#voltage email saga
aqvarius · 4 years
Final part: So she threatened to tell everyone at school that I was a loser that played otome games. Not really putting the pieces together that I could just do the same to her, because I was too afraid of being outted with my super secret interest I just meekly nodded. Never spoke to her again but a year later she had spread a rumor that I slept with her fake imaginary boyfriend from the wold of voltage, which was why the two broke up. To bad for her that no one believed her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
i honestly...... don’t even know where to begin except to THANK YOU FOR BLESSING MY INBOX WITH THIS STORY. what a RIDE. honestly i read this last night before going to sleep and then i read it again this morning and it honestly was as good as the first time. 
okay first off like.... i love that you just Knew(tm) even though she blocked out the sender (i’m CACKLING ABOUT THIS). like it’s such a high school thing to do to fake a bf. when i was around the same age i’m assuming (my schooling system is different from american grades but i was around 15ish) i used to like deliberately email my guy friends from other schools in front of my school friends to make it seem like i was really close with guys lol. but also crazy how stuff like this can actually change perception? i remember when i started dating this guy from another elite school in my city, i suddenly started getting a lot more attention haha - never had popularity/cliques in my school (or my year, anyway) but people started talking about me a lot more and it was kinda weird lmao. 
the next thing i wanna know is HOW DID SHE TELL PEOPLE THAT THEY MET? esp since the earliest voltage games are like pirates in love, my forged wedding, sleepless, bodyguard, be my princess, thief x, in your arms tonight, which are all very different from like slice of life “my childhood friend and i confessed to each other finally” lmaoooooooo and some of their emails are VERY situational.
so i guess she must have shared some of the generic like “i’m so happy to have met you”, “the date with you on saturday was really fun”, “your cooking is the best!” ones but i went and dug up some of my old voltage emails and imagine if she shared these:
“sorry i called you a hippo earlier. let’s ask everyone at the bar to see if you look more like a hippo or a capybara” - yamato
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“come hang out with this old man” - nobel michel
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“i cn do interwnet spk 2!” - mizuki
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“work harder to satisfy me more. that’s all” - ryoichi
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“i really appreciate that you’ve already started trying to defy me so soon... that was SARCASM!!! if you form a contract with a demon, you DON’T GET ANY SAY IN WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU. also if you so much as clean a speck of dust from my room, i will personally make sure you’re toast right then and there. good night!” - satoru
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“your finger will fall off” - shiki
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“you smell bad” - shiki
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“bring me food but don’t come in my room” - shiki
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“you’re so loud it’s annoying” - shiki
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“you’re ugly when you cry” - shiki
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“being in the hospital is like a holiday” - kurosawa
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“1. do your maths. 2. don’t take a single break until i’m healthy again. 3. practice your writing skills on your family” - eduardo
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“are you happy that you’ve become a servant as you so desired?” - kaga
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“moron. organise my work” - kaga
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“don’t forget who your master is, dog” - kaga
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anyway you know when i got to the bit where you went to talk to her i really thought like.... maybe this is how a friendship blossoms but the fact that she really was gonna use that as ammo against you when you coudl have EXPOSED THE FULL EMAIL LMAOOOO THIS GIRL. unreal. AND THEN THE FACT THAT SHE TRIED TO PIN THE ‘BREAKUP’ ON YOU ALSKJFL SLEEPING WITH HER VOLTAGE BOYFRIEND WHICH LIKE.... WHO WAS IT??? CAPTAIN MORGAN? MEDIEVAL KNIGHT SHION? DEMON ARISTOCRAT SHIKI? also it just makes it funnier that no one believed her hahaha what gave it away? the overly specific references to dramatic events that happened? like katsuragi’s one email which starts out like “your friend was kidnapped!” lmaooooo. i hope she came to peace with loving otoge and doesn’t treat it like a threat anymore lol.  
so anyway i have to say i am really honoured that you’ve been sitting on this story for so long and you came to my inbox to share it lksjdlfksj this really made my day. this is the funniest story i’ve heard in my life and i’m sorry that this happened to you but thank u for putting up with being accused of sleeping with someone’s fake voltage bf so that we could enjoy this story today 😌✌
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aqvarius · 4 years
Haru anon, same story, same cringe: So I just stare, not even listening anymore because I’m just so flabbergasted and awash with pity. I just kinda wandered back to my seat before class started. I debated on whether to say something because I didn’t want to embarrass her but I was also curious on what friendship would blossom between the only other girl that I knew IRL that played voltage inc games. When I did gently confront her, she threatened me. (Part 5? I think? Or 4)
part 1/5
part 2/5
part 3/5
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aqvarius · 4 years
Haru anon once more: I’m highly susceptible to second hand embarrassment and I got it hard. Like this poor girl acted like this person was real(Can’t remember who but it was someone from the more earlier games since this was in like 2011 or 2012. To the point where I worried on whether she actually thought he was real or if she was just lying to seem cool. She was talking about how the two met and everyone was just eating it up. Part 3
part 1/5
part 2/5
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aqvarius · 4 years
Haru anon cringe story: I wasn’t friends with the girl but my friend was, so we both made our way over to her, both slightly curious. So then she shows us some of the screen shots she took and I knew right away what it was when I saw it. She had cropped it in a way that you saw nothing but the message, so no one would get a peek at the sender. I just stared as she went on and on about her boyfriend. Part 2
part 1/5
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aqvarius · 4 years
Haru has bad fashion sense 2020 anon here. This has nothing to do with Haru, but instead with another character. You know how Voltage would send out emails from each LI so you’d experienced something more immersive (I myself wasn’t a fan of it but I know a lot of people are). Well anyways, there was this one time when I was a freshman in high school and there was this girl talking to people about how here boyfriend would send her all these messages. (Part 1 of cringe)
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