#vyn richter x marius von hagen
sdaomine · 1 year
'til death do us part... or 'til i kill you first
Things take a sharp turn when Marius and Vyn discover each other's secret identities. Filing a divorce is on the table, but Vyn takes matters into his own hands—after all, he'd rather end the marriage here than in court.
A/N: Finally, FINALLY done with this fic that has long been rotting in my drafts! I've been wanting to write a Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU for my favorite gay ship but lacked the time to actually finish it (but here we are!). I wrote this in 2022 but only concluded it today, AMIDST my many, many university backlogs <3 Anyway, I know some stuff here won't make sense but this is a self-indulgent fic so... yeah.
wc: 13.8k words.
Six years in.
Six years of a wonderful marriage. Six years of black tea and chocolate drink during early mornings. Six years of intoxicating kisses, sweet and zealous; six years of what the youngest von Hagen called the best fuck he’d ever get in his lifetime.
You see, when you marry the love of your life and spend wild, beautiful years with them, you start to think you are building your relationship’s mighty foundation—that sooner or later, the two of you would be able to finally lower those invisible walls which had always separated you, because admit it or not, there is no marriage built without deep, dark secrets.
But six years in and Marius von Hagen finds himself holding tightly onto his gun—a pretty sleek silencer he so cherished, a gift from his brother—his back pressed hard against the wall just beside the stairs, waiting.
“Hah—shit. Shit,” he muttered under his breath, his chest heavy, almost suffocating. Marius pressed one hand against his heart, feeling its erratic pace and, at this very moment, he was all but trying to calm his rapid breathing.
But then there was a quiet creak on the wooden stairs.
Marius’ eyes screwed shut. Fuck fuck fuck—
Marius threw himself to the side, hiding further beneath the wall, just in time—just in time before a series of raining bullets holed through the wooden wall and the staircase banister, which was soon followed by another round of rapid firing. Marius shook his head as he waited for it to stop.
With one arm protecting his head, Marius leaned slightly against the safer side of the house. Deep down he cursed and cursed the sheer agony of having to prop himself like that against the wall, right after he had dived into the floor like it was some massive pool of water. “Goddamn,” he cursed quietly, and however could he not? His once neatly painted Victorian walls that probably cost some other person’s soul were now ripped into shreds, the wood falling off, their deadly splinters scattered around. There were holes all over, both small and wide, and Marius took a little peek.
There he is.
Vyn Richter, Stellis’ most esteemed psychiatrist: well-mannered, elegant, so fucking pretty. Marius was in awe even when the doctor, who still wore his pearl, white coat, carried two massive rifles in both of his hands. Fucking assault rifles. Just where the fuck did you keep those in our fucking house, Vyn?
A sly smirk curved the doctor’s lips. Vyn caught a glimpse of his husband peeking through the small holes and asked, a little too seductively for Marius’ taste, “Darling, you are still alive?”
Vyn held back a scowl when he heard nothing. Marius used to surprise Vyn whenever he came home from work, so it was not impossible the young CEO had already switched hiding places. And so Vyn, as silently as he could, made his way down the stairs—
“Still am, baby.”
Vyn dived down the stairs instinctively,  hissing out small, foreign curses as he landed—crashed—on the floor. He helped himself up with animalistic speed and grabbed his weapons, dashing towards the room opposite the wall where Marius continued to fire his silencer gun.
The doctor clutched his side and winced. Two minutes in and he already got himself a bruise.
“Stupid brat,” he muttered sharply as he reloaded his rifle. “Whatever crossed my mind? I should have killed him that fucking night.”
Two nights ago.
Vyn—in his white Mercedes—took a sharp turn round the bend of his English garden, leading out of the mansion gates. He was running, no, driving away from Marius. Why? Nothing much, really. Just that after six years of marriage Marius found out that aside from being a psychiatrist, his dear husband actually worked as an assassin. Learned that Vyn was a killer from another agency, which unfortunately for Marius was PAX’s worst rival with… well, dirty work.
But that wasn’t the worst part. Marius was an experienced killer, too, a secret even the best psychiatrist in the country must have somehow missed.
So… shit.
It was supposed to be a romantic dinner date. Vyn came home earlier than usual (he had to call off his assassination schedule that night) so he could cook his husband’s favorite dinner. The ever-so-loving Vyn Richter even lit candles on the table, did some last-minute flower arrangements, all so they’d have a good time (He even had half a mind to light candles and scatter rose petals across their bedroom, for a change). It had been a while since the last time he’d eaten a proper meal with Marius, anyway.
But there was something amiss, and Vyn was upset. Upset with the fact that he couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Or what could possibly go wrong.
Although he was quite certain it involved his husband. And involved he was indeed because Marius was all but suspicious that whole evening, asking this and that, inquiries Vyn himself often utilized whenever he questioned a target or a client. And he wouldn’t have been a renowned psychiatrist if his husband’s dubious actions went unnoticed. Marius. I did not know he would be this daft.
Until the bottle of wine Marius was holding suddenly slipped from his grasp, and Vyn—who was seated, his back turned away, his attention wholly fixated on anything other than Marius and his wine—caught the bottle swiftly with one hand.
It was then he realized he’d made a grave mistake, because if anything his husband’s grip was always firm, and not in this life would Marius von Hagen let a million-stellin wine slip from his hands.
Marius let it slip on purpose.
And now Vyn drove his Mercedes the way a lunatic would their car, ramming on the trash bins and fences and even some of the patches of roses from his beloved garden, all to escape from his husband. Because apparently, his dirty secret’s out, and Marius is out to get him (perhaps).
The car screeched as he took a sharp turn, finally out from their mansion. Was he a free man, now? Not exactly—Marius von Hagen suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, running. Vyn muttered under his breath. Goddammit. He took the shortcut. I forgot about the shortcut—
A bang sounded, and the next thing Vyn knew, there was a crack on the windshield. The car halted abruptly.
Vyn scrutinized the crack. A bullet.
“Did…” he mused—hissed, rather—as his eyes trailed to where Marius was knelt on the ground, slowly helping himself up. “Did this bastard just try to shoot me?”
Marius almost flinched when Vyn, just a meter or two from him, slammed his hands on the car horn repeatedly. If it wasn’t his pretty little husband Marius would’ve just shot the car until the tires go off and the driver dead; but then again it was Vyn inside that car, and—
And the windshield… has a crack. And I have a gun. And I…
Marius swallowed. And he must’ve accidentally pulled the trigger when he hopped out of the bushes from the sidewalk and tripped. And now Vyn thinks he tried to shoot him.
“Baby, accident.” Marius now stood in front of the car, and the sight of his husband—who looked angry as hell—could be seen clearly from his line of vision. He hoisted both arms, the way a cornered, guilty criminal would, and repeated his words gently, “Baby, accident. Accident.”
Marius gestured to his gun. “I tripped. Accident,” he shouted. Marius didn’t really give a damn anymore whether or not the neighbors would hear him. “Baby, accident—no, stop!”
Marius inhaled sharply as he heard the engine rev—and it revved loud, as if a warning, more than enough to tell Marius if he didn’t step out of the way at that very moment Vyn would drag him to death by way of a hit and run.
And he did not hesitate.
“No, stop! Wait!” Marius waved his arms frantically, almost throwing away his gun just so he could show Vyn he wouldn’t dare hurt him. However it was his mistake that he pondered it at all, because Vyn Richter was the pettiest man alive, petty enough to actually hit the gas and hurl the vehicle towards Marius.
Oh, shit. Is this my end?
The car steered forward, its speed almost inescapable (for anyone in Marius’ situation). Marius gathered all his weight and lunged at the car, and Vyn then piloted the steering wheel in a rapid pace, left and right, in an attempt to haul his husband—probably ex-husband soon—out of the car, but to no avail. “Get off my fucking car!” he yelled irritably. “Marius von Hagen!”
Marius even managed to smirk as he held onto the side of the car (for dear life). “Stop the car—” he shouted back, his face almost hitting the windshield. “Vilhelm von Hagen!”
“Fuck you.”
“Saturday, if I have not killed you yet by then.”
“Sweet.” Marius took advantage of Vyn getting carried away by their banter—Vyn could only hiss out in frustration as Marius broke the passenger seat window with the handle of his gun. It didn’t take long before he was halfway inside the vehicle, and Vyn was fumbling with his seatbelt.
But Marius was a second too late. The moment he’d gotten inside entirely, Vyn had already thrown himself out of the vehicle, and the Mercedes, along with Marius, was heading straight to the dark woods.
“Fuck you,” Vyn spat, still lying on the asphalt, catching his breath. He had wounds and scratches all over his skin—so much for all his skin routines—but that did not matter at the time. He fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.
“Good evening,” he greeted rather blandly. “Yes. Please fetch me, and bring something sweet. I need my sugar levels to spiral.”
Present times.
And so they are here, trying to shoot one another’s head. Marius had initially come to gather his hidden weapons, only to find them gone. Vyn must’ve found out. The psychiatrist, on the other hand, returned home and got his guns ready. Heck, Marius even considered the great possibility of his husband setting up traps within the house.
Now we can tell who loves who more.
Yeah. That would be me, Marius would say. I love this sick fuck more than he loves me.
He peeked at the stairs. Marius caught Vyn claiming the opposite wall as his barricade, swore to god heard his muse wince at what could’ve been new bruises. He chewed on his lower lip as he crouched and stalked along the hallway with confident precision—he moved the way shadows would devour the night, utterly soundless as he coursed towards their dining area, which was also a connecting room to their massive kitchen.
To Vyn’s kitchen, his mind noted, almost like an instinct. His beloved had always been the one to cook all their meals, bake mouthwatering desserts and mix their cocktails and most times they’d end up hot that Vyn would find himself bent over the counter with Marius railing him from behind. Sometimes atop that long table, where Marius would feast on his husband the way he would his favorite meal; in return, Vyn knelt on the carpet under the table and sucked Marius’ hard cock until he moaned and screamed his name and squirted his cum on Vyn’s crystalline smooth face.
Marius was never in the kitchen, that sacred place. Sacred to his husband, at least, but when he did go there, it was always to admire Vyn while he prepped their meals.
He let out a bitter chuckle as he entered the dimmed space. Good old days.
Marius scanned the room, one he was most familiar with, before he proceeded to check under the table and chairs, ran his hands along the wall, removed the exquisitely-framed portraits hanging on them as a precaution. He knew Vyn couldn’t have been here for long; he wouldn’t have ample enough time to set up his baits within the house, but just in case.
He’d learned well not to underestimate Vyn. Vyn Richter, of all people.
Keeping his steady stance, Marius trod towards the high archway that led to the kitchen hall. He moved with a spy’s practiced grace and quiet, walking about the area as he quickly drafted a plan in his head. It was safer here, he thought, for almost little to no lights were switched on, and none of them would dare, since the lights could only be opened with two claps or a snap. Even without Marius’ careful movements, Vyn won’t be able to locate him that quickly. Especially since their house was a goddamn mansion.
No, screw that. A goddamn castle. If Vyn had not declined his husband’s initial offer with regard to housing, their residence would have looked like Buckingham Palace, except it was in Stellis.
Well great. How nice would it be to reminisce while your husband’s lurking in the same house, trying to kill you? Marius blew a sigh through his nose, frustrated. Couldn’t this be resolved with yet another delftware imported from France—
Marius went cold. “Fuck.”
He went cold because somehow, he’d forgotten that he didn’t really own this kitchen. That even though he’d been here a lot of times to fuck his husband on that table and over that counter, he wasn’t there enough to fully know and memorize each tile, each wall, each delftware that perched on display. Because somehow, Marius had focused on the possible threats that he’d missed the most unsuspecting yet lethal ones: Vyn’s decorative collection of teacups and teapots and plates.
And perhaps the odds were not in his favor tonight, because Marius accidentally bumped into one, and the teapot—even though he had caught it with his hand at first—proceeded to take its fall and break itself into hundreds of tiny shards. Marius stilled, his blood thrumming in alarm.
At first, there was silence. The eerie kind.
And then rained a series of bullets from the dining room entrance.
“Fuck fuck fuck—”
Marius dived into floor, clutching his silencer. He crawled swiftly under the long table until he reached the archway to the kitchen. He stood on his feet and snatched his other pistol from its belt holster, scanning the kitchen—a fucking enormous kitchen—for efficient shields, weapons, or if the heavens somehow favored him again, a possible way out. An escape from his deranged husband.
He’s too beautiful for someone demented, though.
He heard footsteps. Slow and steady, its familiar, elegant cadence enough a warning for Marius to keep his guard, his guns hoisted and at the ready. In one stride, he took refuge beside the fridge, the opposite side of it facing the entrance.
And then there was a distant, honeyed voice. “You dare break my delftware.”
“You fired because of a fucking teapot?” Marius sneered, but cackled all the same. “You’re crazy.”
“Your fault for marrying me.”
“A horrible decision, really.”
Vyn pulled the trigger and fired, the bullet merely grazing past the fridge. A warning. “I gathered. Seeing how you are out almost every other night, only to a foolish spouse will that go unnoticed,” Vyn uttered, his voice laced with venom—bitterness. “Tell me, darling. How many ladies have you fucked while you were gone?”
Marius resisted the urge to step out of his hiding spot and confront his husband head-on. “Fucking stop it, Vyn. Are you serious? This again?” he complained, the grip around his silencer tightening in his simmering anger. “I never cheated on you, godammit. I told you—I was out for business. How many times do I have to drill that into your head?”
“Ah, yes. Business. And what exactly is your business, Marius?”
Marius chuckled. “I could ask you the same, baby,” he said in his smoothest, sweetest voice, then strode out from his refuge, aiming his silencer at Vyn. In those few, shared seconds of conversation he’d noted where his husband stood, where he was facing, the appliances which surrounded them—Vyn won’t be able to duck anywhere, and could not possibly sprint too fast to shield himself from Marius’ attack.
But then again—he shouldn’t have underestimated.
Because when he’d stepped out, Vyn was not there.
He was already behind him.
He did the most possible, most horrible thing he could think of: as he swiveled round to Vyn’s direction, Marius hooked his fingers under the fridge’s recessed handle, pulled it open, then slammed its massive steal door against Vyn.
“Scheisse.” The fridge door rammed against him face-first—Vyn’s nose throbbed with a nasty pain, and he sensed hot liquid leaking from it, tasted the coppery tang of blood when it drifted further into his mouth. “Fucking. Swine.”
He knew the fridge door would be a serviceable shield, knew the bullets he’d fire would protect Marius no matter what and doing so would only be a disadvantage. However Vyn blasted back that instinct, that knowledge, and proceeded to rain yet another series of bullets towards Marius (or the fridge, actually), all because of sheer aggravation. How dare he slam that door into his face—was he not his muse, his darling? Was he not this ethereal man Marius had always drawn and sketched and painted on his canvases for he wished to preserve his beauty?
Goddammit—the curse looped inside Vyn’s head, his nose flaring with rage. His nose fucking hurt.
And Vyn screamed along his firing, both weapons aimed toward the fridge. The kitchen was dimmed, with no lights on and so all he could see were the blazing yellows and oranges and reds, could only hear the all-too-familiar bangs and booms as the shots blasted through the metal.
He stopped attacking. Vyn wept the blood from his face with the sleeve of his once immaculate, white coat, wincing as he did. His nose stung so much and it rendered him so very, very furious. “Marius von Hagen,” he said. Hissed.
A low chuckle. “Vilhelm von Hagen. Or would your surname be back to Richter now?”
And there was silence, utter silence, before Vyn’s life flashed before his eyes.
The psychiatrist could only slide back as the fridge—which was a whole lot bigger than him in all aspects possible, completely towering over him—started slanting from above and down to crush him. It was too swift that he could only clumsily stumble back, almost slipping on the tiles and making a fool out of himself.
Marius heard Vyn curse in a vague, foreign language—German, no, Svartian, probably—as he scurried to save himself and dodge his husband’s pretty little trick. Actually, screw that, Marius thought. Pushing this goddamn fridge might very well be his disadvantage: one, it was too heavy it took a lot of effort and energy, and two—the kitchen was a spacious room and he threw his only barricade away.
No matter. He will just have to remedy that, in whatever way he can.
Like taking advantage of his disoriented, recuperating rose by means of taking their electric stove and throwing it in Vyn’s direction.
He’d turned away before that stove hit his husband.
No. He didn’t want to see that.
Didn’t want to see his husband hurt.
He released a sharp breath and looked skyward, then blinked his eyes repeatedly, well-aware of the stinging tears threatening to flow. He ran to the exit all the same, his only goal to escape—he didn’t wish a violent shoot-out with his love, inside their home, no less, but he needed to return the act lest he got killed.
All this—the thought of killing Vyn would kill Marius just the same, anyway.
Heh. He didn’t seem to hesitate shooting me, was what roved in his mind as he made his quick escape. God. That hurt. That fucking hurts.
And he was now well on his way out, finally, with only a step before the archway when Marius peered over his shoulder—then regretted it shortly after.
A kitchen knife had grazed past his ear, the tip of its blade hitting the wall with a dull, slicing thud.
Marius stood there for a while, utterly shocked. Vyn hurled the blade too skillfully that blood trickled down his ear—only a slight brush with the knife, truly, and there was only a minor sting—and Marius recalled it again and again, the way that knife went past him so swiftly, almost like a soft winter’s breeze.
Maybe he deserved it. He’d broken not only Vyn’s delftware but his nose, too.
“Just to remind you, my darling.” Vyn stood steady far across him, his gun hanging by his side, his other arm still held forth after throwing the knife like a sports dart. He was bleeding, his nose and his arm, yet his poise was much like a prince’s, still, as if he hadn’t partaken in this chaos of an indoor shoot-out.
Oh and despite himself, Marius swooned when Vyn had addressed him darling.
“That you destroyed my fridge.” He leveled his gun, his aim at Marius’ direction. “And inside that fridge were all the pastries I had worked so hard for this goddamn week—more particularly that matcha cake.”
Ah, Marius thought, almost nodding unconsciously. I’m thoroughly fucked, then.
The psychiatrist fired another time, only once, but close enough to shoot off Marius’ ear.
Thoroughly, completely, perfectly fucked.
If that bullet blasted a few inches down Marius was sure he’d only have one serviceable ear left. Fuck it. Vyn’s aim was as good as his so thank the heavens the odds somehow favored him tonight because if they didn’t, his head would be pounding with a static burn at this very moment for he got his ear blown off to oblivion.
Marius sprinted. Not out, because the hallway was narrow and with how accurate Vyn’s aim is, he was certain he’d get shot at some point. So instead he darted to the side at lightspeed. “Goddammit, Vyn!” he shouted as Vyn fired constantly, following his every stride; thank goodness there were no kitchen lights and Vyn couldn’t see clearly even with those ugly glasses. “You’re really going to blow off my ear? How am I to hear your needy moans then?”
“You will not hear them again.”
“Not of pleasure,” said Marius as he slid behind the mid counter, hiding away from Vyn. He tugged open the small cabinet and swiftly made a slice on the gas hose before he slithered away like a madman and out to the archway. It would be nasty with that leaking gas and Vyn’s shotgun.
Wow, thank god we weren’t all into electric shit.
When Vyn fired, the kitchen exploded in flames.
Vyn threw himself back, and he crashed into the wooden floor, breaking his glasses in the process. Every part of him ached, and his head pounded; his vision was obscured without his glasses, the narrow hallway a distant horizon he was not sure he’d reach because he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe—
His thighs burned, a hot, searing pain pulsating within his loins, and it was only then that he realized he was on fire. Like it was his second nature the doctor halted thrashing and crawled to the nearest open space, that area near the archway, and rolled himself across, exhausting the flames on his person.
He wouldn’t dare glance at his burns. He couldn’t stomach them for sure.
Not because they were gruesome, no, but because he cared greatly for his vanity, and now his efforts had been all in vain. So much for face and body value.
He snatched his gun, then, and hastened out of the burning kitchen and into the dining area.
Vyn didn’t mind the burn, the throbbing, the pain that wished to devour him. Not when his adrenaline was spiraling and begging to be put to fucking use. His instinct—an assassin’s or a husband’s, he couldn’t discern—led him out and around the lobby, up the stairs, to that one, distinctive chamber his husband treasured most.
The Atelier.
The memories rushed in with each step, every soundless stride. He’d designed that room with Marius, had decorated it day and night with him. Had baked cookies and delivered them there, so Marius would have something to eat as he worked on his new opuses; had stayed by his side as he recounted stories with his paint.
Had taken off his silken robe as he perched on the chaise, naked, looking so ethereal as Marius painted him, brought his beauty to canvas.
The reward? Marius had fucked him silly all through the night, on that very same couch.
Vyn took deep breaths. He acknowledged those memories, accepted them. Then locked them all away.
He hoisted his gun, and tiptoed close, closer. No signs told him Marius was inside, but Vyn steered forward, trusting his gut as it churned at his intuition—he is here. I do not know why, but I know he is here.
He ticked that box with a check.
As he entered the room a silencer shot, hitting just behind him. Marius stood by the opened windows, his weapon in hand; a thick cable wrapped around the atelier’s metal handle and it fell outside, down to Vyn’s precious garden. He was escaping.
“Heh.” Vyn aimed his gun at Marius, the smirk on his face menacing. “Planning for escape?”
Marius threw him an annoyed glance. “You put the house on a fucking lockdown.”
Vyn shrugged his shoulders. “You were able to open that window,” he said. “Whatever happened to the alarms?”
“Switched them off first.”
“And the window?” No one was supposed to open any part of the house when it is on lockdown.
“I know shit on this house that you don’t know of.”
“Ah. Well, that does not matter.” Vyn trod forward, careful. The weapons were still aimed at one another as he neared a small, circular table where Marius’ rarest pigments sat in glass bell jars. “What matters is… oh, look. These are your pigments.”
“Such rare pigments,” mused Vyn, eyeing the expensive, imported, rare set of paints atop the table.
Marius took a cautionary step forward. His hand reached towards his husband, the gesture as if attempting to halt whatever deranged thing Vyn framed out to do. “Vyn—”
“Imported from Italy, yes?” The older man trailed, his finger brushing against the glass. “Ah. And this one was from our Grand Tour—France, if I remember correctly. From Louvre.”
“Don’t shoot it.” Marius’ voice shook. “Don’t fucking shoot it.”
Vyn stopped. He chuckled—then looked up at Marius. “All right,” he said with an innocent smile, “I won’t.”
Then struck the table’s legs so it tumbled down, onto the floor, the special paints now mere, vibrant stains that tarnished the wooden tiles.
Vyn sneered at Marius. “Screw you.”
And proceeded to fire not to his husband, but everything inside the atelier: the canvases, both empty and brimming with colors, the vases and the chairs and stools, the portraits on the wall, the unfinished sketches and all the works in progress—the Seti Falls among other brilliant landscapes of their travels in Skadi, in and around Stellis, all the way to Europe.
Marius seethed, and one may even argue he was about to breathe out flames. “You fucking fiend—”
Vyn halted his advances when his aim pointed to an unfinished portrait of him.
Gods, he looked beautiful in it. Like the image of a prince, one of which a hopeful maiden would see only in the fairytales she reads, wondering if she’d ever snag a man as handsome as him. His lips were curved into a half-smile, all so lucious, and Vyn felt that familiar, rancid guilt tug at him—only a little, he wanted to deny it—as he wondered the many hours Marius had worked to capture him as beautifully as he could. Not that it was a hard task, for Vyn had always been a most spectacular muse, but still…
He lowered his gun and spared that portrait from his rage—saved himself from his own, unfettered violence.
But soon enough, Dr. Richter would realize that only portrait Vyn had been granted salvation.
Vyn nonchalantly aimed at his husband another time, did not hesitate, even a sliver, as he pulled the trigger toward Marius. But Marius dodged and rolled to his back, deftly until he tumbled against the wall under the window, and with a terrifyingly calm expression poised himself to kneel on the tiles.
Vyn reloaded his gun. “What are you doing, kneeling there?” he seethed. “Have you given up, darling?”
“No,” said Marius, a chuckle rumbling down his body. His amethyst eyes had darkened, and Vyn tensed, feeling gooseflesh all over his skin as Marius took something out of his person—a hand grenade.
“You know what,” the young von Hagen began, his voice low and cold, “I shouldn’t have tended your garden during the days you weren’t here.”
“You are to stop this instant.”
“What do you say? Fuck off and say adiós to your precious little garden.” It only took a split of a second as Marius pulled the pin with his mouth, and tossed it behind him, the grenade hurtling over his husband’s precious sanctuary of roses and lilies.
Only a split second before Vyn Richter’s garden exploded into a thousand, splendid fireworks.
And if it weren’t for his unmitigated, passionate fury thrumming with each breath, each step, and every thunder of his heart transcending over the harrowing, golden flames burning in the dead of night, of which singed the beloved flowers he’d tended to for years, Vyn would’ve fallen to his knees onto the wooden tiles, and cried his heart out in heavy grief.
But Vyn stood there, not moving an inch, as he watched the scorching fire. The flares flickered in his eyes, round and round the deepest trenches of those golden hues, until all he could see and feel was…
Well, nothing. As if unbothered.
However his mind, his brilliant mind toiled clearly—too vivid, the thoughts smooth-sailing in his ocean of schemes.
“Dieser verdammte Marius,” he muttered—that goddamn Marius—as he strode near the doorway, opened an emergency cabinet, and pulled the heavy, metal handle, activating the manor’s fire sprinklers.
Wet chemicals erupted from the ceilings, all over the house. Vyn navigated the halls and the rooms with precision, checking the bedroom, the lounge, the bar, in a search for a certain von Hagen.
He hoisted his gun as he trod to each chamber, each corridor. Vyn went down the stairs and proceeded, with much caution, to the main living room—
When a click sounded behind him.
“Let’s stop this now, Vyn,” Marius said quietly as he drew closer, his silencer only a meter or two away from his husband’s back.
“Unlock the house, and we can separate in peace—”
Vyn swung around, pivoting on his heel, and knocked Marius’ weapon out of his grasp.
Marius stumbled to the side, but maintained his balance almost as instantly. “What the—”
“You are naive to think that after all this, I would let you out.” Now it was his time to brandish his gun, leveling the weapon slowly to Marius, who now had both hands raised in surrender. He was on the farthest corner of the room, trapped; his only escape was the very path Vyn stood on, getting in his way out, deliberately so. “Well, well. What do we have here?”
“Your loving husband.”
Vyn’s brow raised, and his features scrunched into disdain. “I would not say that—”
He was cut off by Marius pouncing onto him with all his weight, Marius’ hands wrapped around his own, restricting him and the gun. And before Vyn could even try to get away Marius sent him to the ground—Marius had forcefully slid his leg against Vyn’s, and when his husband lost his balance, the two of them plunged into the floor.
At the impact, Vyn’s grip loosened, and Marius kicked the gun away from them as he helped himself up.
Oh, zounds. Why did I kick it away? I should’ve taken it—
A flower vase came hurtling toward him, and Marius shielded his face from the glass, letting it break into tiny shards as it fell to the floor. And his jaw might’ve been broken, too, for Vyn had suddenly appeared in front of him, and threw Marius the best jaw-breaking punch he had ever received.
It was painful, to be sure, but he had no time for such. He caught Vyn rushing to the doorway.
What’s he doing?
Marius’ face scrunched and he winced, the pain in his jaw utterly excruciating.
He’s going for the gun.
“No way in hell.”
Marius the nearest object he could find—a mini coffee table—and hurled it in Vyn’s direction.
He stood on his feet and sprinted to the doorway. The table had hit Vyn’s torso, the impact heavy on his waist, and he dropped to the floor, groaning in pain.
But before Marius could reach for the gun himself, Vyn held him by the leg.
He landed face-forward. His arms, thank goodness, saved him from rendering his handsome face wretched. Marius rolled onto his back, only for Vyn to lunge at him.
Vyn first threw a punch to his jaw yet again, but Marius caught his wrists. With a mighty force Marius was able to toss Vyn to the side—he was the stronger one, after all—and Vyn ended up with his back against the couch.
Vyn was still recuperating when Marius came to wrap his hands around Vyn’s neck, restricting his breathing. His hands went instinctively around Marius’, punching and pulling and desperate to get away. At last Vyn gathered enough strength to move away from the chaise and to the side, bringing Marius with him; Marius who, despite his strength, admitted to struggling with Vyn’s futile attempts to escape.
But the next thing Marius knew, he was throwing his husband across the room.
Vyn flew directly to the massive grandfather’s clock, the glass shattering and raining over him.
Blood now stained the doctor’s face, his body. But at that very minute he wouldn’t feel any wound, any injury. Just the unfaltering will to fight to death with his husband.
He felt betrayed.
He was scared. He was so scared he would lose him—to a woman, to PAX, to this. Add the five consecutive nights he’d prepared dinner for them and Marius never came home.
He’d rather end the marriage here than in court.
Marius dashed towards him, ready to pounce. Vyn caught sight of the expensive wine bottles on the table beside him.
And so he snatched two of the wine bottles and smashed them on either side of Marius’ head. The bottles crashed, and Marius bellowed in pain. Crimson leaked in his skin, his clothes—was it the wine? His blood? Vyn swallowed as took in the sight of his husband, hands on his head, moaning in deep pain; he looked away immediately and strode out from Marius’ reach.
Marius chuckled. “Of course you’ll go for the gun.”
“Do you not think it the easiest way out?” Vyn merely said, his voice higher, obviously vexed. Yet the way he spat those words was honeyed, still. “I shoot you, I win.”
“Is that what this is all about?”
“Ah.” Marius staggered, but pressed onward. “Then you’re not getting that gun.”
In quick strides Marius threw himself at Vyn, but the older man rolled himself easily over the couch. Marius pushed the chaise to the side with one swift move, and only the oval glass-lined coffee table separated them.
Like that table’s gonna do shit.
And it all began with footwork. In his fighting stance, Marius assessed his husband, the two of them circling around the table slowly, vigilantly. Waiting for the other to hint at their weakness, to give away their hidden cards—neither knew the other’s tricks, having only found out their secret careers this evening.
But goddammit, Marius cursed inwardly as he observed his muse with that perfect sparring form, however his bearing elegant, still. The lock of his shoulders, the way his forearms were bent to his elbows, his knees curved just right; that determined face, his brimming confidence—goddammit, goddammit, goddammit.
He’s perfect.
I love him.
“Well fuck me. You always made me carry your heavy stuff, but now you look like you’re ready to carry me to my grave.”
Vyn smirked—then pushed the table with his foot.
The force was too strong that Marius knew he wouldn’t be able to stop it on his own, and that he’d only hurt whatever part of him that met the table’s edge. The table slid forward, launching straight at Marius, and all he could do was leap on top of the table.
It was small, that table. Marius lost his balance and fell face-forward to the marble tiles.
“Fuck it,” he groaned, his elbows stinging. “I fucking hate you—”
Vyn gripped his shoulder and swung him around, his back now on the floor. “Hello, my love,” he purred as he pinned both Marius’ hands atop his head, then straddled him. “Do you like this?”
Marius smirked. “You on top? Hell yeah.”
Vyn’s fist went flying to his face.
“FUCK—” Marius groaned, his nose stinging. He could almost taste the metallic tang of blood. “I can’t believe you ordered me to carry your shit around when you can punch this hard.”
“You betrayed me.” Vyn landed another punch. “You are a liar! You lied to me!”
“Look who’s fucking talking!”
“Go to hell.”
With his weakening grip on Marius, the young von Hagen was able to snatch his arms and finally turn the goddamn tables. He wrapped his legs around Vyn’s torso and flung themselves to the side.
Vyn gasped. Marius now sat on top of him, towering over him. His grip on Vyn’s wrists was too tight they could’ve been red with the mark of his fingers, or a nasty purple because of bruising—god, they could’ve been a pale blue for that grip might as well halt the blood from coursing through.
“Now, now, sweetheart.” Marius pinned his lover’s wrists on the floor. He noted the slightly frantic tussling, Vyn’s… sexy labored breathing. “I think I like this better,” he whispered. “Me on top of you.”
And Vyn could only gasp as Marius grappled his throat. Not to kill him—to weaken him, somehow. To make him lose consciousness. And then he’ll decide from there.
“Hck—” Vyn’s choking filled his ears and, even when he wanted to, he couldn’t look away. “M-Marius—”
Stop it. You’re hurting him.
His grip did not weaken.
“Hck… P-Please—”
Don’t say it. Don’t.
Say it. Vyn hurt you. You’re just returning the favor.
I can’t...
“Look at you. I love choking you like this,” Marius spat, his eyes dark and wicked. I’m going to hell for this—I’m sure of it. “If only this were a different circumstance.”
He caught Vyn’s arm flailing to his sides, and Marius wondered why he’d suddenly stopped grasping the hands that throttled him—until Vyn seized something and smashed it to his head, sending him backward.
A lampshade this time. From yet another small desk drawer just beside them.
Well, Marius thought. I should’ve seen that coming.
Vyn was, however, still frail from Marius’ attempt to strangle him. His breathing was strained, his face breaking out in cold sweat.
And hot tears rolled down his pale, bloodied cheeks.
However his adrenaline pumped again, and again, and even when his head pounded a fire burned from within, and he tried to go on all fours, a futile attempt to stand.
Marius now stood, albeit unsteadily due to the impact of the lampshade on his temple. “Come on, honey,” he managed to say despite himself, imitating a sparring stance, “come to daddy.”
Vyn inhaled a sharp breath.
He turned on his back, then, and used all his remaining strength to kick his husband’s groin.
“Fucking fiend—” Marius moaned in agony as he fell to his knees.
“Heh,” Vyn chuckled darkly. “Who’s your daddy now?”
“Ahahaha,” Marius managed a laugh. For some reason, it did not sound even the least sarcastic. In fact, it sounded so… genuine. “That’d still be me, Vyn,” he breathed, “still me.”
Then he rolled to the side, Vyn the other way around.
When they got up to their feet, nimble as men who were yet to be injured and beaten up, Vyn and Marius found themselves in a rather precarious situation:
Their guns on each other’s heads.
Blood coated their faces. Some trickled down, some already dried from earlier’s violence, the crimson-brown marking their skin as if pinpointing just where they had tried to inflict pain on one another. Desperate breaths filled the thrashed room, heaving in attempts to ease the thumping hearts, seemingly beating for something other than the desire to kill—perhaps beating for love, still.
The room had now quieted. No more crashing and shattering and heavy thuds brought about by relentless kicking and punching and hurling. The once catastrophic space was now but a peaceful one, at least in terms of sound and every other external force of nature.
“Let us end this here.”
Vyn’s tone never wavered. It was still as honeyed, elegant. But neither had the strength to actually ask, is that what you really want?
“Stop,” he said, or rather breathed, as if Vyn had drained all capacity to speak, and Marius almost didn’t hear it, but he did. He always did. “Don’t you dare call me that.”
“Okay.” Marius nodded. His gaze remained fixated on Vyn, who so determinedly held out his gun, although Marius wondered why his finger was a little far off from the trigger. He took that as a good sign—something to hold onto. “So,” he began, his silencer still aimed towards his husband, “what now?”
I do not know, he had the urge to say. But he wouldn’t say it. Not in this life.
“Are we to stay like this the entire night, Vyn?”
“No, of course not.”
“Should I worry now?”
“As you should.”
“You’re going to kill me?”
Vyn’s eyes snapped to him, meeting those eyes of dark amethyst, and Vyn realized he hadn’t been looking at Marius this whole time, only to a random part of his face so it would seem like he was strong enough to take this head-on. But when their eyes met he felt his breath catch, and gods did Vyn want to whip everything back in time just so this didn’t happen. Just so he would have him back.
It is still him, he told himself. This youthful man, so willingly returning his gaze even though Vyn bore some brutal promise, always the man who could see him, who chooses to see through him and accepts what sought refuge beneath the facade—still Marius.
My Marius.
Vyn gasped, more loudly than he’d intended, when the silencer dropped to the floor.
His line of sight panned up to Marius. “What are you doing?” he hissed with unmistakable, rising fury. “Pick it up.”
Marius raised his arms, slowly, in surrender. “I don’t want to.”
“Pick up the gun.”
“I can’t.”
He inhaled sharply that the air could cut his throat, which was painfully drying, his heartbeat starting to race another time as he attempted to persuade him, “Pick it up, Marius! Pick the fucking gun—”
“No,” Marius said, shaking his head in regret.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you?”
“Believe me.”
He was pleading, and Vyn knew that. Not pleading for his life, but pleading his love.
Until Vyn asked, “Why did you do it?”
His eyes lit up. It didn’t matter whether Vyn would accept his answer, he didn’t even care if he would believe him, but he was so damn happy Vyn was at least interested to know. And he deserved the truth—he ought to grant his husband that.
“I’m…” He breathed in, his line of sight entirely on the floor, trying to find the perfect explanation. “I don’t know. I guess I just love—”
“Killing other people?”
He looked up at Vyn. “Bloodlust—that’s it, yeah?”
Vyn scoffed. “Bloodlust. Are you kidding me?”
“I had killed someone for Giann. Accidentally,” he began, “an act of self-defense, to save myself and him. He was drugged and unconscious and we were alone, and we were kids.
“And I felt like a different person, you know? Stabbing that man to death. Torturing him until he begged that I end his suffering. Instead I got a blunt knife…” He trailed, his voice now dripping with that familiar longing, that familiar tone of satisfaction Vyn so knew about him, “started carving the family insignia deep into his skin while I listened to his pleas, his screaming, and watched the way his blood leaked from his cuts…
“It was, to say the least, a feast to my senses.” Marius chuckled, his voice dark, almost evil. As if Vyn’s kind, youthful husband had gone, had turned into someone unspeakable, someone he didn’t know. Or perhaps, a Marius he has yet to meet. “That was when I realized I let another me live within. He’s someone who loved drawing blood, someone who craved for violence. All of this, Vyn—I do it all for fun. I couldn’t get it out of my system. So, yeah.”
“You could have told me,” whispered Vyn. Marius wanted to believe he saw those golden irises soften, even only for a passing beat. “You could have trusted me.”
“I trust you, baby. But no,” he said resolutely, “I love you, so damn much, and I wanted to be perfect for you.”
Marius took a step forward. Vyn’s grasp tightened around the gun.
But Marius pressed forth. Arms falling heavy on either side he took yet another step, his mouth curving on a slight, sad smile as he walked closer, and closer, dangerously closer to the beautiful man who carried such a hideous promise.
“I want to be the perfect man…” Marius halted, just a few breaths away from the gun aimed directly at him. He crouched a little, leaned forward—
Vyn gasped. His whole body tremored, a sudden chill running all over his skin.
Marius wrapped his long fingers around the gun’s barrel, tugging it towards himself, pressing his chest against the hot muzzle. “The perfect husband for you.”
He observed as Vyn continued to nibble on his lower lip, biting it hard that it reddened with the threat of blood, and Marius’ chest tightened as he saw those golden hues now glossy with emerging tears. Vyn’s breathing had gone from composed to ragged, and soon the hand which held the gun started to shake.
“Vyn,” his husband called softly, “I love you, okay?”
He was surprised to feel hot tears filling his eyes, a stray of it rolling past his bloodied cheek. “Marius…”
“I…” he paused, grasping for words, suddenly losing all the vigor to fight. His heart shattered at this, at everything—at himself for being such a petty husband who never truly gave Marius the chance to prove himself, all because of some missed dinners. Who never gave Marius the benefit of the doubt even when Vyn saw in his eyes a flicker of hope.
He was so lost swimming in his ocean of thoughts that he never noticed Marius, who started easing away the gun ever so calmly, and Vyn—exhausted and drained out of his wits—allowed him his weapon to make its descent, down until he himself decided to drop it to the floor.
And he seemed to be in a daze indeed as Marius pressing closer to him went unnoticed, until Vyn realized, only after almost a minute, that Marius had gotten their bodies closer, almost skin to skin…
Marius knew he was quite awake now—from all his little reveries—and while he expected Vyn to land another blow or finish him once and for all, he was surprised when his husband’s gaze flitted from his lips before it settled up to his eyes, his pale, slender hands sliding to his chest as he whispered, “I love you too, Marius.”
Then Vyn was pushed onto the couch.
The doctor gasped, too surprised that it was a pitch higher than usual, and for a moment he was afraid that Marius had gotten the upper hand with his trick and now he ought to strangle him, but his gut believed otherwise, and his gut turned out to be right because Marius leaned down to kiss him—rough and wet, hungry as his tongue lapped in his mouth, a quiet sentiment of how Marius would rather kiss and touch and fuck him instead of sending blazing bullets all over their house.
“Mm—oh, Marius…” he whined as Marius pressed against him, almost straddling him, his hands relishing the softness of Vyn’s face and disregarding the feel of dried blood there, and now making their way towards the back of Vyn’s head, fingers brushing, tangling, pulling on those silver locks.
He felt his pants tighten at the sound of Vyn’s moans, and he grabbed a fistful of his hair and dragged his head back, suddenly feeling the lust of tasting Vyn’s exposed neck. Marius leaned down, his mouth pressed against his neck, trailing wet, open-mouthed kisses along soft skin, tasting blood and hot sweat. He bit lightly at the hollow of his shoulder—
“Ah!” Vyn cried in perhaps both pleasure and pain, his fingers clutching desperately on Marius’ sleeves—sleeves that were rolled all the way up near his elbows and it was so sexy Vyn almost wanted to wave the white flag, in the middle of their shoot-out, just so he could fuck him. So he could kiss him, kneel in front of him, fulfilling his husbandly duty of sucking his cock. “Marius…”
“We literally just started,” Marius said as he looked up to meet Vyn’s eyes, a smirk curling at the edge of his lips.
“Fuck you.”
“Darling, I’m about to.”
“Well why don’t you get on with it? Or would you rather waste my—oh, fuck—Marius!”
Vyn could only screw his eyes shut, and Marius could only let out a satisfied groan as he ground his hips against Vyn’s, biting his lip as he felt that hard erection, the proof of his husband’s growing need and oh, how he’d love to satisfy him. “What was that?”
“Will you ever stop talking—”
Marius shut him up with another kiss on the mouth. Vyn tasted sweet, as usual, however Marius made out the metallic flavor of blood, but it’s not like he would mind. It’s his husband’s blood, anyway, and he’d be most willing to take a sip of it, drink it, chug it until it sank down his throat the way he would his chocolate drink.
Ah, but Marius loved it more when it was Vyn who did that with his cum.
As he kissed Vyn he continued moving, grinding his hips until all he could hear were the melodies of Vyn’s whines and sighs, and gods was he so distracted Marius failed to notice Vyn already taking the matter into his own hands unbuttoning Marius’ shirt, and with fervent speed at that.
He suppressed a laugh as he bowed his head, watching in awe as Vyn fumbled with the buttons of his black shirt, breathing so hard and sensually as if he could wait no longer. In fact it felt like Vyn would be very much happy to just tear his shirt apart—not that his husband would mind, either.
“You were so determined to kill me earlier,” Marius said as Vyn unbuttoned the very last one, “but now you’re so hot and horny for me. I told you I did like your mood swings—hmph!”
He was cut off by Vyn’s mouth claiming his own—much to his delight—and soon he found himself hooking his arms under Vyn’s spine and the back of his legs, his feet then making way to their bedroom on the second floor. Vyn wrapped his arms around Marius’ neck instinctively, even pulling him closer as if he needed more, plenty more of him, and Marius loved the way his husband craved for his kisses that it must have given him some omniscient power to navigate the halls and the stairs in the dark so precisely.
In a minute a heavy thud reverberated, echoing across the massive bedroom as Marius opened the door—or rather twisted the knob then kicked the door—and went towards the bed with much haste. He’d licked, bitten, lapped at Vyn’s mouth one last time before he dropped him to the king-sized bed, covered in midnight-lacquered sheets, and proceeded to take off his shirt—
“Wait,” Vyn protested, but before his husband could respond he hooked his two fingers round the belt loop of Marius’ pants, and tugged him closer. It was so damn hot Marius’ cock twitched.
Suddenly he wanted to grab a fistful of Vyn’s hair and make him suck his dick. He’d fuck Vyn’s mouth so well with his hard cock the man would be a beautiful, crying mess the moment he swallowed his cum.
“I…” Vyn turned a little red. “I want to suck you.”
Marius swallowed as he hurried to comply, feeling a certain heat within him intensify. Vyn was already kneeling on the bed, making quick work unbuckling Marius’ belt and letting his cock spring free and fuck, Marius’ cock was heavy and warm and slick with precum, and Vyn felt his own twitch against the fabric of his pants.
He did not waste time. Vyn wrapped his long, slender fingers around his husband’s cock, feeling Marius throb against his palm, his cold fingers. He had sucked Marius dry since god knows when, but suddenly he felt like this was all new, that he was nervous and shy again, and it was as if he was taken back to their first night as two married men. That first night after Vyn said Yes, I do, I shall marry you, and Marius beamed and Vyn thought his husband could rival the sun. Funny what some husband quarrel and house violence could do to you—
“Just so you know, Vyn.” A low, impatient voice pulled him away from his thoughts. “I’m this close to shoving your face down my cock, if you don’t mind.”
Vyn bit his lip as he saw yet again that massive, hard cock staring right in front of him, waiting to be devoured. God, his husband’s cock was so beautiful, thick and velvety soft that his breath caught. And realizing once again that someone was getting impatient, Vyn leaned in and licked gently under the crown of Marius’ dick.
“Fuck.” Marius’ head dipped back, feeling his cock twitch against Vyn’s tongue. “Please—”
He rasped as Vyn complied, letting his mouth close around the head of his husband’s rock-hard cock—
“Fffuck,” Marius breathed, panting as Vyn made swirling motions with his tongue as he slid halfway down his length, “Fuck, Vyn!”
His eyes screwed shut, his hands clutching onto Vyn’s silver locks, and moaned out a broken cry as Vyn sucked his whole length, deep throating him, his wet, warm lips touching his Marius’ hot skin. “Fuck, Jesus.”
Vyn moaned around his cock, and as Marius felt it vibrate around him he dipped his head back again, seeing the goddamn stars. Vyn’s moaning didn’t stop even as he sucked his husband’s dick, Marius’ cock moving in and out of his mouth. Marius tasted so good. Every time Vyn sucked him it seemed he tasted even better and better, as if there were new flavours to his taste of clean sweat, of salty skin, and god even his precum seemed heavenly to Vyn’s tongue, melting like chocolate. His eyes fluttered shut as he sucked. God, he would suck this man’s cock forever.
Until Marius tugged Vyn’s head back, “Fuck, wait.” He panted heavily, and as he saw Vyn lick his lips—still glistening wet from his own saliva and Marius’ precum—Marius wanted to plug that pretty little mouth with his dick again. But he held himself together and said, “Wait. I’m… I was about to…”
“I’d swallow everything, Marius.”
“Fuck, stop it. Stop it or you’ll have to choke on my dick the rest of the evening.”
“What is the matter?”
Marius’ cheeks tinged a bit pink. He looked much like a teenager who wanted to try sex with his crush. “I want to… I—”
“Too good?” Vyn smirked.
“Fuck you.” A smile tugged at the edge of his lips. Marius caressed Vyn’s hair, as softly as he could. “I want to come inside you.”
Vyn swallowed, his mind once again drawn to their little memories of fucking every night until both their legs had given in, and Marius thought the same. God, he  couldn’t stop staring at his husband. Vyn looked ethereal bathed in the bedroom’s soft orange glow…
However this time it was Marius who was stripped—so quickly—from his reveries as he was pulled, thrown to the bed, with Vyn taking off his shirt, leaving his necktie around. His shirt was hauled off to the floor in a second, and now Vyn looked like some fallen angel as he straddled Marius, untying the silken tie with deft fingers, his wet lips parted in awe…
“What are you gonna do with that, huh?” Marius’ hand slipped round his husband’s waist. We’ve been married for years but goddammit, your waist is so fucking small.
“You’re gonna use that on me?” he added, whispering against the shell of Vyn’s ear, making his husband shudder. God, he loved it when Vyn did that. Loved it when his ministrations, even the smallest ones, had a great effect on him. “And look at you, don’t you think you’re a bit overdressed for the occasion?”
His cock twitched again that it almost hurt, as if begging to be hilted inside Vyn’s ass. Vyn had the sexy habit of whining and making those kinds of sounds whenever he’s surprised or caught unawares, like that very moment when Marius stripped him off his vest with one go, the buttons clinking on the floor in unison. Marius didn’t waste a second and gripped the sleeves of his doctor’s coat, tugging it off him.
Until Vyn caught his wrists and said, “Let me.”
The muse started taking off his vest—slowly, tantalizingly. He knew all too well this act was a feast for his husband’s eyes, for his cock. The slutty bottom that he was, Vyn removed his clothing alongside his heavy, sexy breathing, his mouth slightly ajar, with some stray, silver strands falling over his eyes.
The vest went abandoned. Thrown to the floor just like all else. The shirt followed, Vyn making sure the sounds he made were heard, acknowledged—oh acknowledged indeed, what with his husband’s erection poking against his leg—and he couldn’t help but suppress a smile knowing Marius was having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
When everything was unbuttoned, Vyn let the right sleeve slide down his arm, revealing some skin on his chest, his collarbone, his shoulder. Marius had seen it all, but still he thought he looked so ethereal, and so hot all the same that he was torn between treating him right—sweetly, gently—and fucking him so rough and so hard he won’t be able to walk the next day.
By instinct, Marius looked away. He bit his lip as he did, setting his sights away as he was suddenly so overwhelmed, so doubtful—do I even deserve this, he asked himself, realizing that it had been his fault why the shoot-out occurred in the first place: he missed a lot of dinners with Vyn. He was always out for his business of killing other people. He hurt him in all ways possible, especially tonight.
But then, “Marius.”
His gaze returned to Vyn. “Darling?”
“Do not look away.” Vyn’s hands, soft and cold, reached to caress his face. “Just look at me,” he said, his voice like that of an angel’s, “this is all yours—all of me. I am yours.”
Marius made sure that shirt was off his husband immediately.
He’d kissed him again, a mix of love and dominance, of lust and longing. Arms tight around Vyn’s waist he pulled his muse close to him, skin to skin, but he wanted them to be closer. He wanted to be inside him—to own him, body and soul.
He loved Vyn. Marius wouldn’t know who he is without him.
“I love you,” he grunted as Vyn ground against his erection, “I love you.” His hands wandered up his spine and down his ass, squeezing it, eliciting a moan from Vyn. “I love you.”
But it wasn’t long until Marius took his black, silken tie, staring intently, lustfully at Vyn before he hoisted it in between them, “May I?”
Vyn raised his wrists in answer. “And my tie?”
“For your eyes,” Marius said, his eyes darkening. “I was thinking your mouth, but I love hearing your noises.
“I love hearing your moans. Your whines. I love it when you scream my name.”
Marius licked his lips, and his chest swelled with triumph as he saw Vyn shiver again, turned on by a few words. Vyn gasped in surprise as Marius finished tying his wrists, pulling on the knot a bit harshly than he’d intended.
“Now,” Marius said as he worked on Vyn’s red tie, “you love the dark, don’t you darling?”
A whine escaped his lips as he was pushed to the bed. He couldn’t even recall how Marius looped and that red, silken tie around his eyes. All he knew now was he’s on the bed, on his back, his hands tied in front of him. “Ah, Marius…”
“What was that?”
Vyn could only nibble on his lower lip. “Please… oh!”
He moaned as he felt his husband’s mouth, warm and wet, close around his nipple. His toes curled at the sensation, especially at how Marius knew just how to kiss, lick, and suck his nipple and make him cry and moan so loud. His body moved frantically, the pleasure almost maddening now that his vision was obscured, and not knowing what Marius was gonna do next was killing him.
However soon he felt large hands grip his thighs, hoisting them, and Vyn most willingly submitted by wrapping his legs around Marius’ hips. He was now on top of him, could feel his hot, ragged breaths against his skin.
“You’re so hot,” Marius whispered as he kissed Vyn’s beauty mark, that one on his collarbone, “I just love fucking you so much,” he said, before unbuttoning Vyn’s pants and sliding his hand down under, wrapping his fingers around Vyn’s length.
“Oh! Marius, ah—”
“Yes, just like that…”
“You like that? Damn, you’re actually making this harder for me… let me just…”
Marius stopped, his hurrying hands fumbling on Vyn’s pants, in much haste to get inside him. Oh how badly he wanted to fuck his husband when he all but looked like a willing captive, writhing underneath him—he let his fingers travel down under, lingering on Vyn’s back, then trailing further south, massaging his arse, lifting Vyn a little in the process.
Marius did not waste any more time and took the head of his own cock, moving his hard-on closer until it rubbed softly, carefully over Vyn’s hole. He rasped as he did a little push inside. “Shit.”
Marius took that as his signal to push further, letting out a small grunt as he moved another inch, then another, and he took satisfaction witnessing Vyn’s mouth parting as he whined, silver brows furrowed in pleasure. “Ohh, Marius—”
Marius gripped on his husband’s waist and hilted his entire cock inside him.
Vyn whined again, so loud Marius wondered if his voice reached the outside, even with their windows closed. Vyn cried as Marius moved inside him, his thick, warm cock fitting perfectly in his ass, hilting deeper and deeper with each thrust that Vyn couldn’t stop muttering curses and Marius, Marius didn’t have any words for it—just sounds, low and needy. Just grunts, and moans, and whines and cries.
Marius thrust again. Harder, deeper—
“Ohh, just like that!”
“Mm—ohh, f-faster please—!”
Marius nodded frantically, and he thought how much Vyn had an effect on him that, despite Vyn being the one tied up and writhing underneath him, Marius was actually the one in his mercy.
Good. Deservedly so. Vyn Richter was his Saving Grace and he’d worship the man forever.
“Ah—fuck! Marius…!” moaned the older man, biting his lip as he welcomed the familiar pain—and pleasure—down his nether part. It was only then Marius realized he had been too excited to claim Vyn that the thought of using a lubricant or even covering his dick with saliva never crossed his mind.
“Fuck, Vyn. Does it hurt?” he asked, but never stopped moving, pulling and pushing back in.
“N-no! It feels good. You feel good…” he moaned as he shook his head, “I’d rather you—ah!—fucked me hard.”
And it was enough to make Marius pin his husband’s hands atop his head, cursing as he thrust in, and out, so hard and so deep tears started rolling down Vyn’s pale cheeks. “Faster?”
Marius gripped hard around Vyn’s wrists, railing the man as hard as he could, making Vyn cry with each powerful thrust. The sounds of wet, forceful squelching echoed across the room and, partnered with Vyn Richter’s needy moans, Marius thought damn, I should’ve brought a recorder.
Well, it’s not like he couldn’t do that soon. Pretty sure Vyn would be most willing to film all their blasphemous activities together. “I’m close.”
“M-me too…” Vyn bit his lip, his back arching in ecstasy brought about by their bodies, skin to skin. Marius pounded faster. It felt like fire, really, and he felt his stomach surging and ebbing and surging again and again with pleasure. They moved in sync now, Vyn’s hips thrusting to match his husband’s pace, and he knew he was close when he felt that electric sensation zipping through his veins, his loins, his cock. “M-Marius…!”
His balls drew up tight as Marius slammed into him, again and again. Vyn could only let out a broken cry as he sensed Marius’ hand grasping his cock, jerking it as fast and as hard, perfectly matched with the way Marius pumped his dick inside him in a relentless rhythm.
Vyn came. Loud, majestic, his hot cum spurting on Marius’ stomach and making a beautiful mess there, much like the way he was one. His head was fucking spinning and he thanked Marius for it. And he kept on crying out even as Marius came, his fresh seed filling Vyn up like he was always meant to.
He kept on going. Grinding in him so deep, so sensual, thrusting again and again and letting his very hard cock feel inside Vyn, helping both of them through the very last of their orgasms. Again, then again. One last time, until Vyn croaked weakly, and Marius grunted as he fell on the empty space on the bed, beside his husband.
Despite the exhaustion, he shifted to his side. Took the blindfold off his husband. Vyn’s eyes fluttered open immediately, albeit blearily, the fringe of his long, silver lashes casting shadows on his cheeks. He gave Marius a weak smile. “That was…”
Marius let out a soft laugh, feeling the last bits of his energy dripping away. “I want to fuck you again.” He relaxed, but felt himself stiffen at the sight of his husband: ethereal. Beautiful with his cheeks flushed and mouth parted, his neck and chest gleaming in sweat. Vyn Richter, once again, in the afterglow of mindblowing sex.
“I love you,” he whispered, though he was not sure if Vyn heard. His eyes were already closed, and he looked like he was fast asleep. Marius smiled and snuggled close to him, with Vyn’s soft breathing lulling him to slumber.
Sometime around his dream, if he ever truly dreamed, he heard a silken voice say, “I love you, too.” Felt a gentle kiss on his forehead once, twice. Then another, “I will love you forever.”
When he awoke in the middle of the night, the quiet surrounding them, he saw Vyn was sound asleep. He rested his head against the hollow of Vyn’s neck, inhaling his sweet scent, and wrapped his arms around him. “Vyn,” he whispered, “I’ll love you forever, too,” before he kissed him on the cheek.
Somehow, Marius knew he hadn’t dreamt it.
Vyn awoke three hours earlier than usual, his eyes bleary, almost blind as he stared at the digital clock which blinked 5:58 AM. He wouldn’t be up this early, but his phone rang so alarmingly in the distance—atop that couch beside their bed where Marius fucked him the whole night—and with a ringtone he wouldn’t dare not pick up, lest he received yet another lecture. An hour or two of it, even if that lecture came from his, well… not his superior, because he was the superior.
He sighed—it was his junior calling. “Good morning, my rose.”
“DON’T ‘MY ROSE’ ME, RICHTER-VON HAGEN!” came his beloved junior’s rather sweet response, and Vyn instinctively pulled his phone away from his ear, unless he wanted his hearing damaged forever. “WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU?”
“Language, beloved.”
“VYN!” Ah, there it was. He knew she was suppressing those sobs. It was conspicuous she had been pulling back tears the moment Vyn answered the call, the moment she’d heard his voice and confirmed he was alive, although not much well. “I was so, so worried about you… I thought… I thought you were—” she paused to take a light sniff, “dead. The squad is on their way. What happened?”
“I… I cannot tell you right now. I am sorry, dear,” he said, his gaze drifting to his husband who was still snoring in his sleep, and gods did Vyn thought Marius looked ethereal even during his most vulnerable moments. He fucked me so well last night…
“And please, Rosa,” he said, “tell the squad to halt their mission. I am all right—harmed, but I am faring well. And so is my husband.”
“Oh, my god. Mr. von Hagen was a witness?”
“Sort of. I shall tell you all about it when we meet.”
“Which is when, exactly?”
“Tomorrow,” he replied, his fingers running across the bare skin of his chest, wincing at the hurt from where Marius bit him. “You are in charge for now. Make certain the HQ is still up and about,” he said, “you are my second-in-command, so do what you must in my stead. Meet me tomorrow, same place.”
“Oh, uh—tomorrow, you said?”
“Yes. Is something the matter, dear?”
“Er, well…” she trailed, and Vyn’s brow arched in curiosity. He tried to rewind their past conversations, see if she’d mentioned anything she ought to accomplish tomorrow. There was nothing in particular, and Vyn was about to tell her twice until she cleared her throat and answered, “I actually… have a date tomorrow, Vyn.”
Ah. Understandable.
However, “I have taught you of the risks which comes along with our line of work. I hope you do keep your emotions out of your job—”
“What a hypocrite,” Marius muttered beside him. Was this idiot fake-sleeping the whole time?
“Never you mind. I am not against your relationships. I will meet you in two days, then,” Vyn continued—not without glaring at his husband first and foremost in the morning—and added, “but of course, what is this lucky lad’s name? Age, hair colour—”
“Luke Pearce, thirty years old. Coral eyes, chestnut blonde, and very cute.”
“Make certain you put up his records in the office. That aside—please enjoy your date, Rosa.”
Vyn pressed on the end button. He was thinking whether to check up on his husband or do a background check on Luke Pearce first, but he heard another phone call—this time from Marius’ phone—and even though he never truly meant to listen… well, however could he not?
“Hey, Luke?”
Vyn’s ears perked at the sound of his name. Luke.
“Yeah, sure. Wait, you can’t tomorrow?” Marius asked through the phone, his voice getting inaudible as he yawned, “oh, man. Congrats on bagging your first date—oh, wait a minute. Is this girl Rosa you’re going out with?”
“Who is that?” Vyn mouthed to him with those piercing golden eyes. My junior, his husband mouthed back, shrugging his shoulders. It’s not like I can hide it anymore from you.
Well, Luke was not his junior since Luke was older by a few years, but Marius had been an assassin earlier than him. And, well… he was Luke’s boss.
Vyn didn’t need to do a background check. He’d have to pester Marius for it. Just great, what are the odds that their juniors were going on a date?
The first thing Marius did when he ended the phone call was tackle Vyn into a hug, which the older man reciprocated much lovingly (despite his grumpy morning face). He was still scowling, but it was a contrast to the warmth which he gave Marius in return, and the eagerness emanating from him as he pressed closer against Marius’ exposed chest. It wasn’t very soon that Vyn had started nuzzling his face against his husband’s cheeks, like a cat trying to be sweet.
“I thought you addressed me as darling or love or baby, but I suppose we—”
“Really, Vyn? This early in the morning?” Marius laughed as he cuddled him more. “You know, I was just gonna ask you something…”
“You want to fuck me again?”
And there it was, that familiar pout and puppy eyes, all too powerful even for Vyn that he knew immediately he wouldn’t be able to deny him. Well, it’s not like he’d decline some more good fucking. “Don’t you want me to?” Marius said, his pout much guilt-enducing now.
But not until Vyn pushed the sheets down until it reached his thighs, revealing his now bulging erection, his sudden craving for Marius. “Whatever are you waiting for?”
“Fuck. You sure know how to—”
Another phone call.
Vyn sighed and took the phone. His eyes widened, only for a fraction of a second, upon seeing the caller ID.
“Please tell me you’ll ignore that.”
“Unfortunately for us—” he slid a finger down the green button, “we cannot decline this one.
“Good morning, Captain Morgan.”
“This is Artem,” came that deep, familiar baritone, and Vyn felt himself shiver from the way Artem sounded in the mornings. The senior lawyer had always been a morning person, but there were times too wherein he was too lazy to get up for work—can you actually believe that?—so Vyn had to do all sorts of things to get him moving. His voice during those moments hadn’t changed at all: deep and husky, almost seductive.
“Artem,” he repeated, and the name seemed to capture Marius’ attention, too. “Good morning. Why are you calling this early in the morning? And why are you using Captain Morgan’s phone?”
There was a sigh at the other end of the line. “Darius forgot to bring his phone,” he answered. “I called to let you know he’s coming, along with his squad. Too many noise complaints last night. They’re going to investigate.”
“Just so you know, Wing—my house is an estate. I am quite certain no one was bound to hear us…” Oh, shit. Marius threw a grenade in my garden.
He shot Marius a glare before he returned, “Tell Captain Morgan to go home.”
“I kept telling him that,” he replied, quite vexed now. “It was supposed to be our day off, Vyn. Our only day off, and you just had to ruin it.”
“It is not my fault you cannot persuade your boyfriend to stay in bed with you.”
“Are we—”
“Hello there, Artem.” Marius had snagged the phone away from Vyn, having felt that impending argument that would probably last hours—he wouldn’t admit that he was only jealous because Artem was Vyn’s only ex-boyfriend, almost husband—and had taken matters into his own hands. “We’ll meet Captain Morgan when he gets here, all right? I’ll tell him to go home, so let’s have peace, yeah? Bye!”
“I could have handled that, Marius,” Vyn spat, but not before Marius hopped out of bed and went to browse through his cabinet. He got himself a clean set of sleepwear in pastel green, Vyn’s most adored colour, and threw the shirt in Vyn’s direction. “Give me the pants as well.”
“No,” said Marius, already in the process of wearing it, “you take the shirt, I take the pants. It’s too long for you, anyway.”
Vyn crossed his legs, folded his arms. “What are you planning?”
“We’re gonna give ‘em a show.”
When Vyn opened the front door to their house, he was met with the rather hot welcome of flashing lights, towering video cameras, fully-dressed reporters and papparazzis in all black. He could make out the faint sirens coming from the police cars parked outside the estate, and he only hoped no one was able to round the bend leading to his recently-bombed garden.
“Vyn Richter, is it true there was a shoot-out here last night?”
“Vyn, did you have a quarrel with Mr. von Hagen?”
“Vyn, the people are curious—is divorce on the table yet?”
“Are you and Mr. von Hagen are going to be available in the marriage market again?”
“Vyn, rumors say that you and Mr. von Hagen are involved in matters of Mafia and secret services. Is that true?”
“Vyn, are you pregnant?”
His eyed widened. “I beg your pardon?”
If he really ought to be true to his role of being a… babygirl who would pretend to be lightheaded or unwell after coming across crazy reporters with no sense of privacy, he would’ve done it after a few more moments or so. However Vyn truly was made unwell by said blinding lights and mad interviewers, and by instinct he pressed a palm against his temple and leaned against the doorframe, suddenly dizzy at the commotion. “Please…”
“Give him space, everyone. Move, move!”
Oh, dear. Thank goodness for Captain Morgan, he thought as Darius practically shoved the reporters out of the way as he reached for Vyn. A strong hand gripped him by the arm, enough to steady his slowly unstable body. “You okay, Richter?”
“von Hagen,” he corrected. “And not quite, Captain.”
“You can hold onto me,” he said, then faced the crowd of reporters again, “stop it with the cameras. If I see another shot I’ll have you all arrested—”
“You better listen to him.” Marius stepped beside Vyn, and in a heartbeat slipped his arm around his huband’s slender waist. Vyn felt his cheeks grow warm at the feeling of Marius’ hand holding him around the waist, in front of all these people—not to mention he was only wearing a green button top and Marius only in his pajamas. Thank god the cameras had stopped—courtesy by Darius who threatened an arrest—because those dark red hickeys and bite marks were clearer than the clearest of blue skies.
This man, Vyn thought as he leaned against Marius’ chest, he really likes to show off, doesn’t he?
He tried to hide a chuckle. It was true Marius loved to show off, but he loved it most when Marius showed him off for everyone to see, for everyone to know who owned him. At this moment, the message was pretty clear. Even the most senseless person would make sense what Marius wanted to say—that Vyn was his, and Marius was Vyn’s. It was written all over the young von Hagen: from the smirk on his lips, the red marks on his exposed chest. The top which covered Vyn’s probably hickey-filled body.
And so Vyn acted the part, pretending to be nauseous as he rested his head against his husband’s shoulder this time, and hooking his arm around Marius’. “I am not feeling very well…”
Marius squeezed his waist gently. “I’ll get you inside,” he said, and Vyn nodded faintly. Marius then turned to Captain Morgan, who was staring at them rather incredulously. It was conspicuous he never wanted to be here, to witness all this—he’d rather spend the day fucking Artem. “Sorry, Cap. I’ll give you a call and help you fix our mess. For now…” he paused and gestured to an exhausted Vyn, “my husband needs rest. You’ll handle this for now, yeah?”
Darius sighed, massaging his temples. “Yes. I’ll also let Artem know.”
“You better go home to him. He was pretty pissed with us this morning.”
“And whose fault is that, Mr. von Hagen?”
“Ehh ~” Marius pouted, but before he could say another word Darius asked, “What am I going to report? There were a lot of noise complaints. Some said it sounded like a grenade.”
“The answer is right in front of you.” Marius winked. “You see, this is what happens when you’re away for work too long. You tend to really, really miss your husband…”
Darius wanted to roll his eyes—no, he wanted to punch Marius. Does this brat really expect me to write ‘very loud, earth-shattering sex’ as the reason for those noise complaints?
Whatever could he do, though? He couldn’t possibly deny the Marius von Hagen of all people. Besides, he was not anointed as the newest NXX member for him to report Marius and Vyn just like that. Fine—he was going to write that unreasonable reason.
Marius seemed to know Darius was not going to deny him, and so the captain was met with the von Hagen’s signature, youthful grin that seemed to say: Hehe, you can’t deny me, can you?
Darius eyed Vyn one more time. He didn’t seem as sick as he appeared, but Darius knew he was indeed exhausted. However he wondered, as he waved the couple goodbye and ordered the reporters and paparazzis to keep out lest they get arrested, how can Richter—er, von Hagen—be this radiant after that violent shoot-out?
The moment Marius closed the door, Vyn muttered:
“Tell Vincent to arrange you an appointment with me,” he said, almost half-moaned, “based on my findings last evening, you need psychiatric help.”
… This hypocrite!
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chalkscene · 11 months
ft. luke pearce, artem wing, marius von hagen & vyn richter
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you’re shifting restlessly on the couch when you catch your LUKE alarm keychain—handmade by luke himself—peeking from behind the armrest, “luke says he’s sorry.” you can’t help but smile at the sound of luke faking a small voice and whatever rage that filled you from your argument hours ago has now dissipated, endeared by the sweet gesture. “you’re gonna set off that alarm by accident,” you quip, the lightness in your tone encouraging luke to come into view. “you’re not mad anymore?” he asks, cautious yet hopeful. all his years of training and building a hard exterior to be a detective have nothing on you because in the warmth behind his hazel eyes that only you can bring out, you still find the boy you grew up with. the boy you’ve always loved. “i can’t stay mad at you,” you admit, on the brink of tears, “luke, i’m really sorry…” luke is quick to bring you in his arms, declining your apology because that’s what he does—he’ll blame everything before he’ll blame you. you’re unable to hold back a sob, prompting him to hold you tighter before he whispers in your ear, “let’s not do this again, okay?”
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ARTEM is going over a recent case when he realizes it’s almost midnight. he’s usually one to pull an all-nighter but gnawing at the back of his mind is the argument he had with you today—you two haven’t spoken to each other since. after having decided to put off his work until tomorrow, he walks out of his home office to join you in bed but he finds you in the living room instead, your pillows and blanket already set up on the sofa. he can tell you’re aware of his presence from the way you’re deliberately not looking in his direction. still, he attempts to catch your attention with a soft call of your name. when you don’t reply, he carefully crosses the distance between the two of you. “we can’t fix this if you won’t talk to me,” he pleads. artem’s convinced his words have fallen on deaf ears until you finally speak, “i just don’t want to say the wrong thing again.” artem understands, thinking back to what started as a simple disagreement escalating into something it shouldn’t have and before you could stop it, you were both raising your voices at each other, saying things you didn’t mean. “i’m sorry about everything i said,” your voice sounds weak as it quivers and artem immediately wraps you in his embrace. “me too,” he tells you, “we can talk tomorrow. just come to bed.” when you nod into his chest, he presses a reassuring kiss at top of your head as he promises, “we’re alright.”
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as MARIUS waits for you in bed, anxiety slowly eats away at him, the argument he had with you hours ago replaying in his mind. you should’ve walked in by now, he thinks, so he waits a few more minutes before getting on his feet and makes his way downstairs. he’s rehearsing his apology, muttering to himself to test the words on his tongue but it all flies out the window when he finds you asleep on the sofa. ridden with guilt, he decides to save his sorry’s for tomorrow when you’re both lucid for a proper conversation. marius is careful not to wake you up—gently slipping an arm beneath your head and looping the other under your knees to carry you to the bedroom. he’s tucking you in bed when you begin to stir awake. “sorry,” you hear him whisper, “didn’t mean to wake you up.” “what time is it?” you ask groggily, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “it’s late. go back to sleep.” he places a tender kiss on your forehead to lull you to your slumber before he shifts you on your side, his chest against your back as he slides an arm across your torso. “sweet dreams,” he mutters and you feel his breath on the nape of your neck. “marius?” “hm?” “i’m sorry about earlier…” “that’s my line, miss,” he quips, albeit sincerely. he gives your body a gentle squeeze as he pulls you flush against him. “i’m sorry, too,” he replies, “i never want you to go to sleep upset.”
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you’re getting settled on the couch when you hear VYN clear his throat as he carefully places a fresh cup of tea on the table in front of you. “chamomile tea,” he states, “it will help you sleep better.” there’s the slightest caution in his voice but it’s enough to tell you what the tea is for—peace offering after your heated disagreement earlier. “thank you,” you mumble, gradually feeling the guilt bubbling in your chest, “you’re using reverse psychology on me, aren’t you?” there’s no bite in your tone but vyn’s eyes still widen at the accusation. “n-no,” he stutters and a giggle involuntarily escapes you, to vyn’s surprise. “i’m joking.” when you notice his body language go lax, you slowly reach for his hand. “and i’m sorry for the things i said to you,” you tell him, “i didn’t mean it.” “i know.” a soft smile curls on his lips as he interlocks your fingers together, “so am i.” you stay quiet for a moment, basking in his touch that you missed terribly before he speaks again. “if you still wish to be alone tonight, i don’t mind staying here.” you fight the urge to roll your eyes, aware of the fact that this is just him assessing your boundaries—vyn does mind and you know that—so you shoot him a dubious look instead to which he responds with a sheepish smile. “i suppose you’ve changed your mind?” you actually give him an eye roll this time. “you know you had me at chamomile.”
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revasserium · 1 year
nxx #1 - waking up with you
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you wake up to find him watching you, the summer sky of his eyes fixed on you as you smile and yawn and curl closer. “sleep well?” he asks, his voice still husky and rough, the silk and gravel of a jazz singer in a smoke-filled bar, delicious and intoxicating. he asks you about your dreams, traces soft, abstract lines into the bare skin of your waist, smiles at the way you get shy when you realize what a mess your hair is, tugs you back when you try to pull away from him to straighten it out — he says, “no… let be it,” he says, “it looks good like this… just like this…”, he says, “sometimes… i think i’m still dreaming when i wake up next to you,”, he says, “look at me…” and he smiles, cups your cheek, holds you still as you stare back at him, searching his eyes only to find love and love and love.
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you wake up to find him watching you, though he’s still clearly barely awake himself — there’s a shy, lazy grin caught on his lips and he slips over to slip his arm around your waist to pull you closer, nuzzle into your cheek if only to make you laugh. “hey! what’s so funny?” he asks, a pout already pressed between his lips, his eyes drawn large and puppy-like, but you smile and shake your head, tell him that it’s nothing, kiss the tip of his nose just to see him blush before he dives on top of you, pinning you beneath him with a bright laugh, “ah, so that’s how you wanna play?” he says, his honeycomb hair falling to frame his face and you — you stare up at him, breathless. he has the decency to blush again before collapsing at your side and tugging you closer, “mm… it’s too early for that, isn’t it?” he asks, looping his arm around your middle and pulling you close, “let’s sleep in for just a bit longer, hm?”
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you wake up to find him watching you, his cheek propped up on the heel of his hand, his eyes like twin stars, bright and burning and inquisitive, “ah… good morning, my sleeping beauty,” he says, smiling as you bury your face in your pillow to stifle a yawn, feeling you cheeks heat at the thought of him watching you sleep for god knows how long and — were you drooling? he laughs as you peer up at him over the top of your pillow, your hair a birds nest sitting atop your head — he reaches out to muss it up even more, a fond smile gracing his lips as he leans in. he kisses both your eyelids before pulling back, “good dreams, i hope? you were smiling a lot so…” he cocks his head to watch you, ever the scientist as you are ever the butterfly, pinned to the cushion beneath him. “s-something like that…” you say, averting your eyes as you try not to recall the details of your less-than-kosher dream of him, but he only leans in, his smile widening slightly as he pulls you closer, “mm… tell me about it… and maybe… we’ll be able to make some of those dreams come true, hm?”
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you wake up to find him asleep — or so you think, but the grin on his lips tells you otherwise, and when you try to pull away, a pair of arms reaches out to tug you back against his warm chest, his hold on you tight and steady as you feel him nosing into the back of your neck, “ah… jiejie… how mean — trying to leave me before i wake up…” you laugh to yourself before flipping over to meet his dazzling, gemstone gaze, pursing your lips as you take him in, “if you were asleep, how’d you know i was trying to leave?” you ask, but he only crinkles his nose and leans in to bury his face in the crook of your neck, whining even as you feel him smirk against your skin — “so mean, jiejie… bullying me on a weekend morning… after everything that happened last night…” you feel yourself go hot at his words, thinking back to last night — to the heat and friction, to the give and take. you swallow as he chuckles, pulling back to pin you with those saturday night eyes of his — “don’t you think you owe me just a little, hm?” he asks, pulling you beneath him and pinning you there, “didn’t you promise you’d make me feel good too?” and you can barely nod before he’s grazing his lips along the bare skin of your shoulder, letting out a soft, wanton moan, “so… how about we start… right now?”
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tot MARIUS reqs are officially open u__u
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byizoyas · 1 year
tears of themis ; hcs
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2023/byizoyas. — pls do not plagiarize or repost and claim as yours ! thank you very much
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✘ nsfw. what’s their favorite position when having sex with you (afab!reader) ✘ with: NXX men
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ೄྀ࿐ artem ˊˎ-
artem is quite classical, he likes to be on top of you and being able to touch you and see your face if he wants
he especially loves to bury his face on your neck to lick it and make it clear how bad he wants to fuck you. sometimes he even sucks on your skin letting few hickeys (he regrets it the morning after)
since it’s been a while you two haven’t fucked, artem is especially desperate to make you cum tonight. his breathing is quite irregular and it’s clear he’s holding back moans of how good you feel when taking his cock so well. he’s going slowly, and he’s fucking you so deep you can’t keep your moans to yourself. ‘go on love, let me hear how good you feel’ and you do as he asks, even wrapping your right leg around his waist, pulling him closer and closer to you. ‘fuck me all night artem.’ you say. ‘oh i intend to do so.’ he promises, a lustful smile on his face.
ೄྀ࿐ vyn ˊˎ-
reversed cowgirl
vyn is just soooo into spanking and in that position he can do it as he pleases
plus, he lets you be on top quite often as he got some submissive tendencies and he loves that you get to choose your pace (he honestly just wants to satisfy you)
‘faster’ vyn commands as he smacks your ass with a hand and hold onto your waist with the other. he’s usually not the impatient one, mostly letting you pick your own rhythm whenever you two have sex but now he’s just so greedy. he wants more of you, more of your moans, more of your touches and he even thrusts into you while you’re fucking yourself on his cock. ‘ngh what are you doing ?’ you ask as he speeds up the things himself, taking control. ‘fucking you deeper and faster just the way you like it love.’
ೄྀ࿐ luke ˊˎ-
doggy style
he’s either really talkative during sex, praising you and all or he’s pretty quiet but in both cases he prefers you do not see his face
instead he fucks you doggy style so he can admire your beautiful back and ass moving to the rhythm of his thrusts and he finds it extremely attractive
you grip the pillow in front of you, holding onto it as luke is fucking you. you don’t know whether he’s in a bad mood and taking it all out on you or if he got jealous tonight but the way he grabs your waist, forcing you to follow the pace he chose makes him incredibly hot. ‘you better take it fully y/n.’ he commands, hands on your body, caressing it gently opposedly to his fast thrusts in and out of your pussy. ‘you’re so good for me.’ he praises, and it makes it feel even better. his cock keeps on fucking you and at this point you wish it never stops because it’s just too good and luke knows all the right spots to make you cum over and over again. in the end, he’s only waiting for you to be begging for more because he never gets enough of you.
ೄྀ࿐ marius ˊˎ-
table top
this man is kinky as hell and he loves to fuck you on every surface possible
the fact you’re lying down on your back makes it even better. marius loves to tease you, and he likes dirty talk a lot so he just feels the need to see your face react to his lewd words
‘we got five minutes’ you say as marius pushes you down, making you lay on your back on the glass of his desk. ‘i’ll make you cum at least twice’ he says, a smug smile on his face as he unzips his pants and pushes into you roughly. ‘ngh so wet already’ he moans as he keeps on thrusting at a pretty quick pace. ‘keep fucking me like that’ you order. to that he slows down ‘let me hear you beg and we shall see’ he says, leaning over you, his smile growing larger along with the provocative change of pace. to that you grab his tie pulling him real close to your chest ‘do it.’ a chuckle escapes his mouth as he grips your thighs firmly. ‘anything for you’ his lips then find yours to share a long and languid kiss while his cock keeps pounding into you hard and fast the way you asked.
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thelost-in-time · 1 year
"Don't cry."
Suddenly, the empty spot next to you on the floor was empty no longer, and an arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you gently into a warm chest.
When you looked up, your tear filled eyes met the concerned gaze of your lover's.
"Here. I've got you some tissues, and some water."
Came the soft and gentle voice of your partner, their touch just as soft as they gently wiped your tears.
They pulled away for a moment, giving you some personal space, but they held the water to you.
"Please drink some water. Crying a lot makes you dehydrated, and I don't want you to get a headache."
Even if you tried to reject, they kept holding the water to you until you took at least a sip.
And once you drank a bit of water, they had a gentle smile on their face, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"That's my love."
They sat with you in a few moments of silence, knowing that sometimes as long as you have someone by your side, speaking wouldn't be as important at times.
Just knowing someone was by your side was calming, to them anyway.
"I know you probably don't want to talk about it right now, but whatever it is that has you crying, you're not alone. I'm right here. Whether your insecurities are making you cry, whether you lost someone you love for, or any other reason. I'm here. I'm not leaving you. I'll always be here. And I'll always love you. You're not alone. Lean on me."
They tell you with a gentle tone, glancing over at you, and as if to seal their promise, they pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"And if it is your insecurities, just know that I love each of your insecurities. Every single bit of you. You may be insecure of things, but I love those parts of you too. You're stunning. Inside and out, and I love you. You've helped me love my insecurities, and I will not hesitate to attempt to help you love your insecurities too. If it's something you can't change, like scars or anything else, then those insecurities are beautiful too."
They say softly, thinking to how you had comforted them in the past for their insecurities, things they found distasteful until you taught them to love their insecurities.
"But if that's not why you're crying, if you've lost someone, then I know this pain is great. It may feel like you'll never get over this, and I won't lie, it will hurt for a long time. But you don't have to deal with the pain alone. I'm here, you can rely on me. You don't have to deal with any of your problems alone. I'm here. I'll take care of you. You always take care of me, my love, so allow me to take care of you too."
And even if you didn't feel like it in the moment, your lover was determined to look after you in any way they could.
They wanted to see you genuinely happy, so they would not stop until you felt okay once more.
No matter how long it would take, a few weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime. They would always take care of you, no matter what.
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Likes and reblogs are welcomed, and highly appreciated.
I needed comfort, so I wrote comfort. I genuinely hope this comforted you guys as well.
Sending hugs to everyone who needs it, along with a comfort pack of anything of your choice.
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dxtreza · 10 months
⋆。°✩ nxx-ray; artem, marius, vyn, luke (tot)
⋆ summary: what've they got going on down there? ⋆ xtra: afab mc, nsfw under the cut! first upload, so excited. reqs open in ask box; fandoms are in bio ⋆ wc: 1.7k (includes drabble under artem's hc)
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i. artem wing
tbh i think he'd be pretty insecure because mc his canonically his first true experience with romance, concerned about his size even though he knows it's irrational; from hearing what marius gossips about artem probably thinks he's below average. he'll learn through your reassurance that this is not the case. he's literally the goldilocks zone. he's not insanely big, but still above average. i'd say about 5.6 inches and tilts slightly upward (6.0 measuring with the curve), ranges from about 5 to 5.5 inch girth (2.5 inch diameter). tip has a complete ridge, his skin is of a slightly darker shade than the rest of his body. he's pretty too, smooth moisturized skin with a thick vein on the bottom. really really sensitive head and balls- won't admit it but he loves it when you smooth your palm on them. it's reactive, too- his cock jumps and twitches at the slightest bit of arousal. as for hygeine: kempt, but not obsessively so. i don't think he'd have that much body hair, but he likes to keep a bit of a happy trail and a small tuft of hair at the base of his cock.
"artem... what's got you so serious?" you ask quietly, paying attention to the way that his sighs have stopped. his lips have pulled themselves in a tight line, brows furrowed as he nearly scowls off into the distance. at your words he clears his throat, rubbing the small of your back with his thumbs and shaking his head slightly. he seems to have lost his enthusiasm now that you guided him out of the pitch darkness of his study and into the lamplight of his room, awkwardly sliding under the covers. his response comes slowly as he thinks.
"it's fine, just nervous." he says curtly, reaching for the lamp to turn it off. you swat his hand away, grabbing it and making a move with your free hand to cup the bulge in his black briefs. he shudders when he feels your breath on his neck, free hand wrapping around your waist to pull you closer as you whisper. "you're absolutely sure? nothing to do with the fact that i can see you now?"
he gulps at this, turning his head away and nodding once. "i... it's just different than your hand in the car, or under the desk in my study. in the regard that i can see that you see me, i mean." there's a shaky undertone to his voice, and the end of his sentence lilts as if there were a question on his tongue. "i'm not sure who you've had before, but i might not be able to compare in some respects."
it's confusing at first- he's big, why would he be thinking this sort of thing? you've held him in both your mouth and hand before, felt the weight of him and the way he can reach the back of your throat. he's not joking by the looks of it, a blush high on his cheeks with his admittance. "can you let me disprove that, baby?" you ask, and he's already reaching for lube from the bedside table. he hesitates for a condom, but remembers you're both clean. artem warms the lube on his hand before rubbing it along your entrance, seething to himself when you pull his cock free from his boxers.
you're already prepped from when he had you on his thigh in the study, but looking at him in the light, you would need to be stretched a bit. he's shaking now as you assess him, mouth pulled taught at the corners and gaze wavering. artem eases a bit when you guide his middle and ring finger to push into you, though he seems puzzled. you sigh when he curls his hand, leaning into his neck to answer his confused gaze. "you're not gonna fit unless we do this."
bit by bit, he's relaxing, and you tap his wrist for him to pull his fingers out of you. he blushes when he brings them up to his mouth, cautiously tasting you and looking towards your eyes for approval. you meet him with a kiss, giving him a few quick pumps before easing his head in. he moans into your mouth at this, eyelashes fluttering as his hands come to rest against your hips.
the more you take him, the more noises spill from him. its intoxicating, breaking him bit by bit as his nails dig into the soft flesh of your sides and trace circles against your spine. you grab his chin, directing his face to look down where you two join. you're nearly seated fully against him, with still half an inch to take. his hips go slightly rigid when you whimper, and then it clicks in his brain that you need help with the rest. any doubt he had quickly falls away when you whine against his cheek, grasping at the sheets under him as he slowly shifts his hips up.
artem can't help but to cry out pathetically when he's fully inside, sheathed snugly just in front of your cervix. the noise spills from his plush lips, breaking at the end when you squeeze slightly. "feel how tight that is baby? you're a perfect fit..." you coo to him, interlacing one of your hands with his and brushing the hair out of his face as you sit up. he shifts with you, sliding against the headboard so he could still press your chest to his while you rode him.
"not gonna... last." he bites out the moment you start to move, enveloping your mouth in a heated kiss. it's unlike the chaste ones you usually receive, this time fueled by some deep desire artem had never previously expressed. he meets your hips with a thrust, causing you to choke on your air and whine into his skin. he's stuttering now, unable to make any coherent phrases other than please and oh my god. it's cute in a way, until he's got you right there with him and you're unable to control the way your head buzzes and your eyelids twitch when he's stimulating you so desperately.
"artem-!" it comes out in a shriek, and in your last moments of coherence you shove your tongue into his mouth and bear down with a tight squeeze around his cock. he groans as his hips stall and buck up one final time, trying to thrust through his orgasm with weak sighs and whimpers. it's not long before he's detaching from you, checking your body for bruises and whining when he has to pull you off of him. it seems he had a lot to give; his cum drips down the inside of your thigh and he grimaces at the sight, feeling guilty for the mess.
you heave, rubbing your head as you come down from the high he gave you so easily. "i've never... you know, that fast." you mumble, and he's already scooping you up to carry you to the bathroom with a worried expression. He looks down when you cup his cheek in your hand, lips parted slightly. "seriously, you're just right, that was the best i've ever had."
it's nearly uncomfortable to say, but worth it when his face turns beet red and he sputters for what to say, sitting you down on the counter and wrapping his arms around you as he breathes a wish to you, one that you're more than happy to grant. "please tell me you'll be the only i ever have."
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ii. marius von hagen
knows he's got a good dick. constantly showing you his hands and making it a point that his ring finger is longer than his pointer finger; weird mentality about it, the aforementioned reason artem thinks anything below 6.5 inches is below average- marius seems to think so. almost too big, so much so that it's unrealistic. he's 7.5 inches long and doesn't curve, and a solid 6 inch girth (3 inch diameter). his tip has more of a shallow ridge, and his skin is a few shades darker than the rest of his body. not particularly sensitive unless you press down on his frenulum or very lightly drag your nail where his cock meets his v-line. he's not very veiny, has two prominent ones that branch off. i think marius would also be fairly hygienic, but he has more body hair than artem. he keeps a happy trail as well, and grooms but doesn't really shave that much except to maintain a uniform shape/direction of the hair. he knows it can be a turn off for some people, so just ask and he'll wax everything off.
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iii. vyn richter
he's not too privy to what marius loves to spout about himself. doesn't really care for comparison that much; why should he when you're the only one who will see? he can comfortably make you feel good- he doesn't have to split you open to do it. if anything, he's elegant. definitely the most aesthetically pleasing out of all the boys lol. I'd say about 5.4 inches, with a 4.5 inch girth (2.2 inch diameter). extremely veiny, also the most sensitive because of it. they're not very pronounced, just slightly raised off the skin. as for the color, it's the same as his body, with a dusty pink tip; full ridge. i also think he's uncut. also very hygienic. always smells of balm and herbal oil, and routinely shaves clean. he's not too fond of any body hair really, and likely won't grow it out if you ask him. he doesn't care if you have any, though.
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iv. luke pearce
another one that doesn't care too much about marius' words, mainly because he thinks that he's joking. slightly below average, but knows how to use it. he's not small by any means, still sizing in at around 4.6 inches. luke has above average girth, though, peaking just below his tip at 5.4 inches. he's curved to the left a little bit, but not enough to notice. a few small veins, but he doesn't have much reaction to you touching them- he's most sensitive when you're giving attention to his slit; just a few seconds is enough to make him practically scream. slightly darker than his body, with a pink tip. hygienic... ish. don't get me wrong, he'll never smell bad or be unclean. he just doesn't pay that much attention to his hair, it's more fun if he gets to watch you do his grooming for him.
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icypopz · 3 months
when their s/o gets injured ♡
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↬ request from anon ; could I request the NXX boys with a s/o who received the injury while they were away and how would they take care of them during their healing process?
↬ notes ; artem wing (zuo ran), luke pearce (xia yan), marius von hagen (lu jinghe), vyn richter (mo yi) x gn!reader
↬ from ice ; hihi!! unfortunately i was quite busy this week so i wasn't as active 😵 also as someone who's often in hospital i rly related to this request :') but anyways i hope you enjoy!
↬ warning(s) ; reader has an unspecified injury to their foot, artem + luke carry reader (but they're crazy strong so they can def lift u up dw)
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
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[ artem wing / zuo ran ! ]
as soon as artem heard that you were injured, he would want to drop everything he was doing and rush to be by your side at once. unfortunately, reality means that he can't just ditch his job, so he finishes his work so quickly that even celestine is surprised and he heads home at once.
upon seeing the state of your foot and the way you wince in pain as you try to hobble towards him and greet him, artem lifts you up like you weigh nothing and brings you straight to the bedroom. he surrounds you with a million pillows and if necessary, elevates your foot with a stack of cushions too. for the entire time that you're injured, artem applies for permission to work at home, and he'll be by your side day and night. whatever you need, he'll get it for you at once so you don't even have to lift a finger.
when he realises that you're feeling upset about your injury, artem would hold your palm in his, gently squeezing your hand as he listens to you talk about your worries. he understands that such a sudden injury can be earthshaking, especially when it results in such a loss of autonomy. but artem wants you to know that he'll be with you every step of the way until and after you're 100% healed.
more content utc !
[ luke pearce / xia yan ! ]
luke would be working at the antique store when you call him and tell him you've injured your foot while at work. his first emotion is complete and utter panic, he can't lose you again- but then he snaps back into focus and tells you he'll be on the way immediately. he grabs a bunch of things that might be helpful like an ice pack, bandages and cotton pads before driving to your workplace at lightning speed (he definitely runs a couple of red lights in his hurry).
once luke brings you home, he won't even hear one single word about how you want to help him, or how he shouldn't worry too much about you. he'll just carry you and lay you down on the sofa, putting on your favourite tv show to help pass the time while he goes to prepare a meal for you. he does his best to keep you as involved as possible, asking you about which spices you want, and walking to the couch just to give you a taste test. at that point you both remember that he's terrible at cooking, so you settle for ordering takeout instead LOL.
throughout the course of your recovery, luke flits about you like a worried butterfly. he doesn't want you to strain yourself, so even when you're taking your first few steps again, luke is the one who looks like he's going to pass out from nervousness. if you ever tell him that you feel like a burden because you aren't able to do anything for now, luke will reassure you with soft kisses and whispered words of comfort. as someone with a chronic illness, he understands how useless you can feel when you're bedridden, so he knows just what to say to help you feel better.
[ marius von hagen / lu jinghe ! ]
marius is actually the bane of his directors' existence. the second you call him and tell him you're injured, he dismisses everyone in the meeting room, muttering something about rescheduling it to another day. he leaves everything up to poor vincent, who's forced to deal with the wrath of the old men on the board of directors. marius drives way over the speed limit back home, and he doesn't care at all about the accumulated speed tickets he's going to have to pay - nothing is more important than getting to you asap.
once he's got you tucked into bed and is convinced that you aren't in mortal danger, marius is soo dramatic about the whole thing it's almost as if he's the one that's injured. "but i was so worried about you! you almost drove me to an early grave, is that what you want, mx lawyer?!" he clutches his heart and stumbles around the room, which at least succeeds in cheering you up a little. unfortunately, marius can't skip out on work to be with you because pax would probably fall apart in two seconds without him at the wheel, so he relies on payton to give you everything you need (it shows how much he trusts his butler that he even entrusts your safety to him).
marius would spend as much time with you as he could, always cuddled up next to you and resting his head in the crook of your neck as you thread your hands through his hair. he'll talk about everything under the sun, hoping it distracts you from your pain. when you confess that you've been feeling down because of your injury, marius comforts you the best way he can, letting you vent as much as you need to get everything off your chest. after that he tells you that he'll treat you like royalty every day if it means that you'll feel less bad about him doing it while you're injured.
[ vyn richter / mo yi ! ]
one of the perks of running your own workplace is that you can do whatever you want, and that is exactly what vyn does. when he hears you're injured, he informs his receptionist that he'll be unavailable for the next few days except for patients with extremely urgent needs that can't be handled by the nurses. with that out of the way, he calls ogier and drives home at once, not caring how many traffic lights he ignores.
anyone who saw vyn at the time might say that he was unbothered about your injury upon looking at the way he calmly handled the situation, merely asking you what happened and checking the prescribed medications. but you know better, because you notice all the small details about him that no one else would; the way his usually flawless hair is now messy, or how his eyes flicker to you every second as if you're going to disappear into thin air, or the way his hand is ever so slightly trembling as he holds onto you so tightly.
as a psychiatrist, vyn can spot the signs of how upset you are before you say anything, but he waits for you to tell him first because he doesn't want to put any pressure on you. when you open up to him, vyn isn't judgemental at all, he listens to you carefully and reminds you that your feelings are valid. after all, it must have been incredibly difficult for you to cope with such an unexpected injury, and he's so proud of you for being so strong. vyn would help you start to walk again, and the look in his eyes when you take your first few steps on your own almost makes the whole thing worth it.
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✧ thank you for reading ! if you have a request, feel free to send it in 🌠
© icypopz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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kissofthemis · 10 months
hello!! i saw request of reader saving nxx boys from people flirting/harassing them so i was thinking could you write about the opposite? id love to see nxx boys being protective^_^ love your writing!!
Thank you for the kind words, anon! Sorry for the wait!
❤️ Artem ❤️
"Yes, I have plans tonight. Yeah, tomorrow night as well. I'm a rather busy person, honestly...."
Despite your best efforts to deflect the stranger's attempts at flirting, clearly "no" was a hard concept for this pushy person to grasp. Artem could not blame you for not wanting to be direct; you were kind and courteous, never wanting to offend others or hurt their feelings if you could avoid it.
But this arrogant persistence was a force to be reckoned with.
"My phone number? To schedule something later? Ah..."
Artem Wing could hardly call himself a champion of justice if he allowed someone so conceited and disrespectful to be victorious here.
"Are you ready to head home?"
You seemed a bit startled as Artem appeared beside you, but the relief in your eyes was evident. "Y-yes. I just finished up for the day."
Artem nodded briskly. "Excellent. I took out chicken this morning, and I was wondering if you'd rather have it grilled or breaded & stir-fried. We can discuss in the car."
He gave a quick glance to the stranger who'd been pestering you, who had become strangely silent once Artem had shown up. The look in the attorney's eyes was collected and calm, but sharp with an iciness that could freeze one to the bone.
"Have a good evening."
More indirect than his usual style, but intense enough to get the point across.
💛 Luke 💛
"I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry."
"Can't even give me your number? Just your number, for when you aren't busy?"
"I... I'm running late...."
The discomfort in your voice was evident as Luke turned the corner to pick you up after work. Evidently he should have chosen a better spot to meet up, because this corner was swarming with pushy, insensitive animals.
"Swarming" may not have been the correct term, but just one scumbag harassing you was one too many in Luke's eyes.
"You're so cold." What a pitiful whine. "Would it kill you to smile and be friendly?"
"You want a smile, huh?"
Luke pulled up to your side at that moment, and he firmly placed his hand on your shoulder as he stared the harasser down. "You're not much to smile at, hotshot, but I'll do my best."
"Who the hell are you, kid? Get lost."
Agitation. A natural response when a greedy predator comes face to face with a rival.
But Luke had no qualms about knocking a small fry down a peg or two.
The corners of his mouth turned upward into a smirk, and he stretched his lips into a wide, toothy grin. At least, his face read "grin," but the light in his smile did not reach his eyes, which only swarmed with smoking fury and threatening shadow, like a stormcloud about to burst.
Perhaps it was the unsettling, cocky grin that made this fool step back. Perhaps it was the bloodlust in Raven's gaze. In any event, a loud curse was the only word of farewell before the nuisance turned and headed off. Luke felt as though he were watching a small dog stomp off with its tail between its legs.
"L-Luke..." you began cautiously. The brunet turned to you curiously, his eyes now sparkling and his mouth set in a lopsided, well-meaning smile. At the sudden change in demeanor, you couldn't help but let out a loq chuckle. "You're going to give someone a heart attack one of these days, you big guard dog."
💜 Marius 💜
Backed against a wall.
This wasn't the first time someone had inquired into your relationship with the Marius von Hagen, president of Pax, but...
"Good morning! Meeting Mr. von Hagen? How does he take his coffee? Would you answer a couple of que--"
You slammed the door in the paparazzi's face. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined that getting caught on one outing with Marius would result in nosy reporters coming to your home!
With a sigh you slid down against the front door, landing in an unceremonious heap on the floor. How were you supposed to leave today? Or any day? You had errands to run, tasks to do, bills to pay, and you really, really wanted to check out the craft fair at Central Plaza this weekend!
A soft buzzing in your pocket distracted you temporarily from your growing worries.
"See you in 10."
What? Marius was on his way here? Wouldn't that cause even more problems?
You didn't get a chance to assemble your thoughts before a low rumble began to vibrate in your ears and make your entire body shake.
"Go on! Get out of here! You're a public nuisance, and I've got a fantastic attorney! Isn't a guy allowed to have friends?!"
You peered out of your window, and there was Pax's main man, wind whipping his dark bangs in his handsome face. He gripped a megaphone in his hands, looking relaxed and smug, but his knuckles were white with his stress. Vincent must have given him a heads up.
Marius' voice blasting out of the megaphone simultaneously filled you with hope and warmth, but also horror and despair. How would you ever beat the dating allegations now?
More importantly, where was he planning to park a helicopter?!
💚 Vyn 💚
"Thank you."
You dipped your head politely to acknowledge your gratitude to the stranger who had offered to lead you to the student center. Stellis University's campus looked much different in the evening light, when fewer students were milling about. You should have been able to find it on your own, and yet...
For better or for worse, a young man had noticed you, and when he approached you explained your situation. He had agreed to lead you over, perhaps a bit too gleefully. But you were grateful for the help, and so you acquiesced, but you kept your finger hovering over a "dial" button on your phone just in case.
After your quick goodbye, you spun on your heel to enter the student center.
However, your escort didn't seem too thrilled to see you leaving so speedily.
"That's it?" he huffed. "A half-assed thank you? No phone number, no hug, not even a last name? Are you serious?" His voice kept rising with each word, his tone growing steadily angrier. "I did you a favor by even talking to an ugly brat like you. Have you ever tried smiling with that gloomy face of yours, you miserable fuck?"
Ah. One of those.
You weren't going to dignify that with a response, but then you heard footsteps behind you.
No. Don't come closer. You didn't want any trouble, least of all from an entitled, arrogant--
"Aha. I was afraid I'd have to send campus security out looking for you."
A familiar voice hummed by your ear, and your face lit up with relief. "Dr. Richter!"
A slender but firm hand rested on your shoulder, and you looked up to see bright golden eyes meet yours. Those eyes were like a beacon in the darkening night, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of them.
"The swing dancing starts any minute now. You have impeccable timing, as always." He let out a breathy chuckle.
"That should be my line, Dr. Richter," you retorted lightly.
Of course, the punk behind you hadn't left or stopped shouting. In fact, his rage only seemed to have grown since Vyn appeared, but Vyn paid him absolutely no mind. He must deal with rowdy students regularly, but this was something else entirely.
"Before we go inside," Vyn began, reaching into his coat pocket. "Let's clean you up."
"Hmm?" You didn't think you had any dirt on you, but you didn't protest as Vyn pulled out a silk handkerchief and gently began dabbing at your cheeks, nose, and hands.
"After all," he continued, and he lifted his gaze from your skin. But his eyes didn't go to yours this time; he appeared to be staring past you, at someone else.
You were grateful you couldn't see the exact look in his eyes as he murmured in a voice colder than the night breeze and sharper than a doctor's scalpel, "Spending too much time around ill-mannered, foul-tempered, idiotic boors is proven to be terrible for your health." His voice dropped an octave, and you couldn't help but shiver as he finished,
"And... if they are as foolish as they are filthy, terrible for their health as well."
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ohthemis · 1 year
Hi! May i request a fanfic?? Where tot male leads are sick and mc is taking care of them, despite them saying they are fine and later on they starts acting clingy? Thank you so much! Stay safe :)
tot boys when they're sick
characters: all
a/n: ive been gone for centuries lol, sorry i got into a big school and underestimated the workload. finished this because i ditched my case study after a breakdown.
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he just wants to work, so why won't you just let him work? "i'm fine, mc. i promise, so please, just give me some time to work in peace." he knows he's being snappy, and it isn't fair to you, who just wants to help him, but it's not like he's dying.
you come behind him and tenderly place your hands on his shoulders. "you're sick, artem. please rest?" he sighs, he's trying to understand you, after all he'd do the same for you, but he can't help the nagging feeling of annoyance pulling on his chest.
"mc, i really need you to get out of my office right now. okay?" he doesn't intend for his tone to be so sharp, so mean, but that's exactly how it comes out. you sigh and do as he says, not before giving him a soft kiss on his scalp.
artem then proceeds to go back to work, or at the very least, he tries to. he feels sick and he feels guilty. he reluctantly gets up and opens his office door, greeted by the sight of warm soup and some tea prepped up by his doorstep.
his legs move faster than his brain, and before he knows it, he's already wrapping his arms around you on the bed. he relishes the feeling of your fingers running through his hair. 'it's good to be sick once in a while', he thinks.
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he playfully nudges you away, "i'm fiiiine." his voice is nasally and hoarse, and his skin is paling. you both know he's not fine. "marius, i'm serious right now. let's get you to bed." he refuses again, his hands still typing away on the laptop, despite your tugging on his sleeve.
you even go as far as to try and entice him to bed. "come on, i'll even join you." he grins at that. "tempting offer, but this needs to get done asap, mc." you sigh at his stubbornness. "marius, you look like you're at death's doorstep." but he doesn't budge.
eventually, you're left no choice but to make him some soup and resign yourself to the sofa behind him. you're tapping away on your phone when you feel it. the sofa dips beside you, and he drops his head into your lap.
"mc, my head hurts so bad. i think i'm dying." you roll your eyes but your fingers almost reflexively start to massage his forehead. "that's why i told you to get off your computer and come rest." he sighs into your stomach as your ministrations on his skin relieve him of some pain.
"mm, you're always right, mc. offer still up for the bed." you help him up on his feet. "yeah. but don't get any ideas. you're sick." he lays his head on your shoulder, "'m not that sick." he proceeds to collapse on the bed within seconds of laying down.
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he's coughing his heart out and you're to your knees in worry for him. he, as always, assures you that it's nothing. in the morning, he tells you he was just choking on breakfast. now, he's telling you that he just swallowed wrong.
"luke, you're not fine. please just rest." you plead with him to the best of your abilities, but he refuses to budge. luke smiles at you reassuringly. "for what? just something in my throat is all." you sigh, knowing there isn't much you can do to argue with him.
he goes back to tinkering an old watch a client left for him to fix. you hear a sharp intake of breath and luke slowly turns around. you look up, and you nearly collapse yourself once you see the blood dripping from his nose, down to his shirt.
you're quickly standing next to him, panicking. luke calmly instructs you what to do, and you follow his words. your hands tremble as you tend to him, and he lets you lead him to the bedroom.
that night, he can barely sleep. he's tossing and turning, going between shivering cold and sweating hot. you spend the night kissing his tears away, brushing the damp strands of hair away from his forehead, and adjusting the ac as needed. he finally falls asleep during the early peaks of the morning, his hand tightly wrapped around yours.
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vyn is a stubborn man. you should be used to it by now. there's no point in arguing with him, especially when he's dead set on something. but you wish that he'd just listen to you this once. "vyn, you aren't fine. you're sniffling and clearing your throat ever five seconds." he repeats the same thing he told you five minutes ago.
"it's just a cold, don't worry too much about it." but what kind of cold has him staggering as he walks or refusing lunch because he just has no appetite? you come over and wrap your arms around him, a frown on your face. he kisses your jaw and goes back to his papers.
you try to tug on his shoulder gently. "please? just listen to me this once. please?" he signs something, before humming. he sighs and stands up from his seat. "alright. lead the way." you take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. you lay him down, and he thinks it's sweet how much you care for him.
he thinks it's sweet until he's on the brink of insanity because he feels absolutely sick and you're busy getting some medicine for him. "mc, just let me die, i need you here," he whines from the bedroom. you've heard the same thing in about 30 variations in 5 minutes.
once you get back with his pills, he practically inhales the drugs and latches onto you. he grabs you by the arm and pulls you in. "please stay," he asks, in a voice softer than you've ever heard from him. "you won't let me go anyway," you reply. he hums smugly.
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tahdashi · 2 years
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: i am a physical touch and sweet pet name enthusiast
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✦ ARTEM came back from the firm a few hours ago. sleepiness was apparent in the way he sat on the couch — his feet propped up on the coffee table and a cup of tea in his hand. his head was thrown back to rest on the back of the couch, and you could see the way that the rise and fall of his chest seemed to slow down a bit. the last of the golden sun cast its honeyed rays into the living room, surrounding your boyfriend in a comforting glow. you made your way over to him, careful not to let the floor creak too loud underneath you. as he sees you approach, artem places the cup aside and lets you lift his arm so that you can slide under it, settling against his chest with a hum. "oh, hi, sweetheart." his words are laced with a yawn and his sapphire eyes gleam with adoration. "do you need something?" you shake your head, curling into his chest and adjusting your legs on top of his. your arms make their way around his torso, enveloping him in your scent and warmth. "i just missed you," you murmur into him. you feel his lips press into the top of your head, and soon, his hand rubbing circles into your back. and before you know it, your bodies sleep peacefully as the sun retreats.
✦ MARIUS always takes time for himself between meetings. he scrolls through his phone at his desk, sipping on an iced coffee that was a bit watered down, but still did the job of keeping him awake for the rest of his busy day. he sees you come in from the corner of his eye and immediately swivels the chair around in your direction. his hands find your waist, and he widens his legs so you can find your place between them. as you settle into his lap, marius’ hands trace shapes into your back. “hey, missed me?” you nod into his chest and marius, a bit too delighted with your answer, coos as he presses kisses all over your face. you can’t even push him away if you tried — the obnoxious sound of each kiss fills the room. “you’re so cute, did you know that?” “hmm, not like my boyfriend tells me every day.” and with that, marius nods profusely, knowing he’s the boyfriend that gets to see your pretty face each day (and also the one to kiss you all over — lucky him). you try to push yourself up from his lap, but his arms don’t let you. you should know better, really, because when marius gets to hold you, he has a hard time letting go.
✦ LUKE always went straight to your bed after a long day to relax. he'd woken up early this morning to head to the antique store and work on some projects for clients, followed by half his day being spent investigating a particularly challenging case. you could tell he had a hard day — his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes dull as he scrolled through his phone. you tiptoe into the room, and the second he sees you, his entire body relaxes. he reaches his arms up to stretch his body out and you take the opportunity to crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and catching him by surprise. "oh, joining me, pretty?" his arms come back down to link behind your back and he tucks you even closer to his body, leaning his head on top of yours. you pull away for a second to see his relaxed face and place a soft kiss between his previously furrowed brows. he quickly pulls you back in. "let's stay like this for a bit," he yawns. "thanks for being here with me, babe."
✦ VYN was working at his desk, sorting through some files. classical music played in the background and he hummed along to the familiar tunes that reminded him of you. a smile appears on his face the second you walk into the room, and he immediately puts all his attention on you. his eyes follow your figure as you make your way to his chair. rolling away from the desk, vyn makes room for you to carefully seat yourself on his lap. his smile never fades — he loves being close to you. "i'm sorry i've been so busy, love. just a few more files and i'm all yours." sincerity pools in his eyes, radiating warmth meant just for you. you tell him to take his time, getting comfortable and playing with his hair while he continues his work. the rosy blush never leaves his cheek just like the hand on your side never stops smoothing along your skin. your heart beats against his, and he thinks that perhaps he should always work like this.
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sdaomine · 10 months
The von Hagen Twins and their Chocolate Drinks (Family AU, Pt. 1)
The twins go missing in the middle of the night. Vyn finds dark liquid splattered across the kitchen floor, and he almost gets a heart attack.
wc: 2,547 | tags: family au, marriage, kids
One fateful night, Vyn Richter-von Hagen swore he would die early of a heart attack. 
He awoke in the middle of his sleep, perhaps around two in the morning, for no particular reason at all. His husband, Marius, slept peacefully beside him. The man had his two arms wrapped around Vyn’s waist like some koala—a cute and clingy one at that, according to their youngest son—as if he never ought to let Vyn go. The doctor suppressed a small laugh at that. He did not expect to be so sentimental at two am.
Somehow he knew, though, that he could not return to his slumber that easily. He had awoken by instinct, it seemed, and assumed something was amiss. So he eased Marius’ arms off him—thank god Marius was dead to the world at the time—and clambered out of the bed. 
His parental instinct led him along the dimmed, quiet hallways where a crayon and paint-colored Victorian door offered entry to a special room. On the door were drawings of monsters and indescribable creatures; obvious scribbles from six year-olds. A smile tugged at the corner of Vyn’s lips. He missed them dearly, even when he just tucked them to bed a few hours ago. 
But when he opened the door, his children were nowhere to be found.
Two beds empty, illuminated by the lampshades. Everything was how Vyn left them, except those whom he treasured most. His chest tightened as he scrambled towards the baby monitor. 
Vyn gasped in horror. 
One of his hands flew to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat. Panic rose in alarm, and he dashed outside the room, running barefooted along the hallways, the stairs, then into their massive kitchen. 
He stumbled upon one of their staff, who tried to stop Vyn and attempted to calm him down. “Master Vyn, please—Master Vyn! What is wrong?”
Vyn gripped the man’s hand tightly. “Secure the house. Find the children,” he gasped out, and the staff swallowed the lump in his throat seeing Vyn’s very serious expression. “Secure everything. Now. And wake my husband—tell him… tell him the twins are not in their room.”
He could only nod as Vyn proceeded downstairs. But it’s not like anyone could blame him; what he saw in the baby monitor was enough an alarming feat for any parent. Only one light illuminated the kitchen, and on the floor were what Vyn hoped to be spilled drinks, and not blood. 
There was a long trail of something dark all around the area, splattered without care. It cannot be blood. It cannot be.
He was a brilliant doctor who was good at minds, but right now, all he could think of were the dangers his kids could have gotten into. Snuck out in the middle of the night to grab food, slipped on the floor, hit their heads, tried to move across the kitchen and ended up behind the cupboard. A skilled assassin who managed to get inside their estate, coming to get his boys, only to find them wandering about the kitchen and taking that chance. He didn’t know. They seemed absurd. In normal circumstances he wouldn’t be thinking of those. But it was two am, he was a parent, his kids were nowhere to be found, and the von Hagens had lots of enemies. Maybe one slipped. Maybe everything he and Marius did was not enough to protect his family.
“Sam?” he called, voice quivering. He had entered the kitchen. Without his glasses, he couldn’t see that dark, liquid trail clearly. “Nikolai? Boys?” He heaved. “Boys?”
He walked forward, slowly, into the kitchen’s heart. It was eerily quiet, and it was as if the air had hushed around him. “Sam? Nikolai? I swear it, if you two are playing with me…” 
Vyn held onto the marble sink when he glimpsed a tiny, socked foot visible from behind one of the counters… And it was not moving. 
He ran, almost leaped into the counter. The trail of dark liquid that made a mess around the kitchen led there. For the first time after years, Vyn whispered a little prayer in his head. 
Ah, and there they were! 
His two darling boys, slumped against the counter, each chugging a chocolate container. His husband’s chocolate container. 
Their pajamas were soiled with chocolate, their skin sticky with its sweetness. There’s even chocolate dripping from Nikolai’s hair. Samuel appeared a tad more neat, but both were dirty altogether. 
Vyn did not know what to feel. His heart thumped with ire, but he was glad his boys were safe. At the same time, he couldn’t not be angry with these two little boys giving him—and everybody—a jumpscare at two in the morning, when they only snuck out to drink their dad’s chocolate, mess the floor, and… 
It certainly did not help that he was looking at the spitting images of Marius von Hagen. His twins, whom he carried for months in his womb only to end up looking exactly like his husband with no ounce of his features—except Samuel’s mole near the eye, perhaps—was enough to tip the scales in favor of his rising fury.
“I told you he could see your foot!” Nikolai, who was still clutching onto his chocolate container, turned to blame his brother. “I told you!”
Samuel already had tears in his eyes. He was trying too hard not to sob in front of Vyn and his twin brother.
“No! I… Ma would notice us even more if I had tried to move my foot!” he argued, but it was clear he believed Nikolai was right—he always believed his brother—and that he should have moved his foot. But Vyn had already entered the kitchen, had already called for them, so it would make sense that their Ma had now seen his foot, right? 
“No, stop reasoning with me. You should’ve listened!”
“But…” Little Samuel tried to argue, but faced with his angry-looking twin, not a single word came. Nikolai had always been the adventurous one (or so Nikolai believed such about himself, and eventually made Samuel think the same), and Samuel was always left out in their room, being the one who always chose to behave; always the one who stayed behind, looking out for his brother.
However, if anything, Samuel loved his twin—loved him very much that he helped cover Nikolai’s tracks and joined him in his silly pranks. He enjoyed every one of their ‘adventures’, but always regretted it when their parents—Vyn, particularly—managed to find out. 
“I’M SORRY, MA!” Samuel rose from the floor, the chocolate container abandoned. “I’M SORRY!” 
“Samuel, dear—”
“I’m sorry we made a mess! That we drank chocolate at… at… two o’ clock in the morning! That we left trails of chocolate everywhere! It’s because—” He stopped to take a sniff, “because Nikolai and I played while drinking chocolate, and then… and then—!” 
Vyn knelt to the floor and embraced him. Samuel’s crying paused for a second; he did not know whether to stop sobbing or to sob louder with his father hugging him like that, even after he made a mess around the kitchen. Eventually he chose to just cry louder, until most of the staff jolted awake.
“Hush, my child. It is all right. No one is angry.” Vyn tightened his arms around Samuel, and pressed a light kiss on the boy’s forehead. “I was only worried. Do not cry for me, my love. Come on, now.”
To his credit, Samuel actually tried to not cry. The sobs did halt, and eventually the tears stopped flowing. Only he was making a desperate effort, and too much of it that he ended up blowing his nose with a very green mucus.
And so he was crying again, because he blew his nose in front of his most prized person, and because he couldn’t not join Nikolai in crying, too. 
“Nikolai, darling!” Vyn called for his other son, whose cries now surely alarmed the entire house. Nikolai dropped the chocolate container and made more mess before he rushed to Vyn’s warm embrace. “Hush… I am not angry with you two, all right?”
“But you don’t love me anymore!” Nikolai screamed. 
“What? Wherever did you learn that? Of course I love you,” he reassured, his hand making calming strokes up and down the boy’s back. “I will always love you and your brother. Even if you mess with my kitchen.”
“Really?” he sniffed, snuggling onto Vyn’s neck. “So… we can play with chocolate here again?”
Nikolai cried. An animalistic, howling cry that made Vyn want to get therapy himself.
“What—?” he turned to look at Nikolai, whose head was resting against his chest. And realized that he was now smeared with chocolate, too, what with chocolate liquid dripping from Nikolai’s hair. “Nikolai, will you be a dear and tell me why you have chocolate on your hair?”
“Jesus, what happened here—Vyn!” Marius rushed towards the island counter, where Vyn and their boys were wrapped in one another’s embrace. And Nikolai’s hair still dripping wet with sticky chocolate that cost at least 8,000 Stellin. Marius knelt beside Vyn and looked directly at his children. “What did you boys do this time?”
No answer, just sobs. The usual. He was surprised Samuel was pretty quiet today; most of the time it was Samuel who tried to take the blame (to which his twin brother would object) and explained everything—step by step, with all the details—to their waiting parents. Sometimes to a very stressed-out Vincent. 
It was his husband who answered on behalf. “You wish to know?” He scowled. “Your clones snuck out to drink your chocolate and made a mess in my kitchen, that is what happened.”
“Chocolate again?” A young, honeyed voice complained a meter away. “Aren’t they gonna get the poopies? Ugh.”
Vyn’s eyes widened in shock. “Victoria! Whatever are you doing here at this hour? Have you even slept?”
“NO! STAY AWAY, VICKY! DON’T STEAL MAMA FROM US AGAIN!” Nikolai burst out, jumping into Vyn’s arms and almost sending them onto the floor. Marius tried his best not to snicker. He wouldn’t dare, of course, lest he wanted his husband’s you’ll-get-no-fuck-from-me-tonight glare.
“Shut up, Nikolai. The only stealing in here is you stealing my beauty sleep. Your sobs are hideous.”
Victoria put a hand on her waist. “Okay. I’ll curse you then. I hope you ro—”
Vyn gave her an incredulous look. Where on earth did this girl learn such words? This is not what an eight-year-old ought to randomly say! Oh, for goodness’ sake.
“C’mere now, Vicky. I’ll get you back upstairs, since you need your princess beauty sleep,” Marius said in sing-song, to which Victoria acknowledged by hoisting her arms, a gesture Marius knew the best. “And yes, I’ll carry you princess-style too. Come now.”
Victoria smiled groggily. Vyn’s heart warmed at the sight of it. His daughter was close to both him and Marius, which he was grateful for; having children had been one of his greatest fears what with his broken family along with many other threads of broken relationships. Seeing his husband and daughter getting along well was something he would always treasure. 
(And also because Victoria looked exactly like him, with her silver hair and golden eyes, her natural brightness and elegance. Although he wasn’t exactly happy Victoria got his temper and attitude).
“Good night, Ma,” Victoria said as she waved goodbye. She kept staring until the scene blurred in her now droopy eyes, but never caved in to sleep until she heard his father say, “Sweet dreams, my rose.”
When Marius returned to the kitchen, Nikolai was dead asleep in Vyn’s arms. Samuel worried about his brother enough that he gave Nikolai all of Vyn and sat beside them in silence. He too was drowsy with sleep, with all his adrenaline of sneaking out gone, but he didn’t want to trouble Vyn or Marius having to carry him upstairs (also because he truly thought he was a big boy now and weighed heavy). 
“Look at him drooling like he didn’t give everyone a heart attack.” Marius chuckled as he gently ruffled Nikolai’s hair. The boy didn’t seem to be bothered by it. “He looks like—wait, what the f—”
“—fu—heck? Is this chocolate?”
“In your son’s hair? I’m afraid yes.”
“Sorry boys,” Marius whispered as he eased Samuel off the floor, carrying him. “Hup. I’m afraid we’ll have to wash you up before letting you go to bed. That all right with you, Sam?”
Samuel looked exhausted. Still, he did his best to open his eyes and mouth a little ‘yes’ to his dad. The sweet gesture tickled Marius’ heart. “Good boy.” He rose from the floor and turned to Vyn, extending his arm to help him as he carried Nikolai in his arms. “Come on love.”
He caught Vyn blush at that, and Vyn couldn’t decide whether to regret letting himself be flustered by Marius calling him “love,” or cave into the hot sensation he now felt seeing that handsome smirk on his husband’s face. And it certainly didn’t help that he just got up from bed and looked dashing with his bed hair (just the normal bed hair—they didn’t have sex last night, much to Marius’ disappointment). 
“I assure you, Marius,” Vyn warned before his husband could tease him, “you shall see that smirk wiped off your face when Nikolai throws a tantrum as you wash him.”
Marius’ protest died in his throat as Vyn went on tiptoe, pressing a small kiss on his cheek. This time it was Marius whose cheeks were dusted pink. He never regretted it one bit. “Okay, your highness. I’ll wash the boys, you go freshen up.”
“I did not say I will not join you.”
“It’s okay.” Marius cupped his husband’s cheek, thumb grazing gently against skin. “Go freshen up. I’ll be quick with the boys. I know you’re tired running around, taking care of them,” he said, his gaze softening. “Let me do it this time, yeah?”
This man, he thought, he is always looking out for me. It’s not like Vyn was a stay-at-home parent. He too was gone during work hours, leaving the children with their staff, so he truly wasn’t the exhausted housewife or some sort, yet Marius always insisted Vyn had done enough, and that it was his turn to care for the kids.
“What are you thinking about?” Marius asked, snapping Vyn away from his thoughts.
“Nothing,” Vyn answered, then tiptoed yet again to lick his husband’s lips. “I am just thinking about how lucky I am that I married you.”
Marius’ face darkened. “You—”
He’s interrupted by Vyn who gave him a little push, urging him to go to the bathroom and give the boys a bath. Vyn could only wink as Marius adjusted Samuel in his arms, walking through the hallways towards the bathroom, followed by Vyn who carried Nikolai.
“You wish that was me you are carrying,“ Vyn whispered, only to earn a very serious, very determined look from Marius who, with his deep voice answered in return:
"... Later."
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chalkscene · 11 months
ft. luke pearce, artem wing, marius von hagen & vyn richter
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“i have a question,” you tell LUKE. he’s sat on the couch, playing some new video game which he immediately pauses to acknowledge you. “okay, shoot.” “would you kiss the prettiest girl in the world for 700 dollars or me for only 10 dollars?” before luke can school his features, a smile tugs at the corners of his lips as memories from your childhood flash in his mind. ever since you were kids, you’ve always had the most random trivia and inquiries ready to share with him—his heart swells at the thought of you not having changed at all. going back to your question, luke normally would’ve been deep in thought searching for an answer but he’s always had it in him. so with loving eyes, he meets your expectant ones. “you know i’d kiss you for free.”
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ARTEM looks up from his paperwork, paying you his undivided attention now. “come again?” you’re halfway through repeating the question when he cuts you off with a chuckle, “i heard you the first time.” you know he’s just too nice to dismiss you but if you spend another minute thinking about your case, you’re going to lose your mind. “so, what’s your answer?” “i’d kiss you,” he replies without skipping a beat and his lips curl into a smile. you mirror his expression before glancing at the door then back at your boyfriend. “can you kiss me now?” you pout, “i need motivation.” artem shakes his head at your antics but he adores them. he gets up from his seat en route to your side of the office, leaning in to grant your request when celestine barges into the room, “artem- oh.” artem immediately straightens up and clears his throat as he takes a step back from your desk, “yes?” whatever celestine’s come to see him for is soon forgotten, clearly enjoying the sight she walked into. the whole firm knows about your relationship with artem so you remain unfazed—unlike stellis’ notable lawyer whose cheeks are blushing furiously, unable to meet your colleague in the eye.
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“missed your pretty face,” MARIUS says in greeting the moment you open the door. half an hour ago, he called to let you know he was on his way to your apartment. now here he is, leaning in for a kiss which is immediately followed by a sigh of pleasure at the feeling of your mouth on his. “you say that as if i’m not your lockscreen,” you tease when you pull away. “i can’t kiss my phone though.” he winks then dips his head lower for another peck but you stop him with a finger over his lips. marius’ eye brows shoot up in surprise, coaxing a giggle out of you. with a cheeky smile, you ask, “would you kiss me for 10 dollars or the prettiest girl in the world for 700 dollars?” “what kinda question is that?” he scoffs and rolls his eyes at its absurdity before his familiar cockiness once again takes over his features. “miss, i’d pay to kiss you.”
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“is something on your mind?” VYN’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts—well, thought. you’ve had this random question plaguing your brain for a while now. “what is it?” vyn asks again. “well…” you begin, trying to form the words before you utter them, “i was curious…” “go on.” “would you kiss me for 10 dollars or the prettiest girl in the world for 700 dollars?” vyn doesn’t respond right away, blinking at you as he is momentarily dumbfounded. but it’s not long before you sense the gears in his mind turning. you’re not sure if it’s due to the nature of his job as a psychiatrist but vyn is never not thinking—you truly believe he’s actually taking the question seriously. soon enough, he gives you his answer. “my rose,” he says as he tenderly takes your hand in his, “your kisses are priceless.”
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angelltheninth · 3 months
Tears of Themis Men + Perfect Date
Pairing: Luke Pearce, Artem Wing, Vyn Richter, Marius von Hagen x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, established relationship, dating, cuddles, kisses
A/N: Feeling in a mood for cuteness today.
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Waits for the nicest time of day and takes you out on a picnic. It starts late in the afternoon and lasts until you can see the moon high up in the sky. He didn’t expect for you to bring food too, you ended up with a bit too much but you can always eat it another time. What’s most important to him is cuddling on the blanket with you and enjoying the fresh air.
He is busy with his work a lot but he can always make time for you at the end of each day. A movie date might not seem like much but it means a lot to him if he can get away from all the phone calls and clients and hold you against him on the couch instead. It doesn’t matter which movie you watch, he’s happy with anything as long as he doesn’t have to think too hard about it.
Picks you up after he’s done with work and surprise you with the tickets to your favorite band. He’s known you needed some kind of relaxation after working so hard, some kind of outlet, and honestly he did too. Music can be very healing, especially when enjoyed with the right people. There’s no batter way for him to enjoy it than with your body moving against his as you dance and sing along to the lyrics.
Always wanted to go stargazing with you and now is the perfect opportunity to do so. You can go outside of the city, away from the noise and the lights, just the two of you and the stars above you. He can’t help but quickly sketch up the night sky but his attention is quickly turned to you and how beautiful you look right now. He’s not gonna deny himself a good make out session.
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byizoyas · 1 year
tears of themis ; drabbles
nsfw. ✩ nxx boys being so jealous they have to remind you (or themselves) who you belong to [fem!reader] featuring: artem, marius, luke, vyn
a/n ✩ this is only just a teasing, longer versions for each of them will be uploaded later ehe also this is my first tot fic idk if y’all read it BUT ive been wanting to write for them for a while now
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ artem doesn’t talk a lot when he’s feeling irritated or upset about something. he usually prefers to keep it to himself but when he sees you from afar, joking around with his forever rival, he cannot contain himself any longer; taking you by the hand and pulling you away from the party, away from him. his hand is gripping a bit too hard on your wrist that you feel it hurting already yet before you can speak, his lips are already pressed against yours. his hands go down on your body, reaching out to your ass, squeezing it as if it helped him relax. and it seems that it does help, because you feel his lips curling up into a smile against your skin. ‘what’s gotten into you ?’ you ask. and all you get as an answer is him, looking away; obviously avoiding your eyes.
‘is it not okay for me to want you when you look so divine in that dress ?’
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ marius easily gets jealous whenever you get too close to other men; because he knows how beautiful and desirable you are.of course he’s not speaking his feelings everytime he happens to not like you talking to a man. but this time it is too much. he puts down his glass, approaching both of you slowly. ‘i need to see y/n in private.’ he says. actually he orders you to follow him. and his hand quickly seizes yours anyway, so you cannot deny his request. he closes the door to his office behind you. locks it. ‘oh ? here ?’ you say, walking around his huge office, staring at the city lights. the view at night is breathtaking from up here yet you don’t have the time to truly enjoy it when you feel his body pressing against yours. he is hard, and slowly unzipping the back of your dress. ‘i want you.’ he whispers against your skin. ‘you are mine.’ he adds, dropping kisses on several places and you feel two of his fingers slide into your wet cunt. ‘ngh~ why are you like that ? the event only just started.’ to that he simply keeps on fucking you with his fingers, and stuffs your mouth with the fingers of his other hand, commanding you to suck it.
‘no.’ he giggles ‘me fucking you only just started and you will be moaning my name over again, asking for more of my cock inside of you.’
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ luke hates himself for having the idea of bringing you here; to a jet ski class. he feared that you’d spend a bad moment and wouldn’t dare to tell him; yet you seem to quite like it. a bit too much he thinks. now, he’s standing alone on the sand, unable to take his eyes off you as you’re clinging hard onto the teacher’s body. of course he keeps his composure with the stranger; but the way he takes your hand and takes little time to get you out of here says a lot about his true feelings. luke sits on the driver’s seat of his car, but does not turn the engine on yet. instead he pulls you into his lap so he can enjoy the direct view of your boobs. a view that is his and his only. he helps you take your shirt off. he’s usually softer, but you ask no question because you already know that this is only a vague insight of how jealous he must be. he buries his head into your neck, biting and licking it to show you how bad he wants you now. and since actions don’t seem to be expressive enough to him, he speaks up against your skin.
‘i’m gonna mark you as mine. i’m gonna fuck you hard and you will be clinging to me, begging for me to be more gentle.’
⸻ ꕥ ⌎ vyn can get pretty sadistic in bed if he feels like it and since he knows you enjoy it too, he doesn’t really hide his fantasies to you. he’s eyeing you now. has been for a while since the beginning of the party in fact, and no cheerful expression of yours around that man escaped his observant eyes. ‘may i ?’ he politely asks for more of you in the middle of your conversation. but this is only a facade and you know it. you can see in his eyes, all the things he’s going to do to you and feel yourself getting wet to your simple imagination. he opens the bathroom door to you. ‘the toilets ? very elegant doctor richter.’ you tease; but he’s in no mood to accept it. he’s grabbing your waist, making you turn around and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. he pulls down your skirt and before you can tease him again, he spanks you hard, and bites your shoulder.
‘a pretty slut like you deserves no better than a vulgar bathroom to be fucked. and i will be doing it all night.’
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rhenuvee · 19 days
"Whatever You Say, Handsome" [TOT x reader]
A/N: Saying "whatever you say, handsome" to everything he says to see his reaction
Includes: Luke Pearce, Artem Wing, Vyn Richter, Marius Von Hagen
Artem Wing: He is blushing madly after you say it.
"There was a problem reported at work. I have to go now, but I promise I'll be back in time for our date." He gives you a peck on your lips and is about to leave, when-
"Whatever you say, handsome." He does a double take, and your man- who supposedly is strong, comes crumbling over your words. He has to clear his throat, wipe his sweat, just to compose himself again. Was this real? Artem carefully turns to you, seeing you have a lovestruck gaze. With how exaggerated your expression looks, he's sure it's a prank or something. However, even after all this he ends up tripping over himself.
"T-That's okay with you, right?" He asks, almost failing to look you in the eye. You approach him, and hook your arms around his.
"Mhm, of course, handsome." You repeat. He sighs with a defeated smile, but he doesn't mind. He watched as you giggle, both of you knowing of your antics working.
"You are trouble, my love." He says, nuzzling his nose into yours. You share one last kiss before he leaves.
Marius Von Hagen: He's teasing you right back.
"Whatever you say, handsome." Something seems to click inside his head the second he hears your special words. You watch as Marius turns towards you with a smirk, cocking his head playfully with a bit of dramatic flair.
"Oh, me~?" He asks with a comically sweet tone, pointing at himself. You start to sport your own smirk when you see him drop what he was doing to walk towards you. "Whatever I say?"
He repeats your words, locking his gaze with yours as you nod cheekily.
"Well, if my gorgeous partner says so. I guess I can't help but indulge in their desires." With those words, he's instantly cupping your cheeks and kissing you fervently. Your conversation was not even about affection, and yet he finds a way to love you even further.
You wanted to tease him for once, but he always seems to find a way to get you back- how the tables turn. It backfired for you, but at least you got your enjoyment for a little while. What he won't let you know is how hard he had to try not to blush at you calling him handsome.
Luke Pearce: He is confused, but thinks it's normal so he goes along with it.
"I think you should get it. It looks nice." Luke says this casually as you both talk about random things while doing your own thing. Right now you were discussing about the cute accessory you saw the other day.
"Whatever you say, handsome~" You wait for his reaction. He blinks, staring at you for a few seconds, having you in anticipation. You see a faint stammer, with a slight flush of pink on his cheeks. But is quickly replaced by his signature smile.
"Okay, darling. I'm know it'll look amazing on you." He gives you a kiss on the cheek then goes back to what he was doing. You are baffled- baffled that he didn't even sputter at your sudden pet name. It doesn't seem to phase him that much. Hm..? They're calling me handsome, how nice, is probably what he's thinking. But you want to try again, so-
"If you say so, handsome." You coo, leaning more towards him.
"I do say so, my angel." He says sweetly, letting you nuzzle in closer to him. It's at this point where it's your turn to cave, becoming a blushing mess after the flurry of compliments and pet names.
Luke laughs at your playful scolding of him, both at his lack of reaction and countering your pet name by making you flustered instead. He explains, saying he thought calling each other sweet names were a normal thing, since you've been together for a while now.
You huff, but can't find it in yourself to be mad at him- especially not after he called you pet names that are sure to leave you melting. If there's one thing you're sure of is how secure you both are in your relationship.
Vyn Richter: He is not indulging your antics.
"Hm, I believe we're due for a trip to the grocery store. The fridge is becoming empty." Vyn remarks as he scans the refrigerator and sees missing essentials. "How about we go later tonight?"
"Mhm, whatever you say handsome."
"Looks like we'll need more seasoning too..." He says, while looking through the pantry next. He doesn't seem to be paying attention to your responses.
"The cookies you like, they're out too."
"Whatever you say, handsome."
"And we'll need vegetables for the soup-"
"Vyn Richter!"
"...Yes?" You hate how cute he looks even when he's examining the vegetable compartment while you're slightly frustrated at him. You march your way towards him, hoping to convey your message to your stoic partner.
"Vyn, how come you respond when I say your full name but not when I call you handsome?" You pout, which does not go unnoticed by him. "Can't you at least be a little flustered?"
Your beloved only smiles, rounding the corner of the kitchen island to walk to you. You realize he's coming closer than you anticipated, eyes going wide when his hands start to snake around your form.
"There are other ways to be flustered, my dear." He says in the softest whisper. Your cheeks go warm when he suddenly cups your jaw, looking fondly at you. He gives you a sweet kiss on your forehead, then promptly walks off, leaving you the flustered mess.
Sometimes, you hate that he's one step ahead.
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eros7hanatos · 7 months
➽ Things NXX members do when you get sick 
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Warnings: established relationships, character and reader live together, pure fluff, SFW, reader doesn’t have to be Rosa, gn reader
Word count: 754
A/N: some fluff to clear my thoughts and make me less stressed TT, I’m in love with all of them.
Luke Pearce
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A little panicked, as soon as you stumbled out of your room to go on about your day, your face flushed for no apparent reason he yelped, “No way you’re going anywhere today! You’re staying at home and recovering!”
Literally rushes to the convenience store nearby to buy you medicine. You wake up from your nap to see him drenched in sweat with a plastic bag in his hand and a smile on his face.
Knows your favorite foods that you eat when you're sick and tries his best to make it but, well, he’s not the best cook. So he buys some instead. 
He makes sure that you take your medicines on time and always stays by your side.
Drowns you in hugs and kisses, no matter what you say or do can make him stop. “Luke! You’re going to get sick as well!” he continues to drown you in love and affection.
Such a cutie, trying his best to take care of you. Cheers you up by telling stories, either from his past or funny stories of you guys.
Artem Wing
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Immediately pulls you back to bed as soon as he feels your temperature. “You have a fever. You need to stay home and rest.”
A lot calmer than Luke or Marius.
Has basic medicine at home, since he’s a workaholic he takes medicine and works from home. Quickly drives to the nearest convenience store to buy more medicine, if needed. He won’t do anything like that to you though. Insists you stay in bed.
Offers to clear up work or studies for you if on a deadline or urgent. 
Home cooked meals, he’s a great cook, I just know it. 
Such a serious and worried cutie, tries his best to help. Offers his arm for support wherever you go and feeds you water every 30 minutes.
Vyn Richter
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Notices something is off almost instantly. “You don’t look so well.” “I’m fine.” after a few moments of silence, and of him inspecting you, “You’re sick. You need to rest.”
Definitely the calmest in the group. I mean he’s a doctor. Psychiatrist, but he still has the general medical knowledge.
Has ALL the medicine you need, throat lozenges? check. Tylenol for headaches? check. No convenience store run for him. 
Brews you herbal tea depending on your symptoms and omg are they delicious and cures your sore throat almost instantaneously. Reminds you to take your medicine on time, never misses one.
Acts as an actual doctor in hopes of cheering you up, “It seems like you’ve been overworked for too long, too much stress. I prescribe you 3-5 days of rest.” “Yes, Dr. Richter~” you play along, having fun. 
Marius von Hagen
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At first he panicked when he felt your body rising in temperature. “Ah! Jiejie, why’re you so hot?” You laugh at his wording, even if your throat hurts. “I know I’m hot, but thanks for the reassurance” you tease him back. “You have a fever, Jiejie!” he says, touching your forehead, ignoring what you just said.
Such a drama queen. Has Payton bring every single medicine they could find in that huge mansion of his as well as send Payton to go buy every single medicine on the shelf of the nearby convenience store. 
Was about to call the ambulance, which you refused of course, “It’s just a fever! Rest and water is all I need!” He insists on driving you to the hospital. After a talk with Payton, both of you begging Marius that it’s not that bad, he reluctantly agrees.
He contacts AT LEAST 3 doctors to come immediately to treat you. All of this makes you even more tired, you decide to lie down and take a break from all of his… worried actions…
He finally finds you in his room, all wrapped up and sleeping. He stays by your side the whole time, offering help when not even needed. 
“Where are you going?” “To the toilet.” “Let me help.” He helps bring you to the toilet, just as you step inside he doesn’t leave. You raise an eyebrow. “Um?” “I can help!” “I don’t need help anymore! I can pee by myself!” “but-” “Marius, get out!” ”forgive him. He just worries about you <3
Once you get better though, ohoho, he’s teasing you about this every chance he gets. You soon miss the quiet days of your fever and how he was always worried and listening to you. Now he’s back to his teasing and antics.
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