#vyx rambles
My bad for saying I wanted to crawl into your rib cage, not my fault you look like the perfect shell
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viktorshands · 2 years
Silco x afab!reader
Welcome to the afternoon thought that entered my mind… and my pants for that matter. Think: “The Ugly Truth” but slightly sadistic Silco.
Warnings: NSFW content, the word ‘panties’ (I’m sorry babes I used “underwear” as much as I could), voyeurism, public humiliation/masturbation, cursing.
Word Count: 1.8k
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You opened the small box that Silco handed to you, the outside was done up in a soft red ribbon that tickled your fingers as you removed it. Inside of the crinkled red tissue paper lain a pair of unassuming black underwear. You scoffed, wondering why on earth he would gift you such an ugly pair of underwear.
Your scoff was met with a disappointed sigh from the man, punctuated with him mumbling, “If you don’t like them, I can return them.”
“No, no, I suppose I just need to get used to them.” You rose to your feet, giving him a quick peck on the cheek and managing to squeak out, “Thank you, it is a thoughtful gift.”
“Put them on then.” He directed, almost menacingly, his velvety voice sinking to low depths as he spoke.
“But,” you protested, “The Chem Barons will be here any minute, and I’m not stripping in the middle of the conference room.”
“Hm.” A single raised brow and you knew you were out of straws that you tried to grasp at. His word was always final. You knew that. Silco never took ‘no’ for an answer.
You narrowed your eyes and huffed, exhaling forcefully out of your nose before sliding the pair of underwear you were wearing off. The cool air of the room hit you in just the right spot to make you slightly uncomfortable, grabbing the black underwear from the box and hastily pulling them up. You straightened your clothing, and when you went to put the lid back on the box you noticed… a small, remote? 
“That would be for me, dear.” His breath rasped in your ear, the puffs of air and implications of his words giving you goosebumps.
You felt the color drain out of your face. 
Vibrating panties.
The elevator clanged on the opposite end of the room.
“What are you waiting for, take your seat.” Silco’s voice was firm and hushed, with a drop of devilish mischievousness.
As if on cue, the moment you planted your ass in the chair adjacent to the head of the table, the door opened in the direction of the elevator. Into the room trickled Smeech, Renni, Finn, and Margot. Smeech, the eccentric Yordle who ran the cybernetic special enhancements in the Undercity, hopped up on the chair that was next to Margot - no doubt to sit at eye level to her perfect tits. Of course, Margot’s body was incredible, she had to be while running the Vyx: Zaun’s high class escort service. Renni sat to your right, and Finn plopped into the seat next to her. The Slickjaw boss no doubt felt emasculated that he couldn’t sit at the head of the table as he huffed and flipped his mohawk with his hand, the other fidgeting with his trusty lighter.
Silco’s wandering eye moved from you to the individuals entering the room. He addressed them all with a typical greeting and sat down after they had all been seated.
“Now, I’ll turn it over first to Finn, go ahead and tell us what you’ve been up to.” Silco gestured unceremoniously to him.
Finn clears his throat and starts talking when you out of nowhere feel an ever-so-slight tickle. A buzz like a zap of a mosquito trap, brief, and stunning you still. Freezing instantly you felt fear creep up and into your belly, weighing like a bag of cement. Yet still, part of you thought it was hot as fuck. A secret that no one knew about except you - and him.
Finn rambled on, going back and forth for a bit with Renni about weaponry and the continued protection of the Shimmer manufacturing facilities. You thought you might be in the clear, but another quick buzz - no longer than two seconds - caused you to inhale sharply. 
Irritated, you glared at Silco. His eyes were on his guests, not you at all. You kept staring at him and cleared your throat quietly to gain his attention. Once he lazily looked over at you, you silently snarled, get on with it! Don’t be a fucking tease!
The corner of his mouth twitched upwards in the tiniest smirk he could manage. Challenge accepted, it seemed. 
The vibrations started again, this time not shutting off. The intensity was at a low hum, enough to tickle you like a featherlight massage on your most sensitive areas. What a fucking snooze, I can get more friction from my pillow. You looked back over to Renni, who was arguing about moving Shimmer over the border into Piltover.
You heard a firm exhale from Silco’s direction. Clearly, he wasn’t happy with your reaction, yet. He made a small click in his hand and the vibrations became stronger. You jolted forward in your chair, wisps of loose hair falling into your face as you did so.
“Hm.” Silco let out a pleased hum. Bastard.
You exhale a shaky breath as the steady vibrations make that wonderful buildup start in your abdomen. Your muscles tense and fists ball, nails digging into your palms as you try to calm the rising storm. 
You shift in your seat and your eyes widen; instantly realizing that you’ve made a mistake. The change in position caused the panties to ride up, grazing almost harshly at your clit. That, coupled with the vibrations, was making your toes curl in your shoes. 
Biting your lip and trying desperately not to come, you looked around the table, landing on Margot who was already looking at you. She was whispering over to Smeech, her eyes not leaving you. Smeech’s greasy, wrinkled face contorted as he stifled a chortle, apparently unsuccessfully, as Finn scoffed and raised his voice. 
“The fuck you think you’re laughing about? Are you even listening to our discussion you overgrown heap of filth?” Finn spat at the Yordle.
“It’s fine, Finn, you may continue.” Silco interrupted Finn’s bitching, clicking the remote in his hand again. Fuck.
Your face was hot and red, paranoid that someone could definitely hear what was happening. The new intensity was an avalanche compared to the previous slightly bumpy ski slope you had been riding on. You couldn’t help it, your legs buckled underneath the table.
“Hah -” you clasped your hand over your mouth and coughed to cover your moan that tore its way out of your lungs. That rope was pulled taut, ready to snap inside you.
No way, this is not happening here. You looked around feverishly, no one was looking at you.
You jolted up from your chair, desperately trying to cover for yourself as Finn kept blabbering on and on. You took one, two steps and stopped dead in your tracks when Silco called your name dismissively.
“Y/N.” He said, “Don’t be rude to my guests.”
He didn’t even look at you.
You stood your ground on wobbly legs, “But I’m just -”
“Sit.” He commanded, not budging an inch.
All eyes were on you as you returned to your seat, including Silco’s. He looked at you greedily, like a predator watching its prey wriggle in pain after it’s been maimed. You were a marionette on a string and Silco was your sadistic puppet master, controlling you for no reason other than to make you know you belong solely to him. If it was anyone else you’d never accept this treatment, but, Silco is a different story.
This is madness, you thought - and suddenly a worse thought - oh, fuck.
Nothing could prevent what happened next, the second you sat back down the underwear were pressed again firmly to your throbbing sex. That last bit of intense friction was all you needed to be sent flying head first over that cliff and spiraling into the abyss.
You were panting, your chest heaving as you saw stars. Your thighs clasped together as your hands grasped at the edge of the table. Oh fuck. Your body tensed and shook as you came violently. The air whistled through your nose on your harsh exhale, your lips sealed firmly together to prevent any other sound escaping. You shivered, the vibrations of the underwear still going, making your sensitive clit throb with the grief of overstimulation as you clapped your thighs together reflexively.
The buzzing suddenly ceased. Cut immediately by Renni’s shrieking laughter.
The feeling of bile rising up in your throat took you out of your high as Finn joined in, calling you “poor thing” and saying with a cruel sneer, “Oh look at that, she needs daddy’s attention so bad that she makes a scene in front of everyone.”
Smeech joined in, cackling wildly like a mad man. “You know, Silco, if you’re willing, I could always accept a payment for an enhancement modification for the thing.” He continued, rubbing his tiny hands together with greed, “In fact we have a new mod in stock: it makes you keep your mouth shut and sit still!” 
Margot peered, dazedly, at you through the curtain of blonde bangs that hung in front of her face. “She’s always welcome to come work for me if you’d like, Silco. I can put that pretty body to use.” She chuckled softly. 
You could do nothing but endure the embarrassment, sinking down like a deflated balloon. Your face and chest were hot and flushed as the Chem Barons essentially took turns digging at you, laughing and joking at your expense.
“Enough!” Silco barked, startling you to sit straight up in your seat. Your frame was tense and your eyes wandered around the room, everyone else looked like they were on pins and needles as well. You looked back at Silco and noticed a couple of strands of his perfectly coiffed hair fall out of place as he abruptly stood from his seat. 
“You all better stand up and get - the fuck - out of here.” He growled, his tone of voice grating like sandpaper in the thin air. 
“We were just having a bit of fun.” Finn whined.
“I. Will not. Tell you again.” Silco’s voice was deadly. If looks could kill, Finn would be six feet under.
The metal scraping sounds of chairs against the floor filled the room, which felt ten times smaller and made your ears ring with the uncomfortable silence that followed. The scuffling of footsteps of the Chem Barons swiftly exiting were punctuated with the sharp clang of the elevator doors shutting.
A soft, uncharacteristically gentle, kiss on the pulse of your neck brought you out of your haze.
Silco’s lips touched the shell of your ear gently as he growled no louder than a whisper, “Naughty girl.”
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littlegalerion · 4 years
An Excuse to Talk about your Elder Scrolls OCs!
As I said, I’m filling it out myself now that the heat as cooled down for the night. 
Name: Codek Rinyu Galerion Tharn 
Any Nicknames?: Ru (by mother), Cody (by Malika and Vyx), Tharn-spawn (by Raveoov) 
Age: He is born two months before the events of Greymoor, so do the math as to how old he is by Oblivion and Skyrim’s time. 
Gender: Male
Race: Altmer-Imperial half blood, but has Illusion magic to retain Imperial and Khajiit appearances - but has been a vampire lord since the 2nd Era 
Place of Birth: Artaeum
Sexual Orientation:  Gray-asexual
Current relationship status: ESO: Single / Septim Dynasty: Arranged Marriage / Oblivion: Lucien LaChance / Skyrim: Dravynea the Stoneweaver
Criminal Record: Since Oblivion, is a highly wanted criminal as he is the Listener, and once Skyrim rolls around he is both Listener and leader of an ancient vampire clan, so it just gets worse 
Political Views: Very complicated, but does support the Empire to some extent 
Places of Residence: During Oblivion, within Lucien LaChance’s quarters, but during Skyrim he has his own manor near Morthal 
Occupation: Tharn Family Patriarch and Imperial High Chancellor (formerly), Listener for the Dark Brotherhood, Leader of the Volkihar Vampire Clan 
Titles: Listener, Lord (to his clan), Dragonborn (only in one canon does he embrace that part of himself) 
Hobbies: Spell crafting, heavy reading, educating his daughters and other family members 
Interested in Magic? Which schools?: Alteration, Conjuration, and Illusion 
Interested in weapon or hand to hand combat?: Bound Sword mainly
Interested in robbing Tamriel blind?: Not Tamriel but will steal from annoying or overconfident individuals 
Earliest Memory: When he was four, he was chasing after a lemur up to the Ceporah Tower. He didn’t watch where he was going, fell into the small pond beside the wayshrine, and started screaming because he thought he was drowning. Luckily a few Psijics were nearby and fished him out, his mother being fetched while Rinyu was soothed by many gathering concerned seasoned Psijics. 
Most positive memories in their life?: Master Aithilo Raamando and the Psijics were great teachers, and motivated him throughout most of his childhood. Aithilo also helped him figure stuff out with his sexuality, and how to be patient with his mother when she had a habit of smothering/ being overprotective. 
Most negative memories in their life?: The betrayal of Jagar Tharn. 
Do they idolize anyone?: Loremaster Ceralus, Aithilo Raamando, his parents, Lucien LaChance, 
Go ahead and ramble off about anything in particular about them you want to share!: Rinyu is indeed Dragonborn, but in two of my three canons directly doesn’t act upon it. He feels like he’s already influenced Tamriel’s history enough with what happened with Jagar, and never wishes to feel an entire civilization's fate rest in his hands again. He isn’t interested in being a central hero. At times it does turn his stomach when he forcibly turns a blind eye to the Empire’s suffering, and he secretly wonders if Sithis would send forth his father’s wrath from the afterlife for Rinyu’s many failures as a Tharn. He was the assassin who killed Emperor Titus Mede II, though also killed the man who contracted the scenario in the first place, and he still isn’t sure what to make of that entire situation.  His cover name is “Rinyu Roradir”. 
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kovyxen · 4 years
this has such vyxen vibes, like vyx is on the left just jamming out with big dumbass gay energy, and axen is on the right internally 'why do i let you live here' but outwardly just mildly annoyed.
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Holy shit, trying to act all scary over the internet is hard
I’m legitimately a great stalker, I’m just one of those pathetic ones that pines and watches, I don’t fucking approach until I’m certain you’re in ‘love’ too and wouldn’t mind me coming in
I’m not very scary at all until I’m sure
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How are other Gods so…. Detached about the things that come to worship them??
Maybe it’s just cause I’m still so attached to everything, always have been and always will be, but I get really pleased about these things even if I don’t show it
I got told that I was having sword drills dedicated to me by my hound and I still get really giddy when I think about that
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I got that ADHD but not in a cute way, in that “can’t focus even on thing I’m passionate about” and in, “forgets to reply to friend/lover because I couldn’t think of anything at that time then never went back”
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Why is nothing sharp
What the fuck did my roomie do with all my knives?
I use those for things and now am inhibited from those things because he’s a dumbass and used them and didn’t bother to sharpen them
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I have no goals except to get a split tongue and snake bites
I’d look so hot
I mean, I already look hot asf, but like mmmmmmm snake bites
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I need to calm the fuck down before I get arrested, holy fucking shit
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I’m so fucking sick of people telling me that “No actually you’ll want kids when you’re older, you just have to find the right guy”
No I don’t want kids, I had three fucking miscarriages when I was 13 and 14 and I had to raise my siblings since I was 5.
And sometimes they’ll keep talking after they’ve gotten over the shock of this and are like, “You’ll heal”
I think I should be legally allowed to quarter and hang people who try to tell me I want kids.
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*cough cough*
If uh any of y’all maybe potentially start a cult/worship me/sacrifice someone in my name, I’d love you forever, just saying <3333
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Why do I get nosebleeds at the wrong times everyday
It’d be nice while giving head, but not while I’m trying to do laundry
Why must I live in a desert with the driest air you ever done did feel
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I just wanted a cigarette and a seagull stole my hat
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Ugh. An old caretaker of mine texted me after leaving me on read for three months only to ask me to talk to another person he’s caring for because they’re ignoring him and I talk to them regularly.
I’m not gonna do it obviously, but I heavily dislike this. I had just about forgotten about the whole thing and he comes out of the blue just to ask me to go chase someone for him.
He replaced me with a cute little thing that he can handle and didn’t even tell me about it, and now he’s fucked it up with them. I can’t do this shit dude.
This is why I don’t sub very much anymore, or take on caretakers.
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Tumblr, please, I didn’t mean to like a masked man who just happened to be Ghost, I just thought it was a hot man in a skull mask, stop giving me COD posts ;^;
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