit bowl and as if sensing she had been caught she looked up with an innocent smile. “How can I tell her no when she looks like that?”
“Mhmm, and that’s why she keeps climbing into our bed. You are a big softy.”
His smirk was flirty and fun as his arms tightened around me, pulling our bodies flush together. His breath was hot on my neck as he hid his face in the curtain of my hair. “Not tonight, ma femme. Tonight you will see just how hard I can be.”
Pierre backed up with a smirk but not before he sucked at the sensitive skin above my racing pulse. He knew exactly what he was doing and the smugness showed as he whistled a little tune on his way to help Clare peel the banana.
Shaking my head, I made my way to the stairs and said goodbye to Charles with the message to remind Mia that our plans for a spa day had been booked - but that didn’t mean he could slack off from the ankle massages he was giving her each night. He gave an amused salut but I didn’t see it as I pressed the button for the elevator. He was well used to the reminders by now, it wasn’t his first rodeo.
Knowing my evening plans had changed I went to my office and shut the door to silence the music drifting down the hall from Addie’s room. As CEO of Gasly Racing there was an endless stream of paperwork to be checked and signed, especially with the new expansion plan for the factory about to break ground. On top of that were the invites to attend fundraisers or speeches to prepare for the various charities I was ambassador for such as Women's Refuge.
When I finally emerged with my inbox up to date I could hear the laughter of all my children from where they lounged in front of the tv and the sound never ceased to make me smile. I had missed the sound since Addie moved out because it was rare to have all five of us here at the same time and I was reluctant to leave even for just one night when it came time to pack an overnight bag.
“We are allowed one night away, mon amour,” Pierre said as he stepped into the master bedroom to see me hesitating to step inside the wardrobe. “You and me, no interruptions.”
I relaxed into his embrace and sighed as he brushed my hair over one shoulder before kissing my collar. “And what were you planning that was so important it couldn’t be interrupted?”
His chuckle sent a shiver of delight down my spine and his fingers trailed down my ribs to the hem of my shirt before they slipped underneath the material to caress the soft skin over my stomach. I had to take a shaky breath when his thumbs caught the waistband of my skirt and I held it as I waited for them to hook underneath.
His lips brushed the shell of my ear and my lips parted in anticipation of his dirty words. “To sleep.”
“Huh?” I blinked twice, peeking over my shoulder to see his green eyes sparkling with amusement. 
“To sleep. Why, what were you thinking?” He tried to look innocent but when he drew his bottom lip between his teeth and his hand slipped down beneath my skirt he let the truth show. “Did you want me to tell you how I am dying for a taste of you? How I can’t wait to have these sexy legs wrapped around me when I make love to you tonight? I don’t need to tell you, baby, I’ll show you.”
I knew he could feel how damp my panties were for him from the smirk on his face and I almost whimpered when he withdrew his hand from where I needed it. “Now pack your bag, and make it quick, I’m absolutely ravenous.”
I bit my lip at the depth of his tone and knew exactly what it was he was dying to taste. I didn’t even look at what I was packing, tossing the first items that touched my hands before he stopped me and grabbed one dress instead. 
“This one,” he said as he held a colourful sundress that I rarely wore anymore, a soft smile warming his eyes. “It’s my favourite.”
Click here for the final chapter. 🥺
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @prrttysposts @alwaysclassyeagle @dr3lover @adalynneva
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On 29th February 1904 the Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow, opened.
Designed by Bertie Crewe for Thomas Barrasford, the Pavilion Theatre opened at the corner of Renfield Street and Renfrew Street, Glasgow on the 29 February, 1904. It was regarded as luxurious for its time with its decor being described by the owners as “pure Louis XV”. An electrically operated sliding roof ensured good ventilation.
Performances in the early days were mainly variety, melodrama and pantomime. Many of the leading music hall artistes of the period appeared at the Pavilion, including Marie Lloyd, Little Tich, Harry Lauder, Florrie Forde, Will Fyffe, Sarah Bernhardt and a then unknown Charlie Chaplin.
Since the 1930s, the Pavilion began to host pantomimes with top name stars of the Scottish variety scene, such as Harry Gordon and Dave Willis. In more recent times it has produced plays, such as ‘The Sash’ and ‘The Steamie’.
The Pavilion Theatre is now the only privately run theatre in Scotland and one of a few unsubsidised independent theatres left in Britain.
“Defying all the odds, Glasgow’s Pavilion regularly purveys variety to this day. All the more remarkable as it is completely unsubsidised and receives no funding from the Scottish Arts Council and kindred bodies whose thoughts and cash are directed at higher cultural activities. It remains the last stronghold of a long music hall tradition in Europe’s City of Culture owing everything to a dedicated staff and patrons and nothing to the public purse.
With its imposing terra cotta facade, the Pavilion Theatre of Varieties was designed by Bertie Crewe in the grand manner for Thomas Barrasford. The domed ceiling was surmounted by an electrically controlled sliding roof for ventilation. Fine Rococo plasterwork on the circle, balcony and box fronts; decoration executed in pure Louis XV; handsome mahogany woodwork and the marble mosaic floor all lent the 1800 seat theatre an aura of splendour.
No less amusing than the dentist advertising in the Pavilion programme “painless extractions with nitrous oxide for 4/- (20p) or cocaine for 1/- (5p)”, were the press observations on the “fashionable company” which attended the Pavilion’s first house on 29th February,1904. We learn that “among the elite there was quite a preponderance of ladies and gentlemen of quality in evening dress”. Alas, class consciousness and respectability were all in Edwardian Britain!
The ‘forties and ‘fifties saw pantomime runs of sixteen weeks, the happy and hilarious summer seasons were emulated during the 1960s and early 1970s by Lex McLean. Another regular crowd puller to Renfield Street was Jack Milroy.
Lulu from Dennistoun (real name Marie Lawrie) broke box office records in 1975, Billy Connolly, Hector Nicol Andy Cameron portrayed their own distinctive brands of humour while Scottish songstresses Lena Zavaroni, , Sheena Easton, Lena Martell and Barbara Dickson also scored heavily with Pavilion audiences.
It was anything but plain sailing for the Pavilion and there was gloomy speculation of closure after incurring heavy financial losses in 1981. Spared the fate which befell the Queens, Metropole, Empire, Alhambra and Empress Theatres, the 80 years old Pavilion was rescued by James Glasgow and transformed into a modest profit maker. Smash-hit shows with Sydney Devine; spells from hypnotist Robert Halpern; pantomime with Denny Willis, and one night gigs from the foremost modern television entertainers have kept the cash tills registering.
The Pavilion also played a major role in the annual Mayfest – Glasgow’s International Festival of popular theatre, music, the arts and community programmes.
Little altered and virtually unspoilt since its inception, the seating capacity of 1449 is made up of 677 stalls, 341 circle, 413 balcony and 18 box seats. While the stiff shirts in chauffeur-driven cabs have given way to coach parties from the rural areas of Strathclyde and beyond, a policy of providing the best in live entertainment has been pursued consistently. The portents look good for the vibrant Pavilion Theatre of Varieties.”
The Pavillion is, in my view a survivor, even over the past few years tragedy has struck the area with a series of fires.
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newvista857 · 22 days
eXp Realty's Global Expansion: Opportunities in Australia and Hong Kong
As the real estate industry evolves, global brokerages like eXp Realty are expanding their reach, offering unique opportunities to agents worldwide. eXp Realty Australia and eXp Realty HK are two prime examples of this expansion, providing innovative platforms for real estate professionals in these regions. This article explores the benefits of joining eXp Realty in Australia and Hong Kong, highlighting the advantages of their cloud-based model.
eXp Realty's Innovative Approach
eXp Realty is known for its cloud-based, agent-centric model that offers unparalleled flexibility. Unlike traditional brokerages with physical offices, eXp Realty operates entirely online, giving agents the freedom to work from anywhere. This model is especially beneficial in today's fast-paced, digital world.
For agents in Australia and Hong Kong, eXp Realty offers a global platform with cutting-edge technology, comprehensive training, and a strong support system. The company’s virtual campus allows agents to connect with colleagues worldwide, share knowledge, and access resources that would be hard to find in a conventional brokerage setting.
Why Choose eXp Realty Australia?
eXp Realty Australia offers a significant opportunity for real estate agents looking to expand their business. Australia’s real estate market is dynamic, with vast opportunities for growth, especially in major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. eXp Realty’s virtual model is perfect for the diverse and expansive Australian landscape, enabling agents to work across regions without the limitations of a physical office.
One of the key advantages of joining eXp Realty Australia is the company’s focus on technology and innovation. Agents have access to a suite of digital tools designed to enhance productivity and streamline the buying and selling process. From virtual tours to online marketing platforms, these tools give agents a competitive edge in the Australian market.
Additionally, eXp Realty’s revenue share model provides an opportunity to earn passive income. Agents can grow their income not just through commissions but also by attracting new agents to the company. This model is particularly appealing in a market as vast as Australia, where agents can leverage their networks to build a sustainable income stream.
Opportunities with eXp Realty HK
eXp Realty HK represents a significant milestone in eXp Realty’s global expansion. Hong Kong is one of the world’s most dynamic real estate markets, known for its high property values and fast-paced transactions. By joining eXp Realty HK, agents gain access to a global network and cutting-edge technology that can help them thrive in this competitive environment.
eXp Realty’s cloud-based platform is particularly well-suited to the Hong Kong market, where space is at a premium and traditional office models are often costly. The ability to operate entirely online gives agents in Hong Kong the flexibility to serve clients more effectively, regardless of location.
In addition to the technological advantages, eXp Realty HK offers a unique revenue-sharing model that allows agents to benefit from the success of others they bring into the company. This model not only provides an additional income stream but also fosters a collaborative environment where agents support each other’s growth.
The Global Advantage of eXp Realty
The expansion into Australia and Hong Kong is part of eXp Realty’s broader strategy to become a global leader in real estate. Agents who join eXp Realty Australia or eXp Realty HK are not just joining a local brokerage; they are becoming part of a global network that offers resources, support, and opportunities unmatched by traditional firms.
This global presence is particularly beneficial for agents dealing with international clients or looking to expand their reach beyond local markets. eXp Realty’s virtual platform allows seamless collaboration across borders, enabling agents to tap into new markets and build a truly global business.
Training and Support: A Key to Success
One of the hallmarks of eXp Realty is its commitment to agent success through comprehensive training and support. Whether in Australia, Hong Kong, or anywhere else in the world, agents have access to over 50 hours of live training sessions each week. These sessions cover a wide range of topics, from lead generation strategies to the latest in digital marketing.
Moreover, the company’s virtual campus offers a collaborative environment where agents can learn from each other, share best practices, and stay updated on industry trends. This focus on continuous learning ensures that eXp Realty agents are always ahead of the curve, ready to meet the demands of an ever-changing market.
Conclusion: A New Era in Real Estate
Joining eXp Realty Australia or eXp Realty HK is more than just a career move; it’s a step into the future of real estate. The company’s innovative, cloud-based model offers flexibility, technology, and a global network that empowers agents to succeed in today’s competitive market. With eXp Realty, the possibilities are endless, and the future is bright.
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Game Development in Sydney: A Thriving Hub for Innovation
Sydney has long been recognized as a leading city in the technology and creative sectors, but in recent years, it has also emerged as a hotspot for game development. The city's dynamic ecosystem, filled with talent, innovation, and a growing number of gaming studios, has made Sydney a thriving hub for both indie developers and established game companies alike. This article will explore the Game development sydney, discuss key players, and provide insights into why Sydney is becoming a prime location for game development.
The Growth of Game Development in Sydney
Game development in Sydney has experienced significant growth over the past decade. Fueled by advancements in technology and the increasing popularity of gaming as both a hobby and a profession, the demand for game developers has surged. Sydney’s development scene now includes everything from mobile games to AAA titles, as well as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences.
A combination of factors has contributed to the rise of Sydney as a game development hub, including:
Educational Opportunities: Sydney is home to several universities and colleges that offer specialized courses in game design, development, and digital arts. Institutions such as the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) have created a pipeline of skilled developers ready to join the workforce.
Government Support: The New South Wales (NSW) government has shown support for the game development industry through grants and initiatives designed to foster innovation and creative projects. Programs like Screen NSW provide financial support to game developers, helping them bring their ideas to life.
Community and Networking: Sydney has a strong and collaborative game development community. Organizations such as the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Sydney Chapter, and events like PAX Australia, have created opportunities for networking, collaboration, and professional development.
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Key Players in Sydney's Game Development Scene
Sydney is home to a diverse range of game development studios, from small indie developers to larger studios working on global projects. Some of the key players in the Sydney game development scene include:
SMG Studio: One of Sydney’s most prominent game development companies, SMG Studio is known for titles like "Death Squared," "Moving Out," and "Over The Top Tower Defense." Their games have garnered international attention, and they have become a staple in the local game development community.
Blowfish Studios: This Sydney-based studio has developed and published a variety of games across multiple platforms, including PC, console, and mobile. Known for titles like "Storm Boy," "Cygni: All Guns Blazing," and "Siegecraft Commander," Blowfish Studios has helped to put Sydney on the global game development map.
League of Geeks: While their primary office is in Melbourne, League of Geeks has a presence in Sydney as well. The creators of the popular game "Armello," they are a key player in Australia's game development ecosystem.
Opportunities in Game Development in Sydney
With the growth of the industry, game development in Sydney offers numerous opportunities for aspiring developers, designers, and artists. Some of the key areas for growth and innovation include:
Mobile Game Development: Mobile gaming is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the industry. Sydney-based studios are creating engaging and addictive mobile games for both local and international audiences.
VR/AR Game Development: Virtual and augmented reality are rapidly evolving, and Sydney is at the forefront of this movement. Developers in the city are creating immersive experiences for entertainment, education, and even healthcare applications.
Indie Game Development: Sydney has a thriving indie game development community. Indie developers are producing unique and creative games that are gaining recognition on platforms like Steam and the Apple App Store.
E-sports and Competitive Gaming: The rise of e-sports and competitive gaming has created new opportunities for developers to design games tailored to this growing market. Sydney is becoming a hotspot for e-sports tournaments and events, further fueling interest in competitive game development.
Challenges and Considerations
While the game development scene in Sydney is vibrant, it is not without its challenges. The industry can be highly competitive, and finding funding for game projects can be difficult, particularly for smaller indie developers. Additionally, with global competition, Sydney studios must work hard to stand out in the crowded market.
To overcome these challenges, game developers in Sydney often turn to collaboration and networking. The city's game development community is highly supportive, with events and meetups providing opportunities for sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise.
Why Sydney Is an Ideal Location for Game Development
Sydney’s game development scene is growing at a rapid pace, making it an ideal location for aspiring game developers and studios alike. Here are a few reasons why Sydney is a great place for game development:
Access to Talent: With its strong educational institutions and vibrant creative community, Sydney is a city filled with talented individuals who are passionate about game development.
Proximity to the Asia-Pacific Market: Sydney’s geographical location makes it an ideal gateway to the Asia-Pacific market, one of the largest and fastest-growing gaming markets in the world.
Supportive Ecosystem: Sydney’s game development community is collaborative and supportive, providing an environment that fosters creativity and innovation.
Quality of Life: Sydney offers an excellent quality of life, with a thriving cultural scene, beautiful beaches, and a diverse culinary landscape. For game developers, it’s a city that combines the excitement of a tech hub with the benefits of a relaxed lifestyle.
Game development sydney is booming, driven by innovation, creativity, and a supportive ecosystem. From indie developers creating unique experiences to larger studios working on global titles, Sydney’s game development scene is as diverse as it is exciting. With government support, access to talent, and a strong community, Sydney is quickly becoming one of the top cities for game development in the Asia-Pacific region.
For those looking to break into the industry or collaborate with talented developers, Sydney offers a wealth of opportunities. As the gaming industry continues to grow, Sydney is well-positioned to remain a leading player in the global game development landscape.
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sydneywardrobe02 · 2 months
The Benefits of Sliding Wardrobe Doors in Custom Wardrobes Sydney
Indeed, the concept of interior design entails both functionality and beauty in any interior space. As for the wardrobe solutions, the sliding wardrobe doors are growing in popularity among Sydney homeowners as it combines the elegant appearance with numerous benefits. The following is an insight of why sliding wardrobe doors is the ideal option for custom wardrobes sydney. 
 Space-Saving Elegance
 Maximising Floor Space
 Another advantage that accosts the sliding wardrobe doors is their efficiency when it comes to the space they take up. Conventional swinging doors have the downside of needing a lot of space to be swung open, thus occupying perhaps valuable space. Sliding doors on the other hand move on tracks and thus can be recommended for installation in small houses or offices or any place where there is little space. While this design is effective at increasing the amount of usable space, it also makes the layout of rooms somewhat more versatile.
 Seamless Integration
 Sliding wardrobe doors don’t protrude into the room and their main advantage is that they do not break the overall picture of the room’s design. This integration is most suitable in contemporary and Bauhaus designing since it enhances features that are associated with clean and uncluttered environments. The doors thus can blend with the other accessories in the room or be used to complement the interior décor as far as aesthetics are concerned.
 Customization and Versatility
 Versatility of the Materials and the Types of Finish
 The custom wardrobe providers in Sydney have a wide list of options for finishing and types of materials used for sliding wardrobe doors. From mirrored panels and frosted glass to wood veneers and high-gloss laminates the choices are virtually unlimited. This versatility enables homeowners to choose the finishes that suit their personality and the overall theme of the house.
 Custom Sizes and Configurations
 Sliding wardrobe doors facilitate the fashioning of wardrobes of any size, which provides them with extensive applicability to both extensive and cramped quarters. Custom designs indicate that any shape of a room or any niche can have a beautiful and practical wardrobe. It can be noted that at this level, every wardrobe is specifically designed for the particular setting and the individuals who will be using it. 
 Enhanced Functionality
 Easy Access and Organization
 Sliding doors allow acquisition of clothing without intrusion of the outside space because of the doors’ arrangement. It is most appropriate in walk-in wardrobe/ closets or bedrooms that have restricted space. Due to the simple and smooth operating nature of the doors, the users are able to access their clothes and accessories easily, thus enabling efficient completion of the routine activities.
 Improved Lighting and Visibility
 Mirrored sliding doors come in handy as they can help in increasing the amount of light within a room while at the same time expanding the view of the room. Mirrors make use of natural and artificial light thereby brightening the area and providing a space illusion. For this reason, Mirrored Sliding doors serve multiple purposes of being the storage area and also the means of beautifying the custom wardrobe.
 Durability and Maintenance
 Sturdy Construction
 With high quality material for the frames and slides of the wardrobe doors as well as the strong foundation of the wardrobes, sliding wardrobe doors are long lasting. Today’s technology in production makes doors durable and able to handle regular use without the need for replacement of the door parts or painting.
 Low Maintenance
 Compared to the hinged type, the sliding doors of a wardrobe are easy to maintain. No hinge parts are used and this is possibly because they are not necessary and can easily wear out or get damaged. Sliding doors only require a daily cleaning and perhaps fortnightly lubrication of its tracks to enable it to slide back and forth. 
Enhancing Property Value
 Attractive Selling Point
 The value of a property can be upgraded through the installation of custom wardrobes with sliding doors. The target audience commonly searches for eye-catching and efficient shelving units that fit the home interior. Sliding doors to wardrobes can provide a big difference when it comes to the beauty and the functionality of a home and actually separate it from other homes in the market.
 Long-Term Appeal
 Since sliding wardrobe doors have been around for some time, they are a non- diminishing feature that everyone would wish to have. In comparison with some other trends in modern design, which can look rather kitschy, the doors in question look rather traditional and the improvement may be rather easily achieved by changing the structure of the frames.
 Sliding wardrobe doors are quite advantageous for custom wardrobes in Sydney due to their functionality such as space saving, versatility, durability, and appeal. As people are more focused towards the effectiveness and aesthetics of the wardrobes, sliding doors remain on the hit list of those who want to make the best out of their homes. Apart from benefiting from getting exclusive organisational dynamics in their homes, the Sydney residents can also see that such mirrored doors can help in improving not only the function but the aesthetic of the custom wardrobes as well.
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crystalglassau · 3 months
7 Benefits Provided By Glass Repairs
In modern architecture and interior design, transparency and openness are often celebrated. Large windows and open spaces filled with natural light have become quintessential elements in both residential and commercial buildings thanks to glass replacement Sydney experts. However, as beautiful and functional as these elements are, they are also vulnerable to damage. Whether due to accidental impacts, weather conditions, or simply the passage of time, damage can compromise the integrity, aesthetics, and safety of these transparent surfaces. When faced with such issues, repair services offer a practical and effective solution.
Repairing damaged surfaces can be seen as a cost-effective alternative to more drastic measures. In an era where sustainability and eco-conscious decisions are increasingly important, opting to repair rather than replace aligns well with these values. This approach not only reduces waste but also conserves the energy and resources that would otherwise be expended in producing new materials. Thus, repair services present an excellent choice for those looking to maintain their environmental responsibility while ensuring their spaces remain both beautiful and secure.
The following list explores some of the key benefits provided by these repair services.
Cost-Effective Solution
Repairing damaged surfaces is significantly more affordable than the alternative. The costs associated with producing and installing new materials can be substantial, not to mention the labour costs involved. By opting for repairs, homeowners and businesses can save a considerable amount of money while achieving results that are often indistinguishable from new installations. Additionally, repairs can be completed more quickly, minimising downtime and inconvenience.
Environmental Benefits
Choosing to repair rather than discard damaged materials contributes to environmental sustainability. The production of new materials involves the consumption of natural resources and energy and often generates waste and emissions. By extending the lifespan of existing installations through repairs, we reduce our environmental footprint and support more sustainable practices. This choice aligns with the growing global emphasis on reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly solutions.
Enhanced Safety
Cracks and chips can pose serious safety risks. Even minor damage can weaken the structural integrity, increasing the likelihood of further damage or accidents. Professional repairs ensure that these issues are addressed promptly and effectively, restoring the strength and safety of the surface. This proactive approach prevents potential hazards, protecting occupants and visitors from harm.
Increased Longevity
Regular maintenance and timely repairs can significantly extend the lifespan of transparent installations. By addressing minor issues before they escalate, repairs prevent further deterioration and the need for more extensive interventions. This proactive approach not only preserves the functionality and appearance of the installations but also maximises the investment made in the original construction or renovation.
Convenience and Efficiency
Repair services are generally faster and less disruptive than more extensive alternatives. Professional technicians can often complete repairs on-site, reducing the need for lengthy and invasive procedures. This efficiency is particularly valuable in commercial settings where disruptions can impact business operations and productivity. By choosing repairs, businesses can minimise downtime and continue to operate smoothly.
Preservation of Aesthetic Appeal
Damaged transparent surfaces can significantly detract from the visual appeal of a space. Repairs conducted by skilled professionals can restore the original appearance, making the damage virtually invisible. This is particularly important in settings where aesthetics play a crucial role, such as retail environments, office spaces, and homes. By maintaining the visual integrity of these elements, repairs help to uphold the overall design and atmosphere of the space.
Custom Solutions
Every damage situation is unique, and professional repair services offer tailored solutions to address specific needs. Whether it’s a small chip or a more complex crack, skilled technicians can assess the damage and apply the most appropriate repair techniques. This customised approach ensures that the repairs are effective and long-lasting, providing peace of mind to property owners.
Opting for repair services provides a multitude of benefits, ranging from cost savings to enhanced safety and environmental sustainability. The ability to preserve the aesthetic appeal and functionality of transparent installations while extending their lifespan makes this choice an attractive and practical solution. Furthermore, the convenience and efficiency of professional repair services ensure minimal disruption and maximum satisfaction for both residential and commercial property owners.
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heathersmithau · 4 months
🌍 A Global Journey in Accounting Technology Marketing | Damien Greathead
Today I’m speaking with Damien Greathead Head of Marketing - Accountant & Advisor Group, Intuit Australia
Our guest is a dynamic sales and marketing leader who excels in helping venture-funded software companies build robust sales and marketing functions. With a specialised focus on the accounting and fintech verticals, he has a proven track record of establishing brands and expanding customer bases across North America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific regions. He has successfully collaborated with both small and large teams across various time zones, driving impressive growth in scale-up companies, achieving over 70% growth year-on-year. He is the co-host of the Podcast: Strategy and the Virtual Controller with Penny Breslin. He worked at Ignition when it was called Practice Ignition and Dext when it was called Receipt Bank and now he is Head of Marketing - Accountant & Advisor Group, Intuit Australia.  
Damien discusses his career in accounting technology marketing across the globe. He shares updates to QuickBooks features and upcoming events in Australia. He emphasised the importance of customer empathy and stories in SaaS marketing. We discuss how the Apps do have insightful data, and can truly partner with businesses, to help them grow.
In this episode, we also talk about . . .
- Damien Greathead's background in the accounting industry across multiple global roles
- Early experiences recognising technology potential in accounting firms  
- Embracing change management processes with clients at Receipt Bank
- Navigating the complex US tax system and state compliance
- Iterating Receipt Bank's value proposition without a GST/VAT system
- Opening and growing Receipt Bank's US office
- Returning to Sydney after 15+ years abroad
- Leading Intuit Australia's adviser marketing team
- Educating on QuickBooks features to boost confidence and adoption
- QuickBooks Tax powered by Logic for seamless tax integration
- Highlighting QuickBooks Online Advanced capabilities
- Launching the QuickBooks Go community platform
- Getting customer feedback through workplace observations
- Marketing advice for Apps who want to connect with Intuit Australia, and their customer base.
- Understanding problems through deep customer empathy
- Sharing customer stories to fast-track app development  
- The podcast, "Strategy and the Virtual Controller," Damien co-hosts with Penny Breslin, the CEO of MoneyPenny, which focuses on intentional planning through small goals inspired by Strategy and the Fat Smoker: Doing What's Obvious But Not Easy by David H. Maister
  Contact details:
Damien Greathead : https://www.linkedin.com/in/damiengreathead/
Intuit Australia : https://quickbooks.intuit.com/au/ 
Accounting Apps newsletter: http://HeatherSmithAU.COM
Accounting Apps Mastermind: https://www.facebook.com/groups/XeroMasterMind 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/HeatherSmithAU/ 
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/ANISEConsulting 
X: https://twitter.com/HeatherSmithAU
Cloud Stories w. @HeatherSmithAU
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yourusatoday · 4 months
Dell Technologies Inc: Global Locations Overview
Introduction to Dell Technologies Inc
Dell Technologies Inc, headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, is a multinational technology company known for providing a wide range of hardware, software, and services solutions to customers worldwide. With a rich history dating back to 1984, Dell has established itself as a leader in the IT industry, offering innovative products and services tailored to meet the needs of businesses and consumers alike.
Global Presence and Locations
Dell Technologies operates a vast network of offices, manufacturing facilities, and research centers across the globe, enabling it to serve customers in virtually every region. Below is an overview of Dell's key locations worldwide:
United States
Round Rock, Texas (Headquarters)
Description: Dell's global headquarters is located in Round Rock, Texas, where the company was founded. The headquarters serves as the central hub for executive leadership, corporate functions, and strategic decision-making.
Activities: Executive offices, corporate functions, research and development, customer support.
Austin, Texas
Description: Dell maintains a significant presence in Austin, Texas, with multiple offices and facilities.
Activities: Software development, engineering, customer service, sales and marketing.
Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)
Bracknell, United Kingdom
Description: Dell's EMEA headquarters is located in Bracknell, United Kingdom, overseeing operations across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Activities: Regional management, sales and marketing, customer support.
Dublin, Ireland
Description: Dell has a major presence in Dublin, Ireland, with several facilities serving different functions.
Activities: European operations center, manufacturing, research and development, sales and marketing.
Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ)
Description: Dell's APJ headquarters is located in Singapore, serving as the regional hub for operations across Asia Pacific and Japan.
Activities: Regional management, sales and marketing, customer support, logistics.
Bangalore, India
Description: Dell has a significant presence in Bangalore, India, with various facilities supporting different functions.
Activities: Software development, engineering, customer support, research and development.
Latin America
São Paulo, Brazil
Description: Dell operates in São Paulo, Brazil, catering to customers in Latin America.
Activities: Sales and marketing, customer support.
Other Key Locations
Apart from the above locations, Dell Technologies has presence in several other cities and countries around the world, including:
Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USA: Research and development, storage solutions.
Santa Clara, California, USA: Silicon Valley office, focusing on innovation and technology development.
Tokyo, Japan: Sales and marketing, customer support.
Sydney, Australia: Sales and marketing, customer support.
Manufacturing Facilities
Dell Technologies operates manufacturing facilities in various locations globally to produce its hardware products, including:
Chennai, India: Manufacturing of laptops, desktops, and servers.
Limerick, Ireland: Production of servers and storage solutions.
São Paulo, Brazil: Manufacturing of laptops and desktops for the Latin American market.
Xiamen, China: Production of laptops, desktops, and peripherals.
Research and Development Centers
Dell Technologies invests in research and development to drive innovation and product development. Some of its R&D centers include:
Austin, Texas, USA: Software development, innovation labs.
Bangalore, India: Engineering, software development, innovation.
Cork, Ireland: Research and development, innovation.
Dell Technologies Inc maintains a strong global presence with offices, manufacturing facilities, and research centers strategically located across the world. This extensive network enables Dell to deliver innovative technology solutions, provide efficient customer support, and meet the diverse needs of its customers globally. With its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, Dell continues to be a leader in the IT industry, serving businesses and consumers in every corner of the world.
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newmats · 4 months
Unlocking Creativity: The Power of NEWMAT Stretch Ceilings 🎨💡
NEWMAT AUSTRALIA leverages its vast global expertise to provide incomparable service and reliability to clients across Australia and New Zealand – drawing from the expertise of a team who have been driving the charge towards stretch membrane design since 2002.
Integrating seamlessly into the overall design, our premium stretch ceilings are fast and clean to install, maintenance free, and safe. They are suitable for virtually any application, from wall and ceiling through to 3D shaped forms.
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The experienced team at NEWMAT AUSTRALIA has worked on small-scale and major projects in the commercial, hospitality, retail, education, healthcare and residential sectors, working closely with the region’s leading architects, designers, acousticians and builders.
We supply and install membranes, tracking and complete backlighting systems, and our industrial designers assist with fast design development, prototyping, and documentation. Our extensive in-house capabilities include the fabrication of custom light boxes and framing, CNC machining and welding. We are proudly Australian owned.  
As Australia’s largest stretch ceiling company, with the combined experience of over 95 years just in our Sydney office, you have no better place to start your journey but with us.
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With our dedicated team of designers, fabricators, project managers and installers, we pride ourselves on setting the standard, this allows for efficient design development, prototyping, lighting supply, metal fabrications, installation and maintenance.
We assist clients not only on design development and documentation but provide specifications for fabrication, detail drawings, rapid quotations, site surveys, architectural metal work and delivery of finished goods.
Get In Touch With Us:
Address: 84 Hotham Parade, Artarmon NSW 2064, Australia 📍
Phone:  +61 1300 047 047 ☎️
Email Id: [email protected] 📧
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spacelee919 · 5 months
Elevating Workspaces: Unveiling Commercial Interiors In Sydney
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In the bustling city of Sydney, where businesses thrive and innovation flourishes, the design of commercial interiors plays a crucial role in shaping the productivity, creativity, and overall success of organisations. From sleek corporate offices to vibrant co-working spaces, commercial interiors in Sydney are a testament to the city's dynamic and diverse business landscape. Let's explore the key aspects of them and how they contribute to creating inspiring work environments:
1. Tailored Design Solutions
Customised Approach: These interior designers take a tailored approach to design, understanding the unique needs, brand identity, and culture of each organisation.
Functionality and Aesthetics: Designs balance functionality with aesthetics, creating spaces that not only look impressive but also support the specific workflows and activities of employees.
2. Modern and Innovative Designs
Contemporary Aesthetics: They embrace modern design trends, incorporating clean lines, open layouts, and minimalist aesthetics.
Innovative Features: Spaces often feature innovative design elements such as flexible workstations, collaborative zones, and technology-integrated environments to foster creativity and collaboration.
3. Sustainable Practices
Environmental Consciousness: Many of them prioritise sustainability, using eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient lighting, and green building practices.
Wellness Initiatives: Designers incorporate wellness initiatives such as biophilic design, natural lighting, and ergonomic furniture to enhance employee health and well-being.
4. Versatile Workspaces
Adaptable Layouts: Workspaces are designed to be versatile and adaptable, allowing organisations to easily reconfigure and repurpose areas as their needs evolve.
Multi-functional Zones: Designs incorporate multi-functional zones that serve different purposes, from quiet focus areas to lively collaboration spaces, catering to diverse work styles and preferences.
5. Brand Representation
Brand Identity: Commercial interiors reflect the brand identity and values of the organisations they represent, conveying professionalism, innovation, and corporate culture.
Branded Environments: Design elements such as color schemes, signage, and branding graphics are strategically incorporated to reinforce brand messaging and create a cohesive brand experience.
6. Technology Integration
Smart Solutions: Interiors integrate technology seamlessly, with features such as integrated AV systems, wireless connectivity, and IoT-enabled devices enhancing productivity and convenience.
Digital Workspaces: Digital signage, interactive displays, and virtual meeting rooms create modern and connected environments that support collaboration and communication.
7. Collaborative Spaces
Open Plan Layouts: Many of them feature open plan layouts that encourage interaction, collaboration, and idea sharing among employees.
Informal Meeting Areas: Designers incorporate informal meeting areas, breakout spaces, and social hubs where employees can connect, brainstorm, and build relationships.
8. Attention to Detail
Quality Craftsmanship: Interiors showcase quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, with meticulously curated finishes, furnishings, and architectural elements.
Finishing Touches: Thoughtful touches such as artwork, greenery, and ambient lighting add warmth, personality, and character to commercial spaces, enhancing the overall user experience.
Commercial interiors in Sydney embody innovation, creativity, and functionality, creating inspiring work environments that support the growth and success of businesses. With their tailored design solutions, modern and innovative designs, sustainable practices, versatile workspaces, brand representation, technology integration, collaborative spaces, and attention to detail, these interiors reflect the dynamic and vibrant spirit of this city’s business community. Invest in commercial interior design to elevate your workspace and empower your employees to thrive in today's competitive market.
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emfunerals · 5 months
Concierge Services Australia
Traditionally, concierge services have been offered by hotels. They help guests with travel bookings, restaurant recommendations, and other needs during their stay. They also offer lifestyle and virtual assistance. Some concierge services are even available as a perk with premium Credit Cards.
These services are often staffed by people who possess security licences. This gives them a level of discretion that helps them deal with sensitive and confidential requests.
Funera is a concierge services australia that helps families with organising a funeral. It offers a range of services to support people at this difficult time, including creating an advance funeral plan, finding funding, and assisting with the selection of a funeral director. It also provides 24-hour online assistance throughout the process.
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The company can help you find funding for a funeral through various sources, including government grants and private life insurance policies. It can also assist you in making arrangements for a memorial or grave marker. It also helps you understand the different funeral options available, and negotiate prices with the funeral directors.
Coping with death and planning a funeral is one of the most difficult tasks anyone will ever face. The team at Bare is committed to helping you through this difficult time with award-winning customer service and affordable pricing. They can even save you money! eziFunerals funeral concierge works on your behalf 24/7, not for the funeral directors.
A concierge service is a business that provides services to luxury travellers. It is an industry that has exploded in recent years as a result of the increasing popularity of experiential travel. These services are a combination of traditional travel and hospitality with the modern luxuries of technology and high-end entertainment.
Discretion is key for concierges. From organising Benedict Cumberbatch’s bathe with penguins on Phillip Island in complete secrecy* to arranging private box tickets at a sold-out concert, they are the people behind the scenes that make celebrity visits and family vacations run smoothly.
The company is backed by retail and consumer brands investment platform ACTA
Capital, which owns a portfolio of owned and licensed brands including General Pants Co, LEGO Certified Stores, SurfStitch, Ginger & Smart and Pumpkin Patch. It expects to make additional acquisitions. Its current CEO, Sacha Laing, is expected to resign soon, with Scott Evans taking over the role. This is a great opportunity for the new CEO to accelerate the company’s growth.
A concierge service is a professional who helps you with all sorts of tasks and arrangements. Whether you need to book a flight in an emergency, or want to attend a VIP event, they have the contacts and networks to get it done. They also offer emergency assistance in case of a medical crisis. They are known for their reliability and have a reputation for excellence.
Ferrari is an Italian luxury sports car maker with a worldwide reputation for performance and quality. The company was founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939 and is headquartered in Maranello, Italy. The brand’s logo is a stylized prancing horse, and it is one of the world’s most recognized brands.
When choosing a concierge service, be sure to research the provider’s experience and reputation. Consider the fees and services offered, and ensure that they are compatible with your lifestyle. Also, look for a service that offers great communication and customer service.
One Concierge
One Concierge is an orthodox services Sydney that offers personalized assistance for its clients. The company’s employees handle a variety of tasks, including making travel arrangements and booking airline tickets. They also help with office tasks, such as scheduling meetings and preparing documents.
Concierge services are a great way to save time and money. They can make your trip easier and more enjoyable by handling many of the details for you. A concierge can also provide you with VIP access to events and clubs.
The concierge business is a lucrative business that provides a high ROI. However, it can be difficult to find funding for this type of venture. The good news is that there are ways to get financing for your business, such as Venture Capital and Angel Investors. Moreover, you can also use crowdfunding platforms to raise money for your business. These funds can be used for seed capital or to finance your operations.
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radrunawaychopshop · 5 months
The Weft
Ifty Waset
25-33 Old Northern Rd
Baulkham Hills, NSW
0405 552 426
The Weft is a trusted accounting firm in Baulkham Hills, NSW. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including bookkeeping, accounting, tax advice, and tax preparation. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best possible service, so you can focus on running your business. Contact us today to learn more.
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officespaces12 · 6 months
Unleashing The Potential: Diverse Uses For Meeting Rooms In Surry Hills
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Meeting rooms in Surry Hills offer a versatile space that goes beyond traditional boardroom settings. With its vibrant atmosphere and central location in Sydney, Surry Hills is a hub for creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Here are some unique and diverse uses for meeting rooms in this dynamic neighbourhood:
Creative Workshops and Classes: 
Surry Hills is home to a thriving community of artists, designers, and creatives. Meeting rooms provide an ideal space for hosting creative workshops, art classes, and design seminars. Whether it's a painting workshop, photography class, or graphic design tutorial, meeting rooms offer a conducive environment for hands-on learning and skill development.
Product Launches and Showcases: 
Launching a new product or showcasing a collection requires a space that is both functional and visually appealing. Meeting rooms in Surry Hills offer the flexibility to customise the space according to your branding and product presentation needs. Whether it's a fashion show, product demonstration, or tech expo, meeting rooms provide a blank canvas for bringing your vision to life.
Team Building Activities: 
Building a strong team is essential for the success of any organisation. Meeting rooms offer an intimate setting for hosting team building activities, such as brainstorming sessions, group exercises, and leadership workshops. By providing a dedicated space away from the office environment, meeting rooms enable teams to focus on collaboration, communication, and problem-solving.
Pop-up Shops and Markets: 
Surry Hills is known for its vibrant retail scene, with numerous boutiques, galleries, and markets dotted throughout the neighbourhood. Meeting rooms can be transformed into temporary pop-up shops or mini-markets, allowing local artisans, designers, and entrepreneurs to showcase their products to a captive audience. From handmade crafts to artisanal goods, meeting rooms provide a unique venue for pop-up retail experiences.
Corporate Retreats and Offsite Meetings: 
Surry Hills offers a retreat-like atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the city, making it an ideal destination for corporate retreats and offsite meetings. Meeting rooms provide a secluded space for teams to retreat, recharge, and strategise away from the distractions of the office. With options for catering, breakout sessions, and team-building activities, meeting rooms offer a comprehensive solution for corporate retreats and offsite meetings.
Health and Wellness Workshops: 
The health and wellness industry is thriving in Surry Hills, with yoga studios, wellness centres, and holistic health practitioners abound. Meeting rooms offer a tranquil setting for hosting health and wellness workshops, fitness classes, and mindfulness sessions. Whether it's a yoga workshop, meditation retreat, or nutrition seminar, meeting rooms provide a serene environment for promoting holistic well-being.
Virtual Meetings and Remote Work: 
In an increasingly digital world, meeting rooms can also serve as virtual meeting spaces for remote teams and telecommuters. Equipped with video conferencing technology and high-speed internet access, meeting rooms enable seamless communication and collaboration across geographic boundaries. Whether it's a virtual team meeting, client presentation, or remote training session, meeting rooms offer a convenient solution for connecting with colleagues and clients worldwide.
From creative workshops to corporate retreats, meeting rooms in Surry Hills offer a myriad of possibilities for hosting a wide range of events and activities. With their versatility, flexibility, and central location, meeting rooms provide a valuable resource for businesses, organisations, and individuals looking to engage, collaborate, and innovate in the heart of Sydney's vibrant Surry Hills neighbourhood.
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ridhibahl · 6 months
Building Harmony: Ridhi Bahl - Your Expert Vastu Consultant Across the Globe
From the vibrant metropolises of Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata to the cosmopolitan hubs of London, New York, and Sydney, creating a space that fosters well-being and success is a universal desire. This is where Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architectural harmony, steps in. Ridhi Bahl, a renowned Vastu Consultant, offers her expertise to individuals and businesses across India, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, helping them design and optimize their spaces for positive energy flow and prosperity.
Vastu Consultant in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, India, United States (USA), Australia, London (United Kingdom)
Vastu Shastra: Aligning Your Space with the Cosmos
Developed thousands of years ago, Vastu Shastra translates to "science of dwellings." It emphasizes the interconnectedness of a structure with its natural surroundings, promoting balance and harmony between the five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space. By following Vastu principles, you can create a living or working environment that:
Enhances Well-being: A Vastu-compliant space promotes a sense of calm, reduces stress, and fosters positive energy flow, leading to improved health and well-being for occupants.
Boosts Productivity: Strategic design elements based on Vastu principles can enhance focus, collaboration, and creativity, leading to increased productivity within a workspace.
Attracts Positive Energy: A well-designed space, aligned with Vastu principles, creates a welcoming and harmonious environment, attracting positive energy that can benefit both residents and businesses.
Ridhi Bahl: Your Trusted Guide to Vastu Harmony
Ridhi Bahl is more than just a Vastu Consultant; she's a guide who helps you understand the principles and translate them into practical applications for your space. Her services cater to a diverse clientele, from homeowners in Pune and Ahmedabad to business owners in Gurgaon and Noida. Here's what sets Ridhi Bahl apart:
Personalized Approach: Ridhi understands that every space is unique. She takes the time to understand your specific needs and preferences before making recommendations tailored to your situation.
In-depth Knowledge: With extensive experience and a deep understanding of Vastu principles, Ridhi can provide insightful guidance on various aspects, from site selection and floor plan optimization to furniture placement and energy balancing techniques.
Global Accessibility: Distance is no barrier. Ridhi offers virtual consultations, making her expertise available to clients across the globe – from bustling Mumbai to the heart of London.
From Home Design to Business Success: A Range of Vastu Services
Whether you're a homeowner in Jaipur or a business owner in Sydney, Ridhi Bahl offers a range of Vastu services to cater to your specific needs:
Home Design Planning with Vastu Shastra: Ridhi can help you design your dream home from the ground up, ensuring optimal placement of rooms, doors, and windows based on Vastu principles for a harmonious and healthy living environment.
Existing Home Evaluation and Correction: If you already own a home, Ridhi can evaluate your space and suggest practical solutions to improve energy flow and address any Vastu imbalances that may be present.
Commercial Space Vastu Consultancy: For businesses in Delhi, Chandigarh, or any other location, Ridhi can optimize your office space to enhance employee well-being, improve productivity, and attract positive energy for increased success.
Beyond the Walls: Creating Harmony beyond the Physical Space
Ridhi Bahl's approach to Vastu goes beyond the physical layout of a space. She emphasizes the importance of creating a holistic environment that promotes peace, well-being, and success. Here's how she can help:
Guidance on Daily Practices: Ridhi can suggest simple daily practices that complement the Vastu principles in your space, further enhancing the positive energy flow.
Recommendations for Positive Energy Enhancements: From the use of specific crystals and plants to the placement of traditional Vastu remedies, Ridhi can recommend ways to further enhance the positive energy within your space.
Embark on a Journey of Harmony with Ridhi Bahl
By incorporating Vastu Shastra principles into your space, you can create a harmonious environment that fosters personal and professional growth. Visit ridhibahl.com to schedule your consultation with Ridhi Bahl, your trusted Vastu Consultant. Together, you can unlock the potential of your space and create a foundation for a more positive and successful future, be it in the bustling streets of Mumbai or the serene suburbs of Sydney.v
See more
Business Astrology in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, India, United States (USA), Australia, London (United Kingdom)
Vastu Consultant in Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, India, United States (USA), Australia, London (United Kingdom)
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Sealing Love: A Guide to Choosing the Right Wedding Celebrants in Sydney
Your wedding day is a celebration of love, and the person at the center of it all is your wedding celebrant. In the vibrant city of Sydney, where romance and diversity intertwine, finding the perfect wedding celebrant is key to orchestrating a ceremony that reflects your unique love story. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of wedding celebrants in Sydney and provide a comprehensive guide to help you choose the one who will turn your dreams into reality. A celebrant who also offers registry office wedding cheaper than the weddings at NSW registry.
The Heartbeat of Your Ceremony: Wedding Celebrants in Sydney
A wedding celebrant is not just an officiant; they are the conductors of your love story, setting the tone for the entire celebration. Let's delve into why they are the heartbeat of your wedding day:
Personalization and Connection:
Unlike a traditional religious ceremony, wedding celebrants in Sydney offer the flexibility to personalize every aspect of your vows and ceremony. They take the time to understand your story, ensuring a genuine connection that translates into a ceremony as unique as your love.
Cultural Sensitivity:
Sydney is a melting pot of cultures, and a skilled wedding celebrant understands and respects the diverse traditions that couples bring to the table. Whether it's incorporating cultural rituals or blending different traditions, they ensure that your ceremony is a reflection of your shared heritage.
Embarking on the Quest: How to Find Your Ideal Wedding Celebrant in Sydney
Now that we understand the significance of wedding celebrants, let's embark on the journey of finding the perfect one for your Sydney wedding.
Define Your Vision:
Begin by defining your vision for the ceremony. Whether you dream of a beachfront celebration, a garden wedding, or an intimate indoor affair, your choice of wedding celebrants in Sydney should align with the style and atmosphere you envision.
Seek Recommendations:
Start your search by seeking recommendations from recently married friends, family, or your wedding planner. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into a celebrant's style, professionalism, and ability to connect with couples.
Online Research:
Explore online platforms and directories that feature wedding celebrants in Sydney. Websites often include reviews and testimonials, offering additional perspectives on a celebrant's strengths and style.
Meet and Greet:
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Schedule face-to-face or virtual meetings with potential celebrants. This is a chance to gauge their personality, communication style, and whether there's a genuine connection. A wedding celebrant who resonates with you will be better equipped to craft a ceremony that reflects your personalities.
Conclusion: Crafting Everlasting Memories with Sydney's Finest Wedding Celebrants
In a city as dynamic as Sydney, your wedding ceremony should be a testament to the unique love story you share. Choosing the right wedding celebrants in Sydney is about finding a partner who not only understands the legalities but also resonates with your vision, values, and cultural background. Take the time to choose a celebrant who will turn the pages of your wedding day into a beautifully crafted chapter, etched in the hearts of everyone present.
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