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do you think elysium mazovian yaoi sculptor would be proud of me
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revacholianpizzaagenda · 10 months
And to top things off with the real PJÕL question nobody asked for... fellas is it bisexual to make the entroponetic discovery of all time (like say locate the heart of the pale) and name it after another man, presumably your contemporary and fellow countryman, with such intent and fervor that it'll resist the erasure of all historical memories of the guy?
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disappear, it needs no more
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guy named transmasc erasure:
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entroponaut flow
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Other outstanding communard questions: was the great Samaran entroponaut Voronikin already around when the guys were still alive? Did he fanboy Rodionov in person? Was Rodionov's trench named like that posthumously or did Voronikin come back one day super irradiated like "GUESS WHAT I'VE FOUND andInameditafteryou" and the discovery helped shape Ion's theories?
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Hot entropolic summer masterlist
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Closing ceremonies! Only a month late! Will the wonders ever cease.
Anyway! This one-off event for PJÕL's big day was a smashing success - I was crossing my fingers for ten works tops and we got thrice as many, and with so much creativity?? Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and for all the beautiful works posted! I hope we all had fun. And if anyone's still working on something, just whistle to be added!
So, without further ado:
@ambrosiussaintmiro (your excellency...!): happy 10 years (art, collage, Zigi, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, ibex)
@brennisteinnexe: FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE KILLED IT AND THEN KILLED HIMSELF (webweave, the end of the world)
@citronellals: easy there, tiger / it's a meat grinder (art, Tereesz, Vidkun)
@hopelessandcalmless: Turquoise, violet and orange (friendship bracelet, Iilmaraan flag)
@ignitingthesky: Ann-Margret Lund also sits there somewhere in her kitchen, in the middle of the pale; (art, Ann-Margret)
@kaktoherovato: Please, tell me who you are... (art, Khan)
@kala-mies: In honor of today, here's the trio! (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper)
@kala-mies: It was a popular vacation area just outside of Vaasa that swallowed the four Lund girls. (art, Lund girls)
@kitkat-cafe: Jesper's cube-ish tea set (art, Jesper's designs)
@muitosmezaninos: Decided to use drugs and remember things yesterday / Tonight I had a nightmare and I woke up but I did not cry (art, Khan, Målin)
@myfriendfaust: I’m making you into a cretin, ya feelin’ it?? (art, Tereesz)
@parasolemn: ADD NUKE TO REVACHOL (art, Harry, Sunday Friend, Ambrosius, Khan, Jesper, Tereesz)
@parasolemn: the Lund girls in the pale (art, Lund sisters)
@permablu3: personal take on portraits (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, Linoleum Salesman, Målin, Ulv)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: Aspects of the void. To a crumbling future. (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper, Lund sisters)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: Esteemed entroponauts & plot derailers extraordinaire (art, Zigi, Nilsen)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: The only revolution they have left is that the world keeps turning (fic, Nilsen, Rodionov)
@revacholianpizzaagenda: fellas is it bisexual to- (shitpost, Rodionov, Voronikin)
@ritual---impulse: the pale as Michael Biberstein's works (webweave, the pale)
@ritual---impulse: book fanmix (fanmix, PJÕL)
@runfreebirdrun: what if i was a decaying rock star and you were the memories made cytoplasm of a communist revolutionary and... (art, Zigi, Nilsen)
@smellslikegeraniums: "The Farewell Song", sung by Andrei Mironov (song link, PJÕL vibes)
@smellslikegeraniums: Khan’s popular-science dream (art, Khan and the ancient satellites)
@tereesz-machejek: Discord emojis (emojis, assorted items and symbols)
@theinklingofcats: Station Annihilation (fic, Harry)
@turianhumanclient: Revachol '74 (art, the bomb)
@yarrowdraws: “They are no longer there. But I still see them.” (art, Målin)
@yarrowdraws: I held Graad gently, like an architect holds districts of panel-houses… (art, Nilsen-related symbolism)
@yescking: nihilism and absolute innocence (art, Ambrosius, Lund sisters)
@yescking: down under the water im pale blue (art, Khan, Tereesz, Jesper)
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Püha ja õudne lõhn (Sacred and Terrible Air) final chapter + epilogue summary
Chapters index - ask away for any clarification or further details!
And done!
Present, Graad. Khan uses the key he received in chapter 11 to reach Ambartsumjan’s suite at Hotel Intergraad. The man has killed himself, obsessed by the fear that the world would disappear. Khan wades through the ruins of Ambartsumjan’s collection, looking for something.
At the hospital, the Man from Internal Affairs interrogates Tereesz. We discover that Khan gave up Tereesz for info and that Tereesz is okay with it. Regretting the deal, the Man from Internal Affairs wants Tereesz to stop Khan and shows him that the existence of the girls is fading even from old photographs. He compares this disappearance with “where your friends are going, your Rodionov’s Trench”. Tereesz is nonplussed, trusts Khan and his plan, and takes the opportunity to go on a tangent about the ICP (and moralism as a whole) being a fraud that only works to protect a bad status quo.
Hotel Intergraad. Khan finds what he was looking for: his Harnankur’s empty glass display, which he had sent to Ambartsumjan, with a secret compartment where the collector, acting as a mediator, had hidden the ICP’s payment for selling out Tereesz. It’s what they have on Zigi, plus Voronikin’s map to Rodionov’s Trench. Khan asserts himself and his plan, which he considers a massive rescue operation. He is not scared by anything, not even by the girls themselves reaching to him in dreams from the trench to tell him to leave them be. Despite this laser focus, the details of the girls are beginning to fade in his mind too. He goes back to Jesper at their hotel.
Two months later, 4k km north of Mirova. Jesper leaves his car near an immense forest. He sets fire to the car, and to what’s left of the girls’ mementos with it. The last memories of them fade from him. Following a pull he’s always felt, Jesper loses himself in the woods.
One month later, 6k km away, Polyfabricate. Khan has crossed war-torn Graad to find Zigi’s dad, outspoken nihilist disappointed by Saint-Miro’s approach. Khan takes Zigi’s notebooks. But in Zigi’s meticulous journaling, too, the girls have disappeared. Curled up in a station’s toilet, Khan can’t sleep. Something is very wrong. His grasp on the girls is slipping. He repeats to himself that he is at the end of the world.
21 years ago. The girls are woken up by Zigi’s brick thrown through their window. There is something wrong in Målin, under the perfect surface of her body, and it mirrors the wrongness in the world. Her sisters reach her. Little Maj points at the window and says: “It’s going wrong.”
End of the last century, Revachol. The composer comte Émile de Pérouse-Mittrecie wants to reach universal acclaim through his incomprehensible dodecaphonic works. He has just directed his first concert. Critics and public come to him with backhanded compliments at best. Only one man comes forward like a miniature ball of enthusiasm, spelling out compliments in the international alphabet. He shares with the composer an eerily accurate prediction of the future: the upcoming Revolution, its failure, leading to the darkness of mankind’s last century. To him, Émile’s music is absolute mathematical perfection, the music of the pale, eternally resounding from the true end. No need for encores. The comte should disappear, actually, to respect that perfection.
That man, a math professor, is Ion Rodionov. A bored young boy, a student of his, urges him to cut it out. His name is Ambrosius.
One month later, Émile drives his yacht into the pale, screaming that he is forever loved.
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Spreading the good word of Rodionov/Voronikin
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Püha ja õudne lõhn (Sacred and Terrible Air) chapters 17+18 summary
Chapters index - ask away for any clarification or further details!
150 years ago, Mirova, Graad. The maiden voyage of the first civilian interisolary flight, Harnankur, draws a big crowd. Two days later, six hours into the pale, the massive airship disappears, perhaps into an uncharted pale superdeep. Para-historians like Khan and Samaran entroponaut Voronikin believe this version of the events. According to mainstream history, however, Harnankur never existed, and civilian interisolary flight begins ten years later with the ship Anastasia Lux. This disappearance from history, documents and public interest is hard to explain; a famous vintage photograph shows Nadja Harnankur and a massive crowd waving at an empty sky.
What exists of the Harnankur is a model which Nilsen took with him in his exodus from Graad to Samara. Voronikin maintains that the model is technically feasible, and thus must have existed. According to him, it was made into a ship and the ship carried out a project which was lost on that first trip, when it deviated from its course and encountered an unknown phenomenon in the pale.
2 years ago. A bird’s eye view on Mirova and its financial centre Noo introduces us to Sarjan Ambartsumjan, billionaire and leading collector of disappearance memorabilia. He gets an interisolary phone call from Khan. After some mutual, inescapable nerd posturing, Khan asks Ambartsumjan about the service manual of his copy of the Harnankur model, a request which Ambartsumjan, as the owner of the other existing copy, has to comply with. The instructions are: you have to think about her. Constantly. Or she will disappear, as an object that can no longer exist in this world. The original model is kept in a museum, which guarantees its object permanence, but the third copy was not so lucky and its existence was not sustained. The two talk about this kind of disappearances happening more and more frequently, to more and more things. For Khan, it started in 52. He now feels good about the phenomenon, like he trusts it. Ambartsumjan, anyway, sold his Harnankur model years ago. The buyer was one Zygismunt Berg – then presumed dead. This phone call is what first put Khan on his trail.
Present, Mirova. A moment of tender playfulness for the trio, freshly arrived in Graad, is interrupted by the ICP agents on Tereesz’s trail. They shoot him in the knee and shoulder. Tereesz is taken away in an ambulance. He tries to convince the Man from Internal Affairs to follow up on the Trentmöller lead, but the agent doesn’t budge and says that those disappearances have not been reported.
Ambartsumjan receives a package from Vaasa: the glass display of Khan’s Harnankur model, empty.
21 years ago. As a rowdy, drunk Zigi gets beaten up at a party and lies bloodied in the snow as a defeated outcast, the shade of Nilsen, always close to him, bemoans that the boy is always prey. With ponderous, ominous dramatic weight, Zigi meets one of the Lund girls, who has come to check on him.
Present. Samaran near pale. Zigi stocks up on food and fuel. Atop a deserted hospital in the near pale, he has been readying a small airship for a very long journey: he is going to Rodionov’s Trench, the heart of the pale. On his knuckles, he has four numbers tattooed: 5, 12, 13, 14. In the ship, he keeps a present the girls made for him. As he prepares to leave, he says his goodbyes to Nilsen. The cytoplasm forgives him for leaving – it is framed as a nihilist choice as opposed to a communist one. Nilsen is reminded of a close friend of his and Mazov’s, a mathematician and nihilist-materialist erased from history: Ion Rodionov, the secret third brain of the revolution. Zigi is surprised: no-one could have known of his existence, certainly not Zigi himself. Nilsen, somehow having gone from imaginary friend of sorts to an entity possessing the consciousness of the real historical figure, reveals that Rodionov researched a weapon of mass negation to use as an answer to atomic power, for Samara’s sake, and was the one who brought the Harnankur model to Samara. In his goodbye, Nilsen once again frames communism as an ideal born out of love, but unattainable, as the world does not love it back. He does not agree with people like Zigi and Rodionov, but their position may be the only tenable one.
Zigi’s eyes are red as the airship soars and the cytoplasm dissolves.
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