kleinstar · 7 months
" Oh whoa hey!!! Tighnari!!!"
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" Over here, over here!! "
Long story short - Eiden had been on a exploring trip to Yesteryear. Somewhere along this trip ground had literally given in causing Eiden to fall into a hole of some sort. It's an old structure, maybe a well, only somehow taken over by plants that luckily cushioned his fall.
He'd been pretty resigned to stay here for a longer time - text messages weren't sending and so on when he saw Tighnari walking by.
" Err, I'd thank you for the Valentines Gift but first off... could you help me a little..? "
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bxsiliisk · 11 months
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"How you liking it so far?" Good thing he recognizes someone. He recognizes a lot of people at the Castle actually. "Have you been dancing and stuff?" The Black Dragon peers down with one uncovered green eye and smiles. The mummy costume may be covering his face, but at least the one eye is visible and one can tell when he's smiling (the man smiles with his eyes after all.)
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corruptedsorrow · 10 months
if one were to ask chuuya about his feelings regarding winter and christmas as a season, his thoughts would be indifference bordering on slight annoyance. everything tended to just get a bit more inconvenient, and yet, there were so many fools running around all jolly and excited. it was a time of love and friendship to most, but in his line of business it tended to be just any time of the year, even more so one where they had to be more mindful of smugglers trying to take advantage of the present rush. naturally such was none of his business here, but that only served to make chuuya more restless amongst all the annoying cheer.
at least it appeared he wasn't the only one who was mindlessly running around caught up in consumerism and the forced togetherness.
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"ah..." rather than the face, chuuya would more claim that the ears were the most familiar part. despite himself, he realised he'd made a sound upon seeing the other and couldn't just feign ignorance and move on now. not that he had much better to do, really. hands in pockets, he faced the other and let his weigh rest on his right leg, his hip swaying into the shift.
"look who the cat dragged in. ya ain't got any runaway machine crabs or whatever to chase after today, bunny boy?"
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descensionstar · 11 months
barring one that would cover them (and probably be uncomfortable in the process), no costume could disguise those ears.after catching a glimpse of them, Lumine had worked her way past others hovering about one of the many tables, not without Paimon reaching to swipe any delicacies within reach that caught her eye.
even if she urged the Traveler to slow down so that her grip on muffin's paper could tighten and ensure its lift from the display were neat, it wouldn't have made a difference. with how busy the party was, they risked losing a friend in the bustle, so she'd have to make down clutching it with caution not to bump Lumine's arm into which she was nestled.
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✦hey Tighnari,✦ she called out to cut through the noise. that would hopefully hold him down long enough for them to catch up. ✦we wouldn't have expected to see you here. are your ears going be alright around this many people?✦
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plantamagicae · 7 months
[ ❄️ ] unfamiliar scents were becoming overwhelming for the young witch; she wasn't accustomed to the sensitivity of the vulpine guardian's sense of smell. it was starting to cause her the smallest twinge of a headache, but she would be able to live with it... hopefully she'd become accustomed soon.
almost as if on queue, another unfamiliar essence wafted towards her, causing her to turn her head cautiously in its direction, plush white ears perking slightly. hopefully this being was friendly -- she wasn't sure what creatures hid in the snow.
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" hello? are you alright? "
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ringlorn · 7 months
After meeting one too many Six-Eared Macaques and a bonus Monkey King on the side, Nezha figures it's time to educate himself in case more varieties pop up. He's sifting through the bookshelves on a ladder at Spirale University's library, trying to find a certain book detailing differences in Journey to the West canon, when footsteps rounding the corner makes him turn around too fast and slip off the rungs.
Nezha lands effortlessly enough (and even catches the random book that comes tumbling down after him), but the sight of familiar ears make him tense up again.
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He remember this guy—the one that never stopped talking at the drugstore while he was sick. Quickly Nezha opens his book to a random page to hide his face behind it, conveniently missing the fact that he's...holding it upside down.
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surasthana · 1 year
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"Uhm, Tighnari…" As much as she appreciates how much he still reveres her enough to refer to her as Lesser Lord Kusanali, it was bound to be awkward when they were in the presence of other people. Plus, she didn't hold the same authority as she did here like in Sumeru. "Referring to me as Lesser Lord Kusanali isn't really necessary…at least not in front of others. I think it may give people the wrong idea. Or rather, it may put me in a position where I'd have to explain why…and I'd rather not, if at all possible." It isn't that she's trying to keep her status as an archon a secret, but rather, she didn't feel the need to explain it to people who didn't already know. At least not until she felt the time was right to do so.
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scholarking · 8 months
DAYS HERE FEEL LONGER THAN USUAL, something he feels wear at not only his body, but especially his mind. even more, he feels there is a lacking means in curing these ailments, given the rather... uniqueness of many residents who have been brought here. that was to say, he'd grown tired of speaking to people with less than satisfactory remarks, leading him here, to a place where study seemed far more appreciated.
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❝ If you were you to be so kind to grace me with an incessant array of mind-stimulating puzzles and quizzes, it would be quite tantamount to saving a life before it is far too late. ❞ perhaps this one would be more capable than any of the others who he may have asked...
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eruditehacker · 7 months
Far be it for him to attempt to classify every organic being, particularly since the universe was vast and such vastness was represented by this island.
The faefolk, as they were called, seemed drawn to him. Like as not his appearance was as foreign to them as theirs was to his. "Sincerity: I apologize that I do not have access to my abilities. Perhaps next time." The small creatures giggled and flew around him, so similar to the butterflies that commonly accompanied him, emblematic of his access to the Imaginary.
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Turning to the other humanoid in the vicinity, he addresses them: "Question: are you also seeking the library in this ward?"
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failedprince · 1 year
Dirk is used to other scavengers in the scrapyard with him. Sure, he could easily afford to buy things new here, but it's taking things that used to do something and making them work again, or do something entirely new, that really appeals to him. He also has little interest in economics; that's the other Strider. So he may not actually know much of his personal wealth. That's a topic for another day, perhaps.
Today, he is mainly concerned with the new, highly unusual face in the heap with the foragers. Face might be a bit of a generous notion, but he is feeling a bit philanthropic under the circumstances. Meandering over to the robot, he peers at it. It is very clearly searching for something. Self-repairing? Fixing a friend? Building another bot? All good questions. None of them are going to be answered if he just stands there with his head tilted like a stuck bird though.
"Finding what you're lookin' for, lil dude?" he ventures in an effort to sate his his burning curiosity. Expecting a response might be a bit assumptive, but his bots always answered. Why not this one too?
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hanabisays · 1 year
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"OH! Yes, that's a cafe that I had applied to. To be honest with you, I only just got here and...it was the first thing I went to look for--A job, I mean." Just because she was whisked away to another world didn't mean she should SLACK.
"What's it like working at Cafe December?"
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kleinstar · 10 months
@vulkashunaranger || [ SILVER-WHITE WINTERS ]
" Having hard time curling the ribbons? "
Originally coming to train for his wrapping abilities, preparing for the the ongoing Holiday season and the future one's he had soon strayed from the original purpose and practically become an assistant teacher for the class, helping out with the large student bases.
This one seemed a little under the weather.
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" Should I show you how to do it? You use the scissors like this and... "
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isolalionheart · 1 year
Medic Application
AGE: 25
HOUSING: Apartment 103
POSITION DESIRED: Medic/Offense/Defense
QUALIFICATIONS: I am one of Sumeru’s best doctors, able to treat many strange diseases that are hard to manage, and healthcare is free in Sumeru, so I do it all without charging my patients. I am leader of the forest watchers in my world, meaning I explore, rescue, and educate those who would otherwise cause harm to themselves or the forest, along with train those who wish to become a forest watcher. As such, I am trained in archery, and medical care. Although I prefer not to be involved in skirmishes or the like, I am aware that it can be necessary sometimes. My knowledge of modern electronics are minimal, but I am an excellent learner. I am also currently a manager of Café December.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE?: I like keeping busy, and I am good at treating injuries and illnesses.
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“Thank you for having interest in Lionheart. Tighnari, we are happy to have you here. Welcome to Lionheart, and please Ricket (NPC). She will show you around.” @vulkashunaranger​
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corruptedsorrow · 1 year
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"why is this place constantly reeking of affection and adoration? makes me want to punch a wall." more like, why is the person he trusts the most in the world a douchebag, why can't he have nice things without wanting to murder someone?
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isolaradiale · 1 year
Here to app Tighnari from Genshin Impact! App and Stats are in their respective tabs!
Welcome to sandy Isola Radiale, Tighnari!
You'll be staying in Apartment 301
You may use your Vision to Infuse the Power of Dendro into your standard attacks up to five times a day.
You'll also be given a Toy Bow
Enjoy your stay! :)
-- Mod Caelum
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hollowfaith · 6 months
💭 + gods dying 💭+ venti 💭+ huey 💭+ lyney
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
gods dying
"I've hardly heard of truly worthy gods dying easily."
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"It would seem to say that a better one is ready to take their place." He should know from personal experience. "True, there are those who weaken and eventually wither away...but that is not their original nature. Weakness, either physical or mental, takes hold of them first, and rots them from the inside out. A true god is infallible. A dying one has already lost his claim to divinity."
"A strange god."
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"He says stranger things about myself which I can't pretend to fully understand. But the fact that he tried would have earned my respect and acknowledgment even if he wasn't divine. I find his presence soothing in the quiet moments."
"I understand he wishes to help me, though I'm not feeling any distress. Perhaps that's the nature of all good gods—giving away their bounty without asking for anything in return. If humans were a fraction as generous, I daresay I'd get along with them all."
"It is easy to listen and do as he says because he makes it all so pleasant. Maybe a part of me just wants to please him...how odd."
"It takes active effort to make yourself so offensively unpleasant."
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"This man falls into the category of those who get petty satisfaction from small victories over others. What does he gain? A fleeting moment of joy. What does he lose? Time better spent improving himself. I find no joy in being his target of insults, but that is his own problem to fix, not mine."
"It would be a waste of my time to try and improve him for the better. One might as well attempt to stem the flow of the tides."
"I find him very simple. He is a drowning man in the river, and I the ferryman on a boat."
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"There's no shame in asking for help when one is too tired to swim. I don't push him to take action; I only allow him to drift without fear of sinking under. If the day comes when he wants to swim again, he is free to jump ship anytime."
"There are those who accuse me of stifling his independence; to them I say you are killing him worse by forcing him to stand alone before he is ready. Acknowledging one's weakness doesn't mean getting over it right away. Humans are fragile creatures. If I treat him more like a pet, it's simply because he isn't ready to order himself around in my place."
"I've promised to look after him, and so I shall. An angel always keeps his word."
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