❤||Kim Taehyung
As the curtain swished around lighting up the dark room with light making the older (and top) of the two groan tiredly and wake up slowly.
Pair of (e/c)eyes opened slightly as they blinked multiple times to get rid of the sleep in them. The older male untangled one of his toned arms from his husband's waist and rubbed his eyes.
As he looked down, he saw a mop of brown hair cuddled into his bare chest and smiled.
He safely untangled his other arm and used it to lean on it and kissed Taehyung's forehead.
He sat up, still looking at his husband now known as Taehyung and smiled softly.
(M/N) stood up and put on some boxers and a shirt, seeing as his pants were somewhere unknown.He winced at the pain he felt on his back, most likely Taehyung's scratches.He went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for when his husband wakes up.
He yawned again and was startled a bit when he felt something getting inside of his shirt and chuckled when he felt it nuzzle into his chest, already knowing who it was.
"Morning Jagiya ."He said as he kept his eyes on the stove, not wanting to burn the eggs."...ning......ng"Was heard as a reply.
Silent groans were heard as (M/N) noticed that Taehyung was clutching his back, very close to his ass.
(M/N) looked at the cabinet next to him and took out pain reliever. Already having water next to him as he was expecting this to happen.
He did went rough so.
Taehyung felt (M/N) move and peeked out from the collar of his shirt and saw pain relievers and sighed happily.
He wanted to take them yet, he didn't want to leave the warmth that came from his husband.
"Can't we just cuddle?"
"Don't you want to eat?"
"Your so blunt"
"Thank you"
(M/N) rolled his eyes at Taehyung and turned the stove of and got Taehyung (somehow) out of his shirt and grabbed him by his thighs.
Taehyung jumped and wrapped his legs around (M/N)'s waist and wrapped his arms around his lovers neck.
(M/N) looked at Taehyung and kissed his jawline slowly, being careful as to not kiss the hickeys that had bleed last night.
Taehyung smiled softly and hummed in pleasure.
(M/N) moved and set Taehyung on the kitchen counter and stopped kissing his (bootiful) jawline. Taehyung, noticing the lack of (M/N)'s lips pouted and looked at him.
"I love you."(M/N) said and kissed Taehyungs lips softly.
"I love you too."
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Taehyung (v) X male reader 1/2
You were helping out in the practice room in charge of the music when to play and stop it and make sure they are hydrated and well. Everyone liked you in almost in a brotherly way, but there was only one person that seemed to be distant and you were determined to befriend that one person. You were giving each of the members their bottle of water. “Nice job rapmon, but you should just try relaxing a little more when dancing” you suggested “thanks man I’ll try next time” he smiled taking a mouth full of water. “Jung-kookie nice job haha but your timing was a little off today” you mentioned as he pouted slightly. You commented all of them with a smile as you handed them their bottle of water. There was only one person that was hiding near a coroner dancing slightly to remind him of his moves, you watched finding it amusing as he started to do stupid dances as Jungkook joined with him. “Oi V Coke take a brake” you called out with a small chuckle at the end. V, taehyung walked over laughing and smiled happily at you, as you handed him his bottle of water with a bright smile. V blushed and took it and walked over to j-hope and drank his water, you just smiled at his shyness but at times V was very energetic and would make you blush.
After they took a small brake to cool down and relax slightly you played the music again, you played “boy in luv” you watched making sure they got the moves right and seeing if the timing was right. You recorded it to show them next practice so they could learn, you helped a lot in the place being the managers nephew and all. Once they finished and you finished recording the practice you gathered them around “okay guy what do you want to eat?” You smiled happily as they blurted out different foods to eat. Laughing you kept them quiet with the wonderful help rapmon and Jin. You are only 23 years old but you are childish most of the time which attracted a lot of the females in the work place but you weren’t too fond of women. Your uncle knew and he was fine with it, but only as long as you weren’t doing something that Yu would latter on in life will regret.
Walking out of the practice room everyone settled on eating at a restaurant. At the restaurant everyone was excited for their food, while you on the other hand was too focused on the children’s colouring sheet with V and drawing wired faces on the characters. When the food arrived everyone was digging in including yourself. After eating it was desert and you were eating your Sunday peacefully but V choose to be on a diet and he really regretted it because he saw everyone eating happily.you being the kind person you are you gave him some of your Sunday which he denied but you were not taking no for an answer. He gave in and ate some and he smiled happily as he ate the Sunday.
Everyone was heading to their dorm and you were about to head to your apartment when V stopped you. Everyone seemed to have gone inside, while V was outside with you “um thanks for today…the Sunday and the practice too” he looked down as you messed his hair slightly flashing a smile “hey it was my pleasure plus I like helping you guys out” you told him as he looked over to you with a blush. You turned on your heel ready to leave but V caught your sleeve “wait!…um there’s another thing I want to thank you of” he mumbled you stopped and looked at him as he blushed slightly. “And thank you for being here and helping me out…and just for being alive” he smiled with a blush “thanks taehyung….that means a it coming from you” you replied hugging him.
At that moment V felt his knees feel weak “I love you” he whispered his face a deep red. You noticed his whisper and how he almost fell, you held him tighter “I love you too Teahyung”. Once V regained his strength in his legs he pulled back and looked at you “really?!” He said shocked “yeah really I do you’re just so cute and funny” V stared at you in pure shock. You leaned into him and kissed him, snapping him from his daze he kissed back lovingly making a small noise of pleasure.
//more will be added in Part.2//
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