#vncrd's ask
vincord · 1 month
for me it's mainly your art style, colouring and how you portray emotions that draws me to your stuff. it's so cool! you're able to easily communicate a character's emotions without dialogue so well whether it be through their facial expressions or the colours surrounding them and it's neat.
gives your drawings alot of personality, which is especially cool for your ocs since I don't know much about them but I can gauge certain things just off of the stuff i mentioned
sorry.. not an artist so I don't know the technical words for what I'm trying to describe
Thank you very much to you and other people who wrote large and small texts under that post. I read absolutely everything that was written to me several times, and, to be honest, I did not expect the words and comparisons that people gave. It sounds like I'm really cool, haha.
Since the beginning of August, I haven't been able to draw anything at all and, to be honest, I still can't draw anything. I thought that the words of others about my drawings would help me collect my thoughts and calm down, but in the end I began to panic even more and was afraid of not meeting those expectations and the image that people had put around me and my drawings. It's like everything that people wrote, they wrote about someone else, not about me. Impostor syndrome or something.
Now, reading these same words, it is much easier for me and there is no unpleasant gnawing feeling inside. Perhaps it was just burnout after drawing for artfight. Perhaps August with its sudden cold snap and rains (I love rains but sometimes they are too much). Maybe i just needed to lie down and take a break from the Internet, doing nothing and just looking at the ceiling.
I would just like to thank you once again and all those who have written and are writing me good things about my drawings. I hope one day I can love myself as much as others love me.
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vincord · 3 months
3, 19, 22 for the artist asks!!!
Ask game yippeeee yippeee hii Rose hiiii ___ 3. your favorite piece(s)?
In fact, it is quite difficult to single out my favorite works, because in incredibly rare cases I am satisfied with what I have drawn. It very rarely happens that after a month, two, three, a whole year I look at any of my works and confidently say, "Yes, I like it." I can probably highlight these artworks.
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I really like this chaos of a couple of colors on a white background. There's something to it, you know.
I've been working with perspective quite rarely lately, unlike in 2020, and that's why I really like the way the first art turned out. I tried to make references from free 3d models, changed the sizes of Kazui and Amane several times in sketches, but in general this art was drawn as easily and without any hitches as it happens.. And it also turned out to be dynamic in my opinion. Considering that most of my art is static, wooden and without movement..
The second art is a redraw of one Ashbury Heights album, so I don't really have much to say about this art. I just like it. A tired Kazui. Hinako smiling from the mirror. That is all.
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This art, too, probably. It's hard for me to work with camera angles, so I've redrawn Kazui several times. I also tried to add cold shades to the shadows, and not do everything only through warm tones. That's probably why I like it.
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+ this. It was very difficult for me to draw this art. The atmosphere, working with lighting, three levels of depth at once, perspective, colors that I rarely work with. It was an experiment that, surprisingly, turned out well to my expectations.
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And a few small things. Matt and Tord from Eddsworld and Kafur's oc. I have nothing to say. I just like these arts. ____
19. where do you find inspiration?
Vents. My inner resentments, worries and emotions. Most of my art is drawn under their influence (I thought it was especially noticeable in the case of Kazui and/or Kotoko)
I can't say that I'm crazy about something that inspires me and pushes me to be creative. I mean, if I say that I like the 60s-70s, the Beatles, psychological horror and some music that usually gets into the "gothic playlist", it won't tell you anything, because it doesn't even show through in my work. I don't have anything clear and definite. It's too messy, too vague.
I would like to know what inspires me, considering that there is an eternal emptiness in my head. ___
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with?
Yes!! Definitely yes!! I ADORE muted yellows. If you make a collage of my art, you will see that most of them consist mainly of muted yellow shades and close to them. Muted cyan, muted red, muted blue for effects and details. But the main one is always yellow.
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Occasionally you can see that I take red and black as the main colors, and even less often light-blue. Red scares me, but light-blue is just hard for me to work with.
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vincord · 3 months
hi ermmm re ur most recent post. neither of us are following each other and i'm just some fellow on the internet but i love ur posts in the milgram tag so so much they brighten my day all the time when i see you posted something. even if you never posted milgram again ur 0507 wonderful cat life art would live in my heart forever
I am very glad to hear that you like my work so much and brighten up your day 😭 I'm not very good at choosing words, so probably all my thank-you posts look so similar, but absolutely every time I read something like this, a smile appears on my face.
And I am very sorry for the vent posting that appears from time to time on my blog and can scare both followers/mutuals and just those who look here for the sake of interest.
And rest assured that I won't stop drawing milgram fanarts any time soon.
Thank you again. Thank you.
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vincord · 3 months
nooo dont stop making textposts!! yeag your art is cool but seeing your thought process and your opinions is just as cool. dont listen to anyone telling you that all you're good for is creating content those are the capitalism demons
Whatever you say, anon 🫡 got it!!
Next time you're going to have to read a huge sheet of text about… about.. I haven't thought of it yet, but it's going to be a ton of text. And to watch once again the photos where my Kazui plush is once again in another incomprehensible place (he's walking) /lh
Together we will defeat these capitalism demons. Yeah.
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vincord · 5 months
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OMMGGGG I'm really sorry that I didn't see it yesterday 😭😭😭 THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE ART!!
Glad to work for the sake of the kotoko kazui brosistp father figure community 🫡 I will definitely do more when I'm free from college.
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vincord · 5 months
haven't been as active here lately so I'm late but.. happy birthday!! ^°^
YIPPEE thank you!! 🥺 And I hope you're alright. Huuugs
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vincord · 5 months
I wish all people to react to my art like this.... sigh /lh
I am incredibly glad that you liked my art so much and it caused such emotions. I drew it with the same emotions and I'm looking at it with the same reaction now....
If I have the time and energy, I will definitely draw something else with them, really!!!
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vincord · 2 months
Checking in… how are you?
HI HI HIIIIII !!!! Im fineee and a little sleepy, crossed my fingers so that it wouldn't get bad from scratch, because I know that this can happen... ough
Hope you're okay too. Or if not, then I hope that everything will get better and come back to normal soon. Really like reading your posts and just seeing you on my dashboard hii hiiii
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vincord · 2 months
i saw your twitter thread about customising your milgram plushies and would love to do the same to mine, was it fabric paint you used to give them the additional detailing??
I used acrylic art paint, slightly diluted with water (quite a bit. a couple of drops from the brush). One layer of paint was enough for the black contour, and I painted the whites of the eyes several times in small layers so that they were more noticeable and brighter. I have never had fabric paints, so I don't know anything about their features and the rules for working with them 💔
Ooooh and good luck with customization!! Give these plushies the soul they need so much.
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vincord · 2 months
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this fella. who does this guy think he isssss….🤨
Not bragging, but there is Kafur in my ask box ☝️
This guy... i wonder.. i wonder what he's up to (I don't trust him at all. he must be in blender brrr brrrrr)
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vincord · 3 months
5 12 and 35 for the artist ask game!
yaaaay more questions!! and sorry for the late response. ___
5. how would you describe your art style?
Already answered it here ^^ ___
12. describe your process while drawing
Usually it's constant nerves and a few hours spent just in front of an empty open file, because most often, even if I have an idea/ image in my head, it seems to me in advance that I won't succeed and I'll ruin everything, and then why even start.
I also often get distracted by social media or watching some random videos, I can just mindlessly switch between tabs on my laptop or walk around the room back and forth. I get distracted by games, I get distracted by toys, I get distracted by any random object that catches my eye. Therefore, it may take 4-5 hours, and at the same time I drew only a couple of sketch lines.
From time to time I record a speedpaint so that at least something keeps my attention on the drawing (like, "oh no, people are looking at me. I can't get distracted and I have to show that I'm really drawing.")
Sometimes it's tears, sometimes it's anger, sometimes it's the eternal transfer of art to the trashcan and back from the trashcan and back to the trashcan and back from and.
If we talk about the drawing process itself, then I usually do a primary sketch first to outline the main idea. Then I make another sketch the next layer, but more elaborate to indicate the details and so on. Then there are the lineart. After that, I make the main color for each detail in a separate layer and shading over everything on the same separate layers, after which I combine everything into one layer. After that, I add the effects. It happens that I add details, such as hairs, on top of the finished art.
For example:
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Clear lineart is rarely saved anywhere, because, as I wrote earlier, at the end of the work I combine all the layers into one.
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Sometimes I also draw an approximate arrangement of shadows. But this rarely happens.
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If we talk about the art that I draw in another art program, then I draw everything there without sketches and on one layer. Just the way the hand goes. No difficulties with layers, details and a bunch of everything. Like
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35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?
Never start drawing.
I remember as a child looking with big eyes at all these popular artists, whose audience was tens of thousands of people, and dreaming of becoming like them. I guess I just didn't get into the most successful era of the Internet, where my drawings were ridiculed by various people for a long time, including my loved ones, and my parents saw it as either a useless activity and "draw me a picture for free, otherwise I'll take all your gadgets and beat you," or they considered me as a bag of money that will make them rich.
As a result, drawing, I think, brought me more pain and unpleasant things than good emotions. Plus, all my life I've been doing is studying at art schools and colleges, where there's just an incredible race in terms of the number of works and their quality. And this further fuels my dislike of what I do.
I mean, I'm really glad that my art evokes emotions in people and in recent years, pleasant comments have finally begun to outweigh the negative ones. I've written about it enough times already and it's still true. But I guess I would just like to have as little of this negativity as possible.
I have a difficult relationship with drawing. So I don't even know what else I could say to my little version. Don't look at popular and cool artists as gods?? Yes, this, in general, can be recommended to absolutely everyone.
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vincord · 3 months
3 5 and 7 for the ask game :33
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no way kafur in my ask box hiii bestie I'm taking this rabbit with me. ___
3. your favorite piece(s)?
Already answered it here :3 ___
5. how would you describe your art style?
This… It's a pretty complicated question. Considering that more often I say extremely bad things about my art (as well as about myself), but I almost never say good things (as well as about myself).
I remember that people described my style with the words "melancholic", "old cartoons" and "warm". They're probably right about something. I also heard "chaotic, but neat. Everything is as it should be."
I myself would describe it with the word "tired". You know, when you turn down the brightness on your laptop or phone, because your eyes get tired and they need rest. There has been a message in my question box for about two years now, where a person writes that they forgot that I was drawing in muted tones, and therefore, at low screen brightness, they just looked at the black screen and thought that they had broken it. Still one of my favorite messages, you know. I keep it there carefully. I often turn down the brightness on my laptop screen myself, because I draw mostly at night. And bright colors quickly make my eyes hurt, so this is one of the reasons why I use muted colors (one of the reasons, but not the main one. Just a fun fact)
Also, the word "tired", I think, describes my style well, because it does not stand out with a variety of angles, poses, plots and other things, unlike what I had a few years ago. When you no longer have the strength to do something new or work on art for a longer time and you get what you get. Tired. You and your art. Even those artworks that are full of colors, details and ornaments for me feel somehow peaceful and tired.
To be honest, I can't find the words to describe it anymore ^^"
Tired, lonely, quiet. Like a bedtime story; like sit on the porch of a house with a kerosene lamp next to it; like look at old yellowed photos and realize that this is something you will never return to; like as an adult, to turn on an old show that you liked to watch in childhood. A random set of words? Maybe. I've never been able to describe things directly.
I don't know what else to say. Really. I'm one big nostalgia and longing for the past. Judging by other people's descriptions, my style screams about it. ___
7. easiest thing for you to draw?
Nothing. Everything is given to me with great difficulty and each sketch is a struggle with my own doubts and "I think I forgot how to draw this and how to color/shade this".
When the thirst for perfectionism consumes you from the inside, even simple things will seem hard.
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vincord · 4 months
I didn't figure out how to respond to this normally, but in the morning, when I woke up and saw it, I smiled very much. aro... and kazui...... aro kazui.......... woah
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vincord · 6 months
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Until that moment, I hadn't even noticed that they both kick PLEASE 😭😭
Me and u irl.
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vincord · 6 months
I don’t hate you and no one else does either.. brains r evil tricksters sometimes.!! A majority of people feel the same way like everyone hates them but u don’t hate everyone do you? Ur wonderful :)
Yeah, I think you're right. The brain throws out shitty things sometimes. I wish it would stop one day...
On the one hand, I understand perfectly well that most people don't hate me, some even like me. But sometimes something happens, and it's like I completely forget about it, that even reminding myself to the contrary doesn't work. It's such a strange thing and it's actually very sad that it's such a common thing.
Your words helped me calm down. Thank you very much.
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vincord · 6 months
hugs you and smiles so sweetly!! i hope ur ok sunshine
4-5 hours have passed since this message and I feel much better at the moment. The house is finally quiet, so I can exhale. Thank you very much for the words!! 🥺 Hug you back!
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