#vlamburn really will do the most with everything
lovecolibri · 3 years
Chris did Alex dirtier this season than Carina did in S2, and I truly didn't think it was possible. Between no recognition of his S2 treatment with bonus Delmanes, keeping Malex in the bubble even in an established relationship, and stripping him of his one decent family member and only friend to talk to, I am struggling to think what he got out of this season just for himself. And even established Malex, as effortlessly amazing as Vlamburn are together, slowly became about Alex giving Michael a series of pep talks for his growth, which just reminds you that Alex 1) had to get there completely on his own with no support whatsoever and 2) was already fully committed to Michael by 1x13 and willing to open up about the hard stuff. He's been mostly waiting around for Michael ever since. I don't know what S4 has in store for him, but now I am as wary of what Chris claims to love as I was of Carina.
I'm not sure if it was worse than season 2 and forcing him to be smiling and supportive of m*luca while making him constantly remind m*ria that Michael is actually a good person worth spending time with and doing all her emotional labor in the relationship while also being Michael's punching bag when c*rina thought angst was needed, and being Michael's emotional support when m*ria was too busy gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing to be bothered.
But the fact that season 3 refused to even think about addressing Alex's mistreatment last season while having him constantly talking about how wonderful m*ria is was especially heinous. And taking his brother and turning him into an entirely different person and then only letting him have scenes with m*ria (and the group with everyone acknowledging them no less) was an added slap in the face. Like you said, Alex has been ready since he came to talk to Michael about him being an alien. He wanted to build a solid foundation at that point, but finding out Michael was trying to leave forever obviously freaked him out a little. But instead of being allowed to talk about it, they had to suffer through that dumpster fire of season 2 and then they weren't even allowed to address it this season! Don't get me wrong, I ADORE domestic Malex and I do think that once they went all in on the relationship that's exactly how it would play out, but we missed seeing the lead up and hashing out of things BEFORE they got together, but then we also didn't really get to see it AFTER either, because they still aren't allowed to address the season 2-shaped elephant in the room.
It's just so deeply frustrating because they had the set up this season to deliver some really great storylines and to allow Vlamburn to give Malex the kind of story they want to tell, and to allow Tyler to FINALLY be allowed to dig into Alex like he so desperately wants to do. But there was no time, because instead they decided to make half the season about m*ria instead of any of the ACTUAL important plots of the season and everything suffered. But man do those graphs tell a story about who suffered the most.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Ok maybe I’m over analyzing this, I probably am. But I just really have/want to believe that this “malex forever” “cosmic” drop is a good sign for what’s to come this season. His stuff in the past has been either a little depressing like “love hurts” and “bad at relationships” (which he did while m/m were together which I will always always find amusing) and then hopeful at most like “I never look away” and “pieces want to be together”. And while I know fandom views everything different than the actors do, I know how invested vlamburn is in Malex. And they know how badly we were hurt by s2. Also Tyler getting involved?? Just seems like a big deal. Or I’m a clown. 😂
Nonnie, we’re all wearing our nicest clown outfits and shiniest clown shoes for S3 (just in case). 🤡 Like you, I read positive things into the COSMIC ✨MALEX FOREVER drop tho. 
And not just this drop. Jeanine gave me so much hope when she said “I think everyone’s gonna be happy. You’ll be good.” That, and Vlamis’s endless Malex fanboying (BLESS HIS HEART!). Not to forget Tyler simply being done with this bullshit and no longer giving any fucks.
There’s no guarantee, obviously, but I'm hopeful and much more positive than I felt a week ago.
I still want to hear from Chris tho, a general idea of what to expect for the core 8 next season (incl some spoilers), but my Malex heart is a little more at peace now.
I’m also counting down the days until the VLAMBURN pic(s - if they make us wait this long, there better be more than just one blurry pic of them together!!!)! 29 days to go!
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tsumisgarden · 5 years
s02 premature freaking out and bitterness
Just a quick preamble
as stated above, this is all premature, meaning it really is too soon to jump to these conclusions. I’d rather not have these thoughts, but I don’t control my mind. My mind controls me. Unfortunately.
I’m asking for nothing but to be proven wrong, maybe we’ll have a good surprise by the end of the season, but until then... see 1.
I am an Alex stan first and foremost. I ship him with happiness, and I’m not fond of people who give him reasons to be unhappy. I’m not always very objective about it, too. Also, see 2.
This said, here we go.
I gathered that what we’re getting in s02 so far is
Alex staying in the Air Force for information access, which probably has as much to do with Michael as with wanting to right the atrocities done by his family
Michael and Alex building a friendship while Michael and Maria are getting together mid-season (just to say that Alex’s best friend still gets the guy he loves)
Alex having a new love interest that Tyler doesn’t seem to care about much
My question is, what’s in this for Alex?
All I’m seeing here is the writers’ attempts to make Michael happy, to give him everything he needs to get better. He gets Alex’s friendship and devotion, he gets Maria, he also gets not to feel too guilty about it in regards to Alex because Alex has someone, too (nvm that it doesn’t seem all that thrilling for Alex)
What Alex gets is... the friendzone, and also his best(?) friend getting the guy she knows he loves. I bet they’ll get his blessings too. Meanwhile, he stays in the Air Force even though he’s been looking forward for his discharge to help Michael and his family (among other things, I know). And he gets a consolation prize for his troubles.
Now my two cents.
I get that Michael’s the writers’ fave. But the way they skew everything to garner him sympathy, it’s not cute. They paint him as poor-Michael-who-makes-bad-decisions-because-he-didn’t-have-it-easy-so-everyone-needs-to-help-him. And yeah, he deserves to be loved. But the way they’re they’re treating everyone else as a means to get that? That’s. Not. Cute. And they deserve better. (I’m including Maria, too. Not just Alex. She could easily have a better love story than the best friend’s love’s thief) 
There are things they could have avoided to fix this unfair treatment of other characters for Michael’s sake. They could have just put a stop to the triangle after Alex and Maria’s discussion. But they didn’t. They could have put a stop to it after the events of the s01 finale. But apparently they didn’t.
In a way, if they wanted to make miluca a thing -- the thing, it’s their show. What irks me is the malex/vlamburn heavy promo. If your intention is to let malex down as a romantic ship, and for miluca to rise, then maybe stop hyping malex up. At this point I feel like the hyping has one goal: to keep the audience for the show, and it’s incredibly dishonest, if you ask me.
I know that a lot of people enjoy the vlamburn content regardless, and it’s not like I don’t, myself, most of the time. Given a choice, I guess I’d want them to keep going anyway. I just can’t stop the thought of the ulterior motives from creeping up. As much as I love the malex promo, if ultimately they’re going to let us down, if malex isn’t endgame, then we deserve to be let down easy. The higher the fall, the more painful.
So yeah.
I’ll sign off with a reference to 1., 2., and 3. in the preamble. I mostly needed to get these thoughts off my chest
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malexfan10 · 5 years
Now that my anger has calmed down.....
We got a season 2 renewal!!!
I can't say how happy I am about that. To get the renewal so soon after that wreck of an episode last night means everything! If we had to wait a whole month.....
Trusting the writers to fix what they broke is a whole other thing after that finale. But it can go two ways.
Either they completely decide to screw everyone over and have M&M be endgame (if Michael says 'I never look away' to Maria I will be completely done with it all) or they will test the waters with M&M and when they decide they've had enough, break them up and have Michael go back to Alex. I'm thinking scenario 2.
Now how should this all play out? It sucks that we even got a triangle to begin with and the fact that Michael said 'I never look away' and then ended up looking away to Alex's best friend no less brings my anger back from last night. The fact that Alex was sitting there waiting and wondering, looking at his watch, sad and alone while M&M was happening is not a visual I will forgive the writers for anytime soon. To top that, this ending made Carina happy if it ended there? That still puzzles me. Seriously, lady?? BUT what's done is done. Can't change the past. We can only hope that season 2 is not a terrible shitstorm like last night was.
So how can this all play out? Will Alex be waiting in the sidelines, depressed and upset, watching his best friend and true love across town being happy? I hope not! If they have M&M explore a relationship for half the season or even the whole season, then Alex deserves to move on as well. Do I still want Malex to be endgame? You betcha! But both sides to that relationship deserve happiness, not just Michael. If they can't have it with each other right now because one side has decided his happiness lies elsewhere, then Alex deserves the same treatment.
The last thing I want is for Alex to take that rejection as a sign and shoot his walls back up. He has done amazingly in terms of growth this season and I need his character to keep growing. The boy deserves so much happiness! So does Michael after all he's been through but because he chose Maria and because I dislike the triangle and how those M&M feelings came out of nowhere, he's not my focus right now.
Should a new relationship for Alex be with Kyle? I love that dynamic and I don't want anything to mess with that. Plus, in terms of where they are with each other, there is still so much healing that needs to be done. These two were probably best friends as kids. I love Kyle a lot but you can't fix that friendship overnight. Little by little, they've been making wonderful progress so I want that friendship to flourish next season and an added complication of a relationship won't exactly help. If Malex were completely done, I'd be gutted but I would change my tune on Kylex. But for now, let Alex be with someone new.
All of this is if they keep M&M together for half or most of the season. If it's a one or two episode storyline, then I don't want Alex getting involved with anyone else. But they put the effort to push this triangle so unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that they will abandon M&M that easily or anytime soon.
Michael and Alex have been through so much in 13 episodes, together and apart. It's why we love their characters and storyline as much as we do because we feel for them and our hearts hurt seeing them tortured. Michael was always searching for a family, for a sense of belonging and when he found his mother, she was taken away in the most cruel and tragic way. But all these people around him see him as family too. They care for him from one degree to another. He's been through a lot on the show but he still has such a huge capacity to love.
For Alex, he started as an abused, scared, gay teenager terrified from his father's actions into choosing a life he never wanted for himself. Did he end up enjoying the Air Force? I think he did because like he said, it felt good winning battles. But at what cost? He put his life and happiness on hold for 10 years and lost his leg in battle. He's the definition of pain and suffering on the show but despite it all, he has always maintained this incredible kindness in his heart that is unmatched.
Alex started the season closed off and unsure and the journey he went through was beautiful to see. He found his inner strength, he faced his demons (Jesse) and he started forgiving those who had hurt him by seeing who they are now (Kyle). He finally reached a place where he wasn't terrified to open his heart to love again. That scene with Michael last episode? That was so pivotal to his storyline. He showed Michael how important he was to him, not just through actions, but through words. Words that have been lacking between them for so much of their history. He was willing to stay and die with him. He wouldn't have been able to have that moment with Michael at the start of the season. Where he was and where he ended up showed the biggest growth from all the characters in my mind. It was easily my favorite personal story arc of the season. Sucks how that growth got spat on last night but it doesn't take away from who Alex is now.
Do I want to see Malex be separated? No, I love them wholeheartedly. I haven't been this invested in a TV couple in a long time probably since Pacey and Joey back in the day. Oh, just a side note - Carina mentioned how she wants Michael to be the Joey Potter of Roswell. Giant No Thank You to that idea. As much as I love DC and PJ, the way Joey ping-ponged between him and Dawson was just ridiculous, never knowing who she wanted until literally the final episode of season 6. That is not what I want to see for Malex. Hope she changes her mind on that idea quick.
But anyway, with Michael choosing his version of a happy ending last night, then Alex certainly deserves the same. I hate that Michael chose Maria. I hate that he knew he and Alex were going to talk but he blew him off and went straight to Maria anyway. I hate that they kissed. I hate that Maria acted on her feelings knowing what Michael means to Alex. I hate that neither thought about Alex in that moment. I hate that he played the guitar in front of her. But if we're going to be forced through more M&M, then let Alex try to move on too.
I want Malex together, of course I do! But if Malex is endgame, and I think that they are, the writers are definitely not making the road easy for them or us. In the meantime, while I fast forward through whatever M&M scenes we're going to be getting, let Alex have some pleasure too. I want them to explore his family more, his mother, his heritage. Just give that boy some love and happiness please!
I love both Vlamis and Tyler equally but it shows how inexperienced Vlamis was with TV fandom. Tyler was a lot more reserved with his interviews - he'd been through it with PLL Haleb vs Spaleb. He expressed how he felt about Malex but that wasn't all he touched on. Vlamis (Oh how I still love him) was all Malex, Malex, Malex for weeks and then the shift in his tone was so obvious. He spoke about M&M a lot more towards the end. The powers that be advised or urged him to do so because everyone knew how the season was ending. But I still love him and of course I love Tyler. The Vlamburn bromance is everything.
I just want to add that Tyler's tweet today really helped heal my heart a bit. He's such a sweetheart for reaching out to the fans and trying to assure us. Knowing we have a season 2, I choose to believe him.
Sorry for the long post. I still hate how it all went down last night, how Alex was left alone and pining while M&M got together. I hate how both Alex and Maria were nothing but props for Michael's storyline. The finale felt rushed and I could probably pick only three things that I liked from the whole episode. Kyle, Liz and Max hugging in the desert and Rosa. I didn't even like that Malex scene in the trailer or Michael telling Isobel he loves Alex because of where it all went.
But now that we have a season 2, we have to look forward. I want to see filming pics and behind-the-scenes when they start planning the season. Hoping that M&M won't be depicted as some grand romance next season because seriously, what the hell? I hope that Alex can continue to grow and his friendship with Kyle grows even stronger. In the end though, I want Malex. I wanted them last night and I want them in the first episode of next season. That's obviously not realistic anymore so all I can hope is that they don't make Alex a sad, lonely, heartbroken 3rd party while they explore M&M being together. Because if they do, this fandom will seriously riot! And no more giving sacred Malex moments to Maria either. Please stop doing that. And flesh Maria's character out more next season too. Away from Michael, preferably, but more than being the bad best friend who hooks up with her besties soulmate. Like, honestly, come on. Girl's got such great potential.
In the meantime, I will bury myself in writing fanfic to tame my anger at that crap ending until season 2 🙂
Vlamburn ❤
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie with what may be our penultimate RNM song since we're apparently getting a wedding (and you're right, a bolo tie??!!). I feel like we've done this one a few times but I can't think of anything more perfect for this episode than Two, a song about carrying the weight of the one you love. We saw Michael do this physically and emotionally for Alex most of the episode, and had it beautifully turned around at the end when Michael thought he failed, Alex gave him one last push 😭😭
Going into this final season with the Echo proposal I was leery of hoping for a Malex wedding, and then with Alex being gone most of the season I was even less hopeful. But we are really getting Malex husbands! The writing may have done the absolute bare minimum to earn this, but as we have see the past 2 episode, Vlamburn are going to deliver and I’m so excited about it! (Now lets hope they don’t take a page out of KR’s book and stick the wedding in a wordless montage intermingled with other things in the last 3 minutes of the episode. (I think Vlamis would riot though. This wedding is his and he was a groomzilla for sure! 🤣 though I’m wondering how much say he had and if he approved the bolo tie?)
This song is soooo perfect for this episode and I loved after all the bungled writing all season, that we really got to see Michael fighting for Alex and helping carry him and when he gave everything and was ready to give up, that strength and hope he gave Alex all episode was gifted back to him as the final spark of inspiration. I know we talked about this song at least once before for Malex before season 3 so it’s going to be interesting to look at it now and how far they’ve come!
sweet heart, you look a little tired. when did you last eat? come in and make yourself right at home- stay as long as you need. tell me, is something wrong? if something’s wrong you can count on me. you know i’ll take my heart clean apart, if it helps yours beat.
it’s okay if you can’t find the words, let me take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders.
I love this song so much and this is hitting right in the “Alex has been missing in a pocket dimension for a week or two and probably needs some care and attention” feels. And now that Michael knows Alex is sick he’s taking extra care to make sure Alex is fed and warm and has someone to lean on. Michael has always been the “you know i’ll take my heart clean apart, if it helps yours beat” type and that really came through with his “I’m scared to death I’m gonna lose you today” line but he isn’t giving up on Alex even if it kills the both of them. Just like Caulfield, it’s better to die together than to live alone after the other is gone (hellooooo finale handprint agenda!). We also have the “let me take this weight off your shoulders” of it all with Michael helping support Alex while they’re rushing around and telling Alex not to worry about anything or anyone else because they’ve got it handled and Michael’s priority is getting Alex home safely.
like a force to be reckoned with, a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss, i will love you with every single thing i have. like a tidal wave, i’ll make a mess. or calm waters if that serves you best. i will love you without any strings attached.
Uuuuugh this chorus always gets to me! We have seen a lot of their love over the years coming out in the “tidal wave” form, making a mess of everything, but right now? Ooooh we are in the “Michael is a fucking force to be reckoned with” stages and I am loving it! We really see his duality here, being soft and gentle and calm with Alex because that’s what’s needed of him, though when he’s ready to give up and Alex tells him to make it work, we get that force to be reckoned with coming out strong and I think it’s really going to culminate tomorrow because Michael did NOT save Alex only for them to all die at the hands of some Jones knock-off, and he will not lose Alex to some alien radiation poisoning. Which leads us to the next line... 
it’s okay if you can’t catch your breath, you can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest.
*chanting* Handprint healing! Handprint healing! Handprint healing! I want to see Alex fading and Michael holding him and pushing every bit of his own life force that he can spare into Alex’s chest. I need to see it, and I need to see them both being overwhelmed by the force of what the other feels for them. Because they’ve been known now that the other loves them, but feeling viscerally exactly how much?! It’s going to change everything and there will never again be any doubt. I know there was hope that a handprint would open their eyes in their angsty days about what they were feeling because they could not communicate for anything, but I kinda love the idea of it happening now, after they HAVE communicated, and they DO know that they both love each other and some of those older wounds have started to heal, and the handprint just makes everything that last little bit clearer. 
i know exactly how the rule goes: put my mask on first. no, i don’t want to talk about myself- tell me where it hurts. i just want to build you up, build you up ’til you’re good as new and maybe one day i will get around to fixing myself too.
Man, this song is coming for my throat right now! We’ve talked a lot about Michael but boy is this hitting in the Alex “I don’t want to talk about me dying, let’s focus on you and on getting a last happy moment together” Manes feels. Before, they were both focused on pushing their own needs aside but we have seen them do so much work on themselves as well as building each other up! Bur right now I’m getting the distinct sense that, yes Alex is asking for something for himself for once, but also that he’s doing this wedding for Michael so Michael will always know how much Alex loved him in the hopes Michael won’t fall apart and blame himself when Alex is gone. BRB gotta go cry into a pillow for an hour about Alex accepting his death but making sure Michael doesn’t blame himself for it.
i don’t even know where to start, already tired of trying to recall when it all fell apart. and i just want to love you, to love you, to love you well. i just want to learn how, somehow, to be loved myself.
This part breaks me every time. These two have spent over a decade trying to figure out how to love the other the way they need and hoping that if they give enough of themselves that they might get some of that love back in return. And now, they HAVE figured it out! They know how to love each other well, and have learned to be loved themselves, but now they are on the brink of losing it all, just as they’ve found it. I can’t....
like a force to be reckoned with, a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss, i will love you without any strings attached. and what a privilege it is to love, a great honor to hold you up.
like a force to be reckoned with a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss, i will love you with every single thing i have like a tidal wave, i’ll make a mess. or calm waters if that serves you best. i will love you without any strings attached, i will love you without a single string attached.
Love is a gift. Neither of them knew before that the other was giving the love without strings attached and they each invented the strings they thought the other was putting on their gift of love leading to so much heartbreak for so long, but now they are both finally in a place to accept the gift for what it is! I have talked a lot about Michael being a force to be reckoned with, but we cannot ignore Alex in this episode being that final driving force in the end. He is actively dying a slow and painful death but when he sees that Michael isn’t giving up? When they are so close to getting home? He pulls up every ounce of hope Michael gave him, and that formidable will he’s always had, and he demands that Michael doesn’t give up. This is a time when calm waters and a gentle kiss aren’t what serves them best and Alex reminds Michael that his mind, the alien’s powers, their love is a force to be reckoned with. I don’t talk a lot about Max either, but him anchoring himself in his love for Liz, despite all the fear he has and using that as a driving force not to destroy their enemy but to rebuild something that someone else could use to save them was *chef’s kiss* and the kind of energy we’ve been missing from Max/Echo for awhile.
This was absolutely the correct song choice for this episode and I’m now drowning in feels! Hopefully the finale gives us a moment to cry about painful Malex angst, and ends (as all SaL songs tend to do) with hope and the start of a new life together. (Who else is going to go absolutely broke with the Vlambase drop?) Also, how perfect is it that the animal for this Enneagram type is a dog? Malex adopting a three-legged rescue beagle when?  
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Let's be honest, as much as Carina wanted all the credit for Malex (remember that pre-s2 Instagram post where she claimed she loved them more than Tyler and Vlamis? good times), everything we love about them is all Vlamburn. There's no way anyone at the CW had any idea of how well this would work. They didn't even get a chemistry test. The writing and the pacing was frequently super clunky in their narrative (still is). Bless Tyler for pushing back on Carina's trauma porn queer rep and bless Vlamis for following his lead 1000% of the time and being game for anything. It's pretty much the sole reason I am still around.
They really have blessed us and after the show got called out all of season 2 for wasting that chemistry in a season where at least they got scenes together even if they were frequently heavy and fraught with tension and misery porn, that the show would got the route of not even having them interact or mention each other for almost the entire first half of the season! God, no WONDER Vlamis was wearing Malex merch to set every single day! He's been fighting the good fight with his super extraverted, puppy dog energy, but definitely following Tyler's lead as well and they just love working together so much and it really shows in the work that they are able to do when the writers allow them to interact. If they didn't have that insane chemistry, I don't think most people would have stuck around this long and certainly this show wouldn't have the fandom backing that it does. While the premise of the show and most of the characters are interesting, season 2 could have killed the show (almost did for a lot of fans, actually did for some), Malex and Vlamburn and their hype and hope for the show kept things alive. There is a reason every interview, even the ones not with or about them, involve at least a few questions about Malex. They and their characters deserve better and it was so validating to hear both Vlammy and Tyler talk about how frustrating it was to not get to work together and how rewarding it was getting to dig into that emotional stuff like in the 3x08 truck scene. Hopefully, moving forward we get more of that Malex goodness!
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Give me Malex or give me death. He's so extra, I love it. There's really zero doubt at this point where Vlamis' love is at. Ppl seem worried we're gonna be subjected to that MESS of a ship (never please) but given how clear Vlamburn's made their opinion on this I seem to think they'll be the 1st to veto it. B4 Vlam is vocal abt Malex but he was doing his job too and like never outrigh states he's choosing malex over everything. Now he's literally saying Malex and nothing else. That's quite a dif
THE MOST EXTRA, OMG! I love this ridiculous man! 😂
Yeah, it’s all about Malex and kissing Tyler for him 😏 AS IT SHOULD BE!
I think Tyler’s been over this whole back and forth for a while, and it seems Vlamis has finally joined him. They should have pool dates more often and talk about the good stuff (AND THEN SHARE PICTURES WITH US).
I really hope they can both be a “positive force” in that regard and push for good Malex content!
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gra-sonas · 5 years
ok but do you still think that malex will get past this and eventually start their own romanctic relationship?
In Germany we have (of course) a word for it
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It’s the German words for yes (ja) and no (nein) merged together, and in this case, it’s basically a (cautious but somewhat hopeful) MAYBE
Let me elaborate on that.
Do I believe Malex is dead? Nope (NEVER!!!),Tyler and Vlamis have so much chemistry, even when Alex and Michael are not in a relationship, sparks keep flying and every time they so much as look at each other, that look is telling an entire story about their cosmic love, and how much they wish they could be together. And with double the screentime for Malex this season, we’re in for a treat of tons of these moments, everything else will pale in comparison! 🙌
Do I hope Malex will eventually start a romantic relationship? Absolutely!
Will Malex eventually start a romantic relationship? Jein*
* There’s no doubt that Malex are it, that they are meant to be, that they are in love (Present Tense!), and that they are written (mirroring Echo in many ways) like they are endgame. The question isn’t necessarily about if it will happen, but when [I’ve talked about that when and my worries they’ll drag it out until the last episode at length in previous posts, no need to repeat all of that].
Meaning I doubt there’ll be much, if any actual Malex romance in S2, but I hope they’ll start a romantic relationship in S3 (which then will be put through the drama wringer bc playing trauma bingo is fun…)
Some things we know about S2 so far:
Malex won’t be in a relationship, instead they’re trying to figure out “whether they even like each other” (Tyler’s words), and how to be friends
Michael’s in a really bad place when S2 starts. He’s just lost his mother and brother, had his bodily autonomy taken away by said brother who healed his hand without his consent, and knows the - seemingly - last alien who might have had answers about where they are from and what brought them to earth died at the hands of Max. In addition, Alex told him in 1x09 that they are over, that Alex left when he showed him his ship (and told him he’s been trying to leave the planet) in 1x10, and he got in a life and death situation with Alex in 1x12, where he had to make a decision between dying with his mom, and leaving with Alex. That is A LOT, and we know he’s gonna spiral pretty badly during the first half of the season. He’s not in a position to be with anyone atm tbh
Heather confirmed at aTVfest, that “it’s always gonna be a rocky road for Michael and Maria”, and whereas she describes their energy as “chaotic and fiery” (just what Michael’s been looking for…🙃) , there’s a place where Michael’s found true peace in the past.
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For[r]est has been described as a new love interest for Alex, and from the cast wrap photo we know, that he’s still around in 2x13. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will still be an item by then tho (neither does it mean they’ve broken up, just wanted to point out that it can go either way).
As much as I would’ve preferred that M/M imploded right away, I don’t think it’s gonna be the happy easy thing Michael’s been hoping for, and after everything that’s been said yesterday and how 2x01 sets things up,  I also have my doubts it’s gonna last. So while I’m still supremely MEH about it happening at all, I’m glad it happens now (still ‘early days’), and I also think there’s not enough potential for them to go on for several seasons (I could of course be horribly wrong about that, looking at how S1 went, if the writers are hellbent on making it happen, they will)
That brings me back to the JEIN of it all.
I think Malex will start this season in a very bad place, both individually, and as a potential couple. They will probably hurt each other and things will be painful for a while. 🥺
As a mono shipper (i.e. someone hating the mere idea of either of them being with someone else), it’s gonna be hard for me to watch them pursue relationships with other people, but according to aTVfest they are going to have twice as many scenes together as in S1, and thanks to that, I expect them to get closer throughout the season.
I hope they’ll be able to work through some of their issues while they are not a romantic item (the ‘emotional distance’ should be in their favor and help them to overcome some of the pain), and in doing so, building a foundation for a future relationship as a couple.
Bc lets be real, they don’t have that atm. They have that cosmic pull (”The pieces want to be together”), they still love each other fiercely, but being together probably wouldn’t work so well at the moment. Again, I hate that they’re going to be with others, but I hope not being with each other will be in their favor in the long run.
So this is how things are going to be for most of S2 (which we’ve pretty much known about since NYCC), and I don’t expect them to get together this season. I do hope that they’ll be in a better place with each other by the time of the S2 finale tho, and that the potential for them to get together in S3 is there. Given Carina’s knack for drama, it’s really hard to tell how things will continue in S3 and beyond tho, and whether there’s hope they’ll start a relationship next season. We’ll probably have a better idea of that in June.
TL;DR: I’m looking forward to aaaaall the Malex scenes this seasons, their undeniable chemistry, their cosmic bond, their developing friendship, everything else paling in comparison to what they have, Tyler and Vlamis continuing to champion Malex, every Vlamburn moment we’ll get along the way, and every single moment of Alex Manes (AND BUFFY) on my screen. ✨💚👽
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gra-sonas · 3 years
I'm with you about the fact that your dash is empty and sad lol It really is the same for me. After I finished watching the new seasons of 911 and lone star I blacklisted everything because I need a break from everything related to that, not just because of the shows itself but also the fandom that with these seasons it was A LOT. And now after season 2 of Love, Victor, I blacklisted everything related to that as well because I hate what they did and the fandom is also fighting and I just can't. So my dash is just some posts about malex and Loki. I really hope that season 3 of rnm will not bring that much fight and tension in the fandom, though considering that, specially since s2, there has been a lot of different strong opinions (to put it nicely), I don't have highs hope. Maybe I'm cursed...maybe I should stop watching shows hahahaha (cries)
Aw, nonnie, I'm so sorry that Love, Victor S2 upset you. 😟
(Putting the rest behind a cut bc of potential LV spoilers)
I don't watch the show (mainly bc I expected them to ruin it eventually, and I'm just so fucking TIRED of queer breakups and ongoing will-they-won't-they for the sake of ~drama 😑), but I've read how S2 ended, and man, just reading it made me feel bad. Why is every damn showrunner hellbent on bullshit cliffhangers and this whole "will they ever get back together" shtick?
Why is it seemingly impossible to let queer people just be, and be happy???
Anyway, I have pretty much everything on my dash blacklisted, I just don't have the mental capacity for any other shows atm, instead, I'm just waiting for S3 to kick off, I'm ready to reblog the hell out of things, and I hope my writing mood will return from war, I miss writing these two. 🥺
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As for the fighting: it's probably inevitable that discourse (or fighting) will happen, but since at least half the fandom has blocked me (and vice versa), I hope I won't notice most/any of it. :P
I have zero interest in fighting, neither in telling anyone what to think or how to interpret things, also not in anyone telling me what to think or how to interpret things 🙃
I'm here to ENJOY the new season! I'm here for the shipping and the flailing, for the Malex goodness, the Vlamburn shenanigans, and every little bit of happiness I can quench out of S3. If that's not someone else's cup of tea, fine, but it's what I'm here for, and it's what I'll post and reblog (and hopefully, WRITE!).
So, my plan is basically to LALALA I CAN'T HEAR WHAT PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING ABOUT my way through season 3. I'll stick to my tiny bubble of like-minded friends, I'll post what inspires me, and reblog what makes me happy. And I'll fiercely defend my right to do fandom that way.
I'm honestly too old for most of the BS going down in fandoms these days. I've (barely) made it through 1.5 years of a global pandemic, my mental health is still in shambles from all this mess, and I'm in dire need of some Malex goodness. And Is2g, I'll get it. *shakes cane*
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Sending much love your way, nonnie! I hope RNM S3 will be good, and the season will give us plenty of things to flail about! ❤️
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