rogersip · 2 years
The Norse Goddess Volva
During the ancient Norse period, Volva was a shamanic woman who would serve the people. Volva was often called upon in times of turmoil, and would travel around to heal people. She was also known to prophecy, and sometimes would set up a shop at the local market to sell her services. Her services were highly valued, and she was paid well for her services. She was also considered to have great authority.
Volva was often accompanied by young people, and would travel through the countryside. She would also travel to farms to help people. She would travel through the land and would sometimes enter an animal to gain knowledge. She would travel to towns to provide healing to people, and would often conduct rituals to make a better harvest.
Volva would also practice the art of seidr. She would hold a seidstafr, which is a distaff made of copper. She would then strike someone three times with the seidstafr, and they would lose their memory. Besides using the seidstafr in rituals, Volva was also able to untie a warrior-hero's limbs. In addition to using the seidstafr, Volva would use her wand and staff to manipulate the weather and the fate of the people. She would also use Seidr to curse people. In addition, Volva could use Seidr to make people sick or to slow down warriors.
In the ancient Norse culture, Volva was often considered a high-ranking member of the community. She was respected, and was feared by the Church. She would often travel with a group of young men, and was charged a high fee for her services. Her services were well-paid, and she would often travel to towns to help people. She was often dressed in blue and red. She would also wear a jeweled cloak. She would sometimes have toe rings on her feet, and her feet would be filled with magic tools.
Volva was also buried in a svartebok, or wooden grave. She was buried in Hagebyhoga in Ostergotland, Sweden. The grave is filled with things that indicate her status. Some of these items include a wolf's skull, a cub's skull, and a pellet from an owl. There are also small bones from birds. In addition, there is a Gotlandic buckle at her head.
Volva's grave is filled with objects from Finland and Russia. She had a silver toe ring, a blue and red dress, and a gold threaded headscarf. She also had a necklace of glass beads. Her grave was located on top of a horse-drawn carriage.
The Volva concept has seen a resurgence in modern society, and many religious groups practice Heathenry. In many countries, Heathenry has been granted religious freedom. A popular song in Norwegian language camps is called "Kjaerringa med staven," or "Honored Lady with a Staff." These songs describe the prophecy and healing abilities of Volva.
While the Volva concept is ancient, the practice of Seidr and the use of Volva as a shaman has recently seen a resurgence in modern culture. Some Volvas now practice Seidr in modern Scandinavian markets.
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kevinbradleysstuff · 1 year
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With the right Volvo car mats for XC90, you can keep the floor safe for a long time and in good shape too as you won't need to tend to it as much as you would without the mats in place. 🚗👍
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kasja93 · 1 year
Dlaczego zrezygnowałaś z ciężarówki?
Temat jest dość złożony zatem przepraszam za długość odpowiedzi. Mam nadzieje, że choć trochę cię to usatysfakcjonuje i da odpowiedz na twoje pytanie.
Aktualnie jestem na zwolnieniu lekarskim. W ostatniej firmie, w której pracowałam (w Niemczech) miałam taki mobbing, że nie wytrzymałam psychicznie i pękłam.
Przez wiele lat a w zasadzie odkąd pamiętam całemu światu oraz samej sobie pokazywałam, że jestem pewna siebie, nic mnie nie rusza i radzę sobie ze wszystkim. Pierwsze symptomy depresji pojawiły się w 2019 roku. Właśnie wtedy okazało się, że miałam opalonych turystów na naczepie wypełnionej ciastkami. Wyciągnięto mi drużynę piłkarską po Brytyjskiej stronie Calais. Siedem godzin byłam zamknięta w sali przesłuchań związku z przemytem ludzi.
Uratowały mnie dwie rzeczy:
Mówiłam bardzo dobrze po angielsku (jest on u mnie niemal na poziomie języka rodzimego)
Jestem kobietą
Autostopowicze na gapę zeznali, że na naczepę wpuścił ich kierowca. Facet około 50tki, siwy i przysadzisty. Cóż… Nie spełniałam owego opisu. Wypuszczono mnie i pozwolono z tymi ciastkami wjechać do UK. Tam spędziłam trzy dni na parkingu nim załatwiono specjalny magazyn gdzie sprawdzono stan ładunku. Otóż znaleziono fekalia na naczepie i choć ciastka były nienaruszone (poza kilkunastoma opakowaniami, które zjedzono) to cała naczepa 12 ton ciastek Oreo made in Espania poszło do utylizacji. Po dwóch miesiącach dostałam informacje od pracodawcy, że mam się przyznać na papierze, iż ich wpuściłam na naczepę, aby ubezpieczyciel pokrył koszty. Nie zgodziłam się. Straszono mnie sądem na kwotę ponad pół miliona euro. Pracodawca odstąpił jednak z powodu nacisku opinii publicznej czyli kierowców z branży… Taki hejt jaki się wylał na owego dziad transa skutecznie ostudził jego zamiary. Mój przypadek opisano na najważniejszych portalach branżowych a byłam swojego czasu trochę znana (udzieliłam kilka wywiadów do naszego branżowego miesięcznika).
Po tej akcji zmieniłam pracodawcę. Było okej, ale już nigdy nie czułam się tak… swobodnie? Niewinnie? Beztrosko za kołkiem? Widzę to nawet po zdjęciach. Nie potrafię się tak lekko uśmiechnąć jak sprzed tego wydarzenia… Po roku pojawił się problem z wstaniem, umyciem zębów… Potrafiłam półtorej godziny zabierać się za mycie włosów. Funkcjonowałam tylko dlatego, że czułam poczucie obowiązku. „Mam towar do zawiezienia” było jedynym co sprawiało, że budziłam się rano i zaczynałam dzień.
Gdy zaczęły się myśli samobójcze w 2021 w kwietniu zmieniłam prace i zaczęłam jeździć w tzw podwójnej obsadzie. Dwóch kierowców w jednej kabinie. Moją zmienniczką była moja przyjaciółka (kto śledzi mój profil będzie widział, że chodzi o tą co w grudniu złamała kostkę w Szwecji… Tą którą stamtąd ściągnęłam swoją osobówką bo pracodawczyni niemiecka wyjebała na nią „jajca”).
Dzięki niej mi się polepszyło. Miałam przed kim udawać, że jest dobrze. Miałam z kim rozmawiać i się śmiać. Zarażałam ją optymizmem. A w te naprawdę trudne dni po prostu mówiłam, że mam lekkiego doła. Zdałam sobie sprawę, że nadal jest ze mną źle, gdy miałyśmy przestój dwie doby we Wrocławiu. Ona postanowiła pojechać do domu ja zostałam w ciężarówce bo szkoda mi było kasy na paliwo… Gdy mnie opuściłam minęły dokładnie 4 godziny i 41 minut jak zaczęłam mieć myśli by się powiesić… Śmieszne (tak w gorzki sposób) jest to, że jeździłam ciężarówkami marki: Renault, Vovlo, Mercedes, Man oraz Scania i wiem dokładnie ile jest miejsc zaczepienia w środku każdego modelu o który można zawiesić sznurówki.
W grudniu 2021 roku firma w której jeździłyśmy straciła głównego kontrahenta i nastąpiła fala zwolnień przez co nasze drogi się rozeszły. W międzyczasie jeździłam sama, aż po tym jak mój pracodawca zaczął płacić mi większość pensji pod stołem. W czerwcu zeszłego roku poszłam pracować do Niemki z polecenia przyjaciółki, która tam jeździła.
Było dobrze póki we wrześniu nie odeszła Polka pracująca na spedycji. Szefowa zaczęła częściej bywać w biurze i odwalać swój mobbing. Nie będę opisywała co odwalała. Nie chce na ten moment do tego wracać.
W grudniu, jak już wspomniałam, przez wypadek przyjaciółki po którą pojechałam do Szwecji osobówką coś we mnie pękło. Te wszystkie lata bólu, cierpienia i depresji dały o sobie znać. Tego samego dnia co wróciłam ze Szwecji dostałam mobbingowe wiadomości od szefowej. Chciałam się zabić. Natychmiast znalazłam prywatnie psychiatrę i wylądowałam na zwolnieniu lekarskim. Dwie doby w samochodzie, nerwówka a na koniec wizyta u lekarza tak jak stałam. Ze łzami w oczach i potarganymi włosami w nieświeżym ubraniu.
Po prostu pękłam. I nie była to rysa na lustrze… Bo moja osobowość nigdy nie była jednolitą taflą. Przez lata stworzyłam witraż, który cały popękał w jednej chwili. Już wcześniej niektóre szkiełka były potłuczone a wtedy po prostu wyjebało wszystko wraz z ramą.
Skumulowane złe momenty, które w sobie gromadziłam w końcu wylały się strumieniem. Może określę to niezbyt ładnie, ale można to porównać do wymiotowania. Normalnie masz mdłości i wymiotujesz kilka razy. U mnie zaś to była jedna wielka potężna fala wymiocin. Jakby ktoś odkręcił kran na full.
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Volvo CE intros electric charging protocol to assist shift to electric
There are a few things that are certain in Pensacola that you will have to deal with at some point - tree removal and tree trimming. Before you hire a Tree Removal in Pensacola company you should take into consideration before hiring a tree service company. Some of the things you should consider include: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree If you are unsure about whether or not you need to hire a tree removal company, contact Tree removal company in Pensacola for a consultation. We will be able to assess your situation and give you our professional opinion. The company aims to create more charging solutions for customers transitioning to emission-free solutions. (Photo: Vovlo CE) Volvo Construction Equipment makes its 48-volt DC protocol for electric charging solutions available. Volvo said the solution will help customers understand their charging needs. Volvo said, specifically those customers with multibranded fleets will likely need to source multiple different chargers. Volvo CE opted to publish its own brand-agnostic software protocol, as well as plug specifications, used on its 48-volt off-board DC chargers — with DC charging. The company said this enables other OEMs and suppliers to use it in the development of their own charging solutions for compact machines. With the move, Volvo CE said it aims to facilitate and accelerate electromobility transformation. “We want to contribute to a standardized, reliable and efficient electric ecosystem that makes it easy for our customers to go electric. Today, lacking a standard brand-agnostic charging interface for compact machines, our customers will need different chargers for different machine brands” said Fredrik Tjernström, electromobility solutions sales at Volvo CE. “By making our charging interface public, we hope that we will see more and more charging solution providers and other machine OEMs using one and the same charging protocol — moving us a step closer to an industry standard for the benefit of customers everywhere.” The 48-volt DC protocol from Volvo CE is a free resource and is available here. The post Volvo CE intros electric charging protocol to assist shift to electric first appeared on Landscape Management.
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sarahrogerson32 · 4 years
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energycarsrl · 4 years
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Modalità Venerdì di luglio #venerdi17 #concessionaria #renault #dacia #nissan #vovlo #energycar #energyrent (presso Novi Ligure) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwM3u1os6P/?igshid=1f8w4qg3tqwjn
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autonprojects · 7 years
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redblocksociety · 5 years
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Happy international women's day! #internationalwomensday #womensday #internationalwomensday2020 #womensday2020 #volvoklassiekers #volvo140 #classicvolvo #bluevolvo #volvoforlife #volvocars #womensday #vovlo #volvopv544 #pv544 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9fuMMyHWs2/?igshid=tqpip6a0zxhq
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alog4 · 6 years
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(スクリーンショット: ⁨Dennis SnellenbergさんはInstagramを利用しています:「Car: Volvo XC40 2019 Made with: Adobe Illustrator - #carillustration #illustration #sideview #car #rims #wheels #illustrator #draw #artwork…」⁩から)
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maxofs2d · 8 years
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Hacky workaround to go from garbage eyes to good eyes on Dota characters.
You can see how I did it here. (gif too big for Tumblr)
I isolated the triangles corresponding to the eyes, duplicated that geometry, pushed it outwards a bit (which we wouldn't have to do if we could alpha-test the existing eyes out, please giff material overrides vovlo), then created a new edge loop around, which I extended. Then I changed the UVs of that edge loop so it'd go as far as the eye was painted/padded in the textures. Once the geometry was ready, I gave each eye a bone (the placement is very important to get right, you need a proper pivot point), and their skinning is very straight-forward: the outer loop is bound to the head, the rest to its eye.
I can't believe I never thought of doing this before yesterday. 
It’s really really important to be able to control the gaze direction because the eyes are the window to the soul and many (if not all) expressions carry nowhere the same amount of weight if the eyes are looking dead ahead.
Bonus outtake pictures:
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Volvo S40 LED Headlights Bulbs High Beam Kits Upgrade HB3 9005 Halogen
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casorasi · 7 years
Vovlo invests $520M to build 2nd vehicle in South Carolina
RIDGEVILLE, S.C. (AP) — Volvo Cars says it will invest an additional $520 million in its South Carolina plant under construction, adding nearly 2,000 more jobs and putting the production of another vehicle in the factory. Vovlo invests $520M to build 2nd vehicle in South Carolina
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asfaautocare52 · 3 years
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ASFA comes across as one of the leading auto care shop in Adelaide when any of the queries “Volvo service near me”, “Volvo mechanic Adelaide”, “Volvo service Adelaide” comes to your mind. When you choose ASFA Auto Care - Car Services Adelaide for Volvo Car repair service we assure you that when your car leaves our workshop; you are genuinely happy with our repair service. we have taken your car care by a skilled Volvo specialist, Volvo car mechanic at ASFA utilises the latest technology and genuine parts while providing Volvo car service, so you get the same experience of driving your car once it gets out from our workshop.
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2pmedia · 7 years
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#vovlo #xc90 #preso_petrov #automotivebg #automotivelife #winter #2k17 #exellence (at Sofia, Bulgaria)
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topcarschannel · 7 years
AMAZING...!! 2018 Volvo v90 Cross Country Review | A Modern and Intuitiv...
The Volvo V90 is an excellent example of what a wagon – and a luxury car – should be. It has a luxurious cabin, with incredibly comfortable and roomy seats and build quality and materials that are second to none. A modern and intuitive infotainment system is a highlight of its numerous standard features. The V90 has a padded ride quality but still feels poised around corners with decent steering feedback. Additionally, it really hustles with the optional turbo- and supercharged engine. However, the V90’s utilitarian appeal suffers because it has less cargo room than its rivals.
The Volvo V90 seats five, and once you get in, you may not want to get out. Standard leather upholstery furthers the V90’s luxury appeal, and it’s easy to find a comfortable driving position with over a dozen power adjustments. Both front seats offer a commanding view of the road ahead.
The back seat is just as inviting as the front, but you may have to duck a little to get in under the sloping roof. Tall adults will have plenty of room in the second row, even with the front seats pushed all the way back. Optional seating upgrades include premium Nappa leather, heated front and/or rear seats, ventilated front seats, and massaging front seats.
The 2018 V90 has 19.8 cubic feet of cargo space under its hatch, and you can fold the rear seats down to increase that total to 54 cubic feet. A hands-free power tailgate is standard, allowing you to wave your foot under the bumper to open the hatch. Additionally, the V90’s opening is wide enough to making loading large items easy.
While the V90 isn't small, it has less cargo space than some rivals. The 2017 Audi Allroad has 24.2 cubic feet of cargo space with its seats up and 58.5 cubic feet with them down, while the 2017 Subaru Outback offers 35.5 cubic feet under its hatch and 73.3 cubic feet maximum. The 2017 Volvo XC90 has more room, with 41.8 cubic feet of space in standard configuration and a maximum capacity of 85.7 cubes.
The all-new Volvo V90 starts at $49,950, which is more than most other wagons but solidly in line with many luxury vehicles. Another luxury wagon, the 2017 Audi Allroad, starts at $44,000, while the 2017 Volvo XC90 SUV retails for $45,750. Though not a luxury car, the 2017 Subaru Outback is well-rounded and starts at $25,645.
The 2018 V90 has three trim levels and two available powertrains. Upgrading to the larger engine (which includes all-wheel drive) costs an additional $6,000. The more rugged Volvo V90 Cross Country, which includes the T6 powertrain, starts at $55,300. There are a few option packages and dozens of individual features available. A fully loaded V90 T6 Inscription can cost around $78,000.
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evperformance-blog · 7 years
Volvo Cars has announced that every Volvo it launches from 2019 will have an electric motor, marking the historic end of cars that have only an internal combustion engine (ICE) and placing electrification at the core of its future business. This is no surprise to people that have followed Volvo’s shift to electric and recent announcement of Polestar’s dedicated EV team.
This historic announcement represents one of the most significant shifts towards electric by any main automotive manufacturer and surely paves a new blueprint for others.
“This is about the customer,” said Håkan Samuelsson, President and Chief Executive of Volvo Cars. “People increasingly demand electrified cars, and we want to respond to our customers’ current and future needs. You can now pick and choose whichever electrified Volvo you wish.”
The new Volvo XC60
Volvo Cars will introduce a portfolio of electrified cars across its model range, embracing fully electric cars, plug-in hybrid cars and mild-hybrid cars.
It will launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021, three of which will be Volvo models and two of which will be high-performance electrified cars from Polestar, Volvo Cars’ performance car arm. Full details of these models will be announced at a later date.
These five cars will be supplemented by a range of petrol and diesel plug-in hybrid and mild-hybrid 48-volt options on all models, representing one of the broadest electrified car offerings of any car maker.
This means that there will in future be no Volvo cars without an electric motor, as pure ICE cars are gradually phased out and replaced by ICE cars that are enhanced with electrified options.
“This announcement marks the end of the solely combustion engine-powered car,” said Mr Samuelsson. “Volvo Cars has stated that it plans to have sold a total of 1m electrified cars by 2025. When we said it we meant it. This is how we are going to do it.”
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Battery electric, Pure
Plug-in hybrid, Twin Engine
The new Volvo XC60 – T8 powertrain
Still from animation – Mild hybrid, 48 volts
The announcement underlines Volvo Cars’ commitment to minimising its environmental impact and making the cities of the future cleaner. Volvo Cars is focused on reducing the carbon emissions of both its products as well as its operations. It aims to have climate-neutral manufacturing operations by 2025.
The decision also follows this month’s announcement that Volvo Cars will turn Polestar into a new separately branded electrified global high-performance car company. Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President Design at Volvo Cars, will lead Polestar as Chief Executive Officer.
Watch the video for further information
All Volvo cars to go electric Volvo Cars has announced that every Volvo it launches from 2019 will have an electric motor, marking the historic end of cars that have only an internal combustion engine (ICE) and placing electrification at the core of its future business.
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