#w impunity i would have no reason at all to believe they were actually useful in any capacity.
jvzebel-x · 7 months
cops when they see a red light&four lanes of traffic in their way: ‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️
cops when they see a speed trap camera in a school zone at 8:00am on a monday while they're going 75mph: 🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨
cops when there's unclaimed money+drugs in the impound&they need to beat out the twelve other patrols trying to get there to "help check it in": ‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️
cops when they had a bad day&they need to get home to beat their spouses+kids about it: 🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨
cops when they need to show up anywhere where there might be guns or knives or pointy sticks or people who know kung fu or have radioactive superpowers: .........😶‍🌫️........
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snicketstrange · 4 years
The Dark Day and The Sugar Bowl
My theory about having a radioactive stone or the powder of a radioactive stone inside the SB was criticized by very qualified judges. Their names are Dante and Hermes, and they volunteer for Dark Avenue 667.
  Dante      demonstrated that Esmé's sugar bowl could contain information. I will quote you here for clarity: Neither of these statements indicate that the contents of the sugar bowl pose a direct physical danger in themselves; merely that using them would have wide-ranging repercussions. If the villains can't get their hands on the sugar bowl, the risk is always that those repercussions will come to pass; consequently, if the villains can get their hands on the sugar bowl, they'll be able to act with impunity. This is a valid interpretation. Lemony's hint in TSS is as follows: I have at last learned the whereabouts of the evidence that will exonerate me, a phrase which here means "prove to the authorities that it is Count Olaf, and not me, who has started so many fires." Your suggestion, so many years ago at that picnic, that a tea set would be a handy place to hide anything important and small in the event of a dark day, has turned out to be correct. -Lemony Snicket, TSS p. 101 The evidence in question does not only prove Lemony innocent; it proves Olaf guilty - apparently unambiguously and elegantly. It is easy to see why Count Olaf would find this evidence desirable. (The exact nature of the evidence is unclear and seems narrow in scope, which is perhaps one reason why it ultimately could not be revealed.) A point: A container in which to secure something safely may indicate something dangerous, but it may also indicate something fragile. TGG p. 178 clarifies that the sugar bowl has a "tight-fitting lid"; a necessity if you want to keep anything in it while throwing it down rivers and so on, but this also implies that it's watertight, and that whatever is inside may be perishable or otherwise easy to damage. It was generally agreed back in the day that the "classic" use for sugar bowls was probably for something along the lines of privately passing information or small objects during dinner parties or other meetings; consider how easy it would be to place something small inside a sugar bowl whilst seeming to take sugar, and for the other party to then retrieve it. Listening devices have also been proposed, which would allow coded communication to be potentially overheard but would also allow suspicious conversations to be recorded; it's easy to see how such a recording might incriminate a person who had set a lot of fires, for example, or more pertinently, to exonerate somebody who had not. Something like this I think is probably what is indicated by Lemony's statement on the subject in TSS.
Hermes     , however, showed the apparent contradiction in this interpretation. Speaking about the secret letter in TSS, Hermes said:
"This letter is possibly the most paradoxical thing in the whole of ASOUE. It implies that the Sugar Bowl contains the evidence that will exonerate Lemony, although this does not seem to fit what we hear of its significance anywhere else." I believe Hermes was referring to passages like the ones that Dante and I cited in a recent theory that I will write here for clarity: "Our enemies capturing the sugar bowl would be as troubling as their capture of the Medusoid Mycelium." - Dewey, chapter 8 TPP. "The sugar bowl is on its way to the hotel even as we speak, and I'd hate to think what would happen if our enemies got ahold of it. I can't imagine anything worse, except perhaps if our enemies somehow got ahold of the Medusoid Mycelium. " - Kit Snicket , TPP p. 36 I was defending the idea that the SB contained some kind of radioactive material. But even a radioactive stone would not cause a disaster similar to what Medusoid Mycelium can do. Similarly, even information that could clear Lemony and accuse Olaf would actually do similar damage to Medusoid Mycelium. Medusoid Mycelium is a weapon of mass destruction that can cause an epidemic. Medusoid Mycelium can be grown easily and could be used to cause worldwide chaos in the event of coordination of villain efforts. In addition, we have some interesting statements from Captain W regarding the SB content: "My stepfather says that if the sugar bowl falls into his hands, then all of the efforts of all the volunteers will be for naught ... "He said it was better I didn't know ... He said people had been destroyed for knowing such enormous secrets, and that he didn't want me in that sort of danger. "- Fiona, TGG Chapter 3. That's why I haven't told you why the sugar bowl is so very crucial. There are secrets in this world too terrible for young people to know, even as those secrets get closer and closer. - W., TGG, Chapter 4. "It's not the sugar bowl," Captain Widdershins said, "it's what's inside it. - W. TGG, Chapter 6 What Captain W makes it clear is that there is a terrible secret within the SB. Let me fix this. Captain W makes it clear that there are huge secrets (in the plural) within the SB. And from there everything becomes more interesting.
Let's go back to the TSS secret letter. There is a strong indication that the use of a sugar bowl to protect and hide information was Kit Snicket's idea. Kit Snikcet is more than the sister of Lemony Snicket and mother of Beatrice Jr. Kit Snicket is known as the creator of the submarine Quequeeg. This seems to indicate that in his youth, Kit was able to create highly technological mechanical devices, like a submarine in which only a captain and two crewmen are needed. (Compared to submarine C, in which a large number of humans are required using arm force to move the submarine). I just want to highlight Kit Snicket's genius. Lemony's letter to Kit reveals for what purpose Kit had the idea of ​​using an SB. Lemony wrote: "Your suggestion, so many years ago at that picnic, that a tea set would be a handy place to hide anything important and small in the event of a dark day, has turned out to be correct." - Lemony Snicket on the secret letter in TSS. The original objective of SB was to protect something small and important in the event of a Dark Day. What is a Dark Day? In North America, something called Dark Day happened on May 19, 1780. An unusual darkening of the day sky was observed over the New England states and parts of Canada. (You can search for it on Wikipedia). But what caused this Dark Day? Wikipedia says: "The primary cause of the event is believed to have been a combination of smoke from forest fires, a thick fog, and cloud cover. The darkness was so complete that candles were required from noon on. It did not disperse until the middle of the next night. " In other words, that Dark Day was caused by a big fire. So the SB's goal is likely to be to protect something small and important from a Big Fire. Although Kit was responsible for giving the idea, the implementation of the idea to protect it came from Esmé. The sugar bowl serves as a protection against fire (and apparently also against water and other weather). But why could a Dark Day be so dreaded as to need a fireproof container? And what could this container contain? One of the biggest reasons that fires are so destructive is that fires destroy libraries. Large libraries throughout the real history and throughout the fictional history of ASOUE have already been lost to major fires. What if it was possible that all crucial information in a library could be compressed to the point of being fit into a portable device? Well ... It exists in our universe! In fact, digital information is just like that. Think about how many books will fit on your SD card on your phone. When ASOUE's books were written, we were in the age of data compression. Daniel Handler spoke about various types of libraries. Did he not leave out digital libraries? After all, there were computers in Prufrock Prep. Of course, we don't necessarily have to imagine a pen drive within the SB. But we can imagine an entire library within the SB. A library that can contain the most different types of secrets, some of which are really dangerous. If Count Olaf (or other enemies)  had access to these secrets, in addition to being able to eliminate important evidence against him, who knows what he would be able to do with all that information! In this case, the damage could be similar to that of the deadly fungus MM. In other words, inside Esme's SB was a big backup with the main secrets kept by VFD. It is likely that there were shameful secrets for VFD, which made Captain W hesitate just thinking about them. In the case of a Dark Day in which all physical libraries were destroyed, the information from those libraries would be saved inside the sugar bowl. And that is why Esme, despite having the SB did not make much use of it. Esme hates to read. She only discovered the value of what she had in hand when she lost it. I mean ... She already valued the SB itself. Let me be canonical so you don't think I took this theory out of thin air. TE chapter 9: The most common use of the word "library," of course, refers to a collection of books or documents, such as the libraries the Baudelaires had encountered during their travels and troubles, from the legal library of Justice Strauss to the Hotel Denouement, which was itself an enormous library–with, it turned out, another library hidden nearby. But the word "library" can also refer to a mass of knowledge or a source of learning, just as Klaus Baudelaire is something of a library with the mass of knowledge stored in his brain, or Kit Snicket, who was a source of learning for the Baudelaires as she told them about V.F.D. and its noble errands." At first glance this sentence seems to indicate that the hotel where people slept was a library and that the sub-aquatic library was the hidden library. However, that doesn't make much sense in that sentence. Lemony is defining the library as a collection of information in some kind of media that can be accessed and read. The hotel where people slept was not that kind of library, although the rooms were organized as if it were a library, the function of the hotel itself was not to store information. Thus, the Hotel Denouement that Lemony is referring to here as a library was the underwater library, which Dewey referred to as the real Hotel Denouement.
I will quote a passage for clarity:
TPP Chapter 8: "Exactly," Dewey said. "The truth has been right under everyone's noses, if anyone cared to look past the surface. Volunteers and villains alike know that the last safe place is the Hotel Denouement, but no one has ever questioned why the sign is written backward. They're staying in the TNEMEUONED LETOH, while the real last safe place-the catalog-is hidden safely at the bottom of the pond, in underwater rooms organized in a mirror image of the hotel itself. Our enemies could burn the entire building to the ground, but the most important secrets would be safe. In other words, what was destroyed was TNEMEUONED LETOH and not the Hotel Denouement. "Hotel Denouement" was the name that was written on the entrance to the underwater library.
So the library that was hidden nearby that Lemony refers in TE chpater 9 to here was something else. And I deduce that this other thing is the content of the SB.
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nikpavl2002 · 3 years
Choice Excludes Predeterminacy Выбор исключает предопределенность
All hail, dear readers of my journal! Recently I've got some free time in my schedule, and I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on the current events. I think I'd rather start with COVID-19. I heard that WHO promises a sizeable prize to the laboratory that would be able to isolate the live COVID-19 virus. It turns out strange somehow. For two years we have been fighting this virus, and it seems to exist, but at the same time nobody has ever seen it. Actually, we have a virtual computer model created by artificial intelligence, and nothing more. The classic situation: we are looking for a black cat in a dark room, despite the fact that it is not there. All we know is that there is a damage to the human body, but we have no a faintest idea what caused it. On the one hand, everyone says that the virus is dead, that is, not alive, unlike the very bacteria, but at the same time it somehow penetrates the cell in an incomprehensible way and multiplies like a living organism. Something similar happens in physics. Scientists recently decided to calculate the mass of the Universe, but it turned out that all the material of stars, planets and other objects in the aggregate is clearly not enough to satisfy the conditions of the equation. And then the pundits came up with a kind of "dark matter" that has a missing mass. This is what negligent schoolchildren usually do, and scientists are essentially the same children, but their "toys" can destroy humanity. Mind without spirituality is doomed to self-destruction – that is an axiom. Let me offer you another version of what is happening. To begin with, those in power are also people, and they have a well-developed instinct for self-preservation. So, they won't try out personally the vicissitudes of a virus infection. At the same time, for them the solution of the problem of eliminating people "superfluous" for the System on the supposedly overpopulated planet does not lose its relevance. Let us recall the lessons of civil defense, where we were told about binary ammunition, the first samples of which began to be created in the USSR, as well as in the USA, Germany in the mid-20s – early 30s of the last century. Real binary weapons appeared in the USSR at the turn of the 80s – 90s. By the way, the infamous Russian Novichok also belongs to the category of binary munitions. Ammunition of this type contains two absolutely harmless substances (gases), which during the explosion of the projectile, combine to form a chemical warfare agent. Something similar happens in the human body, which is allegedly infected with the COVID-19 virus. In fact, such a reaction is not difficult to carry out. Suppose we add to the food or water consumed by a person some harmless substance (let's call it component "A"), which, getting into his/her blood, does not cause any negative reactions. Then it is enough for another component "B" to appear in the body, to combine with component "A," and defeat is guaranteed. The second component enters the body with the inhaled air and combines with the first one in the human lungs when the blood is saturated with oxygen in the alveoli. This is akin to the effect of selective chemical weapons. If you remember, the entire elite prefers to consume only proven natural food, in contrast to the rest of the population. So, they are not in danger of being hit by the air component. As for the vaccine, it is designed to guarantee the defeat of the human body in the same way as the executioner's "control shot" in the head. The same WHO statistics show that deaths from COVID-19 doubled after the start of the vaccination process. Those in power who believe in their impunity are greatly mistaken. I will come for each of you, and each will consume the measure of evil that he/she has brought into this world. Bill Gates is trying to save his capital through a fictitious divorce from his wife for no apparent reason. No wonder they say that an uneasy conscience betrays itself. Well, hell with Bill and others like him. Their sins are still a problem from the category falling under the competence of the Creator, and He, as you know, does not have insoluble problems. As for you, my dear readers, your path to salvation is in those 17 points of the “User's Manual. Part 3,” which you can find in my journal. Thanks to my intervention and support, several people who I personally know have handled bilateral pneumonia themselves without any consequences. So, the rescue of drowning people is still the work of the drowning people themselves. It doesn't matter what the nature of the damage to your body is. It is important that there is a path to salvation, but to follow it or not is still your choice. Remember, choice excludes predeterminacy.
Translated by professor Leonid Bilousov
Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели моего журнала! В моем графике появилось немного свободного времени, и я хотел бы поделиться с вами некоторыми своими соображениями по поводу происходящих событий. Начну, пожалуй, с COVID-19. Слышал, что ВОЗ сулит хорошую премию той лаборатории, которая сможет выделить живой вирус COVID-19. Странно как-то получается. Два года боремся с этим вирусом, и он как бы есть, но при этом его никто в глаза не видел. По факту имеем виртуальную компьютерную модель, которую создал искусственный интеллект, и не более того. Классическая ситуация: ищем черную кошку в темной комнате при том, что ее там нет. Есть поражение организма человека, но мы не знаем, чем оно вызвано. С одной стороны, все говорят, что вирус мертвый, то бишь не живой, в отличие от тех же бактерий, но при этом он непонятным образом проникает в клетку и размножается как живой организм. Нечто подобное происходит и в физике. Решили недавно ученые посчитать массу Вселенной, но оказалось, что вещества звезд, планет и прочих объектов явно не хватает, дабы удовлетворить условиям уравнения. И тогда ученые мужи придумали некую «темную материю», которая имеет недостающую массу. Так обычно поступают нерадивые школьники, но и ученые по сути те же дети, а вот их "игрушки" могут уничтожить человечество. Разум без духовности обречен на самоуничтожение – это аксиома. Позвольте предложить вам еще одну версию происходящего. Начну с того, что власть предержащие тоже люди, и у них хорошо развит инстинкт самосохранения. Так что испытывать на себе превратности заражения вирусом они не станут. При этом для них решение задачи по уничтожению «лишних» для Системы людей на якобы перенаселенной планете не теряет своей актуальности. Вспомним уроки гражданской обороны, где нам рассказывали о бинарных боеприпасах, первые образцы которых начали создаваться в СССР, а также в США, Германии еще в середине 20-х – начале 30-х годов прошлого века. Реальное бинарное оружие появилось в СССР на рубеже 80-х – 90-х гг. Кстати, скандально известный российский "Новичок" тоже относится к разряду бинарных боеприпасов. Боеприпасы этого типа содержат в себе два абсолютно безвредных вещества (газа), которые во время взрыва снаряда соединяются, образуя боевое отравляющее вещество. Нечто подобное происходит и в организме человека, который якобы поражен вирусом COVID-19. Фактически такую реакцию провести не сложно. Допустим мы добавим в потребленную человеком пищу или воду некое безвредное вещество (назовем его компонент «А»), которое, попадая в его кровь, не вызывает никаких отрицательных реакций. Тогда достаточно другому компоненту «В» появиться в организме, соединиться с компонентом «А», и поражение гарантировано. Второй компонент попадает в организм с вдыхаемым воздухом и соединяется с первым в легких человека, когд�� кровь насыщается кислородом в альвеолах. Это сродни действию избирательного химического оружия. Если вы помните, то вся элита предпочитает употреблять только проверенную натуральную пищу, в отличие от остальной части населения. Так что поражение воздушным компонентом им не грозит. Что касается вакцины, то она призвана гарантировать поражение организма человека так же, как и «контрольный выстрел» палача в голову. Та же статистика ВОЗ показывает, что смертность от COVID-19 возросла вдвое именно после начала применения вакцины. Фигуранты от власти, уверовавшие в свою безнаказанность, сильно заблуждаются. Я приду за каждым из вас, и каждый потребит меру зла, которую он привнес в мир этот. Билл Гейтс пытается спасти свой капитал через фиктивный развод с супругой без явных к тому оснований. Не зря говорят, что на воре шапка горит. Ну да Бог с Биллом и иже с ним. Их прегрешения таки проблема из разряда подпадающих под компетенцию Создателя, а у Него, как известно, неразрешимых проблем не бывает. Что до вас, мои дорогие читатели, то ваш путь к спасению в тех 17 пунктах «Инструкции пользователя. Часть 3», с которыми вы можете ознакомиться в моем журнале. Благодаря моему вмешательству несколько знакомых мне людей без каких-либо последствий перенесли на ногах двустороннюю пневмонию. Так что спасение утопающих по-прежнему остается делом рук самих утопающих. Не имеет значения, какова природа поражения вашего организма. Важно, что есть путь к спасению, но следовать ему или нет – это таки ваш выбор. Помните, что выбор исключает предопределенность.
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