#vultur just kind of happened to be born because of the retrieval crew idea but I think they fit in the story wonderfully!
kukkakisu · 6 months
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Here are my Lethal company Medic/Xenobiologist OCs, Nathaniel and Vultur! Nate is heavily involved in Copycat's story and Vultur is part of @lethalcontracts's retrieval crew. Some additional details of them below (a lot of text!)
The two are foils for each other and have a big rivalry going on given that they are in a similar field and have highly contrasting morals and approaches to their studies. They both have lost a crew in the past and it continues to affect them to this day. They also have their own labs on Gordion and get paid extra for any new data they can provide to the Company.
Nate is very gentle at heart despite his blunt and strict nature. While visiting the dangerous moons, he makes sure everything goes as planned and if there are signs of unexpected danger-- he will not hesitate to cancel the mission if it means the crew goes back home alive. Will teleport you back to the ship, just in case, a little too early, because it's better to be safe than sorry.
Although he has a lot of worry and compassion for others, he often remains calm in dangerous situations for the sake of others. He always has a sharp eye on the monitor and all of his team members and after losing his crew once, nobody has been left behind. Even if it means he will have to go inside to get them back himself. You can always rely on him to keep the team safe, whether it's practically by making sure everyone is out of the building in one piece or listening and soothing them after a scary situation.
He uses mainly stun grenades and always has a walkie-talkie with him. It is very important to him to be able to communicate with his team, and he wants to avoid causing harm to the creatures unless it's a life-or-death situation. "Stun and run", as he would say is better than risking your life in a fight.
Nathaniel is taking care of Copycat and although he claims he is just an assistant to him, he does care about the masked deeply. CC lets him study his body and brings him data on the creatures he encounters and in exchange, Nate has learned to pause his body's decaying process indefinitely. He also makes sure his colleagues don't get their hands on him and that the eager creature doesn't end up on missions that are too dangerous for him. They often swap places in their usual team depending on the danger level of the Moons. While CC is on the ship, Nate resides in his laboratory on Gordion and when it's his time to step in, CC returns to visit his creature friends on Rend.
Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows though, as Nate has been infected by an unknown creature for quite some time now. While he has managed to stabilize his condition in a way that the infection doesn't spread, it's not yet fully removed. He is trying to find out what caused it and how to cure it, if possible. This is kept a secret from everyone else, of course as he doesn't want to add more burdens on their shoulders. As a more lighthearted fact, he adores cute things. Especially cats. Which is partially the reason CC was named the way he is.
Vultur. Oh Vultur. Where Nate is full of gentle warmth he wants to share with others, this guy is a black hole that will only stare back at you coldly in your times of grief. After the loss of his team, he completely closed off emotionally. They hesitated once after that, and that caused him to lose half of his face to a Bracken, leaving scars that will forever remind them of their mistake. One they will not repeat ever again. He views feelings, especially during dire situations to be a distraction that must be dulled down. Something that shouldn't affect your decisions. It never leads to good things and he very much has personal experience of that.
After seeing his team convert because they couldn't kill their friend on time, he now seeks to know anything he can about the creatures of those snowy moons. Vultur will do anything they can to get that information. Whether it's locking masked into the ship and experimenting on them, or dragging them all the way back to Gordion to his laboratory-- nothing is off limits for them. They feel no remorse for what they do, as they still despise the maskeds who took his team from them. While he sees them as resources and more valuable alive, they won't hesitate to kill them on sight if they pose a danger to themselves or their team.
Most often Vultur uses a tranquilizer gun along with stun grenades to take down any Masked that wander in the ship. If he sees no value in them or there is the above mentioned danger, he will rip out the mask from their face and save it for later use. He is not above using regular shells either, so you will never truly know whether you're getting shot with a sedative or a life-ending bullet.
Just like Nate, Vultur remains calm in situations where many would otherwise stumble. Despite their cold nature, they do take good care of their crew and take pride in their work. No injuries go unnoticed and their team will be kept in top condition. Though they might think it's because untreated injuries pose a threat to the whole group and slow them down, there is still a heart deep down his chest. He doesn't want to lose another crew and while they aren't able to admit it to themselves, they do care. A lot more than they're comfortable with admitting.
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