#voca-highschool rp
vampirewings · 5 years
hey i made a voca rp server for my human highschool/college au. if ur a mutual n u wanna join dm me?
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Physics for Idiots
"Let's just get the first half done maybe we can spend another day on the second half." That would never work; one night together, three hours at most, it surely would never work. Physics was more than a night's worth of homework: it was a lifestyle, more importantly a project worth three-quarters of their grade. This was more important than just about everything they had done this year, all the tests combined, even a final at the end of the year. It was the most important grade of all. Of course, who was he paired with but... but- That was seriously rude to think of. Just because this kid was in a different class, not really the brightest going by the teacher's words (well, in comparison to him, of course he wasn't being the slightest bit modest), didn't mean that he wouldn't be a good partner. One look proved otherwise. Akaito sighed, setting his textbook down on the library table. It was utterly empty in this section - the section furthest from computers, ironically near the history aisles - aside from a few desperate souls searching for help in politics. This was where he always sat, so no one he knew would see him and bother him in the midst of his work. None of his friends happened to be history nerds anyways. Junior year marked them advanced in the science area (at least in this specific high school, where biology came in ninth grade, chemistry the following year), as shocking as that was for one of them. Also another rude thought; Akaito scowled to himself before looking up, replacing it with a quick smile as he sat down. "You're in physics? I wouldn't expect you to be." Akaito could have slapped himself across the face right then and there: in fact he was almost about to. His hand twitched as he grabbed his pencil, awkwardly twiddling it between his middle and ring fingers. His friends constantly told him that he had no filter on his mouth nor mind, and of course this second impression proved it. Only now he was going to be working with this kid for the next couple days. "I'm-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Akaito shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's worry about this," he gestured to the books now set on the table, "-not this." and then to himself and the other. It was not normal of him to be doing such a thing, to be acting so weird. Perhaps it was working with someone on a project, something he wasn't used to? Whatever. It wasn't like they were going to be anything together, friends or even classmates.
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