#wacky round 2a
wackyrumble · 11 months
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Mort v.s. Roommate
Mort - All Hail King Julien
Mort, despite appearances, is an incredibly old interdimensional being who has been married 12 times and has grandchildren. He's part starfish and has grown his head back once. Mort has the ability to absorb souls, including versions of himself and his grandma. He also has a foot fetish. Read amount more about Mort below.
Roommate - Diary of a Tourney Kid
A clone of Adam Ruins Everything that came out wrong. He debunks things in the same way as his original, but completely incorrectly. Bill Cipher turned him into a hand puppet and fused him with a clone of another character. Fought Walter White and his evil shadow self, Walter Black. Read more about Roommate below.
Full description of Mort:
"I doubt I'm the only one submitting him because it has become a meme but I might be the only one who has seen the entire show many many times so I will give a full rundown about the pure beautiful insanity that is AHKJ Mort.
Ok so I'll give the context for how he came to be the way he is. In the movie Madagascar there is a joke about Mort being too close to King Julien's feet. In that scene it is framed that King Julien just doesn't like Mort. But the show The Penguins of Madagascar (TPOM) took that joke and made an episode called Two Feet High and Rising about how Mort loves King Julien's feet and is exiled for not being able to stop himself from touching them. Pretty weird stuff but it's nothing compared to what comes later. For the rest of TPOM Mort loving King Julien's feet is a constant thing. It's like his main characteristic and you almost forget how weird it is. It's just like yeah that's Mort he loves feet *shrug* But other than that he's like a little kid and is generally cute. But now we get to All Hail King Julien and OH BOY things go insane in that show in the best ways. I'll probably submit multiple characters from it just because there's so much weird there.
So here's the meat of this essay I'm apparently writing here, the weird of AHKJ Mort.
He is a interdimensional being capable of absorbing alternate versions of himself. Those versions of himself are able to talk to him as voices in his head which he sometimes sees as appearing in front of him. The inside of his mind is a bunch of hallways with those versions running around and they are capable of taking control of him in various situations. When he drinks coffee Smart Mort takes over. When he drinks Tea Hippie Mort takes over and at one point Political Mort beats up the other Morts inside his head to take control so he could win the election for Prime Minister of Mangos. He also absorbed his grandmother and didn't remember doing that. In the actual show he absorbed his grandfather who tried to convince him to kill King Julien because King Juliens great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather locked him up when Mort was a baby. Oh and that gets into the age thing. Yeah Mort is absurdly old and it's a running joke that he looks like a kid but is actually very old. There was also an alternate version of him called Morticus Khan who was the leader of the Mort Horde and Mort defeated him by absorbing his essence. At one point he states that he had been married 12 times and most of his wives died of old age. He also says at one point that he hasn't laid an egg in 40 years and even then the thing he hatched was really gross. Another time he mentions having grandchildren and when Maurice asks "You have grandchildren" he shoots webs out of his wrists and shouts "WHAT!? Did they escape? Don't let them find me!". Yeah we are still talking about the cute little lemur from Madagascar. There's also a scene where he finds a wardrobe that leads into the real world and it goes live action for a few seconds before he turns around and goes back. He also tried to murder a dude for a while. This other kingdom took over and Mort tries to shoot him with a crossbow, poison him and crush him with a rock. None of these attempts are successful. He also seriously disfigures a character named Rob McTodd who had had too much plastic surgery done (yes this is a real plotline for the lemur characters lol) Mort jumped on his face and messed it up and then he comes back in a phantom of the opera storyline. He also mentions at one point that he's part starfish and grew his head back once.
So that's how having a foot fetish is somehow no longer the weirdest thing about this character. That's still a thing too though. He had a box that he said he's going to put King Julien's feet inside when he dies. They played real life Monopoly and was winning so much that everyone else was starving and he tried to use having all the money to extort King Julien into letting him go on a date with his foot. (It was like a candlelit table with Mort on one and and Julien's foot up on a pillow at the other end. Julien immediately changed his mine and left lol)
Now I wanna go on about how exactly we got here lol. The whole absorbing thing started with Smart Mort. The idea that he got smart when he drank coffee was established at the end of season 1. Then in season 2 episode 4 Pineapple of my Eye King Julien is weirdly obsessed with a pineapple because he thinks it has the souls of his ancestors inside. Mort is seeing it speak to him and mock him as well as other voices in his head including a weirdly aggressive violent one who wants to burn the kingdom to the ground. The idea of him being way older is first just when King Julien kicks him and people think he kicked a baby and he says "That wasn't a baby it was an annoying little weirdo" but the first time it's more of a real thing is in an episode where King Julien wants a son so Mort paints his tail striped and pretends and King Julien seems convinced by it and is like super into it. And then at the end Mort confesses and King Julien already knew and said "It's Mort I mean come on he could be my father!" and so then in another episode he calls another character Hector whos whole thing is that he's a grumpy old war veteran "grandpa" mockingly and Hector says "You're older than I am Mort" The voices thing also continues and goes from just being Mort moving back and forth into different positions when the voices talk to actually seeing multiple Morts on screen talk to each other and then we get the whole Morticus Khan and the Mort Horde thing which is where the absorbing souls thing is revealed. And then he goes into his own mind and meets his grandmother who reveals that he absorbed her and then all the the stuff about the 12 wives and the laying an egg and the grandchildren are from the last season when we've reached maximum crazy mode.
That's how this show works with basically everything. There will be a joke or a plot of an episode which is a little weird. It gets called back and becomes a little weirder. It then becomes a running joke and then gets weirder and weirder every time it comes back. I love this show so much. I know this got a little redundant but I love explaining how this all built up over the show with how they kept adding those weirdness layers as it went lol I mostly wrote all this from memory except to get the number of greats that Mort's grandpa said correct shakfdsahflk I have seen this show too many times
If you hadn't seen any of the memeing about Mort's wikipedia page and so this is all news to you I hope reading this was fun for you lol"
Full description of Roommate:
so Roommate is, like, a WEIRD case. he's a clone of a TV personality version of a real guy(adam conover specifically the whole thing he does in, like, adam ruins everything), but is SPECIFICALLY STATED TO BE A SEPERATE CHARACTER IN LORE. LIKE. HES A WHOLE OTHER GUY. HE DOESNT EVEN ACT LIKE HIM. HES LIKE. THE SCOOBY DOO VILLAIN EQUIVALENT OF A MAN. all he does is run around and "Debunk" shit but hes getting it all totally WRONG. It's like, if someone who never watched adam ruins everything before took one look at its name, the blonde, glasses wearing combover having guy on the cover, and went. "oh, this guy is gonna be HORRIBLE, isnt he". and in the shows case thatd be wrong but in roommate's case, he's...he's so pathetic. he's not even the same guy at this point. (and also literally isn't. but)
He never even manages to intimidate anyone even once. not even mr beast and ninja fortnite, (part of a team called Dubious Duo) who he just. VERY much annoyed via "ruining" twitch. He also got turned into a meaty handpuppet and fused to another clone of a different character by BILL CIPHER, of all characters but then immediately fell into a hole. He got his shit beaten out of him by a 19 year old punk catboy JUST before this, too. the punk catboys name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BUT HE IS IN NO WAY RELATED TO THE REAL GUY. HES LITERALLY JUST. SOME RANDOM TEENAGER.
Also, extra fun facts about him include: during an event that happened on the discord, he canonically went ":3". He made his own ytp and posted it on the soundcloud account, too. he put a bunch of goofy wacky cartoon sounds in it. (his mashups use these sounds a lot outside of the ytp, too.) (incase you REALLY wanted to hear the ytp, though. here it is: https://soundcloud.com/doatk/ytpmv-02?in=doatk/sets/bonus )
P.S: extra information from a friend because they like to infodump this sort of thing & this isn't nescessary at all. but: He gets the fandom nickname of "Roommate" from his connection to Collegehumor & the Insane Clown Posse song In My Room, which he used in the tournament & is strongly associated with. He's so. He's so normal.
also: nobody in the fandom knows what his deal is, either. they literally just couldnt catch the real adam conover at first so they (In canon) just went "well! time to make a clone, i guess!" and then he came out WRONG."
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wackyrumble · 11 months
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Johnny C. v.s. Fusakin
Johnny C. - Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Johnny is, of course, a homicidal maniac. He has to keep a wall in his basement filled with torture devices covered with blood to contain a monster. His voice of reason is a bunny he has nailed to the wall. He is also holding the fabric of the universe together thus when he dies, everything also goes. Hates being called wacky. Read more about Johnny below.
Fusakin - MARIKINonline4
Fusakin was once a balloon that fought with sharp weapons, despite the risks, and eventually gave himself a body through alchemy. Forbidden alchemy, which put him on house arrest. Through a series of events, he creates a beast which he attempts to destroy his soul in order to kill it but it kills him before he can. Read more about Fusakin below.
Full description of Johnny:
“Okay, so obviously, he kills people. He's 5'9 and weights 110 pounds. He has this house that has this labyrinth basement with torture/murder machines and stuff. There's also an elevator down there?? And a tunnel that leads to his neighbor's house. (If Jhonen ever gets to make that movie there's going to be a lot of House of Leaves stuff going on.) There's this one wall down there that he has to cover with fresh blood in order to keep a monster in it.
He also has these headvoices. Two are painted, styrofoam doughboys. One wants him to kill more people (Mr. Eff) and the other tries to get him to kill himself (D-boy). There's also a bunny he nailed to a wall after feeding it once that's essentially his voice of reason. Anyway, it turns out the monster is actually real and has slowly been getting control of the doughboys. Eff has kind of gone rogue and wants the monster to stay trapped so he can be given more power and become real. D-boy's still loyal and if Johnny kills himself and the blood dries then the monster can escape. Johnny's also like the only thing holding the universe where it is and when he dies everything disappears and gets reset.
He has an adventure re through heaven and hell and gets sent back. And when he's back he decides that he needs to get rid of all of his emotions in order to not be manipulated again. He wants to be purely rational. Note that he would still kill people. He just wants to kill people for the right reasons and not for some wall monster.
Anyway, the real reason I'm submitting him is that early on in issue one there's this iconic single page comic where he's at a Taco Hell, minding his own business, when some lady comes up to him and says he looks wacky. Johnny throws a fit and rants and then kills everyone there with a plastic spork. I'll submit it below. But just imagine if he actually won this thing. The epic tantrum. He'd give himself an aneurysm. I need him to win this. It will be the funnies thing.”
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Full description of Fusakin:
"there are multiple factors contributing to this guys general weirdness so i am going to go over all of them. 1. his character design: like come on just look at the guy. ·×· lookin ass. his design weirdness is further exacerbated by the fact that hes the only playable numa (species name) to wear a shirt (most of them are naked, one wears a rudimentary cloak) so he stands out on account of his epic fashion win. he is gods strongest white boy 2. his general personality: this guy puts stars at the ends of his sentences sometimes this guy uses tildes. he considers himself 'everyones idol' and he is pretty much the most flamboyant character in the entire game. he gets more voice lines than practically any other character he will literally not shut up. did i mention the bushido thing yet i dont think i mentioned the bushido thing he considers himself some sort of honourable samurai type guy. hes just kind of a lunatic though he introduces himself like this
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3. and this one is important - the shit hes pulled: so okay this is gonna take a minute. this guy used to be a balloon, right? he used to be a literal balloon, his arms were balloon strings, he fought with a shitton of swords and knives anyway despite the risk, you get the idea. then he decided he wanted a normal body to be on par with his friends because his balloon body was too weak for his liking, so he did dark forbidden alchemy to get an actual body! ...which put him on magical house arrest due to the law of equivalent exchange, so he wasnt able to leave. no one except like two guys checked on him for years. when the party shows up he has them go on some fetch quests to get the ingredients to make a powerful magic pendant. one of the items he has them get is a limited-edition strawberry daifuku that isnt even necessary he just eats it. then he makes the pendant in the microwave. he gives it to the party without saying what it does other than to use it in their hour of need, they use it way way later in the story to fight a powerful enemy, a dude shows up in a giant red suit of armour to fight for them. ...then someone pulls his helmet off and its just fusakin in a suit of armour thats way too big for him because he made it without taking measurements, and it turns out all the pendant was ACTUALLY for was to break his house arrest curse so he could just kind of show up and be cool at a critical moment. oh yeah hes a blacksmith he made that suit of armour and giant sword himself, in his forge room that he hid in the yard of the house he lives in (which is some kind of weird temple) underneath a stone lamp or whatever and its always sweltering hot in there because he leaves the forge running at ALL TIMES so its always at "peak efficiency", also you have to have him use his forge to upgrade your weapons to the highest tier and he goes fucking apeshit with it and theres a bunch of cartoon sound effects as he works. anyway in postgame he shows up and joins your party and everythings going well until way later in when the main fucked up and evil guy pushes a button in his fucked up mecha that causes the maidonium (FUCKED UP IF TRUE MAGIC MATERIAL) in fusakins artificial body to resonate with the traumatized evil spirits being used to power the maidonium in the mecha or whatever im not really sure how that worked. but the important part is it causes a tiny fusakin beast to chestburst out of his back and turn into a fucked up monster creature that immediately steals his sword and starts Killeing People and then later fusakin shows BACK UP in balloon mode again and helps his homoerotic bestie fight off the beast (he has a homoerotic bestie. you fight them during the main story and they have COMBO ATTACKSlike come on. he has the other guys name saved in his phone as "chikorita") hes like "hey i knew this might happen. anyway i promised my master id cut my head off if anything like this happened" and he tries to kill himself by destroying his soul forever to obliterate the beast but then it just fucking kills him before he can do that and thats where things just leave off for him right now we dont know what happens next because the postgame isnt finished yet! if you think this description is long please imagine with me how difficult it is to explain the rest of the plot of the game because good fucking lord i have tried and its always an hourslong explanation Anyway i hope you can consider fusakin for the weird character bracket"
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wackyrumble · 11 months
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Barry the Chopper v.s. Joseph Coyne/Penny Plunderer
Barry the Chopper - Fullmetal Alchemist
Barry was a butcher turned serial killer, who as punishment had his soul bound to armor and let him keep his murder weapons in exchange for guarding a place. He agrees to not kill when meeting the main-ish cast because of a woman he's fallen for and doesn't want her mad at him. He remains comedically docile aside from jailbreaking a woman who shot him in the hand. Read more about Barry below.
Joseph Coyne/Penny Plunderer - DC Comics
After being fired from his job for gambling with pennies, Joseph became the Penny Plunderer, going on to commit penny centric crimes such as robbing a bank of its pennies. Upon being caught by Batman, notoriously a pacifist, he was sentenced to death. Read more about Joseph below.
Full description of Barry:
"i really dont think theres ever been another character quite like him. hes so much. his backstory is that he was a butcher who decided to be a serial killer one day because chopping up animal meat wasnt doing it for him anymore and then when he got caught and sentenced to death the government instead had his soul bound to a suit of armor that looks like sans undertales fursona and let him keep the knives he used to kill people in exchange for guarding the lab they did it to him at. and then he spends the show as a comic relief character. like hes the funniest guy in the whole thing. after his first appearance the secondary "good guy" squad run into him and decide to make him their sidekick in exchange for intel, and because they have Some moral standards they tell him chopper no chopping and he agrees because one of them is a strong confident sniper lady hes decided hes in love with and he doesnt want her to be mad at him, and then he just sits in an apartment and has sitcom shenanigans for the next couple volumes. except for when he randomly decides to stage a jailbreak for a different lady who he met once and whose only interaction with him was shooting him in the hand. and then he goes back to playing chess with his roommate. he meets his own soulless body and his first instinct is to try and chop it into little pieces and assumes anyone else would do the same thing. said body later kills both of them on accident and after that hes never mentioned again. like theres just a comic relief serial killer for a while, who doesnt actually kill anyone after being told not to but is constantly bringing up how much he loves to chop people to death with a big knife, and everyone is like "classic barry" and then he dies and the narrative goes "well alright time to move on from that". hes scared of other souls in suits of armor despite being one himself. he has cat ears. jerma likes him"
Full description of Joseph:
“He is a villain whose entire theme is pennies. He got into villainy after getting fired from his job after being caught gambling with pennies. He commits penny-centered crimes, such as stealing exclusively pennies from a bank. He is caught by Batman and is arrested before being sentenced to death. Batman keeps a giant penny in his Batcave, a reminder of his triumph over The Penny Plunderer.
The Penny Plunderer has largely been retconned out of the DC Universe due to originally only existing in one comic but deserves recognition for the insanity of his plot. The idea of a man exclusively robbing pennies is weird within itself, but his death sentence is perhaps the strangest part of his story when put in the context of the large-scale crimes committed by other Gotham villains. Joker has canonically blown up schools before, but apparently, some Penny Aracade-related crimes are too far for Gotham authorities.”
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wackyrumble · 11 months
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Competitors have fallen. Round 1 has concluded.
Round 2 polls begin on Wednesday (left side) + Thursday (right side) 12 pm PST
in the spirit of all things silly and wacky, i may pull random shit in the polls from here on forth because like. it's the nature of this tournament. so there's your warning. it won't be too intrusive i pinky promise
Left Side:
Joseph Coyne/Penny Plunderer (DC Comics)
Barry the Chopper (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Mort (All Hail King Julien)
Roommate (Diary of a Tourney Kid)
San Marino (Real life)
Zaphod Beeblebrox (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
Johnny C. (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac)
Fusakin (MARIKINonline4)
Right Side:
Isaac & Miria (Baccano!)
The Ellimist (Animorphs)
Donkey Kong (Punch Out!! Wii)
Hildibrand Helidor Maximillian Manderville (Final Fantasy XIV)
Elizabeth (Gintama)
Conan Edogawa/Kudo Shinichi (Detective Conan)
Fallen Tributes:
Kosane Kiriha
Ballast McGee
Van Gogh
Charisma House
Turnip Boy
Stephan Pastis
Mukuro Rokudo
Beloved Website Puppet Alpha
Peter Sqloint
Tom Bombadli
Howard the Duck
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wackyrumble · 11 months
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San Marino v.s. Zaphod Beeblebrox
San Marino - Real life
A European country. Founded when a guy accused of being a woman’s estranged husband fled to a mountain where he then created a church. Its head of government are two captains elected every six months. Was once almost been invaded by Napoleon, and twice by family of the Pope. Read more about San Marino below.
Zaphod Beeblebrox - Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Zaphod is president of the galaxy, the reason as to how that is he sealed from his own brain. Zaphod has also been voted the worst dressed sentient being for some years. He gave himself a third arm and a second head, and time travelled to make himself his own great grandpa. Searched to found out if he has a soul and upon confirming he does, was depressed. Read more about Zaphod below.
Full description of San Marino:
“Okay look I know it’s a country and not a character but perhaps I can convince you that it’s a wacky guy… the wackiest ever in fact. First of all I believe nothing can top its batshit insane political system. The heads of state are called CAPTAINS and yes it’s plural there are 2 of them. And they are elected… every SIX MONTHS. I shit you not. And even better. They’re usually from OPPOSING PARTIES. How anything gets done is a mystery to me. Anyway moving on to history. It was almost invaded by Napoleon in 1797, but one of their regents prevented that. How? He became friends with Napoleon. Napoleon valued their friendship so much he even offered to extend San Marino’s territory… isn’t that crazy. Also. It was the first country ever to democratically elect a communist government, elected directly after their fascist government mind you. All this while being the fifth smallest country in the world. It happened TWICE that a family member of the pope tried to invade San Marino. There can only be one Italian microstate etc (jk I have no idea what their reasoning was). It’s the fact that the whole country only exists because some guy decided to fuck off to a mountain after a woman accused him of being her estranged husband. So he built a church and there you have it San Marino was created. And yeah it’s the oldest surviving republic in the world with the oldest constitution. That’s simply the San Marino way being so special so wacky so unique…”
Full description of Zaphod Beeblebrox:
"TRULY the guy ever. direct quote from the first book: "Zaphod Beeblebrox, adventurer, ex-hippie, good-timer (crook? quite possibly), manic self-publicist, terrible bad at personal relationships, often thought to be completely out to lunch." He's the president of the galaxy, he's spent 2 of his 10 years in office in jail, became president for a reason he's sealed out of his own brain (he signed it, btw. instead of memories there is ZB. big mood honestly /fictive), he's been voted the worst-dressed sentient being something years in a row, his therapist describes him as "just some guy, y'know?", he attached a 3rd arm to himself (and presumably a 2nd head too, considering his cousin has one head), he used time travel to become his own great×something grandfather, and he goes soul searching sometimes to see if he has one (and, upon discovering he does have a soul, he went into a depressive funk). his girlfriend hates him. his introduction in the books was him stealing this high-tech spaceship on live tv, and his introduction in every other version is him on said spaceship watching the news covering his theft and includes the line "if there's anything more important than my ego around here, i want it caught and shot now". guy ever, 10/10. he sucks"
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