the-starry-seas · 10 months
thinking about two more Transformers OCs somehow
Voltcast: a Dinobot and former Decepticon partially modeled after a Utahraptor. He's five feet tall at the shoulders and twenty feet long including tail, with 9.5" claws on every toe. He has two-foot-long feathers at the end of his tail and along his forearms from wrist to shoulder. Each of these feathers is independently attached, and can be electrified and used as projectile weapons. His tail is flexible with a full range of motion, which allows him to flick it forward over his body to throw feathers in front of him. His wrists have a full 360-degree range of motion, and each claw-tipped finger has three joints like a human finger, so he can catch and hold nearly anything. He is fully capable of speaking, and very well-spoken, but generally prefers to communicate through hissing, biting, and a sharp barking sound.
He was the sole survivor of an Autobot-Decepticon fight. He was alone for two hundred years after that, and with so much alone time to think, he decided that all that faction and fighting shit is stupid. He's avoided interacting with any bots he's seen since then, and has been having a great time doing his own thing and not bothering to take sides any more. If they want to kill themselves off, they can do that just fine without his involvement. He's having a great time on his own in the woods, occasionally scaring the shit out of random hikers. Somehow he's made friends with a few outdoorsmen? It's a mystery to all involved, bu they haven't ratted him out, so that's nice. It would be a huge pain in the ass if he had to go find them and kill them.
Button: with a mint green mechanical keyboard as its alt form, and a small size comparable to a housecat, underestimating it would be easy... except it's hopeless in combat. It has no real skill or knowledge of tactics, and one small gun that can't damage more than a sparrow. It's aligned with the Autobots wholeheartedly, but it's not going to be fighting for them any time soon, when any other bot in existence could kill it by just stepping on it. It's always liked experiencing the human world more than it wants to fight anything, unless it's threatened somehow.
Despite its lax loyalty to the Autobots, it's a wonderful friend to its human! It's offered to give her computer a boost several times, since she's a gamer, but she always turns it down since she wants to be able to say she accomplished everything on her own. When she's streaming, it hangs out in the rest of her apartment so it stays away from her camera. It has a cat tree and treadmill that helps keep it entertained, plus free use of her phone and all the games on it. It loves helping her put away groceries every week and seeing all the different things she gets, and regularly does maintenance on her computer. It's very happy with the life it has and wouldn't change a single thing about it.
Its existence is considered a mistake by both the Decepticons and the Autobots, but neither side pays any attention to it, so it doesn't really mind. Originally it was just a regular keyboard, but in a battle of the bots, a bot's shard was injured. The energon from this shard came into contact with the keyboard, and a new bot was created in an instant. Terrified by the battle of giants raging all around it, it ran off immediately to hide. It was found in a cardboard box in an alley two days later by the human it's lived with since. She's made sure to keep it a complete secret, worried some random government agency might take it away if it's ever discovered.
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raintailed · 11 months
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i forgot to post my last few attacks AAAUGH!!
blorbo list:
Final Instar's Molt, a design attack for TypicalUkraine
A coastal slugcat design attack for macq
@circlemanwastaken's Voltcaster
Left to right: @auroranekai's Blazetrader, Sadness_Factory's Flashling, and my Skeeber
alternate versions under the cut
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darnassiantransient · 6 years
Xo’den Stormsorrow Voltcaster  - The Wayfarer
“ You don’t always see the world as you once did when finding yourself consumed by sorrow, but there are places out in the wilds of forest and sea that make your self plight seem a tiny thing. ”
the basics –––
NAME: Xodense Stormsorrow
AGE: 10,000~
BIRTHDAY: October 1st
RACE: Kal’dorei (Night Elf)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
physical appearance –––
Towering and lean like most Night Elves, Xo is certainly hardier of body than most to represent his even more extreme lifestyle in the wilds. His muscles are tough and corded throughout his physique and his reflexes keen, though to pay close attention to his dark violet skin would be to mark innumerable scars from ages of maintaining such a dangerous lifestyle, he even lost the tip of one ear in a close encounter with trolls, leading his left to be more harshly knife-like, if shorter. Still his hands are just a nimble to illustrate his maps and document his journal, as they would be strong while wrangling a vicious beast, scaling a terrible peak, or tightly gripping arrow after arrow in prolonged battle.
Xo tends to keep a short beard or a dash of snow-white stubble in his travels, and can occasionally be found clean shaven for special causes. His hair tends to be the same, cropped close or cut into a warriors row, he learned long ago how dangerous the long hair his people tend to prefer is in the wild. His eyes glow a darker yellow than most of his bloodline, even his brother, though the reasoning for this is unknown.
Most of the time you can find him in an outfit of serviceable, utilitarian clothes suitable for his life on the road, but always with a pair of hardy boots. This clothing has in time begun to be more and more accompanied with armor plating and special devices of his own construction to keep himself safe. Certain occasions bring him back to style as a true Kalidorei Warrior, regaled in beautifully sculpted plate and mail armor. You'll also usually find an considerable amount of pouches and his ever present rucksack holding all manner of doodads, lucky-dos, whatsits, devices, and artifacts. You’ll find a hunting knife or two, occasionally a spear or sword. He is also known for his signature “Stormbow”, a tremendously powerful cross between a bow’s form and functions, the sophistication of design you’d find in a firearm, and the destructive force of a titan artifact.
personal –––
PROFESSION: After the Sundering a call was put out for a handful of adventurous souls to map out the new geography of the land. For centuries he carried out this lonely duty, his only company most of the time were the beasts of the wilds and his owl and raven companions. In  time though as he interacted more with the intelligent races he encountered, he eventually found value in trading artifacts and information. Eventually he was gifted in return lessons from a old engineer sometime before the 1st War. He now finds time to craft various gadgets along in his travels.
HOBBIES: Delving Into forgotten ruins, fishing, drinking, and working on his newest project (Which is often delayed and forgotten)
LANGUAGES: Common, Darnassian, some Draenei
RESIDENCE: No permanent lodging  
BIRTHPLACE: Ashenvale, Kalimdor
FEARS: If any one thing makes Xo ill at ease, it is the presence of Fel corruption. Though as of recent years he has had to come to deal with the dread that is mortality. After such a long life, the many paths and worlds he has walked, as he wishes for is more time, time with which to travel even farther.
relationships –––
PARENTS: Unknown
SIBLINGS: Twin Brother; Cethan Stormsorrow
OTHER RELATIVES: Uncle (Mothers Side); Gal-Aldan Wraithmantle
PETS: Baldur (Black Lion), Artemis ( Starclutch Owl), Vethrfolnir (Wolfhawk Companion & Mount), Moonblade (Rescued Spirit Wolf), PRIME (Mechanical Spider), Matthew (Raven)
additional information –––
▪ Financial : Middle As a transient, Xo’s wealth is a factor of circumstance and barter based on what he can make off his findings and inventions. Though due to his long life and profession, the Bank of Dalaran has a considerable savings under his name.
▪ Medical : Peak Fitness His habit of being constantly on the move and allowing no structure - natural or artificial - to bar a path to him has kept Xo in peak physical conditions for thousands of years. 
▪ Class or Caste : Working Xo’s family had been one of respect and consideration in his childhood home, that was until he and his brother did near all they could to ruin said reputation seemingly.
▪ Education : Other Both Xo’den and his twin brother Cethan were accepted into the Nar’thalas Academy, this led to many laurels for the family. That was until they both were kicked out for various reasons. Something in the note their parents received suggested “Unorthodox techniques”,  “Disastrous Experiments”, and “Irredeemable Conflicts with Tenure Instructors”. Xo however did not return with said report and instead enlisted as a scout in Lord Ravencrest’s Rooksguard.
▪ Criminal Record : Numerous Bounties issued by the Horde. 
▪ extroverted / introverted / in between
▪ disorganised / organized / in between
▪ close minded / open-minded  / in between  
▪ calm / anxious / in between
▪ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
▪ cautious / reckless / in between
▪ patient / impatient / in between
▪ outspoken / reserved / in between
▪ leader / follower / in between
▪ empathetic / nonempathic / in between
▪ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
▪ traditional / modern / in between
▪ hard-working / lazy / in between
▪ cultured / uncultured  / in between
▪ loyal / disloyal / unknown
▪ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
▪ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
▪ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
▪ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
▪ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
▪ Belief in Aliens : yes  / no / don’t know / don’t care
▪ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
▪ Philosophical : yes / no / occasionally
▪ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
▪ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and clueless
▪ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
▪ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
▪ Magical Skills :  excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
▪ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
▪ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
▪ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
▪ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
▪ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
▪ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
▪ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
▪ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
▪ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
▪ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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the-starry-seas · 1 month
So I guess it's as good a time as any to have a pinned post?
Hi, I'm Sticks! I use vae/vaer/vaers/vaerself and it/its pronouns. This is a multifandom blog with a dash of many other random things. I'm a proshipper, cloneshipper, multishipper, and polyshipper.
I'll tag things to the best of my ability if you ask. Sometimes I'll forget. I love being tagged in ask games, WIP games, last line challenges, literally whatever. Mutuals can DM for my discord.
You can check out my fics on AO3 at lizardwrites (Star Wars) or purpleturtle9000 (Rise/Bayverse TMNT). Or check the tag for sticks' fics to see drabbles and previews. My askbox is open for requests for more drabbles, headcanons, and general rambling.
Consider this a blanket permission for any and all transformative works of my writing. You may post translated versions of my fics on other sites but you may not repost the original work. And please show me what you've made!
I have a lot of OCs and I love talking about them. I also want to hear all about yours! In the meantime, there's a list of mine below the cut.
Star Wars:
Aces Squad (CT Racer, CT Fury, CS Blue, CT Whisper, CT Ember)
Clone Force M (CT Winter, CT Bee, CT Indigo, CT Jewel, CS Nebula, CT Zenith, CT Sunny, CT Star, CT Sky, CT Silver)
Ghost Squad (CL Harlow, CS Karla, CT Shay, CT Cavalry, CT Boom, CT Ray, CT Nox, CT Tally)
Grafitti & Rence of the Corrie Guard
Kit also of the Corrie Guard and Fox's shiny/adopted son
Kit's batchmates in the Shiny Squad: Lucky, Shrike, and Carno
Royal Squad, five tubies adopted by the royal family in a nobody-dies Bail/Breha/Fox AU (Bug, Jaonyc, Yancy, Helio, Vidal)
Prim Fett (clone, Mandalorian, and adopted daughter of Boba)
Kryndi (florist and Kit's girlfriend in the royal OT3 AU)
Cathedi (Jedi)
Xerin (Jedi)
Torrak Varkus and Torrak Vermil
Vinir (Mandalorian)
Valkyries (all-women pirate crew-slash-polycule)
U'Rajya (Tusken)
Neutrobolt & Nitroblitz
QuinFox (Quinlan Vos/Commander Fox)
Strawberries (Paz Vizsla/Fury/U'Rajya)
Techo (Tech/Echo)
And a bunch more!
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